To grab the reader's attention. Of course, when you have one person talking they're going to give you a skewed version of the universe, their universe. WebWhen presenting a Q&A with a note like This interview has been edited for length and clarity, how much can you edit the interview? WebWhat are the journalistic guidelines for editing interviews for "content and clarity"? All about Tyes big surprise, Camilles hard decision, Quinns mental health journey, and Angies confidence. The Guardian - Sport. Take em with a grain of salt. Urban Meyer reflects on maniacal pursuit of talent at Florida, Could you explain what this is like? These methods of holding each other, of caring for each other, of inciting joy, are everywhere. Delivered to your inbox! Devastating, and ultimately really joyful. We dont just add tasks to a Trello board for them to complete, we discuss the goals, why and how best to achieve them with cost/benefit analysis in mind. This point was seconded by other survey respondents, so we reached out to Drach and his team to learn more. Leave the reader going 'whoah, great interview'. All of those things are at the forefront of Black creators when they take on a role. My point here is to be compassionate about yourself and understand that those little voices in your head are normal and that all of us, even exercise addicts, struggle with them. While we touch upon clarity of presentation in the summaries below, we add a few general comments here. First published on April 17, 2020 / 3:56 PM. I sometimes have to force myself out the door, says Daniel E. Lieberman, pictured during a pre-pandemic run. It worked. The first: Dont be mad at yourself. Two of your clients mentioned coming to you after not-so-great experiences with other firms. Retrieved from Optimizing logistics, detecting fraud, composing art, conducting research, providing translations: intelligent machine systems are transforming our lives for the better. He has written for many publications includingNational Geographic,Wired,San Francisco WeeklyandThe Austin American-Statesman. Humans evolved to move. Como vocs traduziriam essa frase? The Harvard Science Book Talks series is a collaboration between the Harvard University Division of Science, Harvard Library, and Harvard Book Store. I can't say I was taken entirely by surprise, but her death did come so suddenly. Too often, we need to walk this delicate path of helping them move as fast as possible to beat the competition and impress their investors, while at the same time try to stop them from rushing into architectural or strategy decisions that could come back to bite them hard when it is time to enhance some features, add new functionality, iterate or aggressively scale. And I feel like the alternative is in front of us all the time. The result here is such a wonderful portrait that I wonder, If you had made the film you first envisioned, would it have been any more satisfying of a film? The interview has been edited for length and clarity. Note: The conversation has been edited for clarity and length. Interview 2020 CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved. Even when that representation, if you will, may not meet what the audience has in mind, audiences are still thinking, "If I don't support this, I don't know when another film or moment like this will come around again. *This interview has been edited for length and clarity. I got that form in 2005, when I was 26, and I can't wait two to three weeks for the IRS to send it. This interview has been edited for length and clarity. This interview has been edited for length and clarity. Editors note: This interview has been edited for length and clarity. We work with our clients on architecture and infrastructure design, optimization of UX/UI design and user flows, back-end and front-end software development for web and mobile, and business intelligence/data analytics to enable our clients to rapidly grow and move forward. But I think that book is trying to wonder about, in addition to how do we carry each other's sorrows, how do we tend to one another and how do we live amidst or through this ruins? He expanded on the topic in an interview last week and explained why he thinks the state isnt doing enough to fund education. DOCUMENTARY: Do you get a lot of cold calls from people who want you to tell their story? Software consultant Andrew Drachs two companies Callentis and Solwey demonstrate his entrepreneurial skills, but his clients also value his educational background, as we learned through TechCrunchs survey to identify the best software consultants for startups. But the fact of the matter is, if you got parents, they're gonna die. But right as Mellow was closing, he was also getting call after call with all of his gigs being cancelled. Test your knowledge - and maybe learn something along the way. So we had our treasury department It's strange because it's happened to me a number of times. I get why there is confusion around it, it was put together in two seconds. Don't be surprised if none of them want the spotl One goose, two geese. The proposed budget is simply this number of hours multiplied by our hourly flat rate, which includes all overhead costs. I would essentially be paying them for no work, which is fine, but at the end of two months, we could still be closed with no income and no savings and bills that need to be paid. 16:50 May 25, 2022 Posting is awaiting vetting. It is also true that since World War II there has been, tension might be a diplomatic word, between the U.S. and Russia and the U.S. and China. In fact, I have served as interim chief technology officer (CTO) for three startups. From Ph.D. to boutique software developer: An interview with Solweys Andrew Drach. When everything started ERROL MORRIS: It's not a regular thing, but it does happen. This interview was conducted in March 2021. We see 150 to 200 people a week. But theres the mystery of how he sees the world. Demonizing something as normal as sitting isnt very helpful. Are you still counting on the loan? Nima and I then put together a Gantt chart to visualize a realistic schedule of tasks and estimate the number of hours it would take to design, develop, test and deploy the anticipated solution given client and resource conditions. But exercise is a special kind of physical activity. This is because in our experience, four months is long enough time to develop most MVPs and short enough to enable rapid launch and get much needed feedback from users and investors that guarantee the success of the startup in subsequent phases. I love this story. It's frustrating to think that I was on top of things and applied early for loans as much as I could, and that this is where I am. This interview has been edited for length, clarity and narrative flow. I had read and liked her memoir. Filmmakers like Oscar Micheaux, whose groundbreaking films arrested the minds of viewers who had contemplated tropes over their trusted eye. The interview has been edited for length and clarity. Even if they "reopen the country," for people like us, that might not apply. This story first appeared in the March 1 issue of The Hollywood Thats why articles need organization, smooth transitions, a conclusion that summarizes and inspires. That sounds like a demoralizing experience. EM: I really liked Joanna. Astrobites s Science Policy Committee sat down with Dr. Zurbuchen for a retrospective on his tenure as SMD Associate Administrator and his thoughts on the current state of NASA Science. It's not just the sometimes madcap affair between his protagonist, Joanna Harcourt-Smith, and her paramour, 1960s cultural icon Timothy Leary. The interview has been edited for length and clarity. This interview has been lightly edited for length and clarity. Eating pattern tied to 24% reduction in cardiovascular, cancer mortality in people diagnosed with the chronic condition, HMS/Brigham study shows most advertised medicines little better than other treatment options, The [Harvard Alumni Study] found that older Harvard alums who were exercising had about 50 percent lower mortality rates than their classmates who were sedentary, and that the benefits of exercise were much higher in older than younger alumni., Pregnant women with COVID-19 may not pass virus to newborn, study suggests, Supreme Court may halt health care guarantees for inmates, Why police resist reforms to militarization, Historian says Fla. dispute shows why AP class in African American studies is needed, Exercised: Why Something We Never Evolved to Do Is Healthy and Rewarding,, Low-carb diet can help manage progression of Type 2 diabetes, Those breezy TV drug ads? As much as the story interests meand Showtime has been really a terrific partner because they were always behind the projectI had a choice: I could either just stop everything and wait for six or seven months, or we could try to figure out a way to make a film and get it done by the end of the year. 16:50 May 25, 2022. My banker at Citizen did say they were still processing loans, but I don't know how they are still processing them if the program is out of funds. The beginning of the war was a half hour before I was on my way to take my daughter to school. for editing and condensing interviews for clarity This is your third book on gratitude and joyfulness. Andrew Drach: I have been doing consulting in engineering and software on and off pretty much ever since I started coding. But also maybe with a more pointed question. So many of these stories were based on just one interview. -- in his new book, "Inciting Joy," an essay collection released Tuesday. Powered and implemented by FactSet. Provide a recommendation in this quick survey and well share the results with everybody. We'll all grab a big piece of paper, like 20 by 11 inches, and you've got to write and fill up the page. My editor, Steven Hathaway, has been working around the clock just to get this thing done on time. Going to the movies is seen as a tool of resisting. This interview has been edited for length and clarity. I definitely want to begin with Oscar Micheaux, his film Within Our Gates, from 1920, as a response to D.W. Griffith's Birth of a Nation, from 1915. Urban Meyer reflects on maniacal pursuit of talent at Florida, There's an exercise I'll do with my students. For a typical startup product that is at initial phases of developing an MVP, we typically recommend two weeks for discovery and requirements gathering, four weeks for UX/UI design along with infrastructure and architecture design, eight weeks for agile development and continuous testing to implement the major functionality and finally two weeks for deploying the MVP solution and last-minute tweaks. Now of course I couldn't do that in this version, and maybe it's just as well. It's not clear what's expected of us as small businesses. It's not quite decriminalization, but it is a step in the right direction. This interview has been edited for length and clarity Poet Ross Gay on his new book and finding joy in sorrow. Black resistance and its fluidity are significant accents within the tapestry that is the Black experience, from attending Black church, to dancing and singing, to taking up arms, pursuing an education, and, of course, voting. D: You've said that you felt that there were some untruths and evasions and confusions and elisions in her recounting of her story. Interview But beyond those, we do our best to accommodate and provide recommendations to the client as the process would be quite different for a one-person team versus a late-stage startup with dozens of team members spread across multiple time zones. It shouldnt be a source of shame to use a chair and a standing desk isnt a substitute for exercise. She successfully submitted an application this week, only to learn a few days later that the program has been tapped out. 6. This interview has been edited and condensed for length and clarity. Keith Richards, Andy Warhol, Alan Ginsberg, Adnan Kashoggi and Diane Von Furstenberg all make appearances in Harcourt-Smith and Leary's adventure story. This interview has been edited and condensed for length and clarity. I often think of it as the Rosencrantz and Guildenstern approach to history. But why would I do that if laid off workers are getting an extra $600 a week and we don't have any work for them to do? This interview has been edited lightly for clarity. That study found that older Harvard alums who were exercising had about 50 percent lower mortality rates than their classmates who were sedentary, and that the benefits of exercise were much higher in older than younger alumni. Woodson, the father of Black History Month, would be happy to know that since 1928, the month formerly called Negro History Week has always had a theme. I'm interested in trying to write things that I don't know how to write, and for the most part if I'm writing about things I know how to write, I'm not that interested. Cade is the creator and curator of the Black Film Archive, a digital archive centered on Black cinema that dates back to the late 19th century, and she is a scholar-in-residence at The Library of Congress. Because there was that risk he could spend the rest of his life behind bars. In any situation, we are still all connected and it has been very easy to find six to 10 people in the same situation as me that I could start calling and texting and crying and yelling with immediately. There's many mysteries for me, of coursehow 70 million people voted for him. This story first appeared in the March 1 issue of The Hollywood Reporter magazine. In a Feb. 16 meeting with the State Board of Education, Reykdal sketched out the money pressures facing public schools. WebThis interview has been edited for length and clarity. 2022 International Documentary Association. Yael Ben-David is a content designer, speaker, lecturer, and the author of The Business of UX Writing. I applied, they asked for more documents, and when I tried to email them, I got a message that the inbox was full, so I haven't received anything from that. WebOur conversation has been edited for length and clarity. , Test your vocabulary with our fun image quizzes, Clear explanations of natural written and spoken English. Why did you have to apply four separate times? The Statesman's interview with Milliken has been edited for length and clarity. And it was upon reflection, upon thinking about that time and thinking about me and my parents' relationship, thinking about the kinds of closeness that on account of the profound sorrow that we were in the midst of, were able to happen. To be honest, I am not sure that our process would fall into the strict definition of agile because we adjust it and try to accommodate client preferences to reduce any potential friction. Early-stage clients are typically focused on their MVP and launch schedules. How prepared was your company for the war and what were those first days like? But the film also goes into Harcourt-Smith's early years as a Holocaust survivor and her troubled childhood. Lets talk about a few. Joy does not exist without sorrow. How a CFO helped businesses in Ukraine Sustenance Without Sacrifices: Towards Equitable Workplaces, 'Marianne and Leonard': A Half-Century of Love, The Truth Is Out There: Errol Morris' 'Wormwood', Errol Morris Takes a Trip in 'My Psychedelic Love Story'. So we had our treasury department But if you want to tell a story about a person and how they see the world, just interview one and only one person. But throughout all his films, Morris has displayed a fascination and passion in seeking to understand his fellow humans, attempting to reveal what makes us tickfor better or for worse, as he would say. In December of 2016, Monika and I established two sister companies: Solwey Consulting, focused on technology strategy and execution, UX/UI design and business intelligence; and Callentis Consulting Group, a research and development business focused on translational research and technology transfer from academia to industry practice. Nick Elam: I was. Should you still use ellipses and And so in a way I'm just looking very closely at skateboarding, and I'm looking very closely at pick-up basketball, and I'm looking very closely at teaching, with a little more depth than I was maybe able to in the previous books. Something Good Negro Kiss from 1898 is a film that is the earliest depiction of Black affection on screen. At seed stage, we work with them to develop their minimum viable product (MVP), and in subsequent stages, we get to help them with some of their many newly formed initiatives. That's a beautiful question, because I was in the midst of caring for my father, and I was sort of falling apart. 5. I didn't know her for that long, but it was pretty clear early on that she was an extraordinary person. WebWrite them in a separate document as headers. In fact, it would be a kind of a crazy thing to do because if youre a very active hunter-gatherer, for example, or a subsistence farmer, it wouldnt make sense to spend any extra energy going for a needless five-mile jog in the morning. The obligation makes it fun, social, and necessary. Why did you choose the boutique consultancy model? ICE Limitations. Please enter valid email address to continue. When I get up in the morning to go running, its often cold and miserable, and I have no desire to exercise. And while there is absolutely nothing wrong with either approach, founders tend to underestimate the level of hands-on coordination required to complete the project in those scenarios. But we are trying to be clear so we don't end up with a huge loan we can't handle. Ailsa Chang is an award-winning journalist who hosts All Things Considered along with Ari Shapiro, Mary Louise Kelly and Juana Summers. I don't know what it will look like when we are back at work. You want to end with something either funny or shocking, or intriguing. And we ought to consider suffering. for editing and condensing interviews for clarity The most important point, or at least the most eye-catching, should go at the start. I then went to a small business lender, where I have a small line of credit, but they asked for my SS4 form, which I couldn't find. Text 3 Top 9 ethical issues in artificial intelligence Julia Bossmann World Economic Forum. Anna Heim 1 year Editors note: This interview has been edited for And in fact it's probably how we survive; it's mostly how we survive. You said that what drew you to her story was this strange quality that you didn't understand her completely, that she was a mystery to you, but also she was a mystery to herself, which is something you're drawn to. The Gazette spoke with Lieberman, the Edwin M. Lerner II Professor of Biological Science, about the book and tips for getting motivated to do something as unnatural as exercise. Interview highlights On Black History Month's 2023 theme 'Black Resistance' I think I first thought Every director has a thousand movies he could have made, but this is the movie I did make. And I'm deeply grateful to all these characters. Typical-hunter gatherers engage in only about 2 hours a day of moderate to vigorous physical activity. Clarity. Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, First of all, three people could control all our accounts and two people could make payments. I mean, I applied four times, how was I missed? This interview has been edited for clarity and length Vazha Tavberidze As a journalist and political analyst, he has covered issues of international security, post Or we can watch what the skateboarders are doing. Harvard Undergraduate Law Review (HULR): I understand that you clerked for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit and for the U.S. Supreme Court, and I would love to hear more about what you learned from those experiences. These are fun things to do and have some social benefits. Learn a new word every day. April 17, 2020 / 3:56 PM Right. Legal Statement. How Black resistance has been depicted in films over the Oscar Micheaux's 1920 film, instead of centering white nationalism, centers a schoolteacher and a journey through her past. Here's what to watch, Biden and House Democrats chart a 2024 course based on their legislative track record, Big stores see how we spend. How prepared was your company for the war and what were those first days like? His work has influenced generations of documentarians for over 40 years. Evidently, he does. But theyre not lazy. Built into this game are all of these things that are actually about, not only about, but are ways that we are helping one another carry our sorrows.". Interview highlights On Black History Month's 2023 theme 'Black Resistance' I think I first thought of this idea that American freedom, for as long as Black cinema has existed, has relied on denying Black Americans equal rights. And we, as a society, could be forced to practice social distancing for a long time. How are things on the home front? Partly what I want to say is you're studying the wrong sh*t, because in our face all the time is evidence to the contrary, in our face all the time is evidence that people are actually sharing with each other, people are taking each other in. What's interesting is that the film was considered lost. On Black History Month's 2023 theme 'Black Resistance' That in no way invalidates this enterprise. 16:50 May 25, 2022 Posting is awaiting vetting. In a Feb. 16 meeting with the State Board of Education, Reykdal sketched out the money pressures facing public schools. The film would have also re-explored Morris' interest in the CIA's MKULTRA mind-control project, which was the focus of Wormword, and which Leary, as the evangelist of LSD, had connections to. Or the way, in the absence of skate parks, skateboarders impart the best places in the city to shred. subscription_request[fsm][Form_Email_Address], Auf Wiedersehen To Alpine Village As Shop Owners Pack Up On Word Longtime German American Hub Is Closing, Think Your Gas Bill Is Expensive Now? But it was cinema that dealt a powerful blow to motifs of emancipated Blackness. There has been plenty of drama this awards season, Interview edited for length and clarity. Will running eventually wreck your knees? Ron Deutsch is a contributing editor withDocumentary. Advice on avoiding a bad experience? interview with Robert Becker, the American NGO worker detained in This interview has been edited for length and clarity. And it became this legend: If Melvin Van Peebles can do this, then can't we also? This interview has been lightly edited for length and clarity. Monika was a perfect co-founder with complementary experience and skill set. Over the years people will be like "Joy is not a serious emotion, joy is not worthy of our serious consideration like suffering is." Note: The conversation has been edited for clarity and length. Whether a startup is engaged with a staff-augmentation agency, or a temporary hire, or a freelancer, or an agency like us, it all boils down to having clear delineation of tasks and frequent check-ins to ensure that any potential issues surface quickly and the team can pivot quickly. English to Portuguese translations [Non-PRO] Journalism. This interview has been edited for length and clarity. Currently, we have eight full-time developers, a DevOps manager and our Chief Operating Officer Nima [Kargah-Ostadi] who has a Ph.D. in engineering with a decade of experience leading engineering and research teams and is a certified Project Management Professional (PMP). And we chose the latter. ABC News The story begins with Harcourt-Smith cold-calling Morris after seeing Wormword and wanting him to tell her story of intrigue and help her answer questions as to whether she had been an unwitting government pawn in getting Leary recaptured. 60% to 70% of our clients are startups or small companies at various stages. I applied for help for the business and got our employees on unemployment before I knew about the PPP. We're not reality recorders. It was like "Go ahead, check it out. A cemetery posted a personal ad for a goose whose mate died. They're sharing food -- you got a garden, you share your extra, you know? I treated it like a game. What made you so good at recruiting? Dont feel bad for not wanting to exercise, but learn to recognize these instincts so you can overcome them. Our son goes to school three half-days a week, that's it. Actually, Harvard evolutionary biologistDaniel E. Lieberman 86 says, were nearly hard-wired to avoid unnecessary exertion. Because the book was written at that time, and in a certain kind of way that's what the book is emerging from, it's being written out of a kind of ruins. This interview has been lightly edited for length and clarity. Interview So for us, it's almost the same, except we have no income coming in. Help TechCrunch find the best software consultants for startups. My focus in 2021 has been on diversifying our source of leads and we have been experimenting with many different approaches. Fugitive in $18 million COVID fraud scheme extradited to U.S. Energy Department report on COVID's origins rekindles ongoing debate, Owner who got Paycheck Protection loan: It's an "incredibly bad fit" for what businesses need, This business owner received one of the first Paycheck Protection Loans, Fighting to save his restaurant: "I have worked 21 straight days", For one business owner, painful job cuts only way to save her company. Because if we didn't believe that, like what happens if we think "Oh yeah mostly people are cool, mostly people want to look out for one another, mostly people want to share if they have extra." From Los Angeles Times Silence, the slowing down of one's self, creates a space of quietness within, which in One of the things this book is doing is being curious about how we care for one another and carry each other's sorrows, which is one of the definitions that I offer for joy, the light that emanates from us when we help each other carry our sorrows. And in turn lifelong activity helps us live longer and stay healthy as we age. EM: It's not clear to me whether it was a fear they had that this was something that could have transpired, or it was real.
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