The FBIs Vault publication includes records from the preliminary Tallahassee police department investigation, the MPD investigation, heavily redacted records from the U.S. Customs Service, documents from the Washington Metro Field Office (WMFO) of the FBI, and other agencies, as well as the correspondence and documentation of the 1993 inquiry, mostly from the WMFO to FBI Headquarters. They did not attend school and said the men were their teachers. As described by theTimesand theChicago Tribune, the children were placed in police protective custody after threats were received at the shelters where they had originally been housed. Page 41, evidence is turned over to US Attorney District of Columbia who refused to prosecute. THE FINDERS - Chelsea Film Festival The story exploded on a national scale after investigators linked the pair, identified as Douglas Ammerman and Michael Houlihan (also referred to as Michael Holwell), with a Washington D.C.-based. The speed with which the public narrative about the Finders changed raised more than a few eyebrows.[2]. If you use the TOR Onion browser, here are the links and corresponding URLs to use in the TOR browser to find us on the Dark Web: Health Impact News, Vaccine Impact, Medical Kidnap, Created4Health, That is exactly what happened with Finders Keepers - the story of John Wood, his amputated leg, and Shannon Whisnant, a man determined to prove his rightful ownership over said leg. Watch Finders Keepers (2015) - Free Movies | Tubi Another politician, Representative Tom Lewis (R-F.L. 'The Finders' Movie (2016) by Lucca Films Production. Publication date 2016-05-23 Topics The Finder, Solari report, child abuse, child trafficking, child abduction, corruption, globalism, pedophile rings Language English. Similarly, police in Tallahassee told the media that the six children had not been kidnapped and had not been participants in any kind of ritualistic abuse. Documentary Film Finder -- Can't Find It Anywhere Else -- Check Here It was noted that one of the men did not cooperate at all, and when questioned appeared to go into a trance-like state. Hence, suspicions of kidnapping and trafficking rapidly lost credibility, though issues of abuse remained. The two central characters display serious deficits of decency and humility, as well as common sense. The Romantics. Read the full article at Mint Press News. On February 4, 1987, two men dressed in suits and ties in the company of six bug-bitten, dirty, hungry children were arrested in Tallahassee, Florida, on charges of child abuse after a concerned citizen called local police. The story told by the new documentary Finders Keepers is almost too weird to be true. About two weeks after the initial investigation began, it was suddenly announced that the MPD and Tallahassee police were dropping all charges due to insignificant evidence. Document:Finders Keepers - Wikispooks The Seal and Mark of God is Far More Important than the Mark of the Beast Are You Prepared for Whats Coming? I contacted Martinez in 2017 and confirmed that he authored the document and that it is genuine, but to date, he has otherwise refused to go on record to comment on the matter with me. 3,035 likes. "Finders Keepers" is the odyssey of a rogue amputated leg, as found in a grill that was left for months in an abandoned storage locker. It is worth mentioning that the computers uncovered in Washington, D.C. also showed communications between members in Europe, Japan, Africa, and South America. Thats what the evidence points to. In contrast with other historical human trafficking rings covered in the independent press, including those I havepreviously discussed, the Finders scandal presents as something of a phantom. Disney Plus typically releases new movies, shows, and episodes at 12am PT (3am ET and 8am BST). Before moving further into analysis of the available evidence, its important to recognize a number of problems we face in understanding the information published in the FBIs Vault. Derrick's 8 part investigation into The Finders lead to a full length documentary titled, Who Will Find What The Finders Hide? When the Finders case was reexamined in 1993, several former members of the cult came forward to talk about their horrifying experiences. The Finders group was found to have multiple properties in Washington, D.C. and a farm in rural Madison County, Virginia. Monica, a small town mayor, risks everything if she exposes a powerful child trafficking and blackmailing organization, The Finders, who mistakenly try to steal her son during a kidnapping assignment. Ultimately it provided tantalizing clues about Satanism, pedophilia, and the shadowy intelligence work of both the FBI and CIA. A doctor examined the children and determined two of the six to have physical indicators of sexual abuse. What Happened To 'Finders Keepers' John Wood After He Won - Ranker {"timed-popup-delay":5,"cookie-duration":-1,"popup-selector":"#popup-box-sxzw-1","popup-class":"popupally-opened-sxzw-1","cookie-name":"popupally-cookie-1","close-trigger":".popup-click-close-trigger-1"}. Youngs arrest for torture and the premeditated murder of a young boy known as Moses led some online commentators to draw parallels with the Finders, who operated in Florida around the same time. First, a multitude of large, often critically placed redactions plague the documents, the most important of which are not labeled with privacy exemptions but are instead labeled S, presumably meaning that the information is classified as secret. You can now decide for yourself whether conviction is warranted. This series will challenge both the sensationalism and the silence of establishment media surrounding the Finders narrative by examining the allegations made by the U.S. Customs documents in view of the FBIs more recent Vault publications, which shed fresh light on the connections between the Finders and the U.S. intelligence apparatus. Shauna Giesbrecht . Below are all possible answers to this clue ordered by its rank. These accusations were backed up by evidence from local police reports all across the country. The Finders Cult The leader of the group was identified as Marion Pettie. The backstory of the Finders is murky and mired in dangerous suggestions. The New Documentary Finders Keepers Is Almost Too Weird to Be True - Vogue Patch Adams And Pedogate: The Finders Cult Connection Fact Check: Christianity and the Christian Religion is NOT Found in the Bible The Person Jesus Christ Is. Here is an excerpt from a news paper article documented by the FBI: In the van, a few photos were found that lead investigators to believe child sexual exploitation was happening, and possibly even Satanic worship. Her work has appeared in many media outlets including Consortium News, where she co-hosts the CNLive! It all began when six young children, filthy and covered in bug bites and scratches, were reported to police at a park in Tallahassee, Florida. Many people criticize accusers of Luciferian child sexual abuse saying if it were happening at an institutional scale, it would be well documented. U.S. Customs Special Agent Ramon J. Martinez claimed in amemorandumthat during his participation in the searches of two of the Finders properties in Washington he witnessed evidence of the Finders intent to traffick children and other potentially criminal acts. Martinez echoed Clements in saying that he believed that the U.S. intelligence community was involved with the Finders.[8]. For example, one document written by a federal agent categorized the Finders as well organized child abuse scheme, and that [redacted] in conjunction with the State Department, and the FBIs Foreign Counterintelligence Section, conspired to cover up those abuses. Yet, when one looks closely, the documents also corroborate significant aspects of Martinezs allegations and substantiate questions regarding the Finders links with intelligence. You don't need a TV to watch the movie live as it airs, either. ET. The same group that the FBI considered dangerous and guilty of obtaining children for unspecified purposes seemed to melt away by 1996.[9]. That phone call would kick off the Finders scandal: a series of events and multiple investigations even more bizarre than the initial report. As disturbing as all of this was (and is), the Finders may have been after more than just sexual thrills.[5]. The case of the Finders has many of the same hallmarks of the McMartin case (all the charges against main suspect Ray Buckey were dismissed in 1990). One of the original investigators in the case, Special Agent Ramon J. Martinez of the Customs Service, reemerged in 1993 to suggest that his case had been deliberately suppressed by the FBI and the CIA. Very little can be said with certainty when it comes to the Finderstheir mission or origin story. Check out the trailer at: Tyler Rabbit. African Queens: Njinga. The children were accompanied by two well-dressed men. DOJ and FBI have to request copy of materials from USCS. Jesus Christ is the Only Transhuman the World Has Ever Seen or Will Ever See, What Happens When a Holy and Righteous God Gets Angry? Derricks 8 part investigation into The Finders lead to a full length documentary titled, Who Will Find What The Finders Hide? The trail would ultimately lead to allegations of a cult involved in ritual abuse, an international child-trafficking ring, evidence of child abuse confirmed and later denied, and ties with the CIA, which was alleged to have interfered in the case. Telling the true story of the November 1983 armed robbery, it explains how 6,800 bars of gold were taken, worth 26 . Further impeding the willingness of most journalists to cover such a story were claims of ritualistic abuse that were hyped by corporate media at the time of the incident, as well as allegations of a CIA-led coverup that were less widely recognized by the legacy press. Originally, Ammerman and Houlihan (real name later discovered to be Michael James Holwell) claimed that they were transporting the kids to a school for gifted children in Mexico. The Finders were a relatively obscure spiritual group based in Washington, D.C. Prior to the quick shutdown of the case, news reports in February 1987 claimed that one of the goals of the Finders was to wean children away from their parents. At its heart, the conspiracy theory holds that the Western elite is dominated by pedophiles who resort to amoral acts in order to hold onto their considerable power. ), used the Finders case to draw attention to the fact that the Customs Services Child Pornography and Protection Unit had seen its arrests fall by a fourth between the late 1980s and early 1990s. The U.S. Customs Service is the agency with briefing materials on The Finders. In March 1987, Houlihan and Ammerman were released with charges dropped for lack of evidence, and all of the children were eventually returned to their mothers. One of the current bugaboos of the mainstream media in the United States is Q Anonymous. Dortmund X RB Leipzig - Ao Vivo Grtis HD Sem Travar - Documents from the Tallahassee Police Department released in 2017 seemed to shed light on the allegation that the investigation was shut down due to a possible cover-up by an intelligence agency. The Finders - Wikispooks I think it is interesting to mention here that Johny Goschs mother (the paperboy kidnapped in 1982 the original milk carton missing child boy) is known for receiving pictures of her son after going public with accusations of a powerful and nationally connected child trafficking group as her sons abductors.
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