Kosher Salt Kosher salt does not have iodine. Yay! But Im just eating a lot of basmati rice, unsalted French fries, baked potatoes (not skin) unsalted tortilla chips, unsalted pretzels, Hellmans Vegan Mayo, Hash browns, and egg whites. potassium iodide is what you need to look for in salt (aside from sea salt). So, if it says salt as an ingredient, it is LID safe (of course you'll still need to look at the other ingredients in the product to see if they are LID safe). Anyway, I was looking for suggestions on how to stay healthy and happy during this time like vitamin supplements or drinking lots of water or exercising lightly? Our whole foods isn't open yet and may not be open til late fall 2012 and no Trader Joes here either. and I know from inquiries Unilever & Frito Lay do not use iodized salt. The instant ones have sodium. In an attempt to try to stay sane, and of course do my best to make the RAI treatment effective, I've been trying to eat everything in moderation, just in case something I'm consuming has a high iodine content. Doing RAI at home. Check out this website:, Thank you for these posts ..They will be very helpful. I cannot say enough about how much this website is helping me both emotionally and information wise! Of course, you should follow the directions for LID your doctor gave you. Time an time again, I was told that they did not use iodized salt and if they did, they would have to list it in the ingredients list as iodized salt. Kens Steakhouse Zesty Italian dressing this dressing is great to have on hand for salads (and to use as a marinade). Uncle Bens Ready Rice Brown Basmati it is said that basmati rice is the best rice for LID because it has a lower amount of naturally occurring iodine. Its easy to do in the crockpot. Trader joes sodium free whole wheat bread its actually pretty good i just sprayed some olive oil on it and had it with egg whites for lunch very good. This is a link: I have the cookbook but if anyone has links to good "prepared" options that old be GREAT! 18 g whole grain. Calling and speaking with the Nuclear Safety Officer at my hospital helped alleviate many of my fears. I typically drink tap water, or water from a Brita filter at home, and water from a water dispenser at the office (not sure what kind). It is commonly called vitamin E in a generic sense, as vitamin E substances are made up of tocopherol and similar elements. Far better than last year's LID diet. Doc has me on LID for basically 5 weeks. Flowers. I don't use milk or creamer in my coffee but use too so I know that it's tough to go without. I found it thru someone on here. Just wanted to share my finds - hope it helps some others! It was great to have on hand to make soups. Drain and put the squash into a bowl. Im so sorry to hear that both you and your husband have (or had) thyroid cancer. * English Crumpets w/Cinnamon - soo good toasted w/buttery spread and jam Getting ready to start LID diet in prep for my second round of RIT. Thank you in advance!! Is it really helpful to place plastic around computers and phones. I'm just a little frustrated /concerned because I use primarily rice based pastas (is corn based ok?) I am pleased to inform you that we do not use iodized salt in our products. Thomas Bagels The plain, blueberry, onion, and cinnamon raisin flavors are all LID-friendly. Zero sodium; 80 calories/serving. I will survive this too :) Just another bump in the road :) Water, tomato, tomato paste, vinegar, iodized salt, onion, Chilpotle peppers, coriander, soybean oil, sugar, garlic powder, xanthan gum, caramel color and spices. I had one for a snack on day 4 :) I ended up taking a lot with me, but I had no idea how long we would be there so I planned out so I would be covered until late last night :) I packed banana chips, apple chips, unsalted tortilla chips from Trader Joe's, fresh strawberries, "cuties", unsalted sunflower seeds, hard candies, Kosher salt (non iodized of course) in my salt grinder, my pepper grinder, garlic powder, lime juice and a couple other seasonings, an avocado to make guacamole, a knife so I could cut my avocado and bottled waters :) Riced Cauliflower Stir Fry. So yesterday went shopping at 2 great (albeit pricey and sometimes hard to find) grocery stores and boy, I did good. The company does not use iodized salt in the products that contain salt and they do not use carrageenan. After we ate lunch and visited a bit, we all walked outside for a smoke break and to keep from being so stiff just sitting and waiting. However, that information will still be included in details such as numbers of replies. Cyndi, recipesforsustenance LID is not easy, but Im glad I could help make it a little less stressful for you. Thank goodness. Lots of Hugs as Always, Your body needs salt to live and if you do not consume salt, there will be severe consequences. I plan on going to trader Joe's to look for food tomorrow before I start the diet. My husband's RAI was 9/21/12 and his LID ended 48 hours later. Thank you so much! A reading of the labels of the stuff listed showed no salt, no dairy and no soy (the big "3" to avoid in my opinion).,,,,, Follicular Variant of Papillary Thyroid Cancer. recipesforsustenance I discovered that a LID will cause the leisions you go away. Keebler Club Crackers a variety of Keebler crackers with allowed ingredients (dont get the cheese flavored ones) are safe for LID. They are sweet to taste, have 14g of carbs 13g of sugars but it's natural sugars! Im not a big beer drinker, but I did use Shiner Bock to make beer bread. My favorite ingredient from the LID. recipesforsustenance -Trader Joe's Quick Cook Steel Cut Oats 75% cacao. I have been to Whole foods, and Wal-mart, on my way to Trader Joes to see if they have any there. HI all, starting LID on 1/13 and I think I have most of this down except a few commercial product questions. recipesforsustenance contain no added salt. I also used an awesome resource, LID Life Community ( Rice. Best wishes!! Organic Bragg's Hawaiian fat free apple cider and tropical fruits with ginger dressing. Having a knowledgeable doctor makes a big difference. I took a puzzle book, pen, pencil and paper to doodle/write on to keep my mind occupied if everyone else there fell asleep. She then needed to go to Walmart to pick up a few things so we headed over there and I found some stuff there for me on the LID! We wonder why we're all taking pills for out blood pressure when two slices of bread can have half a days sodium serving before we even put anything on it!!!! I used Egg Beaters 100% Egg Whites to make omelettes, migas, and scrambled egg whites. I also ate a lot of their hummus, peanut filled pretzels, PB&J sandwiches with their bread and organic carrot juice (it's worth a try!). Anybody like me out there? Should I be drinking distilled water? I don't think the ground beef is USDA organic, but it is from TJs. 100% Natural As long as there are no other non-allowed ingredients, Newmans Own products are fine to eat while on LID. * And I can't seem to find no salt margarine. I hope LID got to be a little easier for you. No iodized salt in Trader Joes Brand Products! The first time I did LID, I was miserable. Plus, I was still recuperating from the total thyroidectomy, so I was exhausted and having to cook everything from scratch. Amy There may be regional differences in ingredients, so always check. I wish my Trader Joes was closer 80 miles away. Im sorry you have thyroid cancer. SO good that I'm planning to continue with these products and a few others found at other stores such as: Daiya brand cheese shreds, Kirkland's Dark Chocolate Super Fruits (at Costco) and a product called Just Mayo. I had my second go around with being on a LID for the last 3 weeks. Grandma was suppose to be in surgery at 9am, but because she had received blood a few weeks ago for a gastrointestinal bleed, they had to re-type and cross her blood before surgery. Hope your LID went well. Avoiding salt just to avoid iodine is counter-productive and not advisable. 19 Healthy Trader Joe's Foods Nutritionists Always Buy - Real Simple Zero sodium in these cranberries; zero red dye #3. Purchased at Fresh Market. I would buy this product even when Im not on LID. Jewels, I understand that it is "low, not no iodine", but some people think they could just have that little bitnot realizing it adds up. One nice thing is that if a TJ item is made with Sea Salt it says so on the label, if it says Salt as an ingredient it is non-iodized. Also I would like to have some bread or bagel but I guess I get confused when I read Thomas Bagels and it says it contains soy but yet its soybean, but not sure if that is soybean oil which we can have or soy beans. Soybean oil and soy lecithin are allowed on LID in moderation. It has really helped me get ready for the LID. Thank you! Conr tortillas were good with their ground turkey. traders joes great place to find items for low iodine diet. The LID Life Community has a Facebook group too. Best of luck to you! The daiya cheese substitute contains sea salt which is banned on the LID diet. I found on another site that the chicken chile verde burritos were safe for LID, but looking at the ingredients, it has enriched flour and I thought that was on the do not eat list. Get the second one if you want to use it in coffee. Hunts regular ketchup is actually fine for LID too. I LOVE to eat and they don't even consider the hormonal changes I'm going through! Used this product as base for pasta sauce. Trader Joes Tabbouleh has no iodine BTW and it is VERY GOOD if you like Tabbouleh. Am I missing something with Trader Joes? Also, available in Beef flavored bouillon- both are. Kite Hill Almond Milk Cream Cheese Style Spread a vegan, soy-free cream cheese alternative that does not contain iodized salt. Beef flavor bouillon. -Trader Joe's Organic Banana Chips It was runny (less so if kept in the fridge) and it just didnt taste right. Just started my diet two days ago and finding this has been a life saver!! -Also adapted the spicy-sun dried tomato and broccoli pasta- omit all the cheese and olives; read labels on sun dried tomatoes and pasta, and added in chickpeas) Rice Noodles I found these rice noodles at an Asian Market. Delicious with the Elmhurst Milked Cashews. -Mother's Sodium Free Plain Whole Grain Brown Rice Cakes Low Sodium Purchased at Harris Teeter grocery store- found in soup/stock section. Purchased at Whole Foods. Noord-Holland, English North Holland, coastal provincie (province), northwestern Netherlands. recipesforsustenance Tips for Less Stressful LID Food Preparation: **Always consult with your medical treatment team and follow their current food list during your LID**, Some blog readers reported their physicians told them to avoid beets during the LID- These chips contain mostly sweet potatos with some beet chips- if you have been advised to avoid beets- simply pick out the beet chips and save for another family member. Seeing it all written out helps me to think about everything that I can have on a low iodine diet instead of what I cannot have. ;-). Kosher THANKS SO MUCH!!!! I do have Trader Joe's close, if anyone has a list they would like to share I am willing to take all the help offered. I used it to make Beef Stew and it was rich and tasted great. Coconut Milk great for making curries (both Thai and Indian). Use the Tabs below to see our daily LID menu by meal. Hi! Apr 10, 2016 @ 12:20:27, You are most welcome! As i search thru the Web on the dos and donts i realised i should avoid it. * Yumnuts - dry roasted and flavored (but NO SALT!) It is a low iodine diet, not a no iodine diet. Courtney :). Wasnt given a large enough dose the first time ad the dr I had then didnt have me follow this diet beforehand. Sweet!!!!!!! I've been using the trader joes album along with the other albums and want to thank everyone who has worked so diligently putting them together butit's still hard. -Morton's Course Kosher salt--Morton's website says that it is not iodized even though the box itself does not say "this product does not contain iodine". Also, some food suggestions help too. This community is sponsored by ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors' Association, an Inspire trusted partner. When I asked my oncologist about LID, she told me to ask the Nuclear Medicine Department. -Cucumber Refrigerated Salad- keeps for 2 mo! I did read that Trader Joes does not use iodized salt in their brand products. Their fresh ciabatta bread, too. Since kosher certified can only use kosher ingredients, the salt brine is iodine free! My experience with thyroid cancer with emphasis on Low-Iodine Diet recipes and menus. LID Life Community is a good resource and may give you some food ideas. I'm the one that confirmed it with trader joes. Purchased at Whole Foods. The island of Marken in the IJsselmeer has been connected by embankment with the mainland since 1957; the . They dont have much listed for the Philippines, but may be a start: Good luck! You can do it, though! Zero% sodium; 160 cal./serving; gluten free. Hope to hear from you! I've been determined to find good stuff to eat on this irritating LID diet. Look for the "Where to Buy button" in the upper middle part of their web page. Ill keep yall in my thoughts. Smithfield Bacon This bacon does not contain iodized salt. To clarify, someone posted that they contacted TJ's and the response they received indicated that the foods with the Trader Joe's label use iodine-free salt in those products with salt. Thank you so much for this site.. An airbed does not seem comfortable. Uncle Bens Ready Rice Brown Rice Iodine occurs naturally in rice. I mean you can eat a lot on LID if you cook everything from scratch but when youre sooo tired thats hard to do so this helps so much! In addition to Club crackers, Keebler Zesta saltines, Town House Original crackers , Graham crackers are also fine. The mediterranean one did not, but be careful and read labels. Frozen Hash Browns. Thanks all ! Trader Joes Dried Mandarins These are so delicious! Dec 21, 2017 @ 23:00:10. I paid $6 for a quart-size container at Publix. Its great on oatmeal. It's good to know, because getting enough sodium on any diet is healthy. I bought mom and grandpa coffee, mom and I a vitamin water (since I drank all that I had brought) and grandpa a gatorade :) I had planned on making guacamole for lunch, but the avocado was over ripe and was about guacamole when I cut it open so it got pitched and I ended up buying some lunch! * Variety of unsalted tortilla chips : ) But, its better than any other vegan cheese I have ever tasted and it does not contain soy ingredients. Mar 08, 2020 @ 16:45:36. I figured that since I was only drinking coffee with this non-dairy creamer once a day, it was something I was comfortable consuming. I am finding that the opposite is true, I am having a hard time keeping my sugars up enough because my endo does not want my sugars below 90 but so far I am barely there!!! Original and Lightly Salted Original Pringles are both LID-safe. I have spent countless hours researching what I can and cannot eat on LID and I have never read that enriched flour is on the do not eat list. I hope you will find some of the meal ideas on this blog helpful. Hunts No Salt Added Ketchup This stuff wasnt as bad as I thought it would be. Purchased at Whole Foods. recipesforsustenance On the ConAgra site, you can search for stores that carry their Fleischmann's products by zip code. Sugar is little higher than we generally prefer, but when on the LID.go for it! What worked for you? I hope all goes well with your low iodine diet and second treatment. Trader Joes Organic Coconut Milk coconut milk without the weird preservatives found in other canned coconut milk. Trader joes organic brown rice penne pasta sodium free. Vegetables lots and lots of fresh vegetables. Last blood work my TSH was .14.what does that mean? Jun 30, 2017 @ 14:29:40. My husband recently had his five year check up and lab work and he remains CANCER FREE! There are several Kens salad dressings that are suitable for LID>. There are several other types of Elmhurst products and you can order from their website. Filled with seasoned ground beef, avocado, lettuce, tomato, and salsa, tacos make for a quick and easy meal. I've never read so many labels in my eyes hurt. what else can I put on my coffee.I still need to make my Mayo My WBS is scheduled for next wed how soon after do you think I will get my Rai ,I know I have to wait for the radiologist to call me with the results then schedule .I just want to be done ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors' Association, Inc. When asked how she felt she said "I feel like shit" LMAO so we know grandma is on the mend and will be home soon enough :) I am so relieved!!! 3 before RAI and 2 after RAI. They are till cheaper on a lot of things but they have also had to raise their prices because of the catastrophes going on in the USA in recent years (floods, droughts, bird flu, etc.). Also someone mentioned to me a bread, which I think was in Trader Joes or Whole Foods that was LID safe. Sep 15, 2018 @ 00:46:09, You are so welcome! Ive learned so much and am glad I can share my recipes and experiences with others. Rice is also very low in iodine. Regular, Double Stuff, Golden Oreos are all great little pick-me-ups. :). From everything I had read, I knew I needed to do it. I may just use sugar in my coffee and live without my milk/creamer. Second thank you, thank you and thank you for all of your research and phone calls. The amount varies by typeof rice and where it was grown. I did see sea salt on some things which isn't ok!! The ingredients of the shreds are: Filtered water, tapioca flour, expeller pressed non-GMO canola and/or safflower oil, coconut oil, pea protein, salt, vegan natural flavours, inactive yeast, vegetable glycerin, xanthan gum, citric acid (vegan, for flavour), titanium dioxide (a naturally occurring mineral). I got some ground beef at Trader Joe's this past weekend just to eat. I hope all goes well with your scan! I left for Seattle around 6am and finally got home around 8pm last night! Note- Nutrition facts label shows 0% sodium while the front of pkg says * Corn tortillas FYI, this bread doesnt contain salt or dough conditioners. THANK YOU! recipesforsustenance Tomatoes in a can? Yes TJ's is a wonderful store for LID items! There is a brand I saw yestereday at wal-mart called Good Karma and its main ingredient is canola oil. This is a low iodine diet, not a no salt diet. Hi Question.. I loved the no salt chips and salsa. 3g sugar. I also ate out at Chipotle and had grilled veggie burritos without dairy. I just thought I would pass it on because it almost felt too good to be true - Trader Joe's and Chipotle??!! We got this, recipesforsustenance Fresh fruits and vegetables are always a safe bet. Good Luck!! I am staying between 75-96 consistently since I started the LID! No Corn Syrup Egg Beaters 100% Egg Whites Whole eggs and egg yolks are not allowed on LID, but egg whites are fine. Old El Paso Crunchy Taco Shells Old El Paso products do not contain iodized salt. Trader joes made it so easy to find good tasting iodine free items. Trader Joses Chicken & Green Chile Tamales these tamales do not contain cheese or iodized salt. -I made the lemon pesto rice with portabello mushrooms-I used brown basmati rice (whole foods brand), substituted walnuts for almonds (since I had a whole bag of walnuts on hand), and used Braggs premium nutritional yeast seasoning (found at whole foods). * Unsalted mini-pretzel twist wasnt around the first 2 times I did LID, but its a game changer. Did the LID last year before my RAI, now preparing for WBS and Thyrogen. I found mine at Fresh and Easy0 mg of sodium, fat and cholesterol. Pringles Original and Lightly Salted Original Pringles are both LID-safe. So I made a trail mix for my snack kashi cereal pinapple chips dried fruit and dark chocolate chips and almonds .. are dark chocolate chips ok they have no milk or salt I got them at trader joes and does any one know about coconut milk in a can can I use that in my coffee. Coffee Mate Natural Bliss Coconut Milk Creamer (Sweet Creme) One of the few non-dairy coffee creamers I have found that is vegan and does not contain seaweed products or sea salt. Salt free, gluten free and no MSG. I have a Trader Joes and Whole Foods nearby, as well as a local health food store. Thank you so much for doing the homework on so much of this. That's right- we're from the south! Today I found a product that might help you. Hope this helps! Thanks, Kareylynn. At 11am the anesthesiologist was suppose to be in to prepare grandma but the case before was running way late due to complications. Oct 19, 2018 @ 02:25:11. recipesforsustenance Non-GMO (genetically modified organisms) Zero sodium- make sure they are "old fashioned" and not INSTANT! Ingredients list 10 mg of sodium. You are so welcome! I called the manufacturer and they gave me distributors in Boise to call and none of them have it. Read labels. Is trader joe's fair trade? Ingredients: Almonds, Cashews, Dates, Raisins, Honey, Brown Rice Syrup, Crisp Brown Rice, Flax Seed Powder, Sunflower Oil, Rosemary Extract, Tocopherol. Find other members in this community to connect with. (LogOut/ I thought I'd ask about the salt in their products, and this was their response: I have heard tales of people ending up in the hospital because they didnt consume salt on LID. Im glad to see some products on your must that I wouldnt have thought to include with my LID diet grocery list. Im so glad you found it useful. Both also had a good selection of fruit popsicles and sorbet that would be LID friendly to sooth any sweet tooth. I have the cookbooks but am wanting breakfast and snack ideas not in the cookbook. We'll start with questions about LID and move onto questions about RAI. , recipesforsustenance recipesforsustenance I was able to find out that corporate for trader Joes has guaranteed that they do not use iodize salt in any of their trader joes name bran products DO STAY . I know she is not out of the woods yet, but I know she is on her road to recovery :) I also asked her docs yesterday about taking extra precautions after my RAI if I should take a few extra days staying away from grandma since she just had this surgery but they assured me that after my 7 days of isolation I would pose no risk to grandma anymore than I would any other non-pregnant adult! We had also packed up cheese and peanut butter crackers for snacks, girl scout thin mint cookies and some "cuties". I am so glad my blog has been helpful to yall! If done right and portion controlled this should not affect my sugars too much so that gives me a ton of hope :) not only for me, but for those who are also diabetic and having to do the LID :) i that what is thyca patients should do? The ingredients of the mozzarella style shreds I posted are: Filtered water, tapioca flour, expeller pressed non-GMO canola and/or safflower oil, coconut oil, pea protein, salt, vegan natural flavours, inactive yeast, vegetable glycerin, xanthan gum, citric acid (vegan, for flavour), titanium dioxide (a naturally occurring mineral) per their website. It is very hard to find foods that are okay on LID. I tried to be as strict with the LID as possible. Mashed Butternut Squash - Cut a butternut squash into cubes. You are welcome! Make sure you read labels. You can ask questions and even post pics of food products for confirmation if they are allowed on the diet. Salt is listed in the ingredients list, but I called the company and was told that they do not use iodized salt. Zero sodium/zero sugar. Did you contact the sellers to make sure of the type of salt they used? I knew there was more. Earth Balance Soy-Free Buttery Spread This stuff tastes good. I hope your hubbys RAI is completely successful and he has minimal side-effects. I figured I married him for better or worse, at least we can do this part of the journey together. It is made from mangoes, papaya, oranges, brown sugar and habanero peppers. Best wishes! Jul 15, 2019 @ 02:04:12. Ok - seriously, I have hunted high and low for "Rich's coffee creamer - non dairy" and no where in Boise Idaho can I find it. . It does melt and add a cheese-like creaminess. Or should I stick to veg only or organic chicken? YUMMY I am looking forward to it as I am starving :) It's my big meal of the day as the rest of the time I usually have small snacks/meals through the day to regulate my blood sugars!! Trader Joes Coconut Creamer I like this coffee creamer better than the So Delicious brand. Beans great protein source while on LID. Have thyroid cancer and gonna have to have treatment and do this diet, recipesforsustenance All feedback will be appreciated. recipesforsustenance Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Hey all, I understand I can have about 6oz or less of a meat or organic chicken while on the LID. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Feb 11, 2018 @ 19:43:52. Amanda. Best wishes! My husband is on LID for the first time, and youve helped tremendously! undefined will no longer be visible to you including posts, replies, and photos. Our first 21 days on the diet we pretty much followed the diet from the thyca cookbook and it was so hard. This whole process is hard because no one around me quite gets it and I sometimes feel guilty for being down about what I'm going through. You are welcome! Thanks-a-Lot, Lemonades, Peanut Butter Patties, and Thin Mints are all vegan and do not contain iodized salt. I have read so many things about LID - I thought I read that there is a bread, peanut butter, chips and a salsa that are all allowed on the diet. They are quite filling and tasty :) It's almost like an applesauce and they are YUMMY! Im doing my 3rd round of LID in 3 weeks, going on 5 years cancer free but theres still traces. I was overwhelmed with what to make for my husbands upcoming radioactive iodine treatment. Thank you so much for this list!!
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