They will be telling that story for a long time. It was a mature 6X6 Tule Elk Bull. Don't forget that. Stay up to date on all Wyoming Game and Fish news either by email or text message. $350 this year and no extra charge to fill a doe tag. Hunting elk that time of year can be very difficult, if the weather does not co-operate. The two stages refer to a preference point system, and a random draw system. The outfit and the hosting was amazing from the time we arrived to leaving. Guides spoke great English, were adept and patient. This branch, covered in a little blood at the exit wound, is called a "BRUCH" in german and is the traditional gift to the successful hunter in Germany. A point is just $30. There is a Ranch house on the adjoining property that is some times available, to stay in, at an additional cost. The Spearhead Ranch offers trophy antelope, mule deer and elk hunting in Wyoming. Action was non-stop with blinding runs and incredibly vicious strikes. We have had fully booked seasons and offered the ultimate experience, and we have had repeat customers who flocked the ranch year after year and have been very satisfied. Dustin Roush - Outfitter/Owner/Guide 113 Todd Road. The accommodations were top notch. Prime Hunts offer some of the finest private land big game hunting in northwest Colorado, west of Craig, CO in Moffat County, Game Unit 3. . We are harvesting older, bigger bucks. The numbers of the animals are unbelievably high, the elk are comfortably resting on the "Y Lazy S Ranch", and since the season is long, we can space the hunters so while they are here hunting, they don't have to compete with others. But, to my pleasant surprise, Vince has already made reservations for next year, and plans to do that same hunt again!!! They delivered everything they said they could and more. Over the years the Rockin M Ranch has become a well kept secret for the self guided, (D.I.Y. The state provides public hunting access to private property through their Walk-In-Only and Hunter Management Areas programs. We will direct you to a choice spot on the ranch, where you may camp away from the rest of the hunters and truly enjoy the beautiful western atmosphere. 5-day hunt $1,495. I wish they would have stayed and taken what they came for, from such a long way away. For the Idaho hunter we are within a mile of unit 66a, the Diamond Creek Area and less than 6 miles from unit 66 and 67. We never tired of seeing all the wildlife. During the fourth combined season, we had no deer hunters. This fact is evidenced by the returning of so many friends and customers, who delight to call this place "home, away form home" even if it is for just a few days each year. It was my best hunt in Africa to date. January 2011 brought us some real COLD weather. We're dedicated to serving our sportsman's needs and our goal is 100% satisfaction and success. Your adventures do not disappoint. I had the best time ever on this trip. We are the landowner, the farmers who toil on this land year round, we do not offer the fully guided hunts, (as those non-landowner outfitters who come and go, offer), but, we promise to assist you in any way we can on only our privately owned 6,500 acre ranch. He's happy with his buck. So, everybody, make sure you log on to their website and follow instructions for new registration and new new ways of applying for your licenses. We saw many herds of hundreds of ELK on your beautiful land and getting near enough was a very "fair chase" challenge on the open land. Thanks for finding this family-oriented outfitter. The common area was beautiful as was the grounds. Wyoming's license draw for antelope and deer tags has been 100% for more than 5 years. We have a tremendous amount of game and all of you who have been here before, know how much fun it can be to find yourselves surrounded by thousands of majestic wapitis. ", "Thank you for giving my daughter and I a great hunt and experience. We have approximately 11,000 acres that are divided into private ranches to provide you with the opportunity to hunt exclusively with your group. I thought that after that experience, I would never hear from Vince again. The rooms were not large but the bed was comfortable, clean, and it had a private bath and shower. But, since the construction of numerous top quality log cabins now we are ready to offer you top quality accommodations in our cozy, heated log cabins, offering you a hunting experience like none else. So, my advise to all who are interested is, do not give up on Northwestern Colorado. 3rd Season 11/12-11/18. If funds were no object, I would return to them every year. He spends his nights in his tent, with rifle on his side. With sage brush covered hills, native prairie grass, cedar covered ridges, and CRP fields, the ranch offers its guests elk, buffalo, mule deer, antelope, white-tailed deer, and coyotes. I wish you good luck for the rest of the 2011 hunting seasons. After getting completely settled,---off to their gun range to shoot my gun as well as the 416 Remington rental. A 4-WD can be considered a godsend if you do get rain. We are looking forward to returning again. Here are a couple pics of the bucks we got today. It will be remembered for many decades as the "worst drought the people of this County have ever seen". You guys are top notch, good honest people to deal with., The Casper Ranch Antelope Hunt was exactly as you described. Non-hunting members may come on a hunt for $200 per day additional fee. Self Guided Hunts | Rockin' M Ranch | Lodging & Cabin Rentals Jackson, WY . All the best and hoping to draw the right tags so we can come back next year. If you do not wish to buy the Special license, you will need to acquire even more preference points to draw perhaps 4 or 5 points. In fact, I never thought any trip could equal my trips to China and Mongolia that you have sent me on -- but this one did. Just wanted to wish you and Monte a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2019. Hunts are available on a 1:1 hunter to guide ratio at an additional 20% fee. How nice. P.O. I did get a little worried about the incoming weather. At least for the first couple of years, the seasons are pushed later by about a week. Looking at 25,26,8, or 9 but open to other units. I took two giant stags and a very big blackbuck! The Best States for Your First Antelope Hunt | MeatEater Hunting BUT YOU SHOULD BE APPLYING FOR POINTS, AND EVERYONE NEEDS THEM! Wyoming Game and Fish Department - Laramie Region He had me on mature bulls from daylight on. We specialize in trophy class guided hunts for Elk, Deer, Antelope, and Moose . Truly a trip of a lifetime for a father and son. Crazy Woman Outfitters, Buffalo, Wyoming - Great Wyoming elk, deer and antelope hunting. Whatever grasses grew on the fields were left for the wildlife, deer, antelope, elk and small game. All of our antelope areas offer the hunter a chance to take a 2nd buck for the price of a license and a trophy fee. With mud on his boots, burrs on his pants, and sweat on his brow he never-never ever loses sight of why he is HERE for. WELCOME TO SKYLINE OUTFITTERS we have Openings for ARea 117 Elk-2022. That should bring even more wild animals to the property. I wish the storm would have been stronger which would have more than likely moved the elk into the area where Glenn and I were hunting. BOOKING FOR 2016 SEASON COLORADO SELF GUIDED ELK & DEER HUNTING, COLORADO ELK HUNTING, COLORADO PRIVATE RANCH ELK HUNTING IN UNITS 3,15,16,18,23,24,25,26,42,65,70,78,214,301 Colorado Private ranch Elk Hunting. And of course, while camping you can enjoy a real campfire, It's always so much fun to sit around the campfire in the evening and share hunting stories. Wyoming Trespass Fee Antelope Hunt #142 - Hunt Nation So many beautiful deer and antelope bucks. There is so much game that it is unbelievable to even imagine that there would be so many animals here. Trail Blaze Hunting Consultants LLC. We have the hunt you've been Food, accommodations, guide and equipment all excellent. They, by instict alone, know that the hunting seasons are all over with; and they know where the feed is. We have two hunters in our group this year that have never taken a deer. TRIPLE H RANCH. Above a picture of a herd of elk just across the road from the ranch headquarters. We appreciate the commitment and their satisfaction! Unfortunately, the snow was slow coming and so were the elk. Private Land Trespass Hunts in Game Unit 3 - Northwest Colorado Big I have hunted nearly 80 days per year since 1984 all over the world, and this guy is one of the best guides I have been fortunate to hunt with. Because a group of hunters from PA and WV, chose to leave early and empty-handed. Butch, you sure do know how to find them! The accommodations were FIRST CLASS all the way. Additionally there is the opportunity to hunt bear, turkey and wolves. Hunt Nation will issue you written, signed permission coupons which must be in your possession at all times. . The hunting was a little tougher this year than in years past; I think this was due to the fact that there was good food and water everywhere. In less then a week I took a 600 class Red stag, an elk of nearly 400" and a giant fallow deer! 2018 was a fantastic year for hunting. Over the years, our hunters have had very good success on trophy-quality antelope. Thanks for the opportunity; you are a great resource! License draw rates vary from year to year but we hunt many areas that draw at 100%. *******************************************************. Wyoming Antelope Hunting - Joan and I probably each caught around 40 or more bones, and 5 or 6 barracuda. Since the late 1960's, we chose not to advertise; not to seek the business of hunters for only one season. In just 2.5 days our party of two wives and two husbands caught and landed 19 giant Redfish, with 17 of them over 40" and several over 50"! Antelope, Mule deer, Elk Hunting in Wyoming | Peak Adventures We did get some nice rains late in the fall, and many of the hunters noted that it was unusually green for so late in the fall. Wyoming DIY Antelope 10,000 acres Unit 38 - Horn and Fin Everything Unfortunately, Larry was unable to get a bull within rifle range. Thank you so much for allowing me to come and hunt on your land! There is not a single thing out of place, it is a place you could take your spouse and they would just love hanging around the property. It has been very hard and sometimes, impossible to live here and unbearably difficult to carry on. Because of the very unique arrangement we have in managing the hunting on this great ranch, and with so few hunters, we have decided to also add on 5-day hunt, in addition to the 3-day hunt. Thanks! And Wyoming is tough on trespassers. Rockin' M Ranch. They cannot afford to make that change in 2, 4 or 8 years. We accept check, Paypal or venmo Kimberly-Bail. Bordered by Forest Service and State land, your hunting party will have exclusive access to the ranch and further access to literally millions of additional acres of state and federal land. Thank you, my friends, for coming to enjoy this beautiful place. Hunt #5139 DIY/Semi-Guided Elk/Deer Trespass 3,000 Ac Private Vouchers $2,095.00 Be the first to leave a review SKU: DH5139-E Hunt ID: CO-5139 About the Hunt Provider: Hunt 3,000 acres private pristine elk country close to home just west of Fort Collins. They are going to expect the same results from now on. Thanks again. . Also, I am so pleased to know that all our hard work and the big investment of the Cabins construction is paying off. We were greeted by Aleka the day before the season opened and she spent time with us to ensure we knew the ranch boundaries and where to set up and hunt for the best chance at a pronghorn. , finitely a blessing to live on this beautiful ranch., Of course, there is nothing that can affect the growth of the numbers of mule deer and pronghorn antelope. The deadline for your reservations to hunt on the, "Y Lazy S Ranch". We also offer DIY unguided drop camp hunts for the individual or group hunting either elk, deer, or antelope. Of course,on the, "Y Lazy S Ranch". We got very many nice buck deer, quite a few bull elk and all the pronghorn hunters filled their tags. He will certainly never forget this unique experience on the "Y Lazy S Ranch" - as I remember the first buck I shot with my father as if it were yesterday. ************. Super food. A great adventure. Truly a trip of a lifetime for a father and son. Lots of BLM land to hunt on, without the need to pay a fee. The Outfitters Great Grandfather, Tom Robinson homesteaded this area of Eastern Wyoming prairie that teems with a variety of wildlife, including numerous herds of Antelope. Robinson Ranch We are making some noteworthy changes beginning with the 2015 hunting seasons. I never hunted such rich grounds. Just, up the draw from our house. | Gillette, WY 82718 CELL: 307-680-6059 Email: It exceeded all my expectations! We didn't put up enough crop to matter. By now, they are tired of running, tired of hunters and those who survived may be wondering why? The guides were very friendly, as was the whole staff. Butch was great to work with and really went out of his way and worked hard to work out the details for us. When we arrived at the landing strip at camp, more great people to meet and take care of me. customs or getting cleared on the gun permit. I especially liked the way you fostered a sense of co-operation among all the hunters. And during the regular second, third and fourth deer and elk combination seasons, we had 100% success on the mule deer, and would have been the same with the elk, if a small handfull of hunters didn't miss repeatedly; many shots misfired and many beautiful, big bulls are still running around and getting bigger. But, if a hunter is hunting both species, then, the trespass fee paid, along with the complementary accommodations will be honored for the entire nine day length of the regular season. What a year 2012 was!!! Just a couple of days ago, I was finally able to get the 2015 dates from the Colorado D, Dan Fisher from PA wrote: "..can't tell you what a wonderful time I had with my son on your ranch. BOX 1304Craig, CO 81626-1304United Private Hunting in Elk Mountain, WY Top hunting guides, high success rates. But remember, you want to buy that preference point between June and October the year before your hunt, or else cross fingers and apply . Montana Prairie Dogs Nevada Hunting! You did your utmost to see that we were successful. Wyoming Game & Fish Department, License Section 5400 Bishop Blvd. Telsrow Ranch Hunting. This can help or hurt, so do be aware of it. 518 Goldie Divide Road Hulett, Wyoming 82720 307-282-0780 All was well! Most of the properties Have cabins and lodging . Hunting access land privileges in Wyoming We provide land access privileges on our ranch for hunting elk, deer, antelope, and brook trout fishing. I never hunted such rich grounds. ***************. They work very hard to get you animals and went above and beyond to get you your trophy. I work very hard, as you well know, to get ready for the few days you will be here. We swapped a Texas guided aoudad sheep hunt to this outfitter in exchange for the upgrades on our stags. From the beginning we were treated as cherished friends, not simply clients. Thank you, again.". What an experience, to be able to sit down with you, your grandson and the other hunters and enjoy the company. These beautiful animals were raised by the Butler family and lived on the ranch until they died from old age or were killed by their own. We are also looking forward to see again old friends and meet some new ones. We had pretty heavy snowfall this winter and we are looking towards a pretty productive hay season. In fact, Monte is out there checking out belts and servicing tractors. Those hunters find themselves highly frustrated and unsuccessful, only because CO DOW refuses to keep the game moving. If you do choose to hunt on private land, be aware that many landowners charge a trespass fee, and the amount may vary depending on the landowner. Wyoming Trespass fees for 1 point units | Hunt Talk Mainly, because there aren't as many hunters around, so one has the run of the ranch. Again, THANK YOU!!!!! If you do not draw, the license money is refunded (minus a $15 application fee). We have been guiding archery hunters since 1984. Antelope Creek Ranch | Harrison Nebraska So you have a choice of either a 3-day or a 5-day hunt now. P.S. But, that did not discourage Vince. The hunter is ALWAYS responsible for applying for his own license. Serving Sportsmen for over 45 years! For several years we have only had about 6-10 hunters per year, due to fewer tags being available under the draw. The landowner gets paid by the State for each hunter, so if you fail to return the landowner tag portion of the license, Hunt Nation will ultimately lose the right to hunt there! Some shots will be in the 200 to 350 yard range, so practice out to at least 200 yards, but some animals are shot within 100 yards of the vehicle. For a long time I have been a little confused as to what the Colorado Division of Wildlife has been doing. The one my 12 year old son harvested scored 165 6/8. I also saw a small handful of elk at both the Cummings and the Mobley place. 307.752.3600. They know how to tell trophies and are honest as to what you are or are not shooting. A Conservation Stamp is mandatory and costs $12.50. Crandall Creek Outfitters Butch, Thanks for setting me up on a truly great Newfoundland moose hunt. much closer than their westward wintering grounds. Ya gotta love Wyoming for speed goats! We enjoyed very much the new friends and customers we were blessed to meet. While some of the locals (and many of the hunters) have been talking about the lessened herds during the severe winter of 2007-2008, I have maintained my strong conviction of attributing the non-appearance of the herds to their usual migrating and grazing grounds, not to extra-ordinary losses of animals due to weather conditions, but, to the fact that the weather pattern is no longer what it used to be years ago. They have chosen to do exactly what I have been talking about for the last 4-5 years. So far, we have small amount of snowcover, but, not what we actually need. Daly Ranch Outfitters. Dan and I had a wonderful stay at your ranch. Being my first bull elk I got a bit excited and he calmed me down prior to the shot at 340 yards. The Cobb Ranch Hunting LLC offers 5 -5 day unguided hunts for deer/cow elk/and bull elk on a first-come first-served basis for booking. Area 7 has produced trophy bull elk, and is consequently a very desired area for hunting elk. License cost for Non-Resident are $ 272 for an adult and $ 110 for a youth, plus a 4 10 habitat stamp for both adults and Youth hunters from the Wyoming Game and Fish With a deadline on the draw being March 15th at 5PM. I came as a young girl and have spent over a half a century here, raising a family, working, dreaming and yes, sometimes, crying. He got a beautiful bull elk, but, it took him two full days to pack him to the Camp. Wyoming Hunting Congratulations Robert, wonderful trophy Desert Sheep on Mexico Hunt #280 Buffet An alternative dinner option is a hot and cold Dear Butch, I am writing to let you know that I had the time of my life with Francois, Reino, Hi Brian, this is Tony H., Mark & I booked a Red Stag hunt with you in Argentina. The quality and quantities of the animals was impressive with good representations of all species listed as available. Did you know that COLORADO has the largest ELK herd in the world? If anybody considers a fun hunt, with almost guarranteed success, I would highly recommend hunting this season. They want to ranch and not deal with hunting and booking questions. I may never get to go back to Africa------getting old just ain't for sissies----but if I do get to go, it will most likely be with them again for their great plains game. ********************. I cannot think of a better place to spend a week. A lazy herd of elk enjoying the winter day directly behind the ranch house, on the "Y Lazy S Ranch". In fact, Alex is stepping directly into at least five consecutive generations of "Holm" big game hunters. Multiple herds. Please feel free to use me as a reference. We also talk Merriam Turkey! For the Wyoming hunter we are located in Elk area 91 and within 5 miles of area's 88, 89 (Greys River), 85 (Snake River Canyon) and Mule deer area's G and H. Enjoy the comforts of a deluxe cabin, full kitchen, direct TV, gas fireplace, gas barbeque grill, hot tub, fire pit, onsite fishing on the Salt River and a cool place to hang your game. This Ranch is located in the heaviest concentrated area for both Deer and Elk migration in Unit 15. Our weather has definitely changed and that affects the movement of wildlife. You cannot use ATVs (ranch prohibits them), just a truck or even an SUV vehicle to drive around on the ranchs dirt roads. Nemec Ranch : $1700 per hunter. Your hospitality and land provided us with what we have been looking to find for years. Just make sure the wind isnt blowing so hardnext time. I truly love the property that I hunted. So, don't hesitate to call me and book your hunts on the ranch and your stay in the cabins. Great experience, hunted hard, felt like we were in elk - tons of sign, scat, beds,.found a couple wallows that looked like they were getting hit. Archery antelope hunting in Wyoming starts August 15th and ends the last day of September. With over 55,000 acres to hunt, which is close to 90 square miles, hunts are limited to one or two parties at a time, with a maximum of four to six hunters at any time; and often there are only 2 hunters. Thishunter from Australia enjoyed hunting with his father on the "Y Lazy S Ranch"., The hunter from North Carolina stalking his game., Mike from North Carolina. I would like to encourage all those that would consider a cow hunt to apply for December and come and enjoy this beautiful country, this fabulous ranch, when there are no other hunters around. We were treated as guests in every way, shape and form and NOT treated like "now we have their money ( even if the check I gave you was $200.00 short and I had to write another one), we have to put up with them". I had a great hunt. 4th Season 11/23-11/27. . He had lots of game, but this was not a canned hunt. I've never seen so many trophy animals in all of my hunts combined. Finally, all hunting has ceased on the "Y Lazy S Ranch". Cheyenne, WY 82002 Phone: 307-777-4600 Or, click here ( Wyoming Game & Fish Apply or Buy) to purchase online. It's a Michael/Annabelle and friends' tradition, that they have been putting on for the last 10 years. The world has changed.
Jimmy Johnson Caddie Retiring,
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