On Sunday,, March 11, he preached his inaugural sermon. Ref. Rev. Church, Jenison, MI. Ref. J. Mahtani (Grandville PRC), and Rev. Herman Hoeksema from office of the ministry and deposed the consistory of Eastern Ave. Christian Reformed Church.July 7, 1924-- The Synod of the Christian Reformed Church, convening in Kalamazoo, MI, adopted the "Three Points of Common Grace" which became the occasion for the formation of the Protestant Reformed Churches. R. Barnhill receives the call from Kalamazoo PRC. C. Griess (Calvary PRC, Hull, IA). February 7, 2021 - The Consistory of Wingham PRC announced a new trio:Revs. C. Spronk (Faith PRC) to serve as minister-on-loan to Covenant ERC in Singapore. March 16, 2008 --Rev. Carl Haak (Georgetown, Hudsonville, MI) announced his decline of the call to serve as missionary in the Philippines. March 29, 2020 - Rev. J. Marcus (Edmonton). January 11, 2015 - The Council of First PRC of Grand Rapids, MI has a trio consisting of Revs.N.Decker (Trinity PRC), C.Haak (Georgetown PRC), and R.Smit (Missionary to the Philippines). C. Haak declined the call from Grandville PRC to serve as minister-on-loan to Covenant ERC in Singapore. The first NFR was held in Las Vegas - and what a history it has been. J. Laning (Hope, Walker) to serve as pastor. W. Bruinsma (Kalamazoo, MI) received the call from the Covenant (Wyckoff, NJ) Protestant Reformed Church.July 24, 2005 -Rev. Ken Koole (Faith, Jenison, MI) announced that he declined the call to Covenant, Wyckoff, NJ.May 5, 2002-- Rev. var addy_text9b19484a85faa7ee6d8f974afd46b171 = 'Classical Committee';document.getElementById('cloak9b19484a85faa7ee6d8f974afd46b171').innerHTML += ''+addy_text9b19484a85faa7ee6d8f974afd46b171+'<\/a>'; November 20, 2022 -Rev. October 10, 2010 -Rev. April 20, 2014 -With her pastor Rev. M. VanderWal (Wingham PRC). September 1, 2022 - Rev. They plan to call, D.V., on January 1, 2009. Ref. Church in Hudsonville, MI. Charles Terpstra (Holland, MI) announced his decline of the call to serve Byron Center, MI Protestant Reformed Church. January 16, 2022 - Hudsonville PRC extends a call to Rev. J. Tan receives the call from Covenant ERC in Singapore. May 2, 2010 -Heritage Protestant Reformed Church, Sioux Falls, SD, called Rev. February 19, 2023 -Rev. Church, Roselle, IL. April 26, 2009 -Rev. May 18, 2008 --Classis East has approved Rev. July 12, 2020 - Rev. M. McGeown (Limerick Reformed Fellowship). December 1, 2019 - Kalamazoo PRC extended a call to Rev. September 11, 2022 -The Council ofRandolph PRC(WI) announces the following trio:Rev. S. Key (Hull, IA) received the call from the Faith Protestant Reformed Church, Jenison, MIAugust 21, 2005 -Rev. C. Spronk (Faith PRC), R. Barnhill (Peace PRC), and J.Engelsma (Doon PRC). March 24, 2019 - The congregation of Immanuel PRC (Lacombe, AB) voted to extend a call Rev. Reformed Church made the following trio: Rev. August 1, 2010 -Rev. November 24, 2019 - Rev. A. Lanning (Jenison) and Rev. Church in Hudsonville has called Rev. November 9, 2011- Edgerton (MN) Protestant Reformed Church made the following trio: Revs.G.Eriks (Hudsonville), K.Koole (Grandville), J.Marcus, (Edmonton). He was ordained in 1956 and served these PRC's until 1999, when he became emeritus: Doon, IA - 1956; Randolph, WI - 1962; First, Grand Rapids, MI - 1965; Hudsonville, MI - 1977; Loveland, CO - 1994-99. M.DeBoer (Edgerton MN PRC) declined the call from Kalamazoo (MI) PRC. Clayton Spronk, pastor of Peace PRC, Lansing, IL. A. Brummel preached his farewell in Heritage PRC during the second service. Design by Social Village. October 25, 2015 - On Sunday, October 25, 2015,Rev. March 13, 2022 - Doon PRC's Council announces a new trio consisting of Revs. M. DeBoer(Edgerton PRC)declinedthe call fromHosanna PRC(Edmonton, AB). Church. Allen Brummel (South Holland, IL) announced his decline of the call to Byron Center, MI Prot. September 24, 2017 - The Council of Byron Center PRC has formed a new trio from which to call a pastor: Revs G. Eriks (Hudsonville PRC), C. Griess (Calvary PRC, Hull IA) and A. Lanning (CERC, Singapore). Doug Kuiper (Randolph), Rev. June 13, 2007 --Signing documentsfor the sale of South Holland (IL) Protestant Reformed Church and School to the Power and Light Evangelistic Church. Church, Edmonton, AB, Canada.December 5, 2004- Rev. R. Barnhill declines the call from Kalamazoo PRC. Church: Rev. Ref. Garry Eriks announced his decline of the call from Trinity Prot. James Slopsema (First, Grand Rapids) received the call from the Holland (MI) Protestant Reformed Church.June 12, 2005-Rev. January 19, 2020 - On Jan.19 Rev. C. Griess (Calvary PRC, Hull, IA), B. Huizinga (Hope PRC, Redlands, CA), and J. Laning (Hull, IA PRC). D. Noorman (Southwest PRC). They safely arrived. December 8, 2019 - Rev. June 27, 2004--Rev. Ref. November 22, 2009- Rev Carl Haak announced his decline of the call from Byron Center Protestant Reformed Church. Wilbur Bruinsma (Kalamazoo, MI) declined the call to Doon, Iowa congregation.August 29, 2004 --Rev. Ronald Cammenga (Southwest, Grand Rapids, MI) was appointed as alternate should Rev. C. Spronk declines the call from First PRC-Grand Rapids, MI. List of Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association Champions C. Griess (First PRC, Grand Rapids, MI), E. Guichelaar (Randolph PRC, WI), and R. Kleyn (Covenant of Grace PRC, Spokane, WA). Langerak (SE Grand Rapids PRC). It's a Date for the record books as the 2023 Riverside County Fair and National Date Festival presented by Fantasy Springs Resort Casino completed its 10-day run in Indio yesterday, following a . Ref. June 11, 2021 - PRC Synod extended a call to Rev. December 23, 2018 - Rev. January 11, 2015-The Council of Peace PRC (Lansing, IL) announces a trio of Revs. April 24, 2011 -Trinity (Hudsonville) called Rev. March 11, 2007 --Rev. John Marcus (Edmonton), and Rev. Tom Miersma. April 15, 2018 - Rev. December 20, 2022 - Hull PRC called Rev. J. Holstege,(Zion), andRev. October 2, 2016 - The Council of Byron Center PRC announced its first trio for calling a new home missionary. Church in Holland, MI. M. Vander Wal announced his decline to Bethel Prot. C. Griess (Calvary PRC, Hull), B. Huizinga (Hope PRC, Redlands, CA), and A. Lanning (CERC, Singapore). Aud Spriensma announced his acceptance of the call to the Protestant Reformed Church in Kalamazoo, MI.July 23, 2006 --Faith PRC of Jenison, MI called Candidate Andrew Lanning to serve as their pastor. Ref. C. Spronk receives the call from Grace PRC. February 10, 2019 - Rev. August 12, 2012- Hope PRC's (Walker, MI)Councilannounced a new trio: Revs.R.Kleyn (Covenant PRC, Spokane), N.Langerak (Crete PRC, IL), and W.Langerak (SE PRC, Grand Rapids). J. Smidstra (First PRC-Holland). W. Bruinsma (Pittsburgh PRC). S. Key (Hull, IA) received the call from Edmonton (AB) Protestant Reformed Church.July 17, 2005-Rev. Ref. Ref. J. Slopsema (First, G.R. Doug Kuiper (Randolph, WI). June 28, 2015 -The Council of Doon PRC announces a trio for missionary to the Philippines:Revs. (Pictures), September 7, 2011 -Candidate Brian Huizinga successfully passed his examination at Classis West and will be, D.V., installed as pastor of the Hope Protestant Reformed Church in Redlands, CA (Pictures#1). September 2, 2007 --South Holland (IL) Protestant Reformed Church holds its final service in their old church building. June 27, 2021 - Prof. R. Dykstra is installed as the sixth pastor in Byron Center PRC's history. August 29, 2004 --Rev. R. Kleyn (Trinity, Hudsonville), Rev. A. Lanning (Faith), Rev. Church, Wingham, ON, Canada.April 18, 2004--Rev. With one telephone call, cowboys can enter more than one rodeo sanctioned by the PRCA. September 10, 2017 - Rev. This email address is being protected from spambots. January 15, 2017 - The Council of SW PRC has formed a new trio from which the congregation will call a new pastor: Rev. C. Haak (Georgetown). December 9, 2012-Rev.W.Langerak(Southeast, GR PRC) announced that hedeclined the call from Randolph (WI) PRC. Cowboys can offer preferences of the rodeos and times at which they wish to compete. February 27, 2005-Rev. Church (and decline to Edgerton PRC in the call to serve as missionary to Sioux Falls, S.D.). D. Lee (Bethel PRC). J. Slopsema declined the call received from the congregation in Doon, IowaOctober 3, 2004 --Rev. June 5, 2022 - Rev. Ref. January 16, 2022 - Doon PRC votes to call Rev. July 10, 2009 -Rev. Kenneth Koole (Grandville), and Rev. January 31, 2016 - Rev. N. Decker (Grandville PRC). January 8, 2023 - Loveland PRC's Council announced the following trio:Rev. J. Mahtani received the call from Doon PRC to serve as third missionary to the Philippines. December 3, 2017 - The Council of First PRC (Grand Rapids, MI) announces a new trio from which to call a pastor: Rev. Ref. J. Laning (Hope, Walker), and Rev. J. Marcus (First PRC, Edmonton). July 10, 2011- Edgerton received a decline from Rev. Doug Kuiper (Randolph, WI), Rev. Nathan Decker of Trinity PRC (Hudsonville, MI) to serve as third missionary to the Philippines. H. Bleyenberg received the call to Immanuel PRC. Abarth: The Pocket Rocket Takes Centre Stage" campaign to promote compact Italian automotive performance brand scoops gold award Fully organic, grassroots campaign achieves huge results January 30, 2005 -Rev. October 16, 2016 - Rev. August 1, 2021 - Rev. March 24, 2013 - Rev.Lau Chin Kwee, emeritus pastor of the Evangelical Reformed Church of Singapore and member of Covenant ERCS, passed away at age 62. Ref. M. Vander Wal (Redlands, CA). Lanningreceives from Prof.D.Engelsma his "charge" as pastor of Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church of Singapore and officially begins his labors in that sister church as Minister-on-Loan (called by Grandville PRC). Allen Brummel (South Holland, IL) received the call to serve as missionary to labor in Sioux Falls, SD. Church of Jenison, MI.May 9, 2004--Rev. Ref. C. Haak (Georgetown PRC) and Rev. January 7, 2009 -Byron Center, MI consistory made the following trio: Rev. November 22, 2007 --Rev. October 21, 2009- Byron Center Prot. June 29, 2014 - Doon PRC's Council also announced a trio for the purpose of calling a replacement for Missionary-pastor R.Smits in the Philippines. October 28, 2001 --Hope Prot. Garry Eriks (Loveland, CO) declined the call from Faith Prot. December 9, 2018 - Rev. November 17, 2019 - The Consistory of Kalamazoo PRC announces a trio of Rev. D. Noorman (SW-PRC). Carl Haak (Bethel, Roselle, IL) declined the call to Trinity Prot. April 16, 2017 - Rev. James Slopsema (First, Grand Rapids) received the call from the Kalamazoo (MI) Prot. All Timers will be required to participate in a PRCA sponsored Timers Clinic every other year. C. Griess (Calvary PRC, Hull, IA) had declined the call extended to him on July 17, 2016 by that congregation. Ref. February 15, 2015 -The congregation ofDoon PRC, voted to issue a call toRev. S. Key (Loveland, CO), and Rev. Ref. September 18, 2011 -Rev. Ref. October 21, 2012-Faith PRCextended a call toRev.G.Eriks(Hudsonville, MI PRC). After completion of PRCA timers clinic, documentation will need to be sent to PRCA Member Records to process new timer membership. Doug Kuiper (Byron Center, MI) announced that he has accepted the call to serve as pastor of the congregation at Randolph, WI.October 18, 2001-- Rev. D. Holstege accepts the call to Wingham PRC (Ontario, Canada). S. Key (Loveland PRC), and Rev. Whether a PRCA member spends more than 200 days a year on the road in hopes to qualify for the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo or works another job and only competes in regional rodeos on the weekends - he is likely to . February 14, 2016 - The Council of Doon PRC has a new trio from which they will call a second missionary to the Philippines: Revs. March 13, 2011 -Rev. R. Van Overloop (Grace MI PRC). Ref. October 21, 2018 - The Council of Immanuel PRC (Lacombe, AB) announces a new trio from which to call a pastor:Revs. Aud Spriensma was installed in Doon, IA as missionary to serve in the Philippine Islands.January 13, 2002-- Rev. May 15, 2016 - First PRC of Holland, MI announced a trio of Revs. B. Huizinga (Hope PRC, Redlands, CA) declined the call from Byron Center PRC. April 21, 2019 - The Council of Immanuel PRC (Lacombe, AB) announced a new trio from which to call a pastor: Revs. February 22, 2015 - After Rev.R.Kleyn's decline of her most recent call, the Council of Peace PRC (Lansing, IL) has formed a trio of Rev. June 9, 2013 - Rev.G.Eriks (Hudsonville PRC) announced his decline of the call from Doon, IA PRC. March 26, 2017 - Rev. November 14, 2021 - The Council of Doon PRC announces a new trio of Rev. March 16, 2022 - Hudsonville PRC calls Rev. The plan to call, D.V., July 26. July 31, 2016 - Rev.W. April 30, 2017 - The congregation of First PRC (Holland, MI) voted to extend a call to Rev. J. Marcus. Ref. Ref. Ref. J. Slopsema led the service). About NAPRCA - NAPRCA September 14, 2014 - The Council ofDoon PRC announced a new triofor the purpose of callinga missionary to labor in the Philippines,for the replacement of Rev.R.Smit. It will not be applied at limited entry rodeos or all the rodeos that PRCA has the policy at. February 10, 2019 - Immanuel PRC called Rev. N. Decker (Trinity PRC, Hudsonville), and Rev. T. Miersma (Western Home Missionary). December 15, 2019 - Rev. A. Lanning announced his decline of the call to Wingham, ON. James Laning (Hull, IA PRC) had declined her call to serve as second missionary to the Philippines (Nov.23). February 12, 2017 - Rev. PROCOM handles approximately 700,000 calls per year, averaging more than 2,000 per day during the peak summer season. J. Marcus (Edmonton), and Rev. Wilbur Bruinsma (Kalamazoo, MI) received the call to Doon, Iowa congregation.August 1, 2004 --Rev. December 16, 2007 --Rev. K. Koole, (Grandville), and Rev. Bruinsma (Pittsburgh mission), C. Haak (Georgetown), and W. Langerak (SE), from which the congregation plans to callNov. 11. October 18, 2017 - Pastor-elects Joe Holstege (Zion PRC) and Justin Smidstra (First PRC, Holland) are examined and approved for ordination into the ministry by Classis East (met at Georgetown PRC). M. De Vries (Wingham). A. Lanning (Jenison) received the call from Hope Prot. Allen Brummel (South Holland, IL) announced his decision to decline the call from Doon (IA) Prot. November 8, 2009- Cornerstone Protestant Reformed Church has called Rev. S. Key (Loveland,CO PRC) DECLINED the call from Grandville PRC to serve as the next minister-on-loan to the Covenant ERC in Singapore. A. Stewart (Covenant PRC in Ballymena, N. Ireland) declined the call from Hosanna PRC. Ref. Carl Haak (Roselle, IL) declined the call to serve as pastor at Faith Prot. Church.December 9, 2001-- Rev. Member Records: (719) 528-4747 Main Number: (719) 593-8840 : ID: PWD: Forgot Password? Church, to serve as second missionary in Ghana.January 26, 2003--Rev. September 19, 2021 - Hudsonville PRC votes to call Rev. J.Slopsema scheduled to retire this year on June 30, the Council of First PRC formed a trio of ministers for the purpose of calling a new pastor onMay 1. Ref. November 23, 2014 - The Council ofPeace PRC (Lansing, IL)hasformed a trio of Rev. W. Bruinsma (missionary at Pittsburgh) declined their call to come over and help them. M. DeBoer declined the call from Doon PRC. May 10, 2009 -Rev. August 14, 2011- Candidate Brian Huizinga accepted the call from Hope Prot. E. Guichelaar, Rev. June 2, 2019 - Rev. December 11, 2022 -Rev. Log In H. Bleyenberg (Providence), Rev. Garry Eriks (Hudsonville), Rev. As the saying goes, records are made to be broken. N. Decker (Grandville PRC), and Rev. G. Eriks (Hudsonville), Rev. Wm. R. Barnhill (Peace PRC), Rev. James Slopsema (First, Grand Rapids) received the call from Faith Prot. Ref. C. Haak (Georgetown, Hudsonville) announced his decline of the call to Kalamazoo Prot. Allen Brummel to serve as their first pastor. A. Brummel (Calvary PRC). C.Haak, and Rev. Garry Eriks (Loveland, CO) received the call from Hudsonville (MI), Protestant Reformed Church.May 15, 2005 -Rev. J. Marcus (Edmonton). January 24, 2010- Rev. A. Spriensma: Revs. December 30, 2018 -Immanuel PRC's Council forms new trio: Rev. G. Eriks (Hudsonville). Ref. Allen Brummel (Heritage PRC, Sioux Falls, SD) to serve as second missionary to the Philippines. B. Bruinsma (missionary to Pittsburgh), A. Lanning, and C. Spronk (Peace PRC). Daniel Holstege (First PRC, Holland, MI), Candidate Ryan Barnhill (recent PRC Seminary graduate), and Rev. C. Spronk (Faith PRC). July 14, 2013 - Rev.C.Haakannounces he has declined the call from Doon (IA) PRC. December 18, 2019 - Rev. Cowboys may obtain peripheral information, including the number of entries in their event, the identification of rodeo livestock and committee and sponsor information. August 28, 2016 - Rev. Rev. Ref. Church. November 17, 2013 - Rev.G.Eriks (Hudsonville PRC) decined the call from Faith PRC. Church, Roselle, ILFebruary 13, 2005-Rev. March 3, 2019 - Rev. Clayton Spronk (Peace, Lansing, IL), September 24, 2009- First Prot. Garry Eriks announced his decline of the call to Cornerstone PRC, Dyer, IN. Ref. April 22, 2012- Rev.Garrett Eriksdeclinedthe call from Hope (Walker) PRC. K. Koole (Grandville Prot. December 14, 2011- Hope Protestant Reformed Church extended a call to Rev.Carl Haak, pastor of Georgetown PRC, Hudsonville, MI. Doug Kuiper (Randolph). December 19, 2010 -Rev. G. Eriks (Hudsonville), Rev. Ref. June 19, 2022 -Rev. November 4, 2010 -Edgerton's trio: Rev. W. Langerak declines the call from Doon PRC. April 14, 2019 - Rev. Kenneth Koole (Grandville, MI) to serve them as pastor. J. Engelsma (Doon PRC, IA) accepted the call from Crete PRC (IL). July 18, 2021 - First PRC, Grand Rapids MI, announces a trio from which to call a new pastor:Rev. April 19, 2020 - Rev. Christian School approve the sale of their properties and will be re-locating, D.V.January 1, 2007-- Doon, IA called Rev. M. McGeown (Limerick RF), C. Spronk (Faith PRC) and M. VanderWal (Wingham PRC, ON). Ref. James Slopsema to serve as their pastor.October 14, 2001-- Rev. November 24, 2009- Rev. January 19, 2011 -Hope Prot. January 29, 2023 - Hosanna PRC's Consistory forms a new trio:Revs. June 25, 2017 - Rev. April 20, 2014 -Faith PRCreceived a letter ofdecline from Rev.R.Kleyn, currently serving inCovenant of Grace PRCin Spokane, WA. W. Bruinsma announced his decline of the call to Byron Center, MI.April 21, 2002 --Rev. J. Langerak(Heritage PRC)acceptedthe call toCovenant of Grace PRC(Spokane, WA). Ref. Church, Hudsonville, MI: Rev. Ronald Hanko received the call from the Lynden WA Protestant Reformed Church.March 27, 2002-- Rev. Rodney Kleyn was called to serve the congregation of Faith Protestant Reformed Church, Jenison, MichiganJanuary 22, 2006- Candidate Dennis Lee received the call to serve the congregation in Edgerton, Minnesota.January 15, 2006- Rev. Ref. Church, Hudsonville, MI made the following trio: Rev. Where to Find Us. Church. C. Griess (First PRC, Grand Rapids, MI). May 5, 2021 - Prof. R. Decker (emeritus PRC Seminary) passes from this life and enters glory (1940-2021). N. Decker also anounced that he DECLINED the call from Zion PRC (Hudsonville/Jenison, MI). J. Engelsma (Doon PRC) declined calls from Cornerstone PRC (Dyer, IN) and Kalamazoo (MI) PRC. December 19, 2021 -Rev. C.Griess (Calvary PRC), R.Kleyn (Covenant of Grace PRC), and Wm. It consists of Revs.A.Brummel (Heritage PRC, Sioux Falls, SD), J.Marcus (1st PRC, Edmonton, AB), and R.Kleyn (Covenant of Grace, Spokane WA). June 26, 2022 - Hosanna PRC's(Edmonton) Consistory anounces a new trio of Revs. Consistory (reconstituted) announces a trio of Revs. Church of Holland, MI.August 7, 2005- Rev. R. Smit (Lacombe, AB). Congratulations to our new member, TriOn & Co, for the official launch! R. Kleyn [Covenant of Grace PRC], Rev. August 2, 2010 -Edgerton Prot. M. DeBoer declines the call from Cornerstone PRC. The trio isRevs. Church, Jenison, MichiganAugust 1, 2004 --Rev. April 28, 2013 - Rev.C.Spronk annnounced that he had declined the call from Doon IA PRC. Wm. Huizinga (Hope PRC, Redlands, CA) declined the call extended to him from Southwest PRC (Wyoming, MI). Daniel Kleyn (Edgerton, MN) received the call from Covenant Prot. September 12, 2021 - Covenant of Grace PRC (Spokane, WA) issues a call to Rev. M. DeBoer receives the call from Cornerstone PRC. January 1, 2017 - Rev. Rodney Kleyn (Trinity, Hudsonville, MI) declined the call to Providence Prot. Richard Smit (Doon, IA) accepted the call to serve the congregation in Lacombe, AB, Canada.May 23, 2004--Rev. N. Langerak (Crete, IL), and Rev. E. Guichelaar (Randolph PRC); and Rev. Carl Haak (Georgetown, Hudsonville) declined the call to Calvary Prot. October 4, 2009- Bethel Protestant Reformed Church called Rev. Church in Lacombe, AB. Church Council made the following trio of which one will be chosen, D.V., on Sept. 21, to serve as missionary in the Philipines: Rev. W. Langerak and Rev. Rev. the call extended to him by the congregation on August 17, the call he had received on May 17 through the Doon PRC, Covenant of Grace Protestant Reformed Fellowship. W. Langerak is installed as the third pastor in Trinity PRC's history. October 20, 2013- Doon (IA) PRC's Council presents a new trio to the congregation from which to call a pastor: Revs.K.Koole (Grandville PRC), W.Langerak (SE PRC, Grand Rapids), and J.Marcus (1st PRC, Edmonton). M. VanderWal (Wingham PRC, ON). J. Laning (Hull), Rev. W. Langerak (SE PRC, Grand Rapids, MI), and Rev. Ref. J. Engelsma (Doon IA PRC) declined the call from Grandville PRC (received July 11) to serve as minister on loan to Covenant ERC in Singapore. Steven Key (Hull, Iowa) declined the call from Byron Center (MI) Protestant Reformed Church. June 12, 2008 --Seminarian Heath Bleyenberg was examined by Synod. February 14, 2010- Rev. Starting July 2001 (bottom of list) to the Present (top of list). Church, Hudsonville, MIJanuary 23, 2005 -Rev. and Mrs. Richard Smit and family left for their labors in the Philippines. K.Koole (Grandville PRC) and Rev.J.Marcus (1st PRC, Edmonton). February 15, 2012- Edgerton PRC announced a new trio: Revs.R.Kleyn (Covenant of Grace PRC, Spokane, WA), J.Marcus (First PRC, Edmonton, AB), R.Van Overloop (Grace PRC, Walker, MI). November 29, 2011- Edgerton (MN) PRC extended a call to Rev.G.Eriks of the Hudsonville, MI PRC. M. De Vries (Edmonton, Canada) announced his decline of the call from Covenant Prot. May 16, 2021 - The Consistory of Kalamazoo PRC has a new trio: Rev. Clayton Spronkof Peace PRC (Lansing, IL). May 30, 2021 - Prof. R. Dykstra accepted the call to Byron Center (MI) PRC. Ref. G. Eriks (Hudsonville PRC), J. Mahtani (Cornerstone PRC), C. Spronk (Faith PRC). Church of Holland, MI made the following trio: Rev. Wm. July 22, 2009 -Trio for Calvary Prot. Nathan Decker (Trinity PRC, Hudsonville, MI), Rev. Garry Eriks (Loveland, CO) announced his decline of the call from Hudsonville (MI) Prot. Erik Guichelaar (Randolph, WI PRC), and J. Marcus. October 6, 2019 - Rev. May 19, 2013 - Faith PRC's Council presents the following trio to the congregation: Rev. D. Kleyn(missionary to the Philippines)declinedboth the call toDoon PRCandthe calltoHudsonvillePRC. Ryan Barnhill (Peace PRC, Dyer, IN), Rev. June 10, 2013- At their congregational meetingRandolph PRC voted to extend a call to Rev.R.Kleyn(Covenant of Grace PRC ,Spokane, WA). Barry Gritters (Hudsonville, MI) accepted the call to serve as professor in the Prot. July 19, 2009 -Trio for Trinity Prot. J. Slopsema (First, Grand Rapids). H. Bleyenberg (Providence PRC) and Rev. E. Guichelaar [Randolph PRC], and Rev. July 17, 2011- Cornerstone Prot. Church (Walker, MI) made the following trio: Rev. Church, Hull, Iowa made the following trio: Rev. Ref. D. Holstege (Missionary, Philippines). David Noorman [SW PRC]. February 28, 2010 -Bethel Prot. K. Koole (Grandville). Charles Terpstra (Holland, MI) received the call to Hudsonville Protestant Reformed Church, Hudsonville, MINovember 2, 2003--Rev. J. Engelsma was installed in Crete PRC, with Prof. D.Engelsma leading the service. R. Van Overloop (Grace) received the call from Cornerstone Prot. October 13, 2008 -Calvary Prot. November 8, 2020 - Hudsonville PRC announces a new trio of Revs. Garry Eriks (Loveland, CO) declined the call from Edmonton, AB, Protestant Reformed Church.May 22, 2005-Rev. Ronald VanOverloop (Georgetown PRC) received the call to serve as pastor of Byron Center (MI) Prot. C. Haak (Georgetown PRC), Rev. W. Bruinsma and Rev. November 16, 2014 - The congregation ofDoon PRCvoted to extend a call to Rev.Jon Mahtani (Cornerstone PRC, Dyer IN) to serve as missionary to the Philippines alongside Rev.D.Kleyn. Ref. Self Service - Full Site. Rodney Kleyn (Trinity, Hudsonville, MI) to serve as their first pastor. R. Cammenga was appointed as alternate to Rev. June 9, 2019 - The Council of Southeast PRC (Grand Rapids, MI) publishes a new trio: Revs. Church of Edmonton, AB, Canada.September 4, 2005- Rev. December 4, 2014 - On Thursday, December 4, 2014, the congregation of First PRC, Grand Rapids, MI voted to extend a call to Rev.Ron Van Overloop (Grace PRC, Standale, MI) from her trio that also consisted of Revs.A.Brummel (Heritage PRC, Sioux Falls, SD) and R.Smit (missionary to the Philippines). March 18, 2009 -Byron Center Prot. Ref. Ref. M. DeBoer, (Edgerton), Rev. January 19, 2014 - On Sunday, January 19, 2014, the congregation of Doon (IA) PRC voted to extend a call to Rev.Ron Van Overloop, pastor of Grace PRC in Standale, MI. Ron Hanko (Lynden, WA) announced his decline of the call to Calvary Prot. Ref. PROCOM - Prorodeo.org The PRCA regular season ends on Sept. 30. May 30, 2021 - Rev. January 30, 2023 - Hull PRC called Rev. Kenneth Koole (Grandville MI PRC) declined the appointment by Synod to serve as professor in the Protestant Reformed Seminary in the place of Prof. David Engelsma who is scheduled to retire shortly. R. VanOverloop (Byron Center, MI) from which one will be called, D.V., July 14 to serve as missionary to the Philippines. Ref. K. Koole (Grandville), and Rev. W. Bruinsma declined the call to Edgerton Protestant Reformed Church. September 23, 2018 - The congregation of Immanuel PRC (Lacombe, AB) voted to extend a call to Rev. September 28, 2003--Rev. W. Bruinsma (Pittsburgh) announced his decline of the call from Trinity Prot. Stephan Regnerus receives the call from Southwest PRC. 2022 PRCA Rule Book - Prorodeo.cld.bz January 10, 2021 - Rev. They call on Dec. 12. W. Bruinsma (Kalamazoo, MI) received the call from the Loveland (CO) Protestant Reformed Church.July 24, 2005 -Rev. Ref. Church, Jenison, MichiganAugust 29, 2004 --Rev. April 27, 2022 - Peace PRC extended a call to Rev. Jonathan Mahtani (Cornerstone PRC, Dyer, IN). September 13, 2015 - It was announced in Doon PRC that Rev.Carl Haak had declined the call extended to him by the congregation on August 17 to serve as second missionary to the Philippines. March 22, 2020 - The Council of Grandville Protestant Reformed Church has beeninformed by Covenant Evangelical Reformed Churchthat they have received a rejection of theirlast appeal with the Singapore government for an employment passfor Rev. July 13, 2014 - On Sunday evening, July 13, 2014, the congregation ofFaith PRC (Jenison, MI)voted to extend a call toCandidate Joshua Engelsmafrom their trio, which also consisted of Revs.C.Spronk and R.Van Overloop. Eriks. J. Langerak preaches his farewell in Heritage PRC. Kenneth Koole (Faith, Jenison, MI) announced his acceptance of the call to Grandville, MI Protestant Reformed ChurchOctober 20, 2002 --Rev. Jon Mahtani informedDoon PRC,the calling church for our Philippines mission, as well as his own congregation atCornerstone PRC(Dyer, IN) that he was led by the Lord to decline the call they had extended to him on November 16, 2014. E. Guichelaar (Randolph PRC) receives the call from Grandville PRC to serve as minister-on-loan to Covenant ERC in Singapore. July 1, 2016 - On Friday, July 1, 2016, in Calvary PRC (see note below) Rev. Dennis Lee (Bethel, PRC), Candidate Matt Kortus, and Candidate Jacob Maatman. J. Smidstra (1st PRC-Holland). N. Decker (Grandville PRC). January 29, 2006- Rev. R. Kleyn received the call from SE-PRC (Grand Rapids, MI). W. Langerak. prca membership renewal. M. Vanderwal (Wingham PRC). Mitchell Dick (Grace Prot. Prof.R.Cammenga conducted the service. R. Smit preaches his farewell sermon (evening service) in First PRC (Grand Rapids, MI). December 11, 2012-Faith PRC (Jenison, MI)extended a call toRev.C.Haakof Georgetown PRC (Hudsonville, MI). . Rev. Church.April 3, 2005-Rev. A. Lanning (Faith). July 13, 2010 -Trinity PRC (Hudsonville) called Rev. J. Smidstra. Matt DeBoer, Edgerton, MN; and Rev. (Id . ), and Rev. Wilbur Bruinsma ( Pittsburgh, PA mission) was called by the Byron Center Protestant Reformed Church, May 31, 2009 -Rev. W. Bruinsma (Kalamazoo, MI) declined the call to Wyckoff NJ Covenant Prot. February 12, 2017 - Rev. A. Lanning (Faith) announced his decline to Cornerstone Protestant Reformed Church. Reformed Church received a decline of their call from Rev. Allen Brummel (South Holland, IL) received the call to the Loveland (CO) Protestant Reformed Church.September 4, 2005- Candidate John Marcus was called by the First Prot. R. Kleyn (Trinity, Hudsonville). Carl Haak (Georgetown, Hudsonville, MI), Rev. var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; Doug Kuiper (Randolph, WI), and Rev. B. Huizinga (Hope, Redlands, CA), Rev. June 19, 2022 -Rev. May 1, 2016 - Rev. October 16, 2022 -First PRC-Grand Rapids announced a trio of Rev. April 29, 2007 --Rev. December 25, 2011- Rev.G. December 11, 2022 -Rev. var addy_textd6909239a3686a4d44cd8f4d3e6716a4 = 'Classical Committee';document.getElementById('cloakd6909239a3686a4d44cd8f4d3e6716a4').innerHTML += ''+addy_textd6909239a3686a4d44cd8f4d3e6716a4+'<\/a>';
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