MP Sovereign Grand Commander Bro. Speaking both of Tompkins potential and his personal demons, a contemporary said of him, There was a time when no man in the state dared compete with him for any office . He is also a Past Provincial Grand Master of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Glasgow having served from 2009 to 2014. M.P. The Supreme Council, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction, USA (commonly known as the Mother Supreme Council of the World) was the first Supreme Council of Scottish Rite Freemasonry. The VP Lieutenant Grand Commander Doctor David K. Huggan 33 succeeded to the Council on 20th October 2004. After serving the Council for 19 years he became Sovereign Grand Commander on 23rd March 2022. In 1849 he moved his family to Wisconsin. Seville 1911 to 1920 - H.M. Rennick 1920 to 1948 - Dr. W.H. 2, Knights Templar, on February 28, 1991. Clayton Watson, 33 The Puissant Lieutenant Grand Commander III. He also served as an adjunct professor in the Communications Technology Department at Fulton-Montgomery Community College. Bro. Supreme Council AASR Southern Jurisdiction of the United States, Copyright Honolulu Scottish Rite | Professionally Built & Managed by Masonic Web Master, New 32 Scottish Rite Masons Receive 14 Rings & Caps, Ill. Andrew Geiser, 33, Featured in the Scottish Rite Journal. The foundation he built and the stability he created led to closer relations with the Southern Jurisdiction and, eventually, with all Scottish Rite jurisdictions of the world. Gourgas to reactivate the Scottish Rite in the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction in 1843. this website indicates that we continue to do so. SUPREME COUNCIL OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA OF SOVEREIGN GRAND INSPECTORS GENERAL OF THE THIRTY THIRD AND LAST DEGREE, ANCIENT ACCEPTED SCOTTISH RITE FREE MASONS, EAST-WEST is a District Of Columbia General Business filed on April 21, 2005. Illus. In May 1862, both Raymond and Robinson were officially expelled from the Northern Masonic Jurisdictions Supreme Council. Benderson 1948 to 1973 - Dr. Wm. Ewan Rutherford 33 succeeded to the Council on the 24th June 2009. The Divine Council of Twelve Eric In their History of the Supreme Council, 33, NMJ, George A. Newbury, 33, and Louis L. Williams, 33, called Killian Van Rensselaer the St. Order of Malta inaugurates a house for displaced persons in Sambir Learn more. In 1912, he entertained U.S. President William Howard Taft at a dinner held in connection with the Supreme Councils annual meeting. Johnson also created the Gourgas Medal, conferred by the Supreme Council in recognition of notably distinguished service in the cause of Freemasonry, humanity or country. The first Gourgas medal was awarded in 1945 to President Harry S. Truman. Because of a worsening physical condition, Illustrious Francis G. Paul, 33, decided against seeking a third term as Sovereign Grand Commander. He also served as Provincial Grand Master of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Renfrewshire West between 2003 and 2008. He also served as a Trustee of the Permanent and Charity Funds of the Grand Commandery of Massachusetts and Rhode Island from 1908 until 1929. During his tenure, he has displayed his business and managerial acumen by establishing a sound financial footing for the 32 Masonic Learning Centers for Children, now the Childrens Dyslexia Centers, and the Scottish Rite Masonic Museum & Library. He joined Kalurah Temple, A.A.O.N.M.S. Prior to this most recent honor and position, he served as both the Lieutenant Grand Commander of the Supreme Council and as the Sovereign Grand Inspector General in Virginia. At the August 1860 meeting of the Supreme Council, Sovereign Grand Commander Edward A. Raymond flamed out of control according to Brothers Newbury and Williams in their book. 153, in Owego, New York, in 1948 where he eventually served as Worshipful Master. Grand Commander & CEO Tel: (843) 498-6614, Post Office Box 642 Email: He served in the Union Army during the Civil War, eventually as brigadier general of the Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, and was wounded at the First Battle of Bull Run. He was also a member of the Royal Order of Scotland, elected Provincial Grand Master for 191416, and an Honorary Member of the Grand Lodge of that order. Leadership Team VASR He was appointed department chair in 1991, serving in that capacity until his retirement in June of 2001. Grand Commander Raymond refused to allow a vote saying, The Chair doesnt think it should be hurried. He also claimed the right to close the council when he pleases, which he proceeded to do. Pleasant, New York, in 1800. 50, among many other groups. Brother Webber was created an Honorary Member of the Supreme Council, 33, at Boston on September 30, 1987. Raymond served as Sovereign Grand Commander from 1851 to 1860. Ill. Bro. 6 in 1826. The Office of Sovereign Grand Commander We invite you to travel the halls of history alongside Sovereign Grand Commander Samiec as we learn more of the stories behind the men that have served at the helm of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite for the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of the United States of America. In 2001 he was elected Illustrious Deputy for Maine and also became the vice president of the board of directors of the 32 Masonic Learning Centers for Children, Inc. He was elevated to the 33 on September 18, 1906, and was crowned an Active Member on September 23, 1909. He received his degrees in the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry in 1973 and served as Thrice Potent Master of Yates Lodge of Perfection from May 1985 until October 1987. Brother Samiec was installed as Sovereign Grand Commander in Cleveland on August 31, 2021. About Us | ImperialSupCouncil In 1871 he was Grand High Priest of the General Grand Chapter of the United States. All Rights Reserved. Supreme Council, 33, Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite, Republic of the In his far too brief tenure as Sovereign Grand Commander, Illustrious Brother Webber concentrated his efforts on membership development, retention, member services, leadership development, adapting Scottish Rite vision and actions to bring them in line with 21st century technology and thinking. We will not change course, and we will focus on increasing membership." (USNR) and holds the rank of Lieutenant Commander, Civil Engineering Corps. Samiec devoted his time to the operation of his business, Subcontracting Services Co., specializing in installing and servicing residential electrical, lighting, and communications systems. The MIll Grand Sword Bearer Bro. The name of Illustrious Leon M. Abbott, 33, has lived on in the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction for several reasons, but most notably for the Abbott Scholarship Program. and House of the Temple in Washington, DC of which: Ill. Ronald A Seale, 33 Sovereign Grand Commander (read more) Culture. History Ohio Council of Deliberation Likewise, membership in the 14 almost doubled during his tenure. Ill. Alvin K. Wilkins, 33 LIEUTENANT GRAND COMMANDER. Your playing small does not serve the world. He received the 33 in 1997; became an Active Member for Indiana in 1998; served on several key committees within the Supreme Council; became Grand Lieutenant Commander, and as such, due to the debilitating illness of Sovereign Grand Commander Webber, conducted the Annual Meeting in Grand Rapids, Michigan, in 2005. He was responsible for bringing the Seeds of Liberty fundraising campaign to fruition. ill alan w. adkins biography orient officers He explains that, In that year as a Millennium project each Valley reached out for candidates doing Masonic work in many fields. Decree for the Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Charles Iain Robert Wolrige Gordon of Esslemont 33 succeeded to the Supreme Council on the 25th June 2003. We invite you to visit our website again. Born in 1871 in Waltham, Massachusetts, Johnson later attended Tufts College (now University) and Boston University Law School, receiving his law degree in 1895. Lawrence also became the first mayor of Medford serving from 1892 to 1894. ),Knight Commander (Dato' Paduka-D.P.M.J.) Order of the Crown of Johor - Wikipedia John F. Herrick 33 succeeded to the Council on the 22nd March 2006. J. Fitzpatrick 1973 to 1989 - Illustrious John H. Burns SOVEREIGN GRAND COMMANDERS M.P. Sovereign Grand Commander IN OFFICE 2010-2016 ILL. He was selected as Teacher of the Year in 2001 by the Fulton-Montgomery Regional Technology Teachers Association and New York State Technology Educators Association. He was responsible for the founding of 14 Lodges of Perfection, 13 Councils, and two Consistories. The State of North Carolina King David Grand Council. He succeeded to the Council on 26th June 2002, after having served as Deputy for the Province of Scotland South-West between 1998 and 2002. Staff Directory Brea, CA CivicEngage Brother Samiecs active service to the Scottish Rite, NMJ and Supreme Council, he is a member of York Rite, as well as several Masonic Lodges of Research. He became an Active Member of Supreme Council in 1998. Meeting in separate rooms of the Grand Lodge building in Boston the two organizations elected Drummond as their leader, and the two groups became one. Sir Cornelius A. Smith, Governor General (seated centre), received the Sovereign Grand Commander Dr. Melvin Bazemore (centre left), leader of the United Supreme Council, along with members of the Bahamas Council of Deliberation, in a courtesy call at the Office of the Governor General on Thursday, December 1, 2022. When he did reconvene he allowed only the minutes of the previous meeting to be read, and then he closed the session sine die, or without day. He and his wife, Judy, have been married since 1971. Fontenot, 33 The Illustrious Grand Orator and Minister of State III. Stationed in England, he was trained and commissioned a 2nd lieutenant, navigator, in the U. S. Air Force. In 1860, he and Simon W. Robinson abruptly left the Supreme Council and formed their own schismatic Council which bore Raymonds name. During 20 years as the Northern Masonic Jurisdictions Sovereign Grand Commander, Melvin Maynard Johnson established what would become important Scottish Rite traditions, while pursuing research into the early history of the Masonic fraternity, and overseeing a doubling of the Scottish Rites membership numbers. Petrie served as Deputy for the Province of Scotland North East from 2001 to 2011.
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