The boy was in the truck with her by themselves. Whilst it is possible that Summer came out of the basement door and wandered off the property how far could a five year old barefoot little girl travel in that kind of terrain? "Although a thorough investigation was completed last year, in an effort of transparency, we support an independent agency to review all relative evidence, reports, and information regarding this incident," the department said in a statement. Grandma left the Wells property around two weeks after Summer disappeared. "Statistically speaking, there's a good chance she's already dead," Donald told theKingsport Times-News. The case has been shrouded in mystery as police confirmed that the circumstances around her disappearance remain unclear. Update: just to be clear I am not trying to be an arm chair detective. Missing Summer Wells Mother Denies Claim 5-Year-Old Girl 'Went I don't believe this is a premeditated crime, but I do believe there are too many changes/inconsistencies in Candus' story. Maybe even take the pills Grandma just got after the ER visit. Tuesday, 35 agents and officers with Tennessee Bureau of Investigation and the Hawkins . There were two litters of puppies on the property at the time, one litter under the house in a crawl space by the basement door. The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation said it vetted 730 tips in connection with the disappearance of 5-year-old Summer Wells from her home in Rogersville as of Thursday - but none of them . I'm starting to think the shaved head situation is fueled by Candus's lack of desire to take care of her daughter's hair and keeping it clean and brushed. Dons young mind has confused molestation with love. Summer Wells not first to go missing in her family, Wisconsin authorities offer sympathies - YouTube 0:00 / 3:51 Summer Wells not first to go missing in her family, Wisconsin. True Crime Commentary; Local Man Gives Insight of Summer Wells Hometown. Visit our. If he rang when they dropped the prescription off that would have been around 12.30 could Don have mistaken the time by so much? It's like a horror movie he's seen a million times before. They picked up grandma and went to the pharmacy. #SummerWells #Drydrowning #DutyRon Summer Wells dry drowning? The last picture shows Summer wearing dark grey trouser and a pink top. Like I said, we werent even planning on going swimming or fishing or anything, Bly said. "Summer Wells died of dry drowning and was dead before she got home, mom covered it up and had drug dealer help hide the body" is like the number one trend on you-tube and facebook since the interview came out. The kid vanished from her family's Hawkins County home in northeast Tennessee on Tuesday evening, June 15, and her parents filed a missing persons report. The Wells family issued a statement on their websitededicated to finding Summer, calling his actions "stupid" and revealing that he'd been out driving in search of cigarettes at the time of his arrest. They also said she liked to think of herself as a princess and uh like that like all young girls do and a she loved Frozen she loved to be that Elsa and. Don, however, has appeared frequently on various channels often in a state of extreme intoxication. In his telephone conversation with The Interview Room, Don relates to Chris McDonough that the day before Summer went missing he had fired his co-worker. All rights reserved. Summer Moon-Utah Wells was last seen on June 15 outside of her family's home in Hawkins County's Beach Creek Community. The day after Summer went missing Dons stepsister, Jeannie, called law enforcement and reported that Don had molested her when she was 5 years old and that this abuse had continued for 7 years, until she had finally exposed it to her mother and stepfather. She loves me to death. Required fields are marked *. Family friend says parents, brothers of Summer Wells have had - WJHL By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Summer, Candus and Grandma then drove home, Summer fell asleep on the way back and Grandma took a picture of her which was posted to Tik Tok with a timestamp of 3.09pm. His YouTube symbol is a unicorn panda. Both her husband and Candus were convicted on domestic violence and battery charges. Candus dropped the charges. South Carolina Couple Raises Over $200K for Elderly Pizza Delivery Woman. The body of Ahmad Khalil Azad, 24, was found on the shoreline of Crystal Lake in July 2022. Many are wondering if this was perhaps a case of "dry drowning", basically like you stated, death coming a short time after a near-drowning. Bly said she did not go for a walk, and was on the property at the time of Summers disappearance. Also on the back wall is what looks to be a wooden bar around waist height for the average adult. The magical disappearance of the phone records for Don, Candus and Grandma after 3.30 that day suggests all three were involved in Summers disappearance. I looked everywhere I could. Somebody who knew the Wells, knew the property and was familiar to the dogs would be more probable than random abduction. Summer Wells case: Search for missing Tennessee girl slowed by Youd think theyd at least tell me, update me on something, but they dont even update me on nothing. Candus statement to WJHL local news network, refutes that she had gone for a walk I dont go on walks around here or on runs because Im scared of the bears and snakes and even the coyotes that are round here. That he's controlling everything. Personally, I don't believe it was dry drowning, I think it may have been just drowning. Well, he got mad and he tried everything in the world, and anything he could to get at me get me fired and he called uh my bosses constantly harassed and constantly come out on jobs constantly.\u0026reply_comment_id=342311627358933 I have recently learned of a FB post by an alleged father of a neighbor boy (age 15). We know someone had already called CPS on her prior to Summer's disappearance. So, I went over there, Bly said. Say that you found her walking, I dont care. Poor little girl really didn't have a good startor ending. Again, the one-way glass of the door would prevent anybody from knowing that Summer was in the basement. A girl who went missing last month is related to another missing person who hasnt been seen in almost 12 years. Police have not made any comments about possible sex offenders in the area. Health experts define drowning as trouble breathing after you get water into your airways. I personally dont think it was dry/secondary drowning, but I could see how people could take what he said as a hint of sorts. interesting timeline so many lies and deception from the parentsif they are breathing they are lying! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Grandma left the family home when her two girls Candus and Rose were small to live with her female partner, the girls were raised by their father. Copyright 2021 WVLT. Scott H Has Thoughts; Information on the local area and child trafficking. A multi-agency search has focused on the remote, wooded east Tennessee area where Summer disappeared. Robbinsdale police requests BCA to review drowning death investigation Child abuse is an historic factor in the past of both sides of the family, domestic violence has and continues to be a factor, as do drug and alcohol abuse. I didnt even know what dry drowning was until I read it here and googled but why are people on this sub more convinced it was dry as opposed to normal? ", "If nothing else," he continued, "I'll see her in the resurrection. We hope missing Summer Wells will be found. 2023 FOX Television Stations, from SUN 9:00 AM CST until MON 12:00 PM CST, Traverse County, from SUN 6:00 PM CST until MON 3:00 PM CST, Crow Wing County, Douglas County, East Becker County, East Otter Tail County, Grant County, Hubbard County, Kanabec County, Mahnomen County, Mille Lacs County, Morrison County, North Cass County, Northern Aitkin County, South Aitkin County, South Cass County, South Clearwater County, Todd County, Wadena County, West Becker County, West Otter Tail County, from SUN 12:00 PM CST until MON 12:00 PM CST, Clay County, Norman County, Wilkin County, from SUN 6:00 PM CST until MON 6:00 PM CST, Carlton/South St. Louis Counties, Pine County, Southern Lake/North Shore, Burnett County, Douglas County, Washburn County, Stillwater police shoot and kill 'active shooter' suspect, Robbinsdale police requests BCA to review drowning death investigation, Road closed after multi-vehicle crash with injuries near Hastings: Sheriff, 1 teenager killed, another injured in shooting at Minneapolis home; mother arrested, New Minnesota dashboard, online sites hope to push down prescription drug prices, Brooklyn Park police are 'frustrated' with troubling pattern of vandalism suspect, Twin Cities newest food hall opens on Eat Street, Gov. However, they could not have known where Summer went after this point. She is about 3 feet fall, with blonde hair and blue eyes. For the latest true crime and justice news, subscribe to the Crime Stories with Nancy Grace podcast. If we take Dons word for it that the dogs were not there that day how would the perpetrator know? Summer Wells, age 5, has not been seen for the past five months. Donald was previously arrestedon domestic assault charges in 2020, leading Candus to file for an order of protection against him, writing: "I am afraid for my children and myself.". Trevor Lee is a sophomore at East Tennessee State University, and decided to make a $2,000 deposit into that fund. So sad. Then I went through the house and I kept calling for her, yelling for her, everything. They invited me over to sit at their house while I waited for my mom to get done so we werent sitting in the hot truck. Don then packed his tools into his vehicle and got on the road, ringing the police on route. If Don sacked his co worker only the day before Summer went missing why did Din state that the man tried repeatedly to get Don fired by calling his boss and turning up to every job Don had from then on ?it was 24 hours how many jobs could Don have attended in those 24 hours and driven home and slept the night ? They talked about why her head was shaved, canduss drug habit, and other things. 2 Vols to series-clinching win over Zags, Pickens perfect game highlights day two of the Tennessee Classic. What they hoped to achieve by this is unclear. Something nefarious happened. So, Mom and Grandma hide Summer's body and make up the planting flowers story to cover for any dirt found under their nails. Then she potentially will lose the boys too. I know there are tons of theories and just wanted to share mine :). Summer's parents spoke with. Some people were like, No, you cant search my property. Why would you do that? Would somebody take the risk of creeping on to the property on the off chance that the Wells packs of dogs were not there. Dons call to police was around 6.26pm, Candus call after at around 6.29pm and the despatchers calls to law enforcement at around 6.30pm. And when this situation hit and the time past, I felt compelled that this money should go nowhere else but this reward fund, Lee said. I'm still stunned she was allowing Summer to swim in that disgusting water. Missing Child Summer Wells' Aunt Also Went Missing 12 Years Ago in Wisconsin. The Robbinsdale Police Department said theyve recently received inquiries regarding Azads cause of death which has "fueled many questions from the community." Email us atexclusive@the-sun.comor call212 416 4552. 3 days after Summer Disappeared Don Wells gave his first interview with local station WJHL: She was planting flowers with her mother and her grandmother and she wanted to go into the house so my wife watched her go into the door and she went into the house and the boys were on the internet of course and she wanted to go downstairs and play with her toys so when her mother come in she says wheres Summer she went down into the basement but she didnt answer so she went down there and she was gone so she went out the basement door which was unlocked and we never seen her since. I love her with all my heart. And she didnt holler back. 2:41. Jurors on Alex Murdaughs Murder Trial Visit Crime Scen NFLs Zac Stacy Sentenced After Attacking Ex-Girlfriend. An AMBER Alert was issued for Summer Wells, 5, in Tennessee on June 15, 2021. A FIVE-year-old girl who vanished from her family's Tennessee home in June has still not been found nearly five months later as mystery continues to surround the case. We are considering the interview done by The Interview Room and Chris McDonough of Summer's mother Candus Bly Wells and also his interview with Hunter. Was Summer Wells found dead? Updated today March 4, 2023 He looked very controlling, and she looked like she knew that if she said one wrong word, she would be in trouble with him, not the investigators.
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