Eugene b: 6-15-18624. Many could vote by the grandfather clause. All You Need to Know John Proctor 1807), aged 27, English compositor who was convicted in Southampton, Mrs. Mary Proctor, British settler travelling from London aboard the ship "Lord Worsley" arriving in Dunedin, Otago, South Island, New Zealand on 4th October 1858, Miss Fanny Proctor, British settler travelling from London aboard the ship "Lord Worsley" arriving in Dunedin, Otago, South Island, New Zealand on 4th October 1858, Miss Eliza Proctor, British settler travelling from London aboard the ship "Lord Worsley" arriving in Dunedin, Otago, South Island, New Zealand on 4th October 1858, Mr. George Proctor, British settler travelling from London aboard the ship "Lord Worsley" arriving in Dunedin, Otago, South Island, New Zealand on 4th October 1858, Mr. William Proctor, British settler travelling from London aboard the ship "Lord Worsley" arriving in Dunedin, Otago, South Island, New Zealand on 4th October 1858, Mr. William Proctor, (b. = Frederick Marcenia -m- Sarah Emma Butler, *JOHN PROCTORStanislaus Proctor & Henrietta Carter, *JOHN "JOHNNY" PROCTORThomas Proctor & Sarah Ellen Butler, {based on Bryantown records }*JOHN PROCTOR, { Harte Survey}*JOHN ALEXANDER " Ellie" PROCTOR, Walter "Watt" Proctor & Cecelia Ann Swann, JOHN EDWARD "NED" PROCTOR c. 1840sCharles Proctor & Sally. If you have any information about the Proctor family please send to the administrator's email. 1980), English former professional footballer who played from 1997 to 2009, Jamie Thomas Proctor (b. Susie Proctor - Wikipedia "What are the 5,000 Most Common Last Names in the U.S.?". Sarah 1859, Either email addresses are anonymous for this group or you need the view member email addresses permission to view the original message. Margaret Ruston, a white woman, had a child by her master's slave in Charles County in 1691. She remembers older family and friends recounting how they gathered as a tribe. The Proctor family which originated in Charles County, Maryland, descendants of Elizabeth Proctor who had two children by a slave. *RICHARD HAYES PROCTORRichard Thomas Proctor & Carolin Vir. "Ned" Proctor. Elizabeth bapt: 3-2-1794 in Bryantown, Md. Relations with Slave and White Communities Free African American families in Maryland appear to have had closer relations with the slave population than did their counterparts in other colonies or states, particularly North Carolina and Delaware. Mr. Richard Proctor, British Convict who was convicted in North Riding. Some of the Proctor family moved to Ireland, but this topic is not covered in this excerpt.Another 57 words (4 lines of text) about their life in Ireland is included in all our PDF Extended History products and printed products wherever possible. Charlie*John Wiseman b: 1800's circa Eliza b: circa 1812, 1. Accepting New Patients. Home: House Of Proctor Genealogy Del. James Proctor, Maryland lawmaker, dies at 79 Home > Forum > Surnames > Proctor . Maggie Butler, Ella Sarah Francis -m- Wm. Rosia4. The Proctor family owned land in Charles County before 1762. Proctor, *UNKNOWN WISEMAN 17*** UNKNOWN { MOTHER } 17**, *THOMAS SMITH WISEMAN 1800 s*SARAH 1800 s, Elizabeth Ann 8-4-1823 - 1884 -m- Wm. *SYLVESTER MARCELLUS HARLEYWilliam Harley & Mary Nancy Butler ?? Florence Eleanor -m- John Francis Swann Jr. {based on 1850 Charles co. census }*THOMAS PROCTOR 1798, *THOMAS "TOMMY" PROCTORJohn Henry Proctor & Julia Ann Newman, Henry Thomas Proctor & Christianna Robinson, *THOMAS HARRISON PROCTOR*GRACE ANN PROCTOR, *THOMAS HENRY PROCTORWm. He was called "Thomas Rustain, Junior" in August 1756 when he was indicted for stealing a saddle and called "Molatto Thomas Rustain" in November 1756 when he was acquitted of the charge. An afternoon with the Proctors reminded me of all the sweet stuff that fill up this life.It's funny that children are so tiny yet they know how to live & love so big!I love you, Proctor family & thanks for adding more of that good stuff to my life. XI, part 2, pp. & 1860 P.G. He settled in Ipswich, and later removed to Salem. Other cases of Indian indentures which appear in the County Courts include: James Boarman, an Indian servant indentured in Charles County, Md., in August 1691 [Court Record 1690-2, 237].Joan Kennedy, a two-year-old Indian servant bound until the age of twenty-one in Prince George's County in November 1718 [Judgment Record 1715-20, 719a]. Rather, they performed a specialized task, as well as farming, for subsistence. Butler & Elizabeth Harley*ADELINE LUCY PROCTOR 1875John Ed. "Lizzie" Riley, Rose Virginia 8-9-1885 -m- Cleavland Waters, Richard Lawrence "Lonzie" 8-23-1888 -m- Ella Savoy, *HILLERY NEWMAN 1821John Newman & Ann Proctor, *JAMES NEWMAN 1815John Newman & Ann Proctor, *PRISCILLA {listed as being a Seamstress }, Josephine 1855 { 1860 census Charles co. }, *JAMES "JIM" NEWMANSylvester Newman & Mary Jane Harley, *JAMES WILLIAM "DOC" NEWMANHillary Newman & Mary Ann Butler, George Alexander Harley & Sarah Ann Proctor, *JOHN NEWMAN 1793 - after 1860 censusWilliam Newman & Martha, Rosella Rosetta 1824 -m- John Henry Jones, John Isaac Newman c.1833 -m- Martha Ann Butler, Sylvester "West" c.1837 -m- Mary Jane Harley, Phoebe c.1838 -m- Stanislaus Butler in 1859, Jane Catherine c.1839 -m- John Chapman Thompson, *JOHN ALBERT NEWMAN SR.Sylvester Newman & Mary Jane Harley, John Albert "Ike" -m- Eliz. Joseph Proctor, Sarah Catherine 1846 - 1936 -m- Ed. Olive Proctor, *SYLVESTER "WEST" PROCTORJohn Proctor & Julia Ann Newman. Maggie ? Stanislaus "Stanny" b: 1859 -m- Henrietta Anna Carter2. Original Proctor Family Heirlooms on Thomas Proctor (fl. Leave a review (301) 868-2555 . Edna Bernice Thompson, John Dudley 1914 - 1973 -m- Mary Viola Swann, Eugene "Genis" Newman & Mary Eliz. Joseph or James Henry c.1840 -m- Mary E. ? Dorinda Harley, * THOMAS RICHARD PROCTORAlfred Proctor & Louise Butler, Thomas Neal 2-15-1906 -m- Mary Eliz. Mr. Nelson Proctor, (b. Joy Shivar 7/20/14. Proctor was present on January 9, 2012, when Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley signed two Executive Orders officially recognizing three Native American tribes indigenous to Maryland; namely, the Piscataway Indian Nation and the Piscataway Conoy Tribe which includes both the Piscataway Conoy Confederacy Subtribes and the Cedarville Band of Ann was midwife & Herb doctor, *John Butler : b: 17** Elizabeth b: 17**, 1. Both families married free African Americans. HOME | Proctorfamilymd Southern Maryland Families - Geni N A V I G A T EH O M EA B O U TB L O GC O N T A C T, Terms & ConditionsPrivacy PolicyAffiliate DisclaimerDesign by GoLiveHQBrooklyn 2017, COPYRIGHT ICA IMAGES | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Proctor family in this country is descended from John Proctor, who came in 1635 from London, in the ship Susan and Anne, at the age of forty, with his wife Martha, aged twenty eight, and two children, John, aged three years, and Mary, aged one year. her will in the year of: * June 4, 1727 Liber L #2 . Molly Welsh of Baltimore County (grandmother of Benjamin Banneker) married a slave named Bankka and had four children in Baltimore County about 1710 to 1720. Proctors are known in the United States only as officers of the courts of admiralty, whose duties, authority, and responsibilities correspond to those of attorneys at law. The jury found him guilty, and the court ordered that he be hung.However, he apparently received a pardon because Thomas Rustin, the slave of William Neale, was given thirty-nine lashes seven years later in June 1756 for taking someone's hat. The Proctor family name was found in the USA, the UK, Canada, and Scotland between 1840 and 1920. Milly 18454. *CHARLES "FIDDLER" PROCTOR c.1820'sRobert Proctor & ? Sara 18466. It is thought that my Joseph Proctor descended from an English woman, ELIZABETH PROCTOR, who was born as early as 1675.She was a servant on the plantation of wealthy gentleman planter William Boarman in Charles County, Maryland.She had two illegitimate sons, and that is where my line and many (if not most) of the Proctors in Maryland descend.It Elizabeth b: March 23, 18201860 Charles county census:*Joseph Linkins b: 1820Jane b: 1823. "Sallie Ann" 1902 - 1972 -m- Alex Swann, Note: 1910 census list Eliz Swann to having given birth, to a total of 16 children in her life but only 8 survived, { 1880 census records }*JAMES ALEXANDER THOMPSON c. 1820's, Jeremiah "Jere" 1866 - 11-2-1935 -m- Mary Coonie Proctor, William Kell 1872 -m- Ellen Frances Proctor, *JAMES PROCTOR THOMPSON 1861James Alex. Facebook 0 Twitter Reddit Tumblr Pinterest 0 0 Likes. Place of Burial: MD. The name proctor is also given in England, and in some American colleges, to university officers whose duty is to guard morals and order. Lord Baltimore was said to have been present on the day of the marriage and to have warned Nell of the consequences. Most moved on to Delaware. Ann Wiseman, James Alexander 1832 -m- Elizabeth Ellen Proctor, John Chapman 1834 -m- Jane Catherine Newman, *ALOYSIUS {THOMAS = ?} 16 Meenah ~~~~~~Where The Money Reside~~~~~~ Joined Jul 29, 2014 Messages 26,835 Other occupational names were derived from an object associated with a particular activity. 2. WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. First and Foremost.. *HusbandHusband's parents*WifeWife's parentsChildren of *Husband & *Wifeare then listed. Please enter a valid 5-digit Zip Code. Family Medicine, Hospice & Palliative Medicine, Aetna Premier Care Network APCN Choice POS II OAMC, Aetna Small Group Maryland Elect Choice Open Access, CareFirst Regional BlueChoice HMO Network, UHC MD IPA/Optimum Choice HMO/Preferred POS. Francis age 125. In November 1757 he was charged with striking a white man [Court Record 1690-3, 334; 1693-4, 9; 1749-50, 724; 1750, 140; 1756-7, 2, 3, 117-8, 144, 201; 1757-8, 566; 1758-60, 177]. encourage you to take part in this effort. BrooksWilliam HenryMaggieEstelle ElizabethBernice ElizabethMary Gladys--------------------------------*{ FRANCIS or JOHN} LLEWELLYN BUTLERHenry Butler & Jane Thompson, George Alexander Harley & Sarah Ann ProctorFrancis 10-1-1870WilliamThomas Kelley 6-2-1875Henry Hoyce c.1877Lansa---------------------------------------*HARRY BUTLER*MARY JANE PROCTORElzera 1846 - 9-8-1930 -m- Suzanna & AliceWilliam AlexanderSarah AnnJames HenryElizabethMileySarah EllenJohn William -m- Nancy Ann NewmanMaggie MaryJulia Ann -m- John Walter Harley-----------------------------------* JAMES AQUILLA BUTLER 11-4-1869 8-19-1955Wm. Before English spelling was standardized a few hundred years ago, spelling variations of names were a common occurrence. Proctor Family Practice is a Group Practice with 1 Location. H. "Kell" Thompson & Eliz Ann Wiseman, John Henry c. 1870 - 1927 -m- Virgie Thompson, Barbara Ann 1877 - 1964 -m- Wm. Josiah - Josias Proctor & Sarah Ann Harley, *WALTER HARLEYJohn Walter Harley & Julia Ann Butler, James Chester Oct. 25, 1935 -m- Dora Agnes Burch, *WILLIAM HARLEY c.. 1828James Harley & Mary Collins or Newman, Henrietta 1851-1942 -m- Robert Henry Proctor, Sarah Ellen 1859 -m- Wm. -------------------------------- End of DENEWCAS-D Digest V03 Issue #164 ***************************************. "Lizzie" Harley, James Marshall 3-11-1895 -m- 1. Musing from the Proctor family on everything from kids, the house, work and life. Introduction, Maryland and Delaware - FREE AFRICAN AMERICANS The Proctor/Tayac family has put forth different versions of their genealogy, all of which are disconfirmed by the paper trail their ancestors left . 1789), aged 23, English servant who was convicted in Salford. You are welcomed to stop by our, This site is best viewed with a resolution of 1024x768 (or higher) and supports Re: Ezekiel "Zeke" Proctor. It is regarded as derogatory and a pejorative by some, and rarely used by the current younger generation. If there is room to run, and time to play, if there are trees to climb & kisses to share, do it. They had developed a culture very similar to whites because they had gone to school and church with whites since the colonial period and had become part of the local white farming communities.Southeastern states solved this problem by calling these communities "Indians." ?Thomas Thompson & Catherine Wiseman. Proctor is an occupational surname, which belongs to the category of hereditary surnames. "BETTE ANN" SWANN 1844 - aft 1914Henry Swann & Dolly ThompsonWm. "Del. She resided on her own land in Bryantown, Md. Walton age 21850 Charles county census: *Henry Linkins b:1805Betty b: 1815, 1. Proctor House (Bel Air, Maryland) - Wikipedia "Sallie Ann" Thompson, {based on death rec & census rec. Select this result to view Sandra R Proctor's phone number, address, and more. Constance9. Margarete3. Dr. Proctor works in Clinton, MD and specializes in Family Medicine and Nurse Practitioner. Read the reviews. Claim your profile (301) 868-2555 . Early immigrants include: The British first settled the British West Indies around 1604. Indian Indentured Servants The indenture of Indians as servants was not common in Maryland. FORUM ARTICLES SEARCH. Proctor Family Practice in Tacoma, WA - WebMD Even if you can't make it to one of the Center's many in-person events, you can still participate on Facebook by posting in a "Brick Wall Question of the Week." Birthdays and Anniversaries of living persons are listed by month. Catherine Rebecca3. & Jane--------------------------*CHARLES SHEIRBURNE, Jennie 11-14-1863 -m- Louis Proctor / James Linkins, --------------------------------------*JOHN GRAY c. 1826*JANE QUEEN, -------------------------------*GEORGE {THOMAS ? } The long journey was the end of many immigrants and many more arrived sick and starving. Oxon Hill- Free Black Landowners of the 19th Century Mary Jane Thompson, *PETER LINKINSPeter Linkins & Rosella Proctor. Washington Proctor & Mary Regina Thompson, *JAMES ALEXANDER PROCTORCharles Proctor & Matilda Ann Butler, Elizabeth Olive -m- ? Please visit Retrieved from. See Terms of Use for details. Convict Records Voyages to Australia (Retrieved 2nd December 2020). Henry Harley & Unknown, Cecelia "Cecie" C. 1820's -m- Madison Butler, --------------------------------------------*JAMES HARLEY 1800? The motto was originally a war cry or slogan. Women convicted of having children by native Indians were prosecuted for the lesser offense of fornication and had to pay a fine or suffer corporal punishment. The Proctor Family by Aquilla Braxton - Proctor & Margaret Ellen Newman, { Harte Survey }* ROBERT RANDOLPH PROCTOR, Robert Naylor Proctor & Rose Etta Proctor, George Henry Swann & Birdie Nancy Proctor, *SIDNEY FRANCIS PROCTOR*CARRIE PROCTOR 190*, John Henry Proctor & Sally Virgie Thompson, *STANISLAUS "STANLEY -STANNY" PROCTOR1-24-1859 10-9-1939, Rose Ann 9-30-1884 -m- Norman Gwynn Butler, John "Johnny" 3-13-1887 -m- Eliz. Mr. Charles Proctor (d. 1912), aged 40, English Chef from Liverpool. Thompson & Alcy, Sarah Elsie 1843 - 1923 -m- Wm. Find Dr. Proctor's phone number, address, hospital affiliations and more. Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0+ or , Firefox 1.0+, and Safari 1.2+. Hospital affiliations include Calvert Memorial Hospital. Black/Mulatto Proctors By user May 29, 1998 at 02:28:35. There are 5-6 family names in Southern Maryland that used to be recognizable as tri-racial: Swann, Proctor, Harley, Neumann, and Butler. As social media use has become more mainstream, more and more users have found ways to make their accounts valuable resources for genealogists, either to share information or facilitate discussion. Boarman who had a mulatto child out of wedlock, in the year of:1707 Charged in Court. Butler, Sarah A. Cath. . East Indians apparently blended into the free African American population.Peter, an East Indian who was one of the ancestors of the Fisher family, had a child by a white woman named Mary Molloyd about 1680 and "became a free 'Molato' after serving some time to Major Beale of St. Mary's County" [Anne Arundel County Judgment Record 1734-6, 83; 1743-4, 11]. Helen6. John Williams was free from his indenture in Charles County in January 1706/7 [Court Record 1704-10, 272, 288].William Creek was free from his indenture in Anne Arundel County in March 1736/7 [Court Record 1736-8, 126].Juba was free from his indenture in Anne Arundel County in 1763 [Judgment Record 1760-2, 166]. portraits, family Ica Remo April 23, 2018 Comment. Margaret Madden had six children in Talbot County between 1725 and 1742.Mary Wedge of Prince George's County had at least five children between 1727 and 1738. George Marcellus4. Elizabeth Agnes c. 1870 -m- Benjamin Butler, Oscar Camillus 1872 -m- Caroline Vir. A Showing of Survival - The Washington Post Amanda -m- ? Sat Closed. Proctor - Surnames - 1578), was an English poet, the son of John Proctor, first master of Tunbridge grammar school. Kell Thompson, * WILLIAM JOSEPH PROCTOR JR.Wm. Thu 8:30 am - 5:00 pm. We understand the importance of taking immediate action when health issues arise and are typicallyable to see patients within 24 hrs. In June 1721 Eliza Lester named an Indian called Sackelah as the father of her child and received a fine or corporal punishment from the Baltimore County Court [Proceedings 1718-21, 498, 507]. Last updated: December 2, 2021 Park footer Contact Info Mailing Address: 6411 Oxon Hill Road Oxon Hill , MD 20745 Phone: 301 839-1176 Contact Us Jonathan Curtis probably owned or leased land in St. Mary's or Charles County in 1746 when he had an account with William Hunter & Company of Spotsylvania County for over twenty-nine pounds Maryland currency. Family Historian Josiah /Josias Proctor, Mary Jane 1832 -m- Sylvester "West" Newman, Eliz. "Ned" Proctor & Sarah Catherine ThompsonJames EdwardMary Elizabeth 1896 - 1949 -m- Joseph Oscar HarleyJames WilliamAgnes Madeline = died infancyElizabeth = died infancyJoseph CalvinWalter Martin -m- Elsie Butler-----------------------------*JOHN { ? After this a number of Eastern Caribbean islands formed a free association. During the colonial period in Maryland: Most free African Americans descended from white women who had mixed-race children by African American men.Fewer owned land than did their counterparts in Delaware, Virginia and North Carolina.They had closer relations with the slave population than did their counterparts in Delaware, Virginia and North Carolina. Dr. Proctor works in Clinton, MD and specializes in Family Medicine and Nurse Practitioner. Douglas Chichester, William Joseph 1870 -m- Barbara Ann Proctor, Henry Harrison 1873 -m- Mary Eliz. FEATURED PROVIDERS NEAR YOU. John Dove was a "Mulatto" slave charged with felony in Charles County Court in November 1727, and free members of the Dove family had moved to North Carolina by September 1749 when the Craven County Court sent someone to Maryland to confirm that they were free [Charles County Court Record 1727-31, 42; Haun, Craven County, Court Minutes IV:11-12, 366]. Joseph age 212. When John Proctor was born in 1718, in Spotsylvania, Virginia, British Colonial America, his father, George Proctor II, was 58 and his mother, Katherine Frank, was 48. Walter Leonard*Henry Collins b: c.1800Elizabeth b: c.1800, 1. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. "Rebecca" Harley, Carl { died infancy } according to sister Helen, *FRANK PROCTOR 1854 {according Marriage rec 1873}, Wm. John Chapman Jr. -m- Ellen Frances Butler ?? The Proctor family has deep roots in the region, and the family name is well-known in Prince George's County and Southern Maryland. [7], In January 2019, Proctor voted in favor of legislation to lift a ban on developer contributions to candidates running in county executive and county council races in Prince George's County. (A William Asquash was one of the Choptank Indians who sold land in Dorchester County in 1727 [Land Records 1720-32, Liber old 8, 153]). Featured Results. Ellen b: 18591850 Charles County census: *Wat Swann b: 1818Ann b: 1822, 1. One of the more intriguing couples of the early 1620's in the Henrico community was John Proctor and his wife, Alice. Family reside in Benedict on Jameson property as tenants. Mr. Thomas Proctor, English convict who was convicted in Liverpool, Merseyside. Try the Kinship Relationships Tool. WE WANT YOU! Harry b: Dec. Land ownership made for closer relations between free African Americans and whites, and less social relations with slaves. In March 1732 Mary Ockeley was indicted by the Prince George's County Court for "Malatto Bastardy," but she was punished for fornication when it was found that the child was "begot by an Indian" [Court Record 1730-2, 402].In August 1736 Catherine Adams of Anne Arundel County was fined for having a child by an Indian [Judgment Record 1736-8, 22].In November 1741 Dorothy Smith of Anne Arundel County received corporal punishment for having a child by an Indian [Judgment Record 1740-3, 328].
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