They lightly allude to the situation from different perspectives, one saying he ran off, the other saying he just moved to be with her in San Francisco. It was as if he was finally allowed to make the "Spider-Man" movie he dreamed of being in years ago. Posted on Haziran 25, 2022 | By Byline. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. But seriously, I have no idea. He is the first Venom, and has also been Anti-Venom, Toxin, Carnage and the King in Black. If you are wondering why it made Peter Parker act evil and selfish, I don't know. It seemed like they just didn't have enough space for him or Betty in this film. (To be fair, I'm not sure if the impending events of the "Doctor Strange" sequel are because of Strange's spell, the events of "Loki," something else, or a little bit of everything.). Eddie Brock: Ooh, my Spider-Sense's tingling. Depowered, Eddie Brock is imprisoned for his crimes and placed in a cell with a serial killer named Cletus Kasady. Singh: My guess is that the Mysterio believers are supporting Jameson's smear campaign against Spidey. Hence why they have aged, while the villains were frozen in time from the moment before they died. Going by . Carl Brock (Earth-616) | Marvel Database | Fandom Venom 2 Post-Credits Scene Explained: Why Did [SPOILERS] Show Up? Then, Peter made a comment about how he thought her dad liked him, and MJ said that he probably wouldn't anymore (presumably because Peter's now been accused of murder). The symbiotes were a conquering race who had no feelings unto . Acuna: I'm not going to forget what happened in "Far From Home." Alfred Molina who plays Otto Octavius is even de-aged using CGI. He is also the third villain in the films to be redeemed. After all, if Spider-Man's foes aren't superpowered, they won't need to fight the hero to the death. 'Venom 2' ending explained: Why Venom is obsessed with Spider-Man - Inverse It doesn't take a scientist to imagine that drawing on a different form of energy to create his body could give Electro a different look. It's possible that some latent ability in Ned's genetics allowed him to focus some energy through a sling ring with ease, but without further instruction, it's unlikely that he'll become a true sorcerer. Now, lets all cross our fingers that Sony offers the actor enough money to return as the web-crawler once again for his own outing. Singh: This scene really doesn't make sense to me either. It might be completely separate. The simple solution for saving the villains is to "cure" them of their various abilities. Top editors give you the stories you want delivered right to your inbox each weekday. Radio Times - February 1117 2023 | PDF - . (The upcoming Disney+ show "Secret Invasion" will likely fill in those blanks.). However, Maguires Parker seemingly comes from the current moment as he has not died and is just living out his life post-Sam Raimi's trilogy. "80 billion light-years of hive knowledge across universes would explode your tiny little brain," Venom says. We already know that magical abilities aren't necessarily linked to lineage. We are, of course, going to be dealing with major Spider-Man spoilers! We don't want to. Eddie Brock & Peter Parker - Works | Archive of Our Own I have so many questions. We all wondered if this meant. Is someone else about to play Parker in the "Venom" movies? However, when Electro first arrives in the film, he looks like his old blue self for just a flash before yellow electricity floods his body, and he changes back into a more Jamie Foxx-looking version of the character. However, Doc Ock actually does save New York from his own evil plan creating a miniature sun in Spider-Man 2 after having had a change of heart. Eddie Brock bonded with the dark alien symbiote after it was discarded by Spider-Man, becoming the first Venom. Spider-Man: No Way Home left us with a few questions about the future of Peter Parker. He was like a big brother to Peter, always calling him his little bro. Strange somewhat reluctantly agrees, casts the spell, and the multiverse-men are all sent back to their worlds. Both multiversal Spider-Men explicitly arrive from some point in time after they were last seen on the big screen. But I can't help but feel like that foreshadowed his eventual turn to the Dark side. 45. During an interview with Variety, Spider-Man: No Way Homescreenwriters Erik Sommers and Chris McKenna revealed the logic behind Tom Hardy, as Eddie Brock, crossing over to the MCU. Conversely, Maguires Peter Parker has aged appropriately as the actor has gotten older. I thought Venom was going to team up with the other five Spidey villains to finally showcase a "Sinister Six" group of Spidey villains on screen. Acuna: By the film's end, no one remembers Peter Parker exists, but MJ is still wearing the broken necklace he gave her in "FFH." In 2007's Spider-Man 3, the alien symbiote crashes in New York and latches onto Peter Parker and later Eddie Brock (played by Topher Grace). The sling ring's power also came a bit easier to Ned than Strange as the latter struggled with it a bit during his first attempts to master opening portals. They became even closer than they ever thought they would. He was quite rude and did not get along well with many of his coworkers (including Peter Parker). Heres how it works. Together with MJ, they quickly manage to find Tom Hollands Parker and the trio set about creating cures for the villains. Spoiler warning for Hawkeye episode 5! In 2007s Spider-Man 3, the alien symbiote crashes in New York and latches onto Peter Parker and later Eddie Brock (played by Topher Grace). Marisa Tomeis version of the character did, however, deliver the with great power comes great responsibility speech that we had not heard in the MCU before. This is a tricky one. why did eddie brock want to kill peter parker On top of that, he and Aunt May have to shelter in Happy's apartment to hide from any Spider-Man conspiracy theorists still out there. In the game-changing credits scene of Venom: Let There Be Carnage, Tom Hardys Eddie Brock finds himself in a completely different place. Ned Leeds has taken an internship role under the seemingly normal Roderick Kingsley. It also seems to point toward the plans Marvel has for Spider-Man in the years ahead. Theres nothing more special about Peter Parkers physiology than anyone else. We may have an answer to that. Eddie Brock was humiliated and fired from his job. This one will have to be chalked up to the magic of the multiverse. Garfield spoke pretty candidly about his feelings on his films with The Guardian in November and how he felt they were guided by money rather than a character-driven story with heart. The second Spider-Man: No Way Home post-credits scene was not a classic post-credits scene, but instead a Doctor Strange 2 trailer. Our guy needs to be more careful. Acuna:"NWH" undid the deaths of Doc Ock, Norman Osborn, and Electro. If you have a bunch of questions after seeing "Spider-Man: No Way Home," you're not alone. Our hero tearfully promises his friends that he'll come find them before the slate gets wiped clean, but when he has the opportunity to speak to them, Peter doesn't reveal the truth. Electro gives the clearest answer, as he states that the last thing he can remember is Spider-Man using an overloaded power grid against him in battle. Trivia. There are a few multiversal inconsistencies in No Way Home that the movie attempts to rectify, but you may have missed the explanations. Why Does Eddie Brock Hate Peter Parker Again? : r/Marvel "Venom 3?" Venom defeats his lab offspring in their first encounter, and the The Life Foundation revives the five only to have them quit and go rogue. Or are these new versions of the same characters? ", Don't even get me started on the moment when his Spidey character saved MJ, after years of carrying guilt for not being able to get to Gwen Stacy fast enough and prevent her death in "The Amazing Spider-Man 2.". Acuna: I have a few quibbles with that first end-credits scene. Then theres Maguire and Garfields Parkers, who also head back to their own universes. But why does Venom lick the TV with Peters face on it? But it seems like the multiverse is going to break regardless based on the "Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness" teaser attached to the film's end. If Marvel wanted Hardy in the next movie, they could have Venom attach himself to the MCUs Eddie Brock variant, but that would be more than a little confusing. But what we do know is that the scene sets up a confrontation between Spider-Man and Venom, a famed comic book rivalry fans are hoping turns out better than in Spider-Man 3. Yet, as J. Jonah Jameson makes clear, the world still knows that Spider-Man exists. Singh: Venom needs to show some self-control, honestly. Parker goes missing, his heart broken. With no more existential worries about potential villains attacking loved ones, Parker swings out of his new apartment to stop local crime in New York. 50 Best Movie Series Of All Time - OtakuKart When Ned and MJ first arrive at the Sanctum Santorum, he mentions a rumor in his family that some of their ancestors had magical abilities. He hates Spiderman because he thinks he is the cause of all the bad luck in his life. One of the best parts about "No Way Home" is getting to see Peter's friends truly join in on all the action. He was a reporter who had success, that then turned into failure, and bonded with a symbiote named Klyntar. I used to work at The Independent as a general culture writer before specializing in TV and film. MJ reminds us that her name isn't Mary Jane but Michelle Jones. Apparently, the electrical energy in the MCU feels different, imbuing him with a new look. robert arneson famous works dirty justin urban dictionary. Also, I cannot imagine the kind of reaction Peter and MJ shippers would have to that theory. Michelle Jones has never been boy crazy before, but there's something about the curly-haired boy that keeps walking into her coffee shop that she just can't seem to shake. Just as Mr. Brock makes the decision to go to New York and speak with Spider-Man, he's transported back to his home dimension, leaving a bit of Symbiote goop behind. In the comics, Flash Thompson famously became the superhero Agent Venom, which could be another possibility. Note that Eddie calls him "Pete" here. The duo are, like the villains, brought into the MCU because Doctor Stranges spell goes wrong, leading to everyone who knows that Peter Parker is Spider-Man throughout the multiverse being brought into this single universe. Aunt May is dead. where did nick turani go to college brian buffini net worth 2018. alisa weilerstein child Login / Register hollister sizing chart 0 Wishlist weaving projects for adults 0 items / $ 0.00. razor ramon in opa locka Menu. When a giant metal tentacle tears into Peter's Stark suit, the severed nanobots fuse into Ock's arms and hand over their control to Peter. Singh: This movie probably gave not just Garfield's character, but also the actor, some closure after the mess of the "Amazing Spider-Man" movies. Without a doubt, Peter owes this lucky break to Tony, and now that EDITH is gone, this might've been the last time his mentor's technology is able to get him out of a jam. Edward Charles Allan "Eddie" Brock is a character and villainous anti-hero from Marvel comics. Will it be the key to MJ eventually remembering Peter? Holland said he filmed "one of the coolest scenes I've ever shot," involving Peter, Aunt May, Happy Hogan, and a mystery character. Radio Times - February 1117 2023 | PDF - 10 Marvel Villains With Ridiculous Motives - The 100 Best Superhero Movies of All Time - Paste Just like Eddie Brock/Venom, his alias "Sandman" was never mentioned in the film. The signs are subtle but apparent to any true believers. Feeding off Eddie's emotions and tying those in with the intimate understanding it already had of Peter Parker, it found enjoyment in such antics. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works But on the other hand, maybe Ned and MJ could develop romantic feelings for each other while studying engineering at MIT? We all wondered if this meant Venom was officially part of the MCU and whether or not he would team up with the other baddies in "No Way Home" to create the Sinister Six. Confusing Moments In Spider-Man: No Way Home Explained - (Does he consider Oscorp or his penthouse apartment to be home?). By clicking Sign up, you agree to receive marketing emails from Insider So how are all these bad guys alive? [grabbing Mary Jane] If you know what I'm talking about. We're going deep on the biggest questions you have, first explaining the basic plot points that may have been confusing, and then going into detail on those surprise cameos. That, therefore, leads to another question: did Uncle Ben ever give the same speech in the MCU? Will we see Tom Hardy in an MCU movie? Brock tries repeatedly to find the thing that will unlock his father's love, and his talents and intelligence are squandered rather than ushering him to a new more fulfilling life. Venom is a villain in Marvel's Spiderman. At the end of "Venom: Let There Be Carnage," Eddie and Venom don't appear to recognize Peter or Spider-Man at all. "Looking beyond Marvel or Sony, Im very excited. Plus, in an interview with, Tom Holland claimed to know who bought the tower. Clearly, whatever is coming through from alternate universes would be immensely destructive, but Strange plays coy about the specifics of the danger. Before she dies, though, she manages to give Uncle Bens classic with great power comes great responsibility speech. It takes some multiversal assistance and some serious sacrifice for Peter to find a cure for each of the six baddies he's up against. Eddie Brock (Marvel) | Heroes Wiki | Fandom Why? Spider-Man 3 - Wikiquote There are even more multiversal shenanigans heading our way soon, so be sure to keep up to date with all the latest on Marvel Phase 4 through our guide. Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed while you're on the go. why did eddie brock want to kill peter parker Throughout the events of The Amazing Spider-Man 2, Electro remained oblivious to the truth. that Ben Parker was a part of Peters life, and Peters bag in Spider-Men: Far From Home had the initials B.F.P. Either way, it seems very likely that "The Multiverse of Madness" will give us further hints. ", And while producer Amy Pascal previously said that they were getting ready to make the next Spider-Man movie with Tom Holland and Marvel, she has since walked back those comments, saying on the No Way Home premieres red carpet: "As long as [Holland] wants to make Spider-Man movies, we will make Spider-Man movies But I'm a producer, and I always think everything's going to work out.". Acuna: Fury went so far as to interrupt Peter's vacation/school trip in "FFH." The More Fun Stuff post-credits scene isn't confirmed to be canon, but it doesn't carry too many story ramifications. Given that the Venom film franchise has Venom latch onto Eddie first and not Peter Parker, the film continuity is perhaps feeling an echo of its comic book origins. Strange could've been referring to more Spider-Man villains it definitely looks like Kraven and Rhino are on their way or simply the evil alternates of the world's mightiest heroes. Garfields Parker is also taken from the current moment just on an alternate timeline. Peter had a full speech prepared for his friends, so we know that he really intended on trying to convince them of everything that they'd forgotten. But despite being in three standalone Spidey movies, we never really learn much about MJ's family life or why she's so particular about her name. Thinking its Reeds costume fixer, Peter makes contact with the symbiote, covering him entirely in a new black costume and enhanced versions of his spider powers. Turns out, not just villains were brought into the MCU: Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguires web-heads are here, too. After Secret Wars, Spider-Man takes the symbiote back home, and after a while, it leaves Peters body and connects with Eddie Brock to become a new Lethal Protector, named Venom. With the three Spider-brainiacs quickly cracking how to help the four remaining evil-doers, they lure the villains to the newly shielded Statue of Liberty. (I'm just hoping they tell us love is stronger than magic. The scene raises more questions than it answers. Of course, we have to wonder, does Ned even remember using magic now? Throughout the movie, the two . Eddie Brock . After the death of his Uncle Ben, Peter learned . There were some major flaws in Mysterio's posthumous plot right from the start. Doctor Strange's multiverse-saving spell makes everyone in the universe forget who Peter Parker is. We will no doubt have to see more of them to get a proper answer. Norman's death led to Harry's eventual death, protecting Peter in "Spider-Man 3." However, in the film when the news was broadcasted to the citizens of New York, the news reporter called Flint "The Sandman".
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