US birth certificates and other vital records often state the name of the individual in capital letters. Your Birth certificate trust value for your STRAWMAN, STRAW MAN, corporation identity is about 7 million dollars at birth. The bankers loan credit and not money, because there has not been any lawful money since 5 June 1933. harmless agreements, birth certificate bonds, and various UCC forms. How Do I Get a Copy of My Birth Certificate if Born Abroad? Person who purchases property for another to conceal identity of real purchaser or to accomplish some purpose otherwise not allowed. Other homeowners may have unsuspectingly paid for illegitimate or bogus pay-off documents. These birth certificate bonds were collateralized by your birth certificate and your mothers maiden name under an Act of Congress in 1921. 27 July 2005. Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary defines the term "strawman" as: 1: a weak or imaginary opposition set up only to be easily confuted 2: a person set up to serve as a cover for a usually questionable transaction. Common Law Court Notaries may be used in an attempt to make the fraud appear legitimate. Again, the beliefs and practices can vary considerably from group to group and person to person, but once you are familiar with the ideas above you are more likely to realize . 1785 we find The United States government is a foreign corporation with respect to a State (see: NY re: Merriam 36 N.E. STRAWMAN What can you do about it? Southern Poverty Law Center. Property of the real man once again becomes tax exempt & free from levy, as it must be in accord with HJR-192. In point of fact, you should be able to go into any store in America and buy anything and everything in sight, telling the clerk to charge it to your Exemption Account, which is identified by a nine-digit number that you will recognize as your Social Security number, without the dashes. This all originated from the November 23, 1921, Shepard Towners Maternity Act that was to help new mothers with the care of their children if the mother was unwed and reduce the mortality rate of child deaths. Because all facets of the media (print, radio, television) have an ever-increasing influence in our lives, & because media is controlled (with the issuance of licenses, etc.) We were never told, with full & open disclosure, what our government officials were planning to do & why. In 1933, the UNITED STATES Government declared that they would pay all of YOUR debts with the money they receive from your labor, birth certificate, and Social Security registered number by what is known as your Reserve Account worth Billions! This gives us virtual ownership of the government created entity. What does it all mean? The exception is those cases in which the President is expressly authorized or required by laws enacted by the Congress to issue an Executive order or proclamation dealing with the legal rights or obligations of members of the public. These birth certificate bonds were collateralized by your birth certificate and your mothers maiden name under an Act of Congress in 1921. Note: it seems rather obvious that President Franklin D. Roosevelt was not expressly authorized or required to issue an Executive Order or proclamation demanding the public (private) to relinquish their privately held gold. And if so, how? In Volume 20: Corpus Juris Sec. Strawman theorists often claim it on their tax returns, which is considered a frivolous argument by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). This PERSON was created by using our birth certificates as the MCO (manufacturers certificate of origin) & the state in which we were born as the port of entry. In the past we have addressed these "claims" by fighting them in court, with one "legal process" or another, & failed. Since the claim has been accepted for value & is prepaid, & our TDA account is exempt from levy, the request for the Fiduciary Tax Estimate & the Fiduciary Tax Return is valid because the information is necessary in determining who is delinquent &/or making claims on the account. In practical terms, though, this meant giving each American something to pay with, and that something is your credit. Since a corporation is a fictitious person (it can not speak, see, touch, smell, etc. We are a private organization and offer no refunds on any of our services. This secret has been hidden for over 79 years. The Sheppard-Towner Act was the first venture of the Federal Government into Social Security Insurance legislation and the first major legislation that came to exist after the full enfranchisement of women. YOUR BIRTH CERTIFICATE BOND IS WORTH BILLIONS - United Truth Seekers If they don't adjust the account a request is made for the bookkeeping records showing where the funds in question were assigned. You, (we) are not within their fictional commercial venue. The Exemption Account is your exemption from having to pay for anything. COUNTY CLERKS FOR MARRIAGE RECORD. What does it all mean? Strawman theorists, also known as Freemen, use birth certificates to explain the theory of 2 different identities. Elvick was eventually convicted of personally passing more than $1 million in sight drafts, and, in a separate case, of filing fraudulent IRS forms. This allows US to also move entries, figures, & digits for OUR benefit. By doing this we discharge our portion of the public debt, releasing US, the real man, from the debts, liabilities & obligations of the Strawman. From now on, when presented with a claim (presentment) from government, we will agree with it (this removes the controversy) & we will ACCEPT IT FOR VALUE. We have played the futile, legalistic, dog-&-pony show -a very clever distraction -while the commerce game played on. Whenever you give up that force,you are ruined. They offered insurance to all of us and your parents, if you would fill out an SS-5 form, also known as Application for Social Security Benefits form or debt application. Accessed 12 January 2017. He spent most of the 1990s in federal prison. When the UNITED STATES declared bankruptcy in 1933 under the bankruptcy (Straw man) law known as HJR 192, pledged all Americans as collateral (debt slaves) against the national debt to the International Bankers; gave all the land to the international bankers (Federal Reserve Corporation); and confiscated and outlawed all the gold except for one ounce for each person; thus, eliminating the lawful means (Gold and Silver Coins) by which you could legally pay your debt, the UNITED STATES also assumed legal responsibility for providing a new way for you to pay. When the UNITED STATES declared bankruptcy in 1933 under the bankruptcy (Straw man) law known as HJR192, pledged all Americans as collateral (debt slaves) against the national debt to the International Bankers; gave all the 287). Who Is Trading on Your Birth Certificate/Bond Fund? Your birth certificate trust value for your STRAWMAN, STRAW MAN, legal fiction corporation identity is about 7 million dollars at birth. Accessed 12 January 2017. When we use any commercial paper (checks, drafts, warrants, federal reserve notes, etc. land to the international bankers (Federal Reserve Corporation); and confiscated and outlawed all the gold except for one ounce for each person; thus, eliminating the lawful means (Gold and Silver Coins) by which you could legally pay your debt, the UNITED STATES also assumed legal responsibility for providing a new way for you to pay. HJR-192 goes on to state: "As used in this resolution, the term 'obligation' means an obligation (including every obligation of & to the United States, excepting currency) payable in money of the United States; & the term 'coin or currency' means coin or currency of the United States, including Federal Reserve notes & circulating notes of Federal Reserve banks & national banking associations." Failures to implement the scheme successfully are attributed to individuals not following instructions in a specific order or not filing paperwork at correct times. Reality & fiction are reversed. Theorists believe that this capitalized version does not represent the physical person, but a different version which only exists in legal terms. Contact Us Donate To A.W.A.R.E The Strawman is a shadow, a go-between. This can be something as simple as a contract. Edition, page 1421. There is business! It is there for the purpose of making book entries, to move figures, digits from one side of ledgers to the other. On April 5, 1933, then President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, under Executive Order, issued April 5, 1933, declared: "All persons are required to deliver on or before May 1, 1933 all Gold Coin, Gold Bullion, & Gold Certificates now owned by them to a Federal Reserve Bank, branch or agency, or to any member bank of the Federal Reserve System." When both "persons," the real & the fictional, agree to the terms of a contract, there is a connection, intercourse, dealings, there is a communication, an exchange. Powered by, Badges | It needs a conduit, a transmitting utility, a liaison of some sort, to "connect" the fictional person, & fictional world in which it exists, to the real world. James A. Farley, Postmaster General at that time, required each postmaster in the country to post a copy of the Executive Order in a conspicuous place within each branch of the Post Office. Tweet Re: Find out how much your birth certificate is worth. We have played the futile, legalistic, dog-&-pony show -a very clever distraction -while the commerce game played on. When we use any commercial paper (checks, drafts, warrants, federal reserve notes, etc. To finance those services, this foreign government assumes that you are responsible for its expenses. Following the definition of STRAMINEUS HOMO in Black's we find the next word, Strawman. This is done by requesting the Fiduciary Tax Estimate & the Fiduciary Tax Return for this claim. Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts (Birth Certificate/Strawman Trust/Bond) -- Understanding the Law, Risks, and Potential Consequences 7/17/17. So Much Confusion Resolved - Birth Certificates aka CUSIP Bonds Privacy Policy Taking this one step further, the rules of grammar for the English language have no provisions for the abbreviation of people's names, i.e. "26 U.S. Code 6702 Frivolous Tax Submissions." Request savings bonds held by the government in your name and owed to you. This unpaid debt, under public policy, now carries a public liability for its collection. Americans can use their birth certificates to access secret "strawman" funds. DISPOSITIONER REPORT OF DEATH WORKSHEET. Birth Certificate Bond - a Freedom of Information - WhatDoTheyKnow The redemption movement is a debt-resistance movement and fraud scheme which is primarily active in the United States and Canada. A registration of birth is simply making a legal record that the birth has taken place, and recording the details relating to that birth that are required in law to be recorded. 151 S. University Avenue, Suite 1100, Provo UT 84601. ", 2023 Created by Pam Vredenburg. Forms and Links | Utah Office of Vital Records and Statistics We are working on creating a video on the strawman topic and once published, well be sure to link it in the post. Theres something else you should know: Everything, since June 1933, operates in COMMERCE! Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. The Exemption Account is your exemption from having to pay for anything. The UNITED STATES Corporation Government did that by providing what is known as the Exemption Account. So that we can once again place the Strawman in the fictional world & ourselves in the real world (with all our "shields" in place against fictional government) we must send a nonnegotiable (private) "Charge Back" & a nonnegotiable "Bill of Exchange" to the United States Secretary of Treasury, along with a copy of our birth certificate, the evidence, the MCO, of the Strawman. PDF A QUICK GUIDE TO SOVEREIGN CITIZENS - University of North Carolina at This unpaid debt, under public policy, now carries a public liability for its collection. Solve your doubts about certificates in our glossary, Get your Birth Certificate in record time from the safety of your home, The Connection Between the Strawman Theory and Birth Certificates, How to Register a Birth and Get your Baby's Birth Certificate. Explaining what a Strawman is and how to deal with mortgage arrears, how government and taxation work, dealing sensibly with debt and understanding the issues with attending a court hearing. We should also mention that no process of law -"color" of law under present codes, statutes, rules, regulations, ordinances, etc. So what? Like all good corporation companies, the United States government offered to its worker bees or drones (You) insurance benefits known as Social Security. Birth Certificates: Long Form vs. Short Form. It is there for the purpose of making book entries, to move figures, "digits" from one side of ledgers to the other. The "strawman," the theory states, is an entity created by an alleged 1933 "House Joint Resolution" marking U.S. residents as collateral for the country's loans. This $1,000,000 (one million) account is for the Strawman, the fictional "person" with the name in all caps &/or last name first. This is todays commerce. This gives us virtual ownership of the government created entity. MySpace Facebook. initials are not to be used. "Digits" move from one side of your Strawman account to the other, or to a different account. "Common Fraud Schemes Redemption/Strawman/Bond Fraud." Many thanks, Thank you. Click Above, Thank you. I am sending you 1! This was without our knowledge &/or our consent. A judge ruled Elvick mentally unfit to stand trial and committed him to a correctional psychiatric facility, where he was diagnosed with an "unclassified mental disorder" and underwent nine months of treatment before facing trial. We were never toldthat government had quietly, almost secretly, created a shadow, a STRAWMAN for each & every AMERICAN, so that government could not only "control" the people, but also raise an almost unlimited amount of revenue - so it could continue not just to exist, but to GROW. They offered insurance to all of us and your parents, if you would fill out an SS-5 form, also known as "Application for Social Security Benefits" form or debt application. ~Breaking~ Philip Tilton - The RV Has Started!!! Pi is a new digital currency developed by Stanford PhDs, with over 10 million members worldwide. This eliminated our ability to PAY our debts, allowing only for their DISCHARGE. When they cannot produce the Order (they never can, it was never issued) we request the account be properly adjusted (the charge, the claim goes away). The Certificate Of Registration of Live Birth is By Banking Definition Termed "A Certificated Security" The application they made was known as "an application for a live birth certificate" and what issued from this application was known as a "birth certificate." Thank you so much for putting this information out! Angela. A. Smith or JOHN ADAM SMITH or SMITH, JOHN or any other variation. All that credit created is technically, and rightfully, yours. Two months after the Executive Order, on June 5, 1933, the Senate & House of Representatives, 73d Congress, 1st session, at 4:30 p.m. approveHouse Joint Resolution (HJR) 192: Joint Resolution To Suspend The Gold Standard & Abrogate The Gold Clause, Joint resolution to assure uniform value to the coins & currencies of the United States. We were never told we were being treated as property, as slaves (albeit comfortably for some), while living in the land of the free -& that we could, easily, walk away from the fraud. Download this and you will get cryptocurrency mining on your phone, and remember every 24 hours to open the app and touch the Pi button that way it automatically starts mining for you, you basically have to do nothing after that just let it Stay in the background mining cryptocurrency for you until one day its worth money for enough to cash it out! Nominal party to a transaction; one who acts as an agent for another for the purposes of taking title to real property & executing whatever documents & instruments the principal may direct. Frequently Asked Questions Two months after the Executive Order, on June 5, 1933, the Senate & House of Representatives, 73d Congress, 1st session, at 4:30 p.m. approve, EIN Package 6: EXPRESS 24 HOUR Business Day Delivery - Estate AND Foreign 98 EINs - $329.99 (Espaol), EIN Package 5: EXPRESS 24 HOUR, BUSINESS DAY Delivery - Foreign 98 EIN - $199.99 (Espaol), Banking Tips For Opening Up A Bank Account, Business Credit Cards To Apply with Bad Credit, Bankruptcy Should Not Be Reported On Your Credit Report, 4 Websites To Help You Build an 800 Credit Score. ), & accept it as money, we simply pass the unpaid debt attached to the paper on to others, by way of our purchases & transactions. Terms of Service. This gave fictional government a fictional PERSON with whom to deal directly. It is a MUST to Listen to This Recording for Basic Understanding of the Dual Trusts. If we receive no favorable response to the above requests, we will then file a currency report on the amount claimed/assessed against our account & begin the commercial process that will force them to either do whats required or lose everything they own -except for the clothing they are wearing at the time. UCC-1-Uniform Commercial Code-Take back your Strawman. We were never toldthat we had been pledged (& our children, & their children, & their children, & on & on) as collateral, mere chattel, for the debt created by government officials who committed treason in doing so. Meet Your Strawman| Look up Your Strawman Birth Certificate Bond Proof Strawman theorists, also known as Freemen, use birth certificates to explain the theory of 2 different identities. Section 9 of the order reads as follows: Whosoever willfully violates any provisions of this Executive Order or of these regulations or of any rule, regulation or license issued thereunder may be fined not more than $10,000, or if a natural person, may be imprisoned for not more than 10 years, or both; & any officer, director or agency of any corporation who knowingly participates in any such violation may be punished by a like fine, imprisonment, or both. When your birth certificate was monetized and converted into a UNITED STATES Government Bond shortly after your birth by your Mother, your net worth became unlimited, into the Billions of Dollars without your nor your Mother's and Father's knowledge. If there is no record of the Fiduciary Tax Estimate & the Fiduciary Tax Return, we then request the individual tax estimates & individual tax returns to determine if there is any delinquency. There is no real substance or money of exchange such as gold or silver; only accounting entry adjustments, set offs, and rescissions or paper and/o electronic trail. - All Rights Reserved. Because all facets of the media (print, radio, television) have an ever-increasing influence in our lives, & because media is controlled (with the issuance of licenses, etc.) If we receive no favorable response to the above requests, we will then file a currency report on the amount claimed/assessed against our account & begin the commercial process that will force them to either do what's required or lose everything they own -except for the clothing they are wearing at the time. We accept the claim, become the holder in due course, & challenge whether or not the presenter of the claim had/has the proper authority (the Order) to make the claim (debit our account) in the first place. Report an Issue | So that we can once again place the Strawman in the fictional world & ourselves in the real world (with all our shields in place against fictional government) we must send a nonnegotiable (private) Charge Back & a nonnegotiable Bill of Exchange to the United States Secretary of Treasury, along with a copy of our birth certificate, the evidence, the MCO, of the Strawman. Meet Your Strawman | The Twin You Never Knew You Had | The Redemption The basis of the theory is related to the existence of birth certificates, and the way in which they are issued. Benjamin Franklin, "Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. "Integrity Bulletin." 1995 - 2023 by Snopes Media Group Inc. Were mining cryptocurrency with our phones! The straw man was created by law shortly after you were born via the registration of the application for your birth certificate. Alexander, Dean C. "The Sovereign Citizen Movement: Threats and Responses." This idea has grown throughout history and continued to reinforce the idea of a separate legal identitynow known as the strawman. In 1933, the UNITED STATES Government declared that they would pay all of YOUR debts with the money they receive from your labor, birth certificate, and Social Security registered number by what is known as your Reserve Account worth Billions! These securities, each of which carries an estimated $1,000,000 (one million) dollar value, have been (& still are) circulated around the world as collateral for loans, entries on the asset side of ledgers, etc., just like any other security. I understand that this is currently between one and two million dollars at your birth when your mother unknowingly gave her baby, you, away to the UNITED STATES Government. We do not sugar-coat whats true. YOUR BIRTH CERTIFICATE BOND IS WORTH BILLIONS - Jellyfish.NEWS By doing this we remove the negative claim against our account & become the "holder in due course" of the presentment. How Long Does it Take to Get a Birth Certificate? As holder in due course you can require the sworn testimony of the presenter of the "claim" (under penalty of perjury) & request the account be properly adjusted. Who is this go-between, this liaison that connects fictional government to real men & women? Not Smith, John Adam or Smith, John A. or J. Smith or J. Government has an implied agreement with the Strawman (government's creation) & the Strawman is subject to government rule, as we illustrated above. YOUR LEGAL FICTION STRAWMAN ID The Great Government MONEY and CREDIT SCAM. Summer 2015. Every obligation, heretofore or hereafter incurred, whether or not any such provisions is contained therein or made with respect thereto, shall be discharged upon payment, dollar for dollar, in any such coin or currency which at the time of payment is legal tender for public & private debts., HJR-192 goes on to state: As used in this resolution, the term obligation means an obligation (including every obligation of & to the United States, excepting currency) payable in money of the United States; & the term coin or currency means coin or currency of the United States, including Federal Reserve notes & circulating notes of Federal Reserve banks & national banking associations.. 505 1441 S. 0.1973, 14 L. Ed. Also, the "Exemption Account" is a false term; these accounts are fictitious and do not exist in the Treasury system. We sometimes share our thoughts and opinions based on FACTS and well-researched topics. Strawman Birth Certificate Theory - US Birth Certificates No movement, no commerce. These birth certificate bonds were collateralized by your birth certificate and your mother's maiden name under an Act of Congress in 1921. Remember we told you entries, figures, & digits moved from one side of the account to the other, or to a different account? Its also the hook they use to get you to sign up as their collateral or debt instrument to pay the United States Bankruptcy National Debt. Note: it seems rather obvious that President Franklin D. Roosevelt was not expressly authorized or required to issue an Executive Order or proclamation demanding the public (private) to relinquish their privately held gold. Followers of the Strawman theory often use it as an argument that a physical individual has no legal responsibilities. It is a strawman that is created to be used in all legal and financial matters. Email us at Dismiss. Who is this go-between, this liaison that connects fictional government to real men & women? We became nothing more than human resources & collateral for the debt. NOTE: Stated within a written document received September 17, 1997, from the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Legal Counsel, Office of the Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Richard L. Shiffin, in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), was the following: A fact that is frequently overlooked is that Executive Orders & proclamations of the President normally have no direct effect upon private persons or their property, & instead, normally constitute only directives or instructions to officers or employees of the Federal Government. They register the event of your birth and they issue bonds known as CUSIP Bonds in your NAME. .you will need is any court case numbers for any active cases you have, the social security card of your corporate citizen status [United States Citizen], and a copy of your birth certificate. This can be something as simple as a contract. The Story Thank you for your comment. Elvick was indicted again in Ohio in 2003 and charged with corruption, extortion, and forgery, but his courtroom behavior derailed his trial: During preliminary hearings, Elvick frustrated court officials by denying his identity, claiming the court had no jurisdiction over him or his straw man, and constantly interrupting with unfathomable questions about procedure. Our team is working on gathering all of Patricks documents. These documents are frequently referred to as bills of exchange, promissory bonds, indemnity bonds, offset bonds, sight drafts, or comptrollers warrants. In addition, other official documents are used outside of their intended purpose, like IRS forms 1099, 1099-OID, and 8300. This does two things for US. To verify how much you are worth as a corporate entity of the UNITED STATES, simply take your birth certificate and Social security number to your local stockbroker and ask him to look up your numbers. NOTHING, other than John Adam Smith identifies the real, living man. Secured Party Creditor Process & UCC1 Filing | The Redemption Service initials are not to be used. At birth, average value bonds were created from your birth certificate. No movement, no commerce. Yes, this process IS powerful. Reality & fiction are reversed. Strawman - Bond - Birth Cert - bitcoinp2p NOTE: Stated within a written document received September 17, 1997, from the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Legal Counsel, Office of the Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Richard L. Shiffin, in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), was the following: "A fact that is frequently overlooked is that Executive Orders & proclamations of the President normally have no direct effect upon private persons or their property, & instead, normally constitute only directives or instructions to officers or employees of the Federal Government. The power of this document is awesome. Thus, we are not affiliated with Patrick Devine or eConcurent in any way. I understand that this is currently between one and two million dollars at your birth when your mother unknowingly gave her baby, you, away to the UNITED STATES Government. How can the real man in the real world, function in the fictional world in which the commerce game exists? But when we, the real flesh & blood man & woman, step into their "process" we become the "surety" for the fictional Strawman. US Birth Certificates is an independent preparer that provides vital records application preparation assistance services. Now my question is how could I take control of my Strawman bond account? Section 9 of the order reads as follows: "Whosoever willfully violates any provisions of this Executive Order or of these regulations or of any rule, regulation or license issued thereunder may be fined not more than $10,000, or if a natural person, may be imprisoned for not more than 10 years, or both; & any officer, director or agency of any corporation who knowingly participates in any such violation may be punished by a like fine, imprisonment, or both.
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