In addition, Windows on the consumer side needs to aggressively address the pricing issue. Satya Nadella needs no introduction. I've been in education since 1984. Nadella Satya is struggling to restructure processes in light of developments in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning. - Developments in Artificial Intelligence Nadella Satya can use developments in artificial intelligence to better predict consumer demand, cater to niche segments, and make better recommendation engines. A lack of mobile has meant that it has no "non-tech" information feeding in to change help its narrative. MS didn't have the foresight to see that they didn't have to sell the OS to monetize it. Things will just get brighter and beautiful after this last major downhill. Read Satya Nadella's letter to employees; . Of course it was a mistake Nutella. "Computing is getting embedded in the real world, in a manufacturing plant, in a retail setting, in a hospital, in a farm," Nadella said. I'm happily moving on to other platforms. What's the world coming to,Trump's president and Microsoft thinks 3 steps backward is the way forward.Gave up on VR when I stopped buying desktops over 10 years ago,was fun,but only for 15 mins.Gaming laptops were just too good for the money,now phones are way too easy to do everything on.Can't go backwards,anyone got some sort of Ubuntu running on a 950xl?Sideways is better than backwards. The Organizational Development solutions & strategies has helped Nadella Satya in coming up with unique solution to tap the un-catered markets. The high brass at MSFT has to be replaced. Payments is a good example. The next step is to move to that model for Windows-powered consumer devices. "Leaders think their . The products they do release these days are pointless - the Surface studio is only for a niche audience, and the Surface laptop is overpriced for what it does. Strengths come from positive aspects of five key resources & capabilities - physical resources such as land, building, financial resources, past experiences and successes, human resources, and activities & processes . Google and Apple are committed and welcome talent. Perhaps even that one will go universal app as many others . AR is already a fail: look what they did with HoloLens, it's 2 yars now. It seems you have the guts to take on things others don't. Why couldn't he have done that? That just doesn't look true to me - WP had significant market share and was growing for several years. For all his success, Satya is extremely humble with unusually high levels of self-awareness and empathy, shaped by his life experiences and his crucibles. Good-bye MS. Good-bye Edge, Bing, Cortana, Groove, Office, Outlook, Photos, OneDrive, Skype, Store, etc., etc. It's good for Android, iOS, and Windows! I think Windows 10 as OS should be friendly with all types of nature. MS just doesn't get internationalisation, or user needs outside of the US tech bubble. They need to be serious on there each and every commitment. Could the future hold the possibility that the CPU, RAM and personal data is to be find in the smart phone and that the docking stations holds GPUs, extra hard drives etc. Davos 2023: A conversation with Satya Nadella They had more than a fair chance, and now they are done. Only thing saving this company no is his firing or him doing at least one thing honorable, and quoting. However, since I only have hints of what they are working on with Windows on ARM and CShell, I have to pick up something else. (That means its a corporate-PR approved part of the official narrative.). WP7 was the transition from Windows mobile and kept all of it's functionality in a touch environment similar to WM 6.5. That issue has to be reconciled.
If key talent departs, he could find himself lacking down-ticket leadership in key areas. Nothing good can come of that.. Microsoft is still pulling its re-org together at the same time it is changing its business model. I wish this information had been available a couple of weeks ago. For years, he's never given a straight answer to anything, especially Win phones. I got fed up swithed the machine to a Linux OS and got everything working again, but I haven't had a Sony product in my house ever since and I won't. Sorry, but that is just a lie. On 16th June 2021, Nadella has been further appointed as the Executive Chairman of Microsoft, succeeding John W. Thompson. That is a material risk for Nadella. OS run on devices and are device restrictive (can only run the os for which it was intended) devices cost money that includes royalties and use of the os (the things you agree to when OSes are first setup). In a recent interview, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella said he failed, multiple times, to remain committed to consumers who have shown a commitment to Microsoft. I mean for now they are great systems if you use OneDrive and windows 10 pc. Moving forward, the 1520 simply needed a refresh and would have been quite a nice threesome with the 950 and 950xl. Satya Nadella has been with Microsoft for a really long time and during his tenure before becoming CEO has led some really vital business streams. While 100 million phones sounds impressive, that is over what time span? So Microsoft is going to fix abandoning consumers doing it again and again and again? So, give them something they are familiar with but with a settingoption where they could useeither Live Tiles or Icons. Remember that Nokia had a huge following in the world outside of the US. Satya Nadella. Please forget about Win32 antiques. Tony Daltorio. They have had a chance. No such action has been taken so I call BS on MS. Although the loss of Groove Music Pass hurts. But well meant I change to LG V30, or S8 plus or note 8, but in this moment I cancel office 365, cancel groove, in the future cancel Xbox live, ea access , I cant belive, now I selling my Surface pro 3 to, my angry is to extreme I know, but I'm very angry. Satya Nadella replaced billionaire Steve Ballmer as Microsoft CEO in 2014. And in his own words too, it is not about phone as a separate device category, it is about remaining relevant in personal computing where phone is just one of the form factors. - Lack of critical talent I believe that Nadella Satya is suffering from lack of critical talent especially in the field of technology & digital transformation. What is taking shape now is that consumers are finally catching on that Microsoft within a short period of time gives up on hardware,for example Zune, Windows RT, Micosoft Band, and now Windows Phone. But developers need to be seriously wooed back to the Windows platform. I like that idea. Testing RFID blocking cards: Do they work? He is the chief executive officer (CEO) of Microsoft, succeeding Steve Ballmer in 2014. Do you need one? Now, even tho I like Windows 10 (desktop), i'm done. Satya Nadella's closing Windows 11 remarks were a direct shot across However my contract expires in the next few months so I shall just keep my options open and see what happens. They will have to do something really convincing to keep me from drifting way. MS has screwed every single fan over and didn't even try lube. Satya Nadella "Every opportunity I got, I took it as a learning experience." Satya Nadella "We must ensure not only that everyone receives equal pay for equal work, but that they have the opportunity to do equal work." Satya Nadella "Ultimately, it's not going to be about man versus machine. This tactic can work on mobile by allowing Project Astoria to be resurrected. @PATCHERD, There are a bunch of fanboys running around in the dark trying to find the door right now! Sure Cortana is available on the PC, but where is the Cortana IoT integration? Some people say that Microsoft is interested in Enterprise, but I think that is questionable, because of their recent behaviors like leaving HP high & dry with the Elite X3 program, and leaving 35,000 "Enterprise" handsets at NYPD high & dry I switched because I needed too, not because I wanted too. Microsoft's hard ware business is a side business. Good article Jason. Enterprise? You're sad now but believe me, once you move to a stable and stress free phone you'll be happy. MShave been announcing 1 unified OS (now called OneCore) scalable since many years now. Other than that, this company is doomed. It's a shame. American computer scientist and entrepreneur, American software executive and space tourist, South Korean physician, educator, and entrepreneur. What businesses can learn from Satya Nadella's transformation of - Increase in Consumer Disposable Income Nadella Satya can use the increasing disposable income to build a new business model where customers start paying progressively for using its products. FOLKS PERHAP WE WILL SEE MICROSOFT DEBUT AND SELL A MINI TABLET CELL PHONES HYBRID DEViCE. Microsoft, you will have to do something really good and stick with it to get me back. It feels like Microsoft are deliberatey sabotaging themselves. I currently have a 950XL. just about ALL Windows 10 Microsoft Store Apps anf the Centennial Win32 desktop PC programs that are in the Windows 10 "Microsoft store" such a device would be like a smallhand held Surface Pro Tablet and run the same apps and PC proghrams the Surface pro 2 in 1 uses. I hope Nadella has jotted down a note to himself: Do not attempt to re-create Ballmer developers video. By completely ceding this space, Microsoft is in effect abandoning personal computing. I ended up with a Lumia 950 running Windows 10 Mobile. Spending heavily to support your new business model is a good plan. EXCELLENT POINT, I completely agree!!! Wake TFU Microsoft! You won that battle because of the staple applications of Word & Excel, things people use everyday (like mobile phones of today), was a market you got into very early and stuck it out. Outlook is now poor compared to previous iterations. They are Personal Computers that happen to make phone calls. ), an Xbox one and Xbox One S, a W10 HP desktop for my daughter. Bing is much more than just a website - it's the search infrastructure and tech at the heart of MS Cloud computing. Perhaps if Microsoft developed more apps that worked more like the windows version which has tabs directly linking to NSN, Office Online and it would relieve some of the loss of Windows phones. Felt completely abandoned. hprbl/ Like my Apple Watch, as a wearable, an iPad for a tablet experience (yes, I own a Surface Pro 4, but that's not a tablet-like experience for me) or switching to Apple Music because Groove wouldn't have albums available, when released (all to see them cancel the service out right). And because of e-sim technology, OneCore etc. 1. Nadella had to get that message or they will relegated to be the next IBM as others have said. He has some good leadership skills, as he managed to increase Microsoft's profitability by 268% since taking over. I hate Apple with a passion but even I am starting to think about throwing in the towel on Microsoft. My view is Microsoft have missed the next wave because the platform they have is peripheral to the next wave. I've recently been on Android and had to go through the growing pains of my mom switching to iOS. Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella shares his thoughts on work from home culture. If you pretend to be a global player you'd better have people in your Board that are connected to the different regions you want to serve, so that also goes for Asia-Pacific, China etc. However, there are a considerable number of things missing in Android as a basic function that Windows Mobile had built in for years. Satya is just like this but on steroids. They have money they can waste now. Putting the best features of Windows on other eco systems isn't magically going to bring people over to MS. It doesn't matter which is the best (it never has, e.g. That is cured with royalties or being good at releasing bug free OSes and apps, Ah, downvoted for pointing out the truth, Android apps did nothing but hasten the demise of BB10. Most mobile phone carriers are bundling ever more minutes and texts in plans because people have moved to data. Microsoft crowned a new leader today, with Satya Nadella taking over the reins from exiting CEO Steve Ballmer. Meanwhile WP8.1 never filled the promise of true intergration with Windows NT core so it never worked with Windows seemlessly and ironically less so than WP7 did while iPhone always had iTunes desktop for Mac & PC! By the time MS started giving it away,OEM's were invested in Android and had no incentive to look in any other direction. Microsoft Corporation (MSFT) CEO Satya Nadella on Q4 2022 Results But neither has Windows on PC, albeit some can run it. It's very early days for Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella and for the company's overhaul from a 1990s PC company to a service and cloud company. And completely abandoning the consumer market, going for business only. I'm not saying developers won't embrace UWP or that Microsoft will cast aside AR within two years of taking your $500. They will naturally go with what they know, which won't be Microsoft. I truly love technology and I keep up with the news here because I like it so much. It is hard to believe but we are almost there. Along with other noisy activist shareholders, ValueAct says its goal is to work constructively with management and/or the company's board to implement a strategy or strategies that maximize returns for all shareholders.. It appears that Microsoft has forgotten how to be successful, please your customers. I think you only make money if you are number 1 so hence the Spotify alliance. I understand your frustration but I do not agree to your comment people will not return. - Organization Culture It seems that organization culture of Nadella Satya is still dominated by turf wars within various divisions, leading to managers keeping information close to their chests. You have any data to show any meaningful increase in sales? Allow Android app developers to publish their apps in the store just like native UWP apps but wrapped up like x86 apps are with the Project Centennial bridge. In 2016 Nadella oversaw the acquisition of LinkedIn, a business-oriented social networking Web site. 2023 ZDNET, A Red Ventures company. The Universal Windows App system would be a great method for providing that frredom of choice if security is your primary concern then choose less apps and greater security choices. I don't have any advice, but I think I have a pretty good idea of what's on the new boss's to-do list. Due to the recent news of Microsoft team members saying they have switched over to another mobile OS and that Micosoft has finally admitted given up on Windows Mobilewas the last straw for me. Thats not to diminish the fact that Windows Phone itself needs all the developer attention it can muster. When I was entrenched in the ecosystem, my phone and my pc worked so well together. And while all that is going on I'm also going to invest massively in windows on arm, VR, AR, AI, cloud and everything else I think is important. It's with a growth mindset, Nadella has changed the image of Microsoft to being super cool again. It is not going to matter what they come up with in the future. On consumer devices, the cost of a license is going to have to drop dramatically. I think we will see the opposite now that mobile is king. The list goes on. I'm a former java developer who has been swayed towards UWP and to "one software works on all devices" paradigm. I suspect it will be announced at the right time (not a second earlier) and it will definitely be oriented at corporate use and prosumers. The thing that frustrates me the most about this is how the company was so secretive about its vision for Windows on phones; or lack thereof. Nadella? So overall mobile operating system revenues are not much more than 1% percent of overall software revenues, and while it is still not small, you know there are also those 99%. That's more than just fanboys. In a new interview with CNN Business, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella defended the company's $480 million contract with the U.S. Army following employee backlash. I'm actually considering holding my nose and going to Apple in the hope of finding some systemic consistency. Too late. It is sticking to the same game that Microsoft already lost. MS has very deliberately started funneling their fans to other platforms this past week and it's very upsetting because I truly love and enjoy Windows Mobile and have used a variation of it for the past 10+ years. They wouldnt let Tmobile, Sprint and Verizon have a foothold on the devices. Apple sells that many in 6 months, and Apple is #2. But in general it was a culmination of stupid moves at that time. The kids are seeing a daily dose of Apple and Chrome. Whether or not Microsoft want to admit it was their own decision to give up when in fact they had a growing market with thanks to the Nokia team. Then throw us a carrot and make Messaging Everywhere work. Cheers to all! Meanwhile, they failed spectacularly in the biggest markets such as US and China. I still kinda hoped from afar all these years. I'm making this comment on downloaded bing from the play store on my old Samsung Galaxy Mega. Changemakers: Satya Nadella | London Business School The synchronization between the 3 is important to me. On the immediate, serious side though - without mobile, their hopes for growing the end user - UWP - developer ecosystem is now down to, what - low to middle end Windows "S" devices? As people carry the more and more powerful smart phones in their hands and as they wil replace the common office computer this WILL means big trouble for Microsoft in the future. So when it comes time to launch a new category of devices they can draw from that loyal consumer base to use their new product. He only cares about the income statement today and his bonuses. This includes a base salary of $918,917, along with $3,600,000 in cash bonus and $12,729 in perquisites. Once we turn our backs on Microsoft - no matter how hard that decision is to take - there won't be any going back, unfortunately. With MS targeting enterprise and neglecting individual consumers, I just can't see them staying relevant. HE SHOULD READ ALOT OF BOOK!!! ? Satya Nadella - Leadership & Life Lessons | Geeknack 1. But this is still sad to see. Now how will Microsoft stay relevant when the majority of the users dock their powerful Iphones or Android phones to a docking station and uses big scrrens and use Office software made by Apple or Goodle android. Well, I started getting angry with Mr. Softy when they screwed over we Surface RT owners. And i have owned an 830 and then a 950xl since Not true. Watch on. That is just one long term aspect. If Microsoft fail to get a smart phone into the market within the next 5 years and gain market shares then that is it for Microsoft. "How long are you going to string your users along this time?" Strengths and Weaknesses are often restricted to company's internal - resources, skills and limitations. Wiith The HP Elite x3 smart phone going to be discontinued and the Microsoft Lumia 950 and 950xl gone what does Microsoft have nothing something is better than nothing. This was the straw that broke the camel's back and I very much doubt they'll be relevant at all, in the consumer space, in a few years time. Nadella Satya can use strengths to create niche positioning in the market, can strive to reduce & remove weaknesses so that it can better compete with competitors, look out to leverage opportunities provided by industry structure, regulations and other development in external environment, and finally make provisions and develop strategies to mitigate threats that can undermine the business model of Nadella Satya. Everything MS tries ends in failure.. So Nutella just let down windows phone to focus on developping a bunch of Skype bots that nobody talk with? My phone and PC no longer communicate the way they used to. I will never trust Microsoft again in the mobile area. It seems entertainment and software are what Microsoft can handle (and precariously, at best, if you consider their bungled XBOX messaging over the years). As you rightly point out, Jason, "eradicating" Windows phones and their ngegative perception was paramount to "hitting refresh". Nadella is a strong CEO pick, but his job will be industrial strength. In this (WinPhone) case, hitting refresh is a good thing imo. Even in AR and AI MS is posed to fail! Nuttela's Puffer-in-Chief LOL. I also felt pretty betrayed owning am Xbox One original. In my experience because too many didn't even realise it existed due to a total lack of marketing. Google has failed at various markets. - Changing Technology Landscape Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence boom is transforming the technology landscape that Nadella Satya operates in. Personally, to me is rather obviously simple however to many it won't be. We'll done for addressing this point. That fanboy attitude also helped killing Windows Phones. Maybe other basic apps like To-Do or even Windows Central? At this rate, it's going to be cloud only as the consumer market dries up to nothing. It is easy to show leadership when you have all the information, when the systems work in harmony, and the plan for the future is laid out for you. Without that key influx of new devices, Windows 8.xs store is all gussied up with no one to dance with. There should be no tears shed for a company that does not need the consumers! Falling growth is anathema to such dotage. I hardly read Windows Central anymore either as the notifications are ***** on Android. Every professional is consumer but not every consumer is professional who builds, design something. However, with OneCore/CShell, where Windows 10 can scale up or down, depending on form factor, a developer, developing UWP apps for Windows 10 desktops/laptops, simply will add the extra lines of code necessary for Windows 10 to scale down to a smaller form factor, such as might be presented by a phablet/voice enabled device (or even the rumoured Andromeda device). The only thing wrong with Windows Mobile was that MS did not commit to developing the OS and decided that MS did not need the consumers anymore. It's all good in their bank account for now. Very cheap, but fun to use! Weaknesses. Why would I ever take the chance on a new Microsoft product when they could dump it like they have before. The idea of AI, Mixed Reality, cloud computing, bodes very well for the companies who have mobile, pocket sized devices to leverage. How can MS kill its own future? Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella's Plan To Unlock 'Trillions Of Dollars' In One of the most amusing and disturbing anecdotes that Satya Nadella likes to tell about himself is this one, which hes repeated several times now. How will Microsoft stay relevant? You don't even have to say "hey Cortana", so, there's that. But the mere cost of Surface revenue was more than the revenue itself, meaning that the larger Surface loss for the period was much larger than you might think. Microsoft did the same thing. Both Google and Apple have AR that people can use right now in their pockets! Congratulations, you got lucky. It's happening right under our nose and in 2 years all tabloids will say hey we did not see that coming.. God I hope you'r right! I am confident they have something truly amazing in the pipeline (presumably 2019). But "enterprises" are made up of employees who are also "consumers." Remove that potential of growth and you lose your major developer incentive. According to Satya Nadella, a key attribute of a leader is to step into a situation where the future is uncertain and create clarity for the business and the people. And yeah, Europe has long ceased to be the center of the universe. Without a mobile platform of their own their future is limited if not over. He needs plenty of energy and motivation to face his busy day. BTW, if your two Band-2 devices were working properly when you decided to leave the Microsoft ecosystem, how much would you sell them for?. Who will buy MS product except company who use Office and cloud. They don't expect any big features. He didn't want to have purchased Nokia and it was his intention to crater the whole enterprise. How long before Movies and TV go? I think with the news of the demise of windows phone and groove are the pivotal sign, that consumer focus is traded for strictly business oriented investment (whatever that means). Any good "global survey experts" on this thread? I"ve been abandoned with every MS product I've ever bought into: WinCE PDAs and phones, Win 8, 8.1, Zune, Surface RT, both the Band 1 and Band 2, Groove (Spotify sucks on my MS 950 and my Surface Pro 3). What apps they wanted to run with it while they were changing SDK with every mobile Windows iteration. If he'd have done the same thing with PCs that he did with phones, we wouldn't even be talking about Microsoft anymore. Earlier that year his wife, Anu, had given him a best-selling book by Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck entitled Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, suspecting it might give Nadella some ideas for Microsoft. ". How about that time Microsoft took you out to than new club called Microsoft Music -you were dazzled by the iTunes competitor and so, why not invest in a few songs. why microsoft could not do it? What Microsoft lost is more than a windows mobile customer. I have no doubt Microsoft will be successful long-term, but Nadella is morphing the Microsoft DNA completely away from consumer-facing products & services, and probably also away from front-end Enterprise products & services, concentrating strictly on cloud-base services and back-end infrastructure at the internet level.
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