March 22, 2019. Please join us live in-person or on << /Type /XRef /Length 94 /Filter /FlateDecode /DecodeParms << /Columns 5 /Predictor 12 >> /W [ 1 3 1 ] /Index [ 398 100 ] /Info 418 0 R /Root 400 0 R /Size 498 /Prev 974996 /ID [<4c219a53d496b6825b9f1b7288d64077><4c219a53d496b6825b9f1b7288d64077>] >> Visit the same site and upload your design. Also, Kelly Dutertre, Sarah Dwyer, Christopher Eigenrauch, Emily Eldridge, Jack Fairfield, Daniel Fernandes, Daniel Feuerberg, Logan FitzGibbons, Michael Gasparrini, Rachel George, Taylor Giannetta, Connor Gillis, Edward Giovannini, Martina Goda, Kate Goss, Elizabeth Greiner, Emily Grillo, Samuel Gross, Nathaniel Gross, Drew Haight, Denise Hallstrom, Cory Haslam, Martha Hegley, Maeve Hegley, Cassandra Hess, Justin Hirshfield, Persephone Hoefle, Sarah Holodnak, Patrick Huynh, Sofia Iacono, Rachel Iassogna, Alexander Ignatov, Jenna Ingersoll, Lea Ismail, Rishav Jauhri, Austin Jin, Alana Joachim, Diana Jones, Vidyalaxmi Kandarpa, Samantha Kaplan, Kathleen Kaufmann, Brian Keyes, Geethika Kodakara, Michael Larocca, Kristen Lethbridge, Annabelle Liptak, Rose Lisi, Joshua Lopez, Alexa Luft, Christopher Lyons, Emma Maguire, Snehil Mahajan, Meghan Mahar, Corinne Maignan, Jamie Malaterra, Ian Maloney, Caitlin Manz, Casey Marazita, Amanda Marconi, Kyriaki Marinos, Kyle Marlin, Elizabeth Masi, Corey Massimino, William Mastroni, Andrew Mather, Danny McCabe, James McEwan, Kristian Michel, Catherine Micinilio, Matthew Mihaly, Julianne Mirmina, Nicole Mitri. DONIPHAN Numerous students were named to the honor rolls for the first semester of the 2022-23 academic year at Doniphan-Trumbull Junior-Senior High School here. Grade 11 Jailene Acevedo, Guida Alarumi, James Allen, Sarah Angelo, William Auten, Victoria Baker, Jayce Barone, Emery Behanna, Elizabeth Blanchfield, Alex Bolgachenko, Nicole Borges, Lindsey Bottino, Lauren Brideau, Elisheva Brodie, Nathan Brunetti, Jordan Buckman, Kristi Bui, Rachel Card, Elizabeth Carpenter, Amy Carrillo, Chelsea Chen, Lauren Ciulla, Jaclyn Cortina, Timothy Coughlin, Kelly Cranston, Mary DiMartino, Kristen Dutertre, Tiffanie Edwards, Emily Eisdorfer, Madeline Erenberg, Francesca Esposito, Mohamed Essaihi, Dylan Evangelista, Matthew Farewell, Mitchell French, Mason Freund, Nicole Fryer, Sarah Grady, Katherine Griffin, Alexandra Gruner, Victoria Gutowski, Amelia Hampford. If you do not have an account, please contact your House Counseling Office. Remembering Brea Olinda High School - Revised Trumbull High School term one honor roll students USA Age Grade Men's Teams Set for Tournament in Netherlands | Goff Rugby Report. Excellence honor roll; . Athletic Department Schedule for Wednesday, March 1st, V Boys Swimming and Diving FCIAC Swim Trial Boys
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You have permission to edit this article. 5:30 p.m./2:15 p.m. bus, Athletic Department Schedule for Thursday, March 2nd. For high schools, Honor Roll recognition also includes college and career readiness measures. Brea Olinda Unified School District is now enrolling TK/Kindergarten for the 2023-24 school year at our award-winning schools. Grade 10 Katherine Boback, Sarah Brenha, Kate Burns, Isha Dalal, Victoria Estacio, Natalie Faivre, Kayley Fasoli, Caylie Fischer, Emily Fox, Jacob Fried, Nicholas Furia, Joanne Heyder, Colby Laracuente, Alyssa Lucas, Nicholas Marchenko, Giridhar Murali, Ethan Murray, Madeline Nemchek, Sean OHagan, Jayna Pacelli, Emma Potvin, Cassidy Ryan, Evelyn Stelman, Anush Sureshbabu, Lea Thompson, Ajshe Zulfi. Other athletes advancing to the State Open Meet include: Trumbull Rugby competed against Ridgefield in the D1 Boys HS Rugby PlayoffsQuarterfinals. stream October 15, 1945 - December 24, 2022 Prineville Bob was born in Los Angeles on October 15, 1945, and raised in Brea, California. endstream Posted Fri, Apr 20, 2018 at 11:23 am ET. The Lady Eagles defeated Southington on Monday night to advance to the 2nd round in the State Playoffs. 106 POUNDS Bryson Clinger, Beavercreek (9-6) 4 pins 113 POUNDS Helena Swanson, Fairborn (2-0), 0 pins Spencer Bullen, Beavercreek (15-12) 3 pins 120 POUNDS [] Miranda Arias; Sara Barrett; James Capizzuto; Sofia Chaves; James Corry; Sofia Couture; Alexandra Davidson; Lauren Davis; Kiera Donegan; William Dwyer; Danielle Alexis Erive; Michael Fiatarone; Colin Firda; Sarah Gasparrini; Kyle Gasparrini; Aaliyah Gonzalez; Jillian Guilfoyle; Amanda Gujski; Madeline Gutwein; Naia Harmon; Hannah Haywood; Meghan Hoynes; Isabella Jakab; Madeline Judge; Allison Kale; Makenzie Keri; Rebecca Kirn; Matthew Krekoska; Julia Lacasse; Jason Lambert, Jr.; Austin Leifer; Natasha Lilly; Erin Lovett; Michael Lucifora; Shauna Lynch; Joshua Martinez; Katherine Mayglothling; Grace Montelli; Michael Morales; James Murano; Nikolas Nemergut; Jonathan Niv; Sofia Pace; Tommy Phelan; Maya Pinto; Taylor Pivarnik; Janelli Pratts; Jessamyn Ramonas; Zohar Rosenberg; Justin Ruby; Joseph Saunders; Abigail Savoie; James Scimeca; Katherine Stook; Mary Stowe; Lily Strouse; Marcus Stryker; Niki Tsilfides; Margaret Wetmore; Shaylor Wingate; Walter Withrow; Amanda Zurolo, Stephanie Alves; Jonathan Antonacci; Amanda Bike; Addison Chapman; Kyle DeFonce; Kathleen Dineen; Sabrina Doan; Niamh Dougherty; Megan Dzialo; Danielle Haniph; Hannah Houghton; Nguyen (Rachelle) Huynh; Andrew Keeler; Caitlyn Kelly; Shannon Kiley; Alessandra Lombardo; Erin Markut; Grace Mathews; Riley McDermott; Lucas McMahon; Isabella Molnar; Jake Pacacha; Brooke Pallarino; Emily Robinson; Timothy Scalzo; Grace Scotti; Guadalupe Shields; Madelynn Silberger; Hanah Silva; Ashleigh Silvestro; Emily Sudol; Carolyn Takacs; Daniela Tanaka Sales; Hope Wenzel; Justin Wu; Adrianna Wutke; Allison Ziegler. Sign up for our newsletter to keep reading. 7:00 p.m./4:00 PM; 1 Bus, JV Boys Basketball v. Bridgeport Central
A students smartphone is not an acceptable computing device. She pinned her way through the tournament defeating the number 3, 2 and 1 seeds. Athletic Department Schedule for Saturday, March 4th, V Competitive Cheerleading State Championship Comp
CROMWELL The following Cromwell High School students earned grades high enough to make the honor roll for the 2019-20 academic year: Grade nine honors with distinction: Keira Burke, Isabella . Important Message on Computing Device Expectations for 2022-23:Starting this school year, all Trumbull High School students are expected to bring a computing device to school every day. 5:30 p.m./2:45 PM; 1 Bus, V Boys Basketball v. Danbury
Trumbull High School term one honor - The Trumbull Times | Facebook Grade 11 Ryan Akhundzadeh, Ali Alsamet, Jorge Alvarez, Nicholas Amendola, Nicole Anderson, Megan Anderson, Anthony Angotta, Shanna Arneth, Srishti Banerjee, Jasmin Bautista, Pennie Bellios, Trevor Bellows, Daniel Belousov, Michael Belousov, Taylor Berlin, Mia Boehn, Alyssa Breunig, Caitlyn Briganti, Bailey Brooks, Matthew Buckwald, David Caisse, Jennifer Canapetti, Jiana Caraballo, Anna Cerulli, Don Cervone, Maria Chappa, Stephanie Chow, Emily Ciancimino, Jennifer Clemente, Alexander Coenraads, Micayla Costa, Lauren Coty, Kelsey Cunningham, Rushabh Damania, Alyssa Dean, Marceline DeAngelis, Katherine Denicola, Molly Denstedt, Joslyn DePina, Vincent Dias, Brenna Doherty, James Donahue, Melissa Doran, Peter Douglass, Connor Dunleavy, Daniel Duong. Alaska: West Anchorage High School. Also, Izabela Raczkowski, Amir Radmand, Gabriel Rafaeli, Justin Ramos, Telisha Ramsay, Peter Raverta, Alexis Reda, Jordan Reda, Matthew Rivnak, Eleanor Rocco, Renzo Rosales, Laura Rosales, Amanda Rosario, Erik Rosso, Robert Rufino, Jaclyn Ryan, Jillian Ryan, Kara Rydelek, Jose Salazar, Sophia Santos, Katie Sarnecky, Kaylee Savvaides, Victoria Scala, Fiona Schachinger, Kaitlyn Schels, William Selinger, Matthew Seuch, Grace Seymour, Krisha Shah, Julia Shikhman, Seth Simon, Lucas Smith, Katherine Smith, Julianne Spillane, Rachel Starr, Charles Stolba, Ashley Storino, Meghan Sullivan, Jennifer Swort, John Targowski, Jake Teixeira, Madison Touri, Sabrina Tran, Nathan Turner, Riley Usher, Gianni Valentin, Zachary Vartuli, Raisa Vazquez, Laura Velez, Sophia-Caroline Venetianer, Patrick Vetter, Victoria Vidal, Jacqueline Vitacco, Anna Vitols, Platon Vlamis, Jacob Walsh, Evan Warner, Andrew Weinstein, Helen Werner, David Westphal, Bethany Whiteside, Cassidy Whiteway, Alyssa Woodward, Erica Woolen, Gregory Wyckoff, Panayiotis Xenakis, Nicholaos Xenakis, Matthew Yellen, Alev Yorulmaz, Henry Young, Summer Zajac, Victoria Zannino, Nancie Ziegler. Away - Glastonbury High School-Gym
The Lady Eagles will now play Glastonbury on Friday, at Glastonbury at 6:30pm. << /Dests 471 0 R /Pages 391 0 R /Type /Catalog >> Administrators at Tygarts Valley Middle/High School have announced the names of students who made the honor roll for the third nine-week grading period. Kali Holden won the 800 and 1600 at the class LL championships at yesterday's meet. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( @k" `
6U!7Tst15SuAQVaqr%&234Rd$c"#'EFbeBCD 3 2QRq134Aa!#B"b ? The mission of the Brea Olinda Unified School District, in partnership with home and community, is to provide all students a quality education that prepares and inspires them to strive for high goals, become responsible, contributing citizens, and continue learning all their lives. Hillcrest Middle School 4:00 p.m. Dick's Sporting Goods is offering a 20% off discount coupon for our Trumbull Athletics families. 0. Suzanne Guntlow, Superintendent 2910 Route 9 Valatie, NY 12184 Phone: (518) 758-7575 3:00 p.m./2:15 PM; 1 Bus. K-12 Voluntary Student Accident Insurance Information For information about the use and availability of the Hillcrest pool, gyms, and outdoor playing fields contact the Trumbull Recreation Department at (203) 452-5060. Also, Rachel Hogan, Chenyou Huang, Justin Jager, Rohit Kandala, Maria Karkanitsa, David Kerr, Alexandra Klubek, Lahari Kota, Erika Koury, Krystyna Kryzanski, Brittany Kubicko, Christopher Lopez, Joshua Madwed, Anthony Masi, Megan Morabito, Rory Morrison, Monica Moussavian, Carrie OConnell, Katherine OLeary, Cayla Paoletti, Nikhil Ramachandran, Ryan Remeika, Anna Ribbens, Daniel Rouleau, Jacob Rudolph, Rachel Ruiz, Melissa Russo, Alexis-Evan Schlaeger, Nicholas Semenza, Julia Sirkin, Emma Spencer, Madhuvanthi Sridhar, Anna Stachura, Taylor Stoni, Uladislau Sychou, Kendall Szulimowski, Frederick Tamarkin, Madison Thompson, Emily Uus, Andrea Victor, Bridget Weston, Amy Grace Wills, Erin Wingo, Megan Wright, Robin Wyckoff. Also, Tyler Gleen, Natalie Gold, Nicolas Gomez-Colon, Samuel Graham, Kevin Granata, Michael Greco, Alex Greco, Samantha Guman, Craig Haber, Zachary Heche, Edward Herndon, Matthew Higgs, Katharine Hite, Daniel Hoffmann, Hannah Hogan, Lily Hopkins, Diana Horan, Alix Hughes, Natalia Ignatov, Benjamin Johnson, Julia Kaplan, Ryan Kelly, Matthew Kerr, Harrison Klas, Emily Koch, Stephanie Kokenos, Christopher Lancia, Connor Lenz, Jacob Liebowitz, Christopher Lifrieri, Cory Lionetti, Stephanie Liptack, Zachary Lombardi, Haley Lynch, Emily Mahoney, Eleni Manesiotis, Bogdan Martynenko, Dylan McCaffery, John McElroy, Gregory McKeon, Brian McPartland, Logan Meyer, Valerie Mingrone, Kristen Miolene, Robert Miyaki, Samuel Montalvo, Ethan Nair, Lauren Napolitano, Meredith Newman. 402 0 obj LIVE: Linfield Christian vs. Brea Olinda | California High School Boys PDF Trumbull High School The coupon is valid from 3/13/23 - 3/13/23. The views expressed here are the author's own. Trumbull Residents Earn Honors at Notre Dame High School
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