System Outages and Holidays. November 23 & 24, 2023. (b) Texas Fruit and Vegetable Month shall be regularly observed by appropriate celebrations and activities. 1, eff. Added by Acts 2009, 81st Leg., R.S., Ch. 377 (S.B. Sec. TEXAS FIRST RESPONDERS DAY. WebThe holiday schedule a pplies to OSU Stillwater and cooperative extension offices and research stations. WebTexas Independence Day Skeleton crew required. 297), Sec. Monday & Tuesday. September 1, 2013. (a) November 7 is Victims of Communism Day in memory of the more than 100 million people who died and countless others who suffered under communist regimes. June 1, 2015. WebA schedule of federal and state holidays for the current fiscal year is available on the state auditors website. 921 (H.B. Due to the number of holidays permitted next fiscal year, the schedule does not include a floating 3607), Sec. (a) A state agency and an institution of higher education as defined by Section 61.003, Education Code, shall have enough employees on duty during a state holiday to conduct the public business of the agency or institution. June 15, 2007. (b) American Indian Heritage Day shall be regularly observed by appropriate ceremonies, activities, and programs in the public schools and other places to honor American Indians in this state and to celebrate the rich traditional and contemporary American Indian culture. Holiday compensatory hours do not transfer when an employee moves from one state agency to another, unless the transfer is due to a legislative action. 662.049. Previous Years; 2022 City of Dallas Calendar (Combined file, Adobe PDF) 2021 City of Dallas Calendar (Combined file, Adobe PDF) State Assistance; 2-1-1 Texas Website; About 2-1-1 SEXUAL ASSAULT SURVIVORS DAY. 423, Sec. 1204), Sec. FISCAL YEAR 2022. September 1, 2019. WebBelow you will find a list of the 2022 Texas State Holidays. WebDay After Thanksgiving Day. 890 (H.B. September 1, 2021. 2022 Holiday Schedule Holiday Added by Acts 2015, 84th Leg., R.S., Ch. Texas State Holidays - 717, Sec. (a) April is Texas Fruit and Vegetable Month to promote awareness of the health benefits of fruits and vegetables and to encourage Texans to consume more fruits and vegetables. Employees earn holiday compensatory time on a one-to-one basis for each hour worked, an hour of holiday compensatory time is earned, up to eight hours. 354 (H.B. Added by Acts 2021, 87th Leg., R.S., Ch. 268, Sec. Home; Countries; USA; Texas; USA: Select a State; Year Planner; Subscribe to Calendar; Texas 2022. Christmas Day Observed. Supervisors must provide ample opportunity for those employees observing energy conservation days to earn the comp time in advance. Amended by Acts 1999, 76th Leg., ch. Added by Acts 2019, 86th Leg., R.S., Ch. The holiday is recognized like most day-specific holidays, either on the day of, or on the preceding Friday or the following Monday if the date falls on a weekend. 662.005. 21.001(42), eff. Academic Calendar : Office of the University Registrar : Texas List of Holidays Sec. (b) Space Exploration Day may be regularly observed by appropriate ceremonies and activities. State Holiday Schedule for Fiscal Year 2022 WebHoliday Schedule Fiscal Year 2022 July 1, 2021 June 30, 2022 Holiday Date of Observance Independence Day Observed Monday, July 5, 2021 (to observe July 4, 2021) Naming of holiday is in accordance with WV State Code Section 2-2-1. For most Federal employees, Friday, December 31, 2021 will be treated as a holiday for pay and leave purposes. May 23, 2001. WebIt is recognized that some agencies may need to adopt an additional holiday schedule applicable to their employees working on assigned shifts to maintain a 24-hour operation; this schedule would designate as holidays the specific dates of the legal observances rather than substitute weekdays when the observance occurs on Saturday or Sunday. 268, Sec. <>
2022-2023 Fiscal Year Notice: Under state guidelines, 13 holidays are allowed for the 2022-2023 fiscal year. 662.002. (a) October is Mental Health Condition and Substance Use Disorder Parity Awareness Month to increase awareness of and compliance with state and federal rules, regulations, and statutes concerning the availability of, and terms and conditions of, benefits for mental health conditions and substance use disorders. A&M System employees generally receive from 12 to 15 holidays each year. Such holidays Sec. June 18, 1999. In such cases, only one holiday is observed, as indicated below: State employees are entitled to paid holidays, if the employee is in a paid status for any part of the workday that occurs: Part-time state employees earn holiday time proportional to the hours they work. Redesignated from Government Code, Section 662.071 by Acts 2021, 87th Leg., R.S., Ch. Sec. LUNG CANCER AWARENESS MONTH. (2) does not include an individual who uses unpaid leave from a state agency. See Government Code, Section 662.009(a). September 1, 2017. 9-06-21 Monday Rosh Hashanah Optional Holiday 9-07-21 Tuesday Rosh Hashanah Optional Holiday 9-08-21 Wednesday Yom Kippur If a designated holiday occurs on a Saturday or Sunday, it will generally be observed the 662.047. 1035, Sec. Amended by Acts 1997, 75th Leg., ch. September 1, 2021. Texas Calendar Year 2022 : January 17 (Monday) Martin Luther King Day: May 30 (Monday) Memorial Day: June 20 (Monday) Juneteenth: FISCAL YEAR 2023. WebTexas State Holidays 2023 This page contains a calendar of all 2023 state holidays for Texas. Sept. 5, 2022: Labor Day: generally 12 to 15 holidays each fiscal year. 27.001(44), eff. uZhg6;xF%N?`J0hYi5ibZ$%[& ,&(,YwZ0Z0K=y,J2IQ`gQG/0J0(Y(Hi5)RKy
)%TZKYaMZSE%U[p54l%0u.`T~5?# [E087Ei~H4eg3E9us_w"wOm`\RHFiT;S| 662.080. (2) the vital support military spouses provide to veterans returning home from military service. The next state holiday in Texas is. Holidays PUBLIC SCHOOL PARAPROFESSIONAL DAY. Academic Calendar : Office of the University Registrar : Texas 662.105. 4170), Sec. COMPENSATORY TIME. Added by Acts 2021, 87th Leg., R.S., Ch. Sec. Sept. 1, 2003; Acts 2003, 78th Leg., ch. 1903), Sec. STATE OF TEXAS ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE DAY (STAR DAY). (b) Victims of Communism Day may be regularly observed by appropriate ceremonies and activities. 1, eff. 680 (H.B. Texas State Holidays | The Holiday Schedule 2022 3084), Sec. Holiday Schedule : Office of Human Resources - Texas State HUMAN TRAFFICKING PREVENTION MONTH. Redesignated from Government Code, Section 662.061 by Acts 2017, 85th Leg., R.S., Ch. Comptroller.Texas.Gov Accessibility Policy Privacy and Security Policy FMX Sitemap FM Contacts, Institution of Higher Education Provisions, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) CAPPS, Availability and Delivery of Payroll Warrants, Comptrollers Office Responsibility for Availability of Warrants, Agency Responsibilities for Delivery of Payroll Warrants, Adjusting for Underpayments of Compensation, Calculating the Hourly Rate for the Adjustment, Supporting Documentation for Adjustments/Corrections, Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS), Electronic Funds Transfer Direct Deposit, General Responsibilities of State Agencies, Their Officers and Employees, Agency and Institution of Higher Education Responsibility, State Agency Officers and Employees Responsibilities, Skeleton Crew Holidays and Holiday Compensatory Time, Specific Rules for Institutes of Higher Education, Employments Excluded From Accruing Lifetime Service Credit, Simultaneously Holding More Than One Position, Starting Work on the First Workday of a Month, Employees Who Work Less Than a Full Year Under a Formal Written Contract, Accrual of Lifetime Service Credit for Certain Military Service, Comparison With Retirement Service Credit, Declinations Filed Before or After Qualifying for Office, If a Successor Is Elected or Appointed to the Position, Equivalent Hourly Rate of Pay for Employees, Employees Paid Once Each Month Who Work Only Part of a Month, Employees Paid Twice Each Month Who Work Only Part of a Month, Computing Salary for a Part-Time Employee, Paying Hours Worked Over the Standard Schedule Versus Accruing State Compensatory Time, Payment of Compensatory Time Earned During a Declared Disaster or Emergency, Payment of Compensatory Time for Emergency Services Personnel, Payment of Final Wages to the Estates of Deceased Employees, Payments to Estates of Deceased Employees, Examples: Computation of Hours of Leave Time, Computation of the Applicable Hourly Rate, Example: Calculating the Lump-Sum Payment, Payroll Due Dates and Direct Deposit Deadlines, Position Classification Act Administration, Reason Code Resources and Classification Salary Schedules, Payroll Due Dates and Direct Deposit Schedule, Statewide Payroll/Personnel Reports Guide, State Disbursement Units for Child Support Deductions (login required), State Employee Charitable Campaign Federations, Managers and Local Campaign Areas (login required), Approved State Employee Organizations for Membership Fee Deduction (login required), Student Loan Wage Garnishments Payee List (login required), Retirement Plan Payees, Addresses and Texas Identification Numbers (login required), Credit Unions Authorized for the Credit Union Deduction (login required), State of Texas Employment History application (login required), An employee of the Department of Public Safety who is employed to perform either communications or dispatch services related to traffic law enforcement or as a public security officer, An employee of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department who is employed to perform communications and dispatch services to assist law enforcement officers commissioned by the Parks and Wildlife Commission in performing law enforcement duties. Sec. 1420, Sec. MILITARY SPOUSE APPRECIATION DAY. September 1, 2011. Training and Meetings. 4170), Sec. (b) Texas History Month shall be regularly observed by appropriate celebrations and activities in public schools and other places to promote interest in and knowledge of Texas history. 662.109. (a) March 30 is Master Sergeant Jonathan J. Dunbar Day in honor of Master Sergeant Jonathan J. Dunbar, who served in the United States Army and gave his life in defense of this nation. HOLIDAYS FOR STATE EMPLOYEES. 662.069. (a) A national holiday includes only the following days: (1) the first day of January, "New Year's Day"; (2) the third Monday in January, "Martin Luther King, Jr., Day" in observance of the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.; (3) the third Monday in February, "Presidents' Day"; (4) the last Monday in May, "Memorial Day"; (5) the fourth day of July, "Independence Day"; (6) the first Monday in September, "Labor Day"; (7) the 11th day of November, "Veterans Day," dedicated to the cause of world peace and to honoring the veterans of all wars in which Texans and other Americans have fought; (8) the fourth Thursday in November, "Thanksgiving Day"; and, (9) the 25th day of December, "Christmas Day.". 1, eff. Monday. The Lone Star State has many different holidays that they celebrate. RULES. September 1, 2021. Sec. Calendar Home 1, eff. Redesignated from Government Code, Section 662.155 by Acts 2017, 85th Leg., R.S., Ch. 1146 (H.B. WebTEXAS STATE AGENCIES FISCAL YEAR 2023 HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Weekend Holidays: Offices will not be closed on another day when designated holidays fall on a Holiday Schedule - The University of Texas at Arlington 21.001(26), eff. Travis County Approved Holidays Schedule (a) A state employee who is required to work on a national or state holiday is entitled to compensatory time off during the 12 months after the holiday if the state employee is entitled to a paid day off from working for a state agency on the holiday under Section 662.005. Friday. 87 (S.B. Further guidance is outlined in UPPS 04.04.16 Overtime and Compensatory Time Policy, Section 5.03. Holidays MASTER SERGEANT JONATHAN J. DUNBAR DAY. HYDROCEPHALUS AWARENESS MONTH. Each governmental entity may determine the appropriate ceremonies by which Texas observes Texas First Responders Day. Sec. (a) May 9 is Willie Velasquez Day in observance of the birthday of William "Willie" Cardenas Velasquez. Sec. June 15, 2007. 2021 Texas Holidays third Monday in January (January 15, 2024) Memorial Day. University Of Houston System Holiday Schedule FY 2023. June 20, 2003. Sept. 1, 2001; Acts 2003, 78th Leg., ch. 662.012. 369), Sec. 2079), Sec. Federal Holidays 2024 21.001(43), eff. Federal holidays 2024 calendar and dates for the United States and more. State agencies must ensure eligible employees are paid for a holiday if it occurs between the time they stop work at one agency and transfer to another agency with no break in service. Amended by Acts 1999, 76th Leg., ch. Only enough employees to manage the public business of the agency are required to be on hand. 662.115. WebDistrict Reporting Schedules. endobj
1, eff. June 10, 2019. Cesar Chavez Day may also be taken in lieu of a skeleton crew holiday. Christmas Eve (Observed) December 26. 21.001(46), eff. WebTexas State Holidays Today 2 March 2023 is a holiday in Texas for Texas Independence Day. WOMEN VETERANS DAY. Organizational Development & Communications, Environmental Health, Safety & Risk Management, UPPS 04.04.16 Overtime and Compensatory Time Policy, Section 5.03. 4170), Sec. June 1, 2015. Added by Acts 2007, 80th Leg., R.S., Ch. Holiday Observance Date Day of Week New Year s Day December 31, 2021 Friday Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday January 17, 2022 Monday Good Friday April 15, 2022 Friday Memorial Day May 30, 2022 Monday Independence Day July 4, 2022 Monday Labor Day September 5, 2022 Monday Veterans Day November 11, 2022 Friday (b) Dr. Hector P. Garcia Day may be regularly observed by appropriate ceremonies and activities in the public schools and other places to properly commemorate the importance of the contributions made by Dr. Garcia. 662.157. 1, eff. S&)u*)Y+@lMy
qq(QzT4q?C MYoFIE1 Ze9&rKn Added by Acts 2007, 80th Leg., R.S., Ch. State Holiday Schedule Fiscal Year 2023 - Public Utility (b) International Holocaust Remembrance Day may be regularly observed by appropriate ceremonies and activities. DIRECT SUPPORT PROFESSIONALS WEEK. WebThe following document shows all school districts and charter schools that have selected a fiscal year start date of July 1: All Schools with a June 30th Fiscal Year-End (PDF, 180 KB) Print Contact Information Thanh Quach (512) 463-7652 or Financial Compliance Division Phone: (512) 463-9095 Fax: (512) 463-1777 Before the holiday, if the holiday falls on the last workday of the month. 2022 Texas Holidays Below you will find a list of the 2022 Texas State Holidays. 662.113. (1) elect to observe Persons with Disabilities History and Awareness Month; and. 430), Sec. UTSA Holiday Schedule 2022 - 2023 The number of annual holidays UTSA is permitted to observe is determined by the national and state holidays referenced in Sec. You can now filter by Audience, Semester, Part-of-Term, Date Range and more! 7(3), eff. 3-02-22 Wednesday Cesar Chavez Day. Added by Acts 1999, 76th Leg., ch. 1, eff. 662.068. 279, Sec. Sept. 1, 1993. 289 (H.B. Sept. 1, 1999. 1, eff. Texas Holidays 2022 [Public & Federal] Holiday Agency Status Date Day of Week - Texas 662.060. IWO JIMA DAY. 3209), Sec. 662.053. 1, eff. LUNG CANCER AWARENESS DAY. 614, Sec. Holidays for Fiscal Year 2022 Sept. 1, 1999. Sec. FATHER OF TEXAS DAY. Redesignated from Government Code, Section 662.061 by Acts 2017, 85th Leg., R.S., Ch. Sec. Added by Acts 1993, 73rd Leg., ch. 915 (H.B. 1, eff. 1057), Sec. Last Day to Drop a Course with an Automatic W Grade (Second 4 Weeks) Ends at 11:59 p.m. June 558 (S.B. (b) Texas Arbor Day shall be regularly observed by appropriate ceremonies and activities. OBESITY AWARENESS WEEK. (b) State of Texas Anniversary Remembrance Day (STAR Day) shall be regularly observed by appropriate and patriotic programs in the public schools and other places to properly commemorate the annexation of this state and to inspire a greater appreciation for the history of this state. Amended by Acts 1997, 75th Leg., ch. (b) The administrative head of a state agency may allow an employee of the agency to have a day off with pay on Cesar Chavez Day in lieu of any other state holiday that occurs on a weekday, other than a weekday on which an election is held throughout the state, on which the state agency is required to be open but on which the operations of the agency are required to be maintained at only a minimum level. Added by Acts 2017, 85th Leg., R.S., Ch. (b) Women's Independence Day shall be regularly observed by appropriate programs in the public schools and other places to inspire a greater appreciation of the importance of women's suffrage. Redesignated from Government Code, Section 662.065 by Acts 2019, 86th Leg., R.S., Ch. For FY 2022, the UT System is permitted to observe 12 holidays. 662.084. (b) Master Sergeant Jonathan J. Dunbar Day shall be regularly observed by appropriate ceremonies. (b) Military Spouse Appreciation Day shall be regularly observed by appropriate programs and activities coordinated by the Texas Veterans Commission. Texas State Auditor's Office - Holiday Schedule When any federal holiday falls on Sunday, then that holiday is observed on following Monday. (a) March 29 is Vietnam Veterans Day in honor of the men and women who served in the Vietnam War on behalf of this nation. Sec. "AXB&Mag. Added by Acts 1993, 73rd Leg., ch. (b) Through participation in the Texas Monarch Watch program sponsored by the Parks and Wildlife Department, Texas residents and visitors may help scientists answer research questions about monarch biology and migration. At the agencys discretion, these employees may observe the holiday on a different day than the actual holiday. (c) A state employee may not agree to give up the Friday after Thanksgiving Day or the 24th or 26th day of December. Added by Acts 2015, 84th Leg., R.S., Ch. WebUHD annual holidays are set by state law and approved annually by the University of Houston System Board of Regents. Acts 2017, 85th Leg., R.S., Ch. September 1, 2017. (a) March is Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month to increase awareness of genetic disorders that prevent a person's blood from clotting properly and to encourage: (1) research for treatments and cures of bleeding disorders; and. 1420, Sec. State Holiday Schedule for Fiscal Year 2021 - Texas WebHoliday Calendar Fiscal Years 2022 - 2025 . Sec. Holidays 1, eff. The term includes a part-time, hourly, or temporary state employee. Web2022 State Holidays. (b) Waxahachie Chautauqua Day shall be regularly observed by appropriate programs and activities. 139 (H.B. Sec. Acts 2017, 85th Leg., R.S., Ch. Optional Holiday: 3-31-22. (a) May 24 is Lung Cancer Awareness Day to encourage residents of this state to learn about: (2) the statistical risks of developing the disease, including behaviors that increase the risk of developing the disease; (3) ways to increase early diagnosis and treatment of the disease; and. JURY APPRECIATION WEEK. 2023 City of Dallas Calendar Adobe PDF) Download the 2022 City of Dallas Calendar .ics file to your Calendar application. 1, eff. DR. HECTOR P. GARCIA DAY. Texas A&M University and Texas A&M Health Fiscal Year 20222023. Friday, November 11, 2022. Sec. Sec. (2) the dangers presented to children by unattended and unlocked vehicles and by being left in closed vehicles during hot or sunny weather. Acts 2015, 84th Leg., R.S., Ch. HOLIDAY BEFORE WORK BEGINS OR AFTER WORK ENDS. 285 (H.B. 1, eff. Redesignated from Government Code, Section 662.071 by Acts 2021, 87th Leg., R.S., Ch. Colorado 1, eff. 47, eff. 3597), Sec. WebState Personnel Management System - State Holidays 2022. Sec. (b) Texas Native Plant Week may be regularly observed in public schools and other places with programs to appreciate, explore, and study Texas native plants. June is Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome Awareness Month to increase awareness of neonatal abstinence syndrome and to encourage: (1) awareness of the dangers of opioid and substance abuse during pregnancy to prevent neonatal abstinence syndrome; (2) the creation and update of lists of recommended materials to address neonatal abstinence syndrome available through the Department of State Health Services and the Health and Human Services Commission; (3) electronic circulation of and posting on state and local agency websites of recommended treatment and recovery resources; (4) the availability of resources for mothers-to-be and new mothers with substance abuse disorders, including health care services and recovery support services; and. 2022 State Holidays Added by Acts 1993, 73rd Leg., ch. View On Google Maps The week that includes the third Friday in May is Transportation Week in recognition of National Transportation Week and the contributions of the transportation industry to the State of Texas. Eligible state agency employees are entitled to a paid day off from work on national, state and optional holidays observed by the state. 9-05-22 Monday Rosh Hashanah Optional Holiday 9 Sec. (b) Women Veterans Day shall be regularly observed by appropriate programs and activities. (a) May is Postpartum Depression Awareness Month to increase awareness of postpartum depression and to encourage: (1) the identification of signs, symptoms, and treatment options for postpartum depression; (2) the creation and update of lists of recommended materials for perinatal mental health available through the Department of State Health Services and the Health and Human Services Commission; (3) electronic circulation of and posting on state and local agency websites of recommended postpartum depression resources; (4) mothers-to-be and new mothers to be screened for postpartum depression using validated survey instruments; and. 2597), Sec. 1254), Sec. Added by Acts 1993, 73rd Leg., ch. Added by Acts 2007, 80th Leg., R.S., Ch. 1303 (H.B. 662.083. 24 (S.B. Added by Acts 2007, 80th Leg., R.S., Ch. Update to the Recognized Holidays for Fiscal Year 2022 SAM RAYBURN DAY. 272 (H.B. <>>>
662.104. September 1, 2021. 9-07-20 Monday Rosh Hashanah 9-19-20 Saturday Rosh UTSA Holidays Texas Department of Agriculture June 19, 2009. Calendar The following have been designated as essential offices to remain open with skeleton crews for the energy conservation days. Sept. 1, 1993. TEXIAN NAVY DAY. 662.051. WebArkansas Secretary of State Executive Office. June 15, 2007. >$1
(/5 &AARdl?a?z7[g:3Nuf:k4~rICJ2sap3yc\*G&^_Qp9,Vo *_6(y]WqO_oC2qC-6|G?ZOKS`H}o Holiday and Vacation Schedule for Fiscal Year 2022 Sept. 1, 2001. 706), Sec. 21.001(58), eff. September 1, 2019. 74 (H.B. State Holiday Calendar H z+Iznn?tj%~j1FYnqD>~bmC^26\&ZWc'^KtICK5-}$hdYWS2~5 iG6b|7RYLcH
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Zeh7fI@!^6EgEuT"\O>W'$ eCe}56\N:)M}u$t, cZg=E6P5tBb Mo Redesignated from Government Code, Section 662.071 by Acts 2021, 87th Leg., R.S., Ch. 274 (S.B. 1, eff. Holiday Schedule | Texas Southern University Redesignated from Government Code, Section 662.071 by Acts 2021, 87th Leg., R.S., Ch. TRANSFERRING EMPLOYEE: PAYMENT FOR HOLIDAY. 915 (H.B. Forty-six states begin fiscal year (FY) 2022 on July 1, 2021. 279, Sec. 1449), Sec. Holidays & Vacations 23, eff. A school fiscal year that begins July 1 will end on June 30 of the 662.006. 1035, Sec. Added by Acts 2003, 78th Leg., ch. (a) A state employee who normally works 40 hours a week on a schedule other than Monday SEXUAL ASSAULT AWARENESS MONTH. Sept. 1, 1993. September 1, 2021. Sec. 662.071. Added by Acts 2013, 83rd Leg., R.S., Ch. 1035, Sec. The term does not include a national or state holiday. May 2023. Sept. 1, 1999. On behalf of the Division of Human Resources. May 9, 2005. 662.153. State of Texas Anniversary Remembrance Day, Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma Awareness Day. WebState Holiday Schedule for Fiscal Year 2023 Holiday Agency Status Date Day of Week Labor Day All agencies closed. WebAll other Group B employees required to work on the gift days and designated holiday may schedule alternate days off between December 1, 2022 and June 30, 2023. 268, Sec. 3-02-22 Wednesday Cesar Chavez Day. Before and after the holiday, if the holiday falls mid-month. 662.107. 1296), Sec. There are eleven annual U.S. federal holidays on the official 2022 calendar : New Year's Day, Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr., Washington's Birthday, Memorial Day, Juneteenth National Independence Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. 1, eff. Added by Acts 1993, 73rd Leg., ch. Sec. (a) March 1 is designated as Texas Girls in STEM Day to celebrate and encourage the participation of girls in this state in fields related to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. 1, eff. Official Texas State Holidays Internal Links January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December State 3481), Sec.
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