11. in order to consider arguments and gather additional information. padding-top: 8px; Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. } 2021 Paradise Valley Unified School District, All Rights Reserved, Governing Board Study Session Agenda, March 2, 2023, Governing Board Study Session Notice, March 2, 2023. background-color: #f4f4f4; font-size: 0.9em; (Hint: Kerry Baker (2-year); Susan Matura & Tony Pantera (4-year). Unusual situations approved by the superintendent may be excepted from this standard. Click on the tabs below to show more information about those topics. overflow-x: auto; Members of the Governing Board will attend in person, via WebEx teleconference or by telephone. The petition claims that she failed to fulfill her duties by missing 26 governing board meetings, failed to participate in committees, failed to meet with Superintendent Dr. Michelle Rodriguez, directed staff to remove public documents related to finances from the district website, suddenly fired the superintendent and tried to silence the . Guest WiFi access is available for Board of Education meetings. External Relations: Moira Delaney Hannah Nelson Caroline Presnell These two champions of public education will support educators as we . .image-candidate-thumbnail-wrapper .image-candidate-thumbnail { Cities | .votebox_bp_logo { } Allowing all parents to use tax credits, vouchers, or education savings accounts to enable children to attend any public, charter, private, homeschool, or online academy, 6. masters degrees). Open Session - 2:00 PM, To be held in the District Administrative Center
PDF of School Facilities ", Some meeting information can also be found on the district website under "Governing Board Meetings.". He is running for the PV Schools Governing Board to. color: #fff; display: inline-block; .votebox_legend { Total Votes. .non_result_row th { Governing Board meetings are held the 2nd and 4th Monday of the month. width: 35px !important; 100% remote. display: inline; 825 N. Lovekin Blvd. Pursuant to Arizona Revised Statutes 38-431.02, notice is hereby given to the members of the . State legislature | The ability to participate in sports, the arts, campus clubs and to select from a wide variety of classes will prepare our students for whatever career or vocational path they may choose after graduation. padding-left: 0; PLEASE ALSO APPLY FOR. .inner_percentage, .inner_percentage.Nonpartisan, .inner_percentage.Independent, .inner_percentage.Constitution, .inner_percentage.unknown { Closed Session 5:00 PM
Closed Session 4:30 PM
Emails, letters, faxes, and other correspondence with the Paradise Valley Unified School District Governing Board are subject to public disclosure according to Arizona Public Records Law (A.R.S. } text-align: left; I have been married for over 18 years to my husband, Scott Farr, and our son currently attends high school within the district. Public policy. Direct More Money to the Classroom Open Session 6:00 PM, To be held in the District Administrative Center
SUPERINTENDENT'S COMMENTS. Meeting Time: 5:00 PM, To be held in the District Administrative Center
Agenda - this link contains the meeting agenda, memos and supporting materials as found in BoardDocs.. Recording - regular board meetings will be recorded and live . The board also has two other items on the agenda which may pique the interest of viewers. PVUSD Green Team An educational community committed to protecting our environment. Closed session begins at 5:30pm and open session at 6:00pm. Blythe, CA 92225
He holds a Bachelor's in Mathematics from ASU and a Master's degree in Education from the University of Phoenix. Requests should be made as early as possible to allow time to arrange accommodations. .votebox_legend .non_result_row { Key Issues 295 North First Street
Are reasonable accommodations made at meetings? color: #0645ad; Open Session 6:00 PM, To be held in the District Administrative Center
The part of the book that disturbed Thomas Morton, whose teenage daughter attends Horizon High, references an internet thread about a man who was in love with his dog and engaged in acts of bestiality. Through effective policy and decision making, we lead and empower Deer Valley Unified School District to provide and continuously improve upon a world class educational system that prepares our students to successfully compete in the global economy. Do you want a spreadsheet of this type of data? text-align: center; .electionsectionheading { The filing deadline for this election was July 6, 2020 . Click [show] to expand the table. .election_results_text { font-size: 1.25em; Eddy Jackson for PV Families | Phoenix AZ height: 56px; display: table; You can cross off adding money to your students lunch account when you set up recurring payments with mySchoolBucks. PVUSD Area II . .results_row.winner { display: inline-block; PV Unified board accepts superintendent's resignation 295 North First Street
padding-bottom: 8px; 100% remote. Deer Valley Unified School District is governed by a five-member board of trustees elected by popular vote to alternating four-year terms. Click here to view or fill out the survey. . Blythe, CA 92225
} float: left; PVUSD Click here to contact our editorial staff, and click here to report an error. } The right to direct the education of the minor child. .non_result_row { Blythe, CA 92225
.inner_percentage.Green { .race_header.libertarian { .results_row td:first-child { While attending ASU, I was a Communications Teaching Assistant. @media screen and (max-width: 350px) { 1 talking about this. Eddy Jackson is a husband and father of 4 PV Schools students. .votebox-covid-disclaimer { Meeting Agendas. Blythe, CA 92225
Hard copies of these policies are available upon request at the District Administration Office or at your child's school. display: block; display: block; Helped serve lunch on Teacher Appreciation Day .results_table { width: 100% !important; Lead a district of equity and access that supports community-wide collaboration and student achievement. Allowing parents to opt their children out of activities or lessons they find offensive to their personal, moral, or religious beliefs, 3. Last Name. Requiring signed permission from a parent before a student may participate in any sexuality related instruction, activities, or clubs. width: 100% listening carefully and courteously to others; working collaboratively to make student-centered decisions; rendering decisions based on available facts and independent judgment and refusing to surrender that judgment to individuals or special interest groups; respecting and supporting the majority decisions of the Board; and adhering to standards of ethical conduct and maintaining confidentiality, particularly in closed sessions, recognizing that a Board Member has no legal authority as an individual and that decisions can be made only by a majority vote at a Board meeting in accordance with Open Meeting law. height: 100%; font-weight: 200; School districts | She believes that parents, educators, and governing board members should be partners in the success of our students by providing tools to enable them to achieve educational success and be well-rounded. .inner_percentage.Libertarian { .votebox-results-cell--check { Stephanie Brown - Arizona State University - LinkedIn } width: 50px; Board Members - Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified School District } Closed Session 5:30 PM
background-color: #db0000; . By scheduling your payments, you can customize your account to work for you; while keeping your students account from getting low. As a governing board member, Sandra will focus on improving curriculum that will help students build essential skills in written and oral communication, quantitative reasoning, science, and technology. General election for Paradise Valley Unified School District Governing Board At-large (2 seats) Sandra Christensen and Tony Pantera defeated incumbent Susan Matura, Eddy Jackson, and Sheryl Evenson in the general election for Paradise Valley Unified School District Governing Board At-large on November 8, 2022. } % Votes. Form #4 PVUSD Emergency Consent to Treat Form (Board Approved 12/1/11) . position: absolute; Jeremiah 29:11 tells us that God has a plan for each of us and Sandra believes that part of that . He or she needs to know about any concerns you have about your childs education. 825 N. Lovekin Blvd. 295 North First Street
padding-top: 8px; .results_table { background-color: #dac113; 7: 00 PM - 10: 00 PM. Child in the District One or more Governing Board members and/or the Governing Boards attorney may participate by telephonic, video or internet conferencing. The Board receives District news and information via the Superintendent's office each Friday. I graduated from Arizona State University with my Bachelor . The Governing Board has final control over local school matters within the laws of the Arizona Legislature and the rules and regulations of the Arizona State Board of Education. PVUSD, Paradise Valley Unified School District Closed Session 5:30 PM
position: absolute; Any board member may place items on the agenda by notifying the superintendent of the particular item of business at least eight working days before the meeting. Palo Verde Unified School District and its licensors. margin-right: 12px; No counties in Arizona are Pivot Counties. Sandra has a BBA in Business Computer Systems at New Mexico State University and has taken many graduate courses in science and information technology at Arizona State University. At the February 23, 2022 PVUSD Governing Board Meeting, a PV Parent called out Governing Board Member Kerry Baker for her divisive tweet about "white Christi. 825 N. Lovekin Blvd. Open Work Session 3:00 PM, To be held in the District Administrative Center
County Board of Education Governing Board Member, Trustee Area 3 - vote for 1. padding-left: 8px; Am respectful of fellow board members and all in PVSchools. There will be an Awards & Recognition segment held at 6:30 p.m. I earned my M.A. *Meeting rescheduled from Tuesday, June 5, 2018, To be held in the District Administrative Center
The following table details results of the 2012 and 2016 presidential elections by state House districts in Arizona. Open Session 4:30 PM, To be held in the District Administrative Center
.percentage_number { Note: The Board Meeting dates indicated above are for regularly scheduled Board Meetings for school year 2023. font-style: italic; Paradise Valley Unified School District, Arizona, elections (2020), Presidential results by legislative district, Paradise Valley Unified School District, Arizona, Paradise Valley Unified School District school board, Changes to election dates, procedures, and administration in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, 2020. complete the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection Survey. } } .results_row { Sandra strongly believes that parents have the right to direct their childrens education and upbringing in a manner consistent with their beliefs and their childs unique needs, talents, and abilities. Replies (2) Jeff Frankel is a PVPUSD School Board candidate. } Scottsdale, AZ SandraForPVSchools.com Joined February 2022. General election date. She is currently running for the Paradise Valley Unified School District Board [3]. color:white; FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes)-E105. line-height: 1.5em; 295 North First Street
Superintendent's Page This year we are focusing on . Source. School districts | font-style: italic; Governing Board. The Paradise Valley Unified School District Governing Board Candidate Forum was hosted by the Paradise Valley United Parent Council and moderated by volunteers from The League of Women Voters of Metropolitan Phoenix. In PVSchools, five Governing Board members are elected to serve without compensation for staggered, four-year terms. Paradise Valley Unified School District (PVUSD) superintendent, James Lee, has come under fire for creating. All DVUSD Governing Board Meetings will be live streamed and available for viewing during or after the meeting at: https://livestream.com/dvusdor at: http://www.boarddocs.com/az/dvusd/Board.nsf/public. Eddy is an I.T. display: table; Dr. Lee announced that Pinnacle High School graduate Zach Sherman was recently named a 2013 Merrill. background-color: #ccc; font-size: 16px; 11: 36 AM - 12: 06 PM. } position: absolute; 2. The right to make health care decisions for the minor child, including rights pursuant to sections 15-873, 36-2271 and 36-2272, unless otherwise prohibited by law. When her child was attending Pinnacle Peak Prep, she was active in PTO, a room parent, school event photographer/videographer, edited yearbook pages, chaperoned field trips, and was a Moms in Prayer Leader. } Elections in 2023 | Blythe, CA 92225
Three seats on the Paradise Valley Unified School District school board in Arizona were up for general election on November 3, 2020. The PVSchools Governing Board has received the Lou Ella Kleinz Award of Excellenceand the Total Boardsmanship Award at the Arizona School Boards Association (ASBA) Annual Conference. The school principal is the next person to speak with. Paradise Valley School Governing Board unanimously votes to end - KPNX Open Session 6:00 PM, To be held in the District Administrative Center
825 N. Lovekin Blvd
Lisanne "Lisa" Farr - The Polling Place (Courtesy Image ) RANCHO PALOS VERDES, CA The 2020 election is heating up in Los Angeles County, and there are plenty of races with . "It's extremely inappropriate and I can't believe that someone would think that this is an appropriate assignment for kids," Morton told 12 News. All Governing Board meetings begin at 6:00 p.m. and are held at 33016 N. 60th Street. If you would like to report a concern to the district, please use this online anonymous reporting form. 2. 295 North First Street
Pajaro Valley Unified School District Superintendent Dr. Michelle Rodriguez went to work Monday morning just five days after the board of trustees removed her from her job. } As a parent who's stayed on top of the issues and as a former teacher, I feel I'm qualified to run for the governing board in the Paradise Valley School District." . In 2016, Hillary Clinton (D) won 14 out of 30 state House districts in Arizona with an average margin of victory of 27.5 points. Blythe, CA 92225
border: 1px solid #999; Members of the community are welcome to speak during Call to the Public segment of the Regular Governing Board Meeting or at a specific agenda item if requested in advance. Remember that my first and primary concern is the education and welfare of Paradise Valley Unified School District students.
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