'Mormon Land': Gordon Monson discusses his 20 church reforms For too long, women have been honored in the church as Gods heavenly creatures while at the same time being expected to be sweet subordinate followers of men. Instead, secondary stuff such as avoiding the use of tobacco, alcohol, coffee, tea, etc., would be made optional and lessened as a signature for members around the globe. Radio is a fickle business. It would have been decent, after nearly 30 years on the air, for KSL to allow me to do so. They can wear a beard or long hair or flowing robes. Sports, sports, sports. Will it allow honest evaluations of sports teams and coaches and players and icons and institutions, whether they soar or suck? Like most things in religion, like most things should be in religion, its left up to the individual to decide, a little thing called agency, and its left up to everyone else to withhold negative judgment. Check out our facebook forum where we discuss ideas that shape ourworld. The question Gordon is most often asked is where he went to school. But if you read his article he is quite serious even if he makes a few funny one liners. OK, so Im judging others who judge. Enlarge your audience. He talked further about the blessings from heaven promised in other scriptural passages to those who remembered well, eternal blessings that would blow away earthly monetary gain. Ive thought about this a lot. That'd be fun. Gordon Monson is a Mormon sports writer for the Salt Lake Tribune (a publication started by the Godbeites to attack church leaders and policies-. (Rick Egan | The Salt Lake Tribune) Female missionaries from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints cheer for entries in the Days of '47 Parade, in Salt Lake City, on Friday, July 23, 2021. Press J to jump to the feed. He is certainly a significant figure in the large intermountain west sports community. I hope he finds something new. Im also rooting for ESPN 700. Family is encouragement without expectations. And no judgment of others, no condemnation of those who had a broader view. Things he thinks leaders should change. Voglio dirvi quanto amo - Traduzione in inglese - esempi italiano Same with going for a walk, or not going for a walk. Its love without conditions. - Gordon Monson. Ignore it? From first downs to buzzer beaters, get KSL.coms top sports stories delivered to your inbox weekly. Thats the way it should be, would be here. Thats an unfortunate emphasis on the wrong things. GordonMonson Kudos for ideas -reality checks really - that r long overdue. or not, if it simply keeps food on the table and the mortgage paid, what is an employee supposed to do? But for that to be the calling card for church members, the thing that sets them apart, is misplaced. Was it because I occasionally ripped BYUs football team (I praised it, too), and KSL is the home of the Cougars? All others make their own choices, according to their personal inspiration. More troubling, is the fact that Gordon is a household name to people who closely follow sports in Utah. Puritanism or Victorian, or both? deductible, Report a missed paper by emailingsubscribe@sltrib.comor calling801-237-2900, For e-edition questions or comments, contact customer support801-237-2900or emailsubscribe@sltrib.com. He continued the papers long tradition recently by weighing in on what he thinks church leaders are getting wrong. It was 20 years ago this fall that Craig Bolerjack and I huddled up to discuss the birth of a new sports-talk radio station in Salt Lake City. KSL, after two decades of The Zones existence, was taking over operation of the stations, and they were moving all the on-air talent with them including all the guys who I helped hire, some of the guys whose jobs I had saved in the past when one manager or another got upset about one thing or another everyone except for me. The living is strict on a mission: Up at an early hour, studying scriptures, pounding on doors all day and contacting people in other ways, teaching doctrinal principles, being rejected, being rewarded, being rejected some more, working 16-hour days. BIG XII Coug. I have seen so many blessings because of them. Take it from someone who was there when the thing was born, when it spoke its first words, when it took its first calls, when it informed and entertained and angered its first listeners and made its first audiences laugh. Ive actually heard church leaders blame girls in the congregation for wearing short skirts and tight shirts, thereby causing impure thoughts to creep into the tender minds of the boys. Editor's note: President Thomas S. Monson passed away January 2, 2018. By subscribing, you acknowledge and agree to KSL.com's. But the whole notion that girls and women in the church must dress a certain way to be worthy daughters of God is silly, at best, and harmful, at the other end. GordonMonson This was a really great article! That speaks for itself, or would, if it were done my way. Gordon Monson: The real story of the real hope for 97.5 and 1280 Gordon was compensated greatly. But in a complex world, doing so is impossible, and its also irresponsible. I dont celebrate anyone losing their job even if that person may deserve it. Don't cry for Monson, he is quite well off and still writes for that garbage rag, Whatever happened to the former Ute player Kyle Gunther? And. People around here only got bits and pieces of the whole. SALT LAKE CITY Utah sports radio lost a legend last week, one whose accomplishments over the last 25 years are the standard in a competitive and precarious industry. . He didnt own 1320 KFAN, but the Jazz had an operating agreement with it. Its making mistakes, but giving grace. One host told a caller making racist comments to take the white hood off. Others went after coaches who mistreated their players. His humor may catch you off guard, but he loves to see and hear people laugh. A report from Radar Online claims the reason Tom Brady wont begin his television duties with FOX Sports until 2024 is due to his desire to launch a career in standup comedy. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Politicians and policymakers in Utah, and elsewhere, sometimes get confused about this. They each tells of young people experiencing very difficult times, some even life threatening events. Local headlines and stories are HeadTopics.com immediately. Cover it up? We were all pirates on an unpredictable ship, part of a general pattern of controlled chaos, with all the attendant foibles and shenanigans and fun, but also responsible reporting and sometimes brilliant, sometimes idiotic discussion and commentary. Additional visits and contributions from Bolerjack and David Locke and a thousand guests made up a mix that provided some of the best sports talk ever in Salt Lake radio. On December 31, 2022, Dori Monson passed away at 61. Ill never forget the reaction to that news when my column was published in The Salt Lake Tribune back in the mid-1990s. In each role, he makes the recipient feel like the most important person in the moment to him. Patbagley GordonMonson Good list. (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) "The Family: A Proclamation to the World" was unveiled in September 1995. But this discussion isn't about what could have happened on the court. Gordon Monson is a Mormon sports writer for the Salt Lake Tribune (a publication started by the Godbeites to attack church leaders and policies- true story). Why arent parts of Utahs prison being saved for historys sake. GordonMonson He could have send a letter to the Q12, instead of whinnying on a leftist newspaper. You werent in the position or frame of mind at a certain time in your life to do the mission thing? "The Queer Polygamy Model leaves room for same-gender and same-sex sealings, whether they are non-romantic, such as between my sister and me, or homosexual, such as between two wives. or superseded by additional information. He'll go back to 1320 and bring them all with him. (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) Content Creator. "What some readers and listeners don't know, he's a dedicated friend to many he truly cares. He continued the papers long tradition recently by weighing in on what he thinks church leaders are getting wrong. Harper, the highest paid Latter-day Saint athlete, won the 2021 National League MVP award and routinely plays on Sundays. Editor's column: Gordon Monson, BYU and Mormons Eisen listed gripes that included roughing the passer calls not being reviewable and turnovers caused by fumbling the ball in the endzone. Gordon Monson laid off from 1280. - cougarboard.com The three daughters and wife of Dori Monson are still living. Right there in Exodus 20:8 Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy., Study and stare as he might, he could not rearrange the scripture, not in his mind, to a more suitable, bendable Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy unless you can pile up enough stacks of cash in pro football to buy a mansion with a pool surrounded by a mote and five acres of manicured lawn, and a garage filled with a fleet of Ferraris., [Get more content like this in the Mormon Land newsletter, a weekly highlight reel of developments in and about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Sometimes, that judgment is not withheld. Mens basketball games will be split between KFAN and KTLK. If a man is married to two women and the women are bisexual, they may choose to be sealed to each other and have a romantic and sexual relationship with each other as well as with their common husband." No pity needed for me. Most recently, on March 12, 1995, he was set . J. Gordon Monson - amazon.com He also works in gameday communications for FC Cincinnati and additionally contributes to the AllBengals blog for Sports Illustrated. In what is commonplace in the business, one day Monson was doing his daily afternoon show with Jake Scott on The Zone Sports Network and then, to much surprise, he was gone from the airwaves. Please dont try to change them. As a consequence of BYU's inclusion into the Big 12 for the 2023-24 academic year, the football program will face scheduling difficulties likely requiring wholesale shuffling. Over time, before the LHM Group bought the stations, personnel changed, the Jazz-affiliated station lured away some talent, and the competition was fierce. GORDON MONSON hosts "The Gordon Monson Show" weekdays from 2-6 p.m. on 104.7 FM/1280 AM . Forum Moderator. Austin Horton - Radio Host - The Zone Sports Network | LinkedIn So the station powered on: Speak your mind, deal with the consequences for or against, positive or negative from listeners and advertisers. It's never easy to lose a job. Let women wear what they want to wear, including pants to church meetings, if it makes them feel better about themselves, and urge the men to keep their thoughts in the right place. He is still with the Salt Lake Tribune, where he will continue to have a sports voice in the market. (Russell M., call me anytime. 2:472-Minute Listen. Let me represent those fifty people in the bar. Gordon Monson Out As Bonneville Takes Over Operation Of The Zone Give me a damn seat on the competition committee already so I can be in that room and pound the table, Dan, he said Wednesday on The Dan Patrick Show. Still owned by the Jazz, I believe. Monson was caught up in a business decision between the Jazz and Bonneville International Corp., which will manage the daily operations of The Zone Sports Network (97.5 FM and 1280 AM). From this vantage point, it's clear to see. But all that is technical minutiae and doesn't begin to explain much about Monson besides the tenacious desire to accomplish his objectives. I wonder if he was suddenly let go without any fanfare due to his recent SL Trib column in response to Hollands BYU speech. Its not a fictious site. Not completely sure where or how this tradition started, every general authority needing an initial somewhere in his name, but, please, let it stop. Can one spiritually dip his or her toes in a pool while talking with friends, but not slip in for a swim? GordonMonson Who is Gordon Monson? We walked in, introduced ourselves, made our pitch and they told us, in so many words, to shut the hell up and listen good. GordonMonson 100% in agreement with your 20 recommendations. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. The vast mayhem in and around sports, in the middle of that sloppy intersection where athletics sometimes collides with religion and pop culture and politics and open opinion, where no cow, no nothing, is sacred or sanctimonious, thats more than just the code by which The Zone lives. Get ready for more Ute coverage. Ralphie, the seemingly unadoptable French bulldog from upstate New York, is making progress in his intensive training program, according to his shelter. Gordon Monson's Tribune article - A Mormon 'Martin Luther' moment Management at the station previously had promised to increase our pay, not decrease it or eliminate it altogether and thereby eliminate us. Maybe I wouldn't have officially and so bombastically left the church if you were in charge. So what. That had a strong impact on me.. Was it because, as a journalist, I couldnt endorse advertisers products on air? Just a theory. Patbagley GordonMonson They probably will. Gordon Monson should know better. - Thoughful Faith Some folks need to be encouraged that, yes, they are capable of doing things they might think they are incapable of doing. Tom Brady trying to be funny and not be funny is gonna be the most hilarious thing in the world., Gopher Sports Properties and iHeartMedia have agreed to a new contract that will keep the Golden Gophers on KFAN, KFAN+ and KTLK through the end of the 2026-2027 academic year.. that needs to change. And he also testified unto the people that all mankind should be saved at the last day, and that they need not fear nor tremble, but that they might lift up their heads and rejoice; for the Lord had created all men, and had also redeemed all men; and, in the end, all men should have eternal life. (Alma 1:4). The radio talent in this state seems to just move from station to. KSL takes over management of The Zone Sports - News, Sports, Jobs and if people in this brief life do not always get or agree with what the church is doing or why it takes the positions it does, and they dont cling to the iron rod or stay on the covenant path, if they wander a bit or a lot, they wont necessarily be sentenced to some miserable, hellish prison in the Great Beyond, isolated from whom and what they love. The three biggies: Do you believe in and worship God and Jesus Christ? Look at everyone the same, treat all the same, do business with them the same. Five years after that football player made his own decision, I visited him in his classroom, where he was teaching a bunch of 16- and 17-year-olds the finer points of algebra. If you have thoughts of your own, send them along. only for your personal, non-commercial use. GordonMonson Looks like father & son GordonMonson Miss Gordon GordonMonson I miss you on the radio, GordonMonson Now thats a church I could go back to. (Its something I read on a wall somewhere written by someone at some time for families everywhere): Family is love without motive. RE: As of immediately? In a deal made with the Jazz, there was an interloper on the scene. All other content is 1999-2023 SM Consulting, LLC. Women arent ornaments to be properly covered or shined or kept, rather they are strong individuals who should think and decide for themselves. All did their jobs professionally well, most of the time. GordonMonson When you have members in developing countries selling their gold teeth to go to your temple while your church sits on BILLIONS how can you see it as anything but corrupt and a cult? He made his choice for himself, for his family, for his life, for nobody else. 9/30/21 2:08pm. The Salt Lake Tribune, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) public charity and contributions are tax Hopefully they can discuss this so it does not become a pattern. (Alma 34:33-34). He told Dan Patrick that he wants to be the voice of fans and help shape the rules of the game to reflect what people can see with their own two eyes. All the shows filled by talented hosts such as David James and Patrick Kinahan, Ian Furness, Ryan Hatch, John Lund, Sean OConnell, Hans Olsen, Alema Harrington, Pace Mannion, Bolerjack, Scott Garrard, Kevin Graham, Jake Scott, Kyle Gunther, Jan Jorgensen, and a slew of others were successes. Against our old employer, the station that dumped Boler and me, ratings were considerably higher on our side, advertising sales were more lucrative, listenership was more vast, more loyal. Gone would be sermons that are all delivered exactly the same, with the same tone and tenor, as though they were all written by the same person, without the slightest hint of individuality. President Thomas S. Monson Dies at Age 90 - The Church of Jesus Christ Listeners phoning in on sports-talk radio shows were fired up. GordonMonson team, our membership numbers are running low.
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