Photo (Courtesy of Sedalia School District 200): Dr. Todd Fraley, who has worked in Sedalia School District 200 since 1997 and as one of its assistant superintendents since 2018, has been named superintendent, effective July 1, 2022. School officials say, during his tenure, Sedalia 200 expanded student access to technology, including one-to-one Chromebook access for students in grades 6-12, and opened the Loftus Early Childhood Center, which has provided greater educational opportunity for pre-K students. Nominees must be in their second or third year as a superintendent; have never served as a school superintendent in another state; and made a measurable contribution to their district. Making this happen requires our schools to be safe, clean, modernized, and fun places to learn and grow. '':''); 1 630422212 3146871912 3146871919. Online Registration Must Be Completed for All Students in Sedalia 200 Amazon DSP Driver - Starting at $17/hr - pit bull puppies for sale dallas; azure ad attribute mapping; '&charset='+document.charset : (document.characterSet ? According to MASA, The award is in recognition of outstanding performance in the demonstration of those skills that reflect the best in educational leadership.. He became an assistant principal at Smith-Cotton Junior High in 2009 and was promoted to junior high principal in 2013. Sedalia School District 200 / Homepage - Schoolwires The Peoples' Tribune from Jefferson City, Missouri 2 Steve Triplett, who has been superintendent of Sedalia School District 200 since 2019, has announced his retirement, effective June 30, 2022. [CDATA[ If you dont use it, the Bb footer will slide up. var zone = 3; Sedalia School District 200'S Superintendent Announces Retirement - Kmmo She started her career as a communications arts teacher at Smith-Cotton High School in 2007, transferring to the junior high in the same role in 2009. This is the disclaimer text. Get notified about new Driver jobs in Sedalia, NC. $(document).ready(function () { It is imperative that Sedalia provides the very best opportunities for our children, he said. Without the generosity and efforts of these businesses and individuals, our students would not have the number of opportunities that are afforded to them. The Missouri Course Access and Virtual School Program (MOCAP) has developed a catalog of virtual online courses for students. document.write ("'><\/scr"+"ipt>"); If you are a digital subscriber with an active subscription, then you already have an account here. $(document).ready(function () { As superintendent, he implemented Day Trippin videos and Chat and Chew, which allowed him to spend time in the buildings interacting with staff and students, which was very important to him. All of his decisions are based on what is best for our students and what will help them build paths to a successful future.. Fraley said, Ms. Recruiting and retaining the best teachers and support staff are essential to this vision, as Sedalia needs the best possible people working with our children. Sedalia 200 Superintendent Dr. Todd Fraley said, Ms. Sedalia School District 200 Superintendent Steve Triplett, far right, presents Smith-Cotton Junior High administrative assistant Holly Blackaby and physical education teacher Brian Foster with the Superintendents' Bell Ringer Award on Thursday, Sept. 23, at the school. He earned a bachelors degree in education from Missouri Southern State College in 1989, a masters in Secondary Education from the University of Central Missouri in 2001 and his Education Specialist in Administration certification from William Woods University in 2008. Ms. Noland now has the experience along with the intelligence and work ethic to make positive growth and change at the junior high. var zone = 7; In-person learning was critical, and we were able to provide that seamlessly. Screenshot of message from Sedalia 200 website. Classic Login "The dream begins with a teacher who believes in you, who tugs and pushes and leads you to the next plateau, sometimes poking you with a sharp stick called 'truth'." - Dan Rather On behalf of Sedalia School District 200, I would like to thank the community of Sedalia for the continued support of your children and the mission of our school district. Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the City has made . List of people from Sedalia, Missouri - Simple English Wikipedia, the As a lifelong resident of Sedalia and a Smith-Cotton graduate, Ms. G understands the big picture of what our students need to find success.". Triplett to retire from Sedalia 200 | Sedalia Democrat Fraley is not only one of the smartest people I have ever known, he is passionate about the care and education of children, Triplett said. When you combine that with his extensive background and genuine care for students and their education, we are certain that we have hired the right person to lead Sedalia 200 into the future., Fraley accepted his new role with a humble heart full of gratitude., The Board of Education placed their faith in giving me the opportunity to lead this district into the future and for that I am both extremely honored and thankful, he said. The Board of Education approved the hiring decision in closed session during Monday . SEDALIA 200 ANNOUNCES EMERGENCY BUS ROUTE PLAN. Education of Homeless Children and Youth - McKinney-Vento, Dr. Todd Fraley named next Sedalia 200 superintendent. She understands the climate and culture of that school. JH Band Concert for 7th and 8th Grade, 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM To continue reading, you will need to either log into your subscriber account, or purchase a new subscription. Education of Homeless Children and Youth - McKinney-Vento. ECCSedalia 200 Superintendent Steve Triplett addresses the crowd at the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the Loftus Early Childhood Center in August 2021. Dr. Todd Fraley Superintendent of Schools 660-829-6450 if (document.MAX_used != ',') document.write ("&exclude=" + document.MAX_used); The board is actively involved with the school district and in the community at events such as the back-to-school breakfast for educators, Smith . 1 630173327 3144158100 3144158009. Jennie Guerrini to director of Whittier Alternative High School, where she currently is an at-risk teacher focused on elective classes. var zone = 3; Education of Homeless Children and Youth - McKinney-Vento, An adult 18 or older needs to transport any medication to and from school, including over-the-counter medication and inhalers. Apply for the Job in Structural Fitter at Henderson, CO. View the job description, responsibilities and qualifications for this position. Phone: 660-826-1000 Steve Hubbard, Superintendent 660-668-4427 Welcome to the Cole Camp School Website, my name is Steve Hubbard and I am the Superintendent of the Cole Camp R-1 School District. Our commitment to maximize learning and achievement for all students is accomplished by providing high-quality staff members and exemplary educational experiences for our students. Welcome to the Cole Camp R-1 School District Home of Blue Pride and the Cole Camp Bluebirds. document.write ("?zoneid="+zone+"&blockcampaign=1"); Sedalia also benefits when the young citizens of the community decide to stay and raise families right here in their hometown, he said. Updates about Sedalia School District 200 in Sedalia, Mo., as well as live streams of SSD200 Board of Education meetings. 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