Portsmouth Little League > Home Portsmouth Ohio Little League Login Register Home Registration Info Safety Plan Store About Us Cheering For Our Teammates 1 2 3 4 5 6 Aerial View 1 2 3 4 5 6 Teamwork 1 2 3 4 5 6 Take Me Out To The Ball Game! But Sparks had the remedy. Strawbery Banke Museum is confronting the impacts of and damage from sea level rise right now. Portsmouth RI LL. Seacoast Fall Baseball League seeks teams. Training and development is key to being competitive, and it helps to develop the necessary skills to see success on the field. Stacys RBI double was obviously a key moment in the game, but there were other important plays that played a huge role in the win for Portsmouth. Sparks allowed a leadoff single and a walk to the first two battersbefore coach Moreau opted to walk the batter at the plate to load the baseswith no outs. Sessions were held twice a week, each lasting an hour or hour-and-a-half. The impacts are from both surface flooding caused by rainfall and groundwater intrusion from upwelling (the forcing up of the water table by, in this case, salt water.) While the number of softball participants has remained consistent over the years, nearby AAU programs were threatening to draw more players from Portsmouth Little League. Jack Moreau drew a two-out walk, then advanced to secondand thirdafter two wild pitches. And the player development program they initiated through the Little League Grow the Game Grant Program is helping this league provide more quality experiences for the female athletes in its community! Si vous souhaitez personnaliser vos choix, cliquez sur Grer les paramtres de confidentialit. "To not lose at least one game to them, personally I was surprised. Built in 1908 and decommissioned in 1948, it housed the brave men, called surfmen or storm warriors, who rowed out to save mariners in distress. John Wentworth and his wife Sarah Hunking, whose 14 children furthered the family oligarchy through talent and strategic marriages. The Portsmouth Police Department was notified Friday around 9 a.m. of previously unseen hateful graffiti, which appears to be fresh, located on a Market Street pedestrian bridge that was found by . Below are some highlights of Portsmouth's four district victories. The team was confident and energized. Portsmouth Little League started 60 years ago, and in the early 1970s, allowed girls to play baseball in the Little League (Major) Division. Hopefully, we can keep that going.". We will support our managers and coaches as they help players become better athletes and teammates. Ben Humm hurled a complete game and struck out nine, Unsung heroes: High school baseball: These 4 Newport County players assumed the role, Portsmouth took the field 13 days after it played its last game. PORTSMOUTH Portsmouth Little League's ages 10-12 team has reached the New Hampshire District 2 championship round. Sparks recorded an out to begin the inning, then walked the next two batters, and Jack Moreau came in for relief in a big spot. Portsmouth Little League fully endorses the goals and values of Little League.OBJECTIVES: - acquire an appreciation for an active lifestyle, - develop a positive self-concept by mastering baseball skills, - learn how to work as part of a team, - develop social skills with other children and adults, - learn about managing success and disappointment, - learn good sportsmanship in baseball and in life, and - learn respect for others. Portsmouth was set to travel to Manchester's Reece Field on Thursday to face the North Manchester Hooksett Little League team, with the winner advancing to the championship round at 1 p.m. Saturday at Concord's Grappone Field against Lamprey River. Below are some highlights of Portsmouth's four district victories. "I probably could've been a little more focused. While the number of softball participants has remained consistent over the years, nearby AAU programs were threatening to draw more players from . Portsmouth took the lead for good in the top of the sixthinning scoring tworuns on Schoppmeyer's second double of the game followed by a McCauley single. "I was looking to get a run there," Spencer said. Tyler Boiani stroked a two-run homer in the bottom of the first to give Portsmouth the lead. If unable to keep a reservation, please call again to release the seat for someone else. To have your sports announcement included, please emailsports editorJay Pinsonnault atjpinsonnault@seacoastonline.com. We will maintain an environment that encourages participation by any child that wants to understand and play the great games of baseball and softball. I was super excited when it dropped. From April through July in our Randall Gallery, the Athenaeums Exhibits Committee features the Wentworth family in an exhibit developed by historian Sandra Rux. Email: [email protected] While the number of softball participants has remained consistent over the years, nearby AAU programs were threatening to draw more players from Portsmouth Little League. While the grant was used mostly for player development, the league also used a portion of the funds for field improvements and the addition of a batting cage. Members of the district championship team managed byCampion whos assisted by coaches Jay Brule, Bill Boiani and Dan Smith are: Tyler Boiani, Lachlan Bronson, Kane Brule, Ryan Campion, Thomas Desrosiers, Carter Doran, Tyler Doucet, Brady Fanning, Ryan Grant, Ben Humm, Jacob Labonte, Andrew Mau, Riven Patel and Mason Smith. The Portsmouth Little League softball program has approximately 55 players, beginning at the Tee Ball level. Jan 30, 2021. Members of the district championship team managed byCampion whos assisted by coaches Jay Brule, Bill Boiani and Dan Smith are: Tyler Boiani, Lachlan Bronson, Kane Brule, Ryan Campion, Thomas Desrosiers, Carter Doran, Tyler Doucet, Brady Fanning, Ryan Grant, Ben Humm, Jacob Labonte, Andrew Mau, Riven Patel and Mason Smith. Finn McCauley relieved Ferrelliover the final 1 2/3 inning for the win. Stacy hit a grounder down the third base line, which brought in Spencer to tie the game at 2-2. After taking the lead in the top of the eighth, Moreau, who took over pitching in the seventh, needed three outs to complete the "two-out rally" chants. SLS East Region - Little League All Games SLS Regionals SLS East Region Worcester, Mass. Our series begins on March 15, with Save the Date! - Anniversary Celebrations in Portsmouth by Tom Hardiman, Jr., Keeper and Executive Director of the Portsmouth Athenaeum. Checks can be made payable to Portsmouth Boys Basketball Boosters. The final district win clinched a berth in the state tournament which starts Saturday in North Providence where Portsmouth will go against District 4 winner Cumberland at 4 p.m. . I didnt think wed get him at home, but Im very happy about that play.. The girls were so engaged at all the clinics. Almost identically. The girls were so engaged at all the clinics. They, like many other New Hampshire businessmen and farmers, enjoyed grants and low prices for land, on which they harvested lumber to supply masts to the British Navy. Game time is scheduled for 5:45 p.m. Carter Kuhn scattered eight hits and allowed four runs over five innings, earning Monday's win. Portsmouth Athenaeum announces 2023 Lecture Series: 'Portsmouth, NH Portsmouth Little League in Rhode Island was looking for help with their softball program, hoping to enhance the experience and inspire girls to hit the field. The league typically fields one Minor Division team and two Major Division teams. Players on the rise: High school baseball: The future is bright for these 4 Newport County players. With Moreau on second base, and two outs in the inning, Stacy fouled off a laser just left off the foul line down third base. https://t.co/9dPY7kqNIU LittleLeague about 14 hours ago RT @ karlravechespn Congratulations! Portsmouth put forth a workmanlike effort en route to the district title as its largest margin of victory was four runs. We worked hard during the winter leading into the 2016 spring season, and the results were impressive. Those were big outs, no doubt. That one set the tone because it knocked a run off the board, Moreau said. While the number of softball participants has remained consistent over the years, nearby AAU programs were threatening to draw more players from . Our defense was incredible today. Portsmouth found itself in a similar situation on Sunday, but this time trailing 2-0 with just one out left before having to playin a winner-take-all on Tuesday. Churchland Little League | Portsmouth VA While we will always appreciate outstanding play on the field, it is hoped that years from now, our players will remember their great friendships before their great plays. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Defense, Team! The Little League grant supported our efforts more than I can say, said Ms. Iannuccillo MacDonald. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Under The Lights 1 2 3 4 5 6 Our Sponsors PORTSMOUTH Portsmouth Little League's ages 10-12 teamhas reached the New Hampshire District 2 championship round. Information about this division is below and you can email Bob Campion at campionpllvp@gmail.com with any questions. The Little League grant supported our efforts more than I can say, said Ms. Iannuccillo MacDonald. Diary entries, probate inventories, newspaper advertisements, and excerpts from private letters will be combined with illustrations of documented household furnishings to illuminate the changing taste and advancing technology that enriched the lives of local residents. Rough weekend: Portsmouth Little League teams fall short in title games Available Programs But the gutsy kids from Portsmouth refused to quit and pulled out a 3-2 win to capturethe state championship at Colby Field in Laconia. The league typically fields one Minor Division team and two Major Division teams. Game. Stacy, Portsmouth's starter,delivered a strike, and catcher Jack Spencer fired a laser to shortstop Jack Moreau, who appliedthe tag. The following month on April 19, Sam Reid will give a talk entitled The Life, Near-Death, and Revival of Wood Island Station. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Defense, Team! Little League International is committed to assisting as many leagues as possible during this unprecedented season, which included crediting all 2020 charter fees back to our leagues earlier this year. The talks this year shine a light on Portsmouths commerce over 400 years, the historic interiors of those who lived here and, finally, the impact of climate change as evidenced at Strawbery Banke. Seacoast Cancer Cluster: Report does not link illnesses to pollution. "On paper the East Providence/Riverside team and the Bristol/Warren team were the favorites," Portsmouth manager Bob Campion said. I didnt know if they were going to catch it, because they caught the last one I hit like that, Stacy said. Former Exeter High Schoolboyslacrosse head coach Gerry Holly is offering a youth campat Linden Street fields from July 20-23 for boys and girls between the ages of 8 and 14. Portsmouth Little Leaguers reach District 2 final round, eye - Yahoo! A good portion of the grants have gone to leagues to assist with field and facility improvements, which are important. Expanding Portsmouth Little League. Concord plated tworuns in the third inning and two runs in the fourthto take a 5-1 lead, but Portsmouth respondedinthe top of the fifthinning, and evened the score with consecutive doubles by Jakoby Schoppmeyerand Ferrelli, and singles by McCauley and Roan Wilson. I almost had a stroke, coach Moreau said. Hodsdon fielded the grounder and fired the ball to pitcher Jack Spencer, who relayed the throw to catcher Colin Sparks who nailed the tag, ending the inning and keeping the game scoreless. The first thing Lynch and Currier did was add a minor league program, and then,14 years ago, the challenger division for kids with disabilities was formed. With the Revolution came the end of the mast trade and the benefits of royal patronage. afficher des publicits et des contenus personnaliss en fonction de vos profils de centres dintrt; mesurer lefficacit des publicits et contenus personnaliss; et. Portsmouth's Jack Ferrelli started Wednesday's game, allowing fiveruns (fourearned) on four hits while striking out fivebatters. The Portsmouth 10-12 Little League Team defeated Concord Little League, 8-5, Wednesday, July 20, 2022, to advance to the New Hampshire District 2 championship round. Si vous ne souhaitez pas que nos partenaires et nousmmes utilisions des cookies et vos donnes personnelles pour ces motifs supplmentaires, cliquez sur Refuser tout. The Salem second baseman fired to home, but Moreau snuck in before the tag was applied. I'm a former Premier League defender but now I'm a COP - I spend my So many players improved and built up their stamina.. Portsmouth (8-0) will play at 10 a.m. Saturday at Grappone Field in Concord againstthe winner of Thursday night's Concord (6-2) and Laconia (4-4) game. The Portsmouth 8-10 team defeated Concord, 15-5, at Plains Field on Wednesdaytostay alive in its District 2 tournament. "Those guys, Spencer and Stacy, have been big all year," Moreau said. Youth Basketball for boys and girls in grades two through eight. The 2023 Athenaeum Lecture Series, "Portsmouth, NH: Evolution 1623-2023," continues to celebrate our city's significant anniversaries. Spencer hit a grounder to the right, and Moreau took off for home. Portsmouth Little League Baseball and Softball Registration is now open for the spring 2021 season. PORTSMOUTH The 2023 Athenaeum Lecture Series, Portsmouth, NH: Evolution 1623-2023, continues to celebrate our citys significant anniversaries in this, Portsmouths quadricentennial year. "I was very nervous, but I knew thatif I was nervous, then I couldn't do it," Sparks said. Portsmouth Rhode Island Little Leaguefirst fielded teamsin 1954 (The 1954 Lions). And Ithink we did surprise some of the other teams. Benn Humm pitched a complete game, five-hitter with seven strikeouts. We had to start thinking creatively to keep our girls from leaving Little League for the AAU programs, said Stacie Iannuccillo MacDonald, Vice President of Portsmouth Softball. PORTSMOUTH - The Little League State Championship is a best-of-three series, but Portsmouth LL All-Stars coach Dale Moreau was sweating during the late innings of game one against Salem at Colby . The talk will follow the gundalows through their final commercial sails in the early 1900s and their brief local revival in 1950. We got good pitching and the defense was solid. Groups are capped at 15 players per group with two coaches per group. BASEBALL FOR BOYS AND GIRLS AGES 4-16yrs , LIVING IN OR ATTENDING ANY SCHOOL IN 23703 (Churchland) AND PART OF 23321. The Portsmouth Little League 10-12 all-star team scored five runs in the fifth inning and beat Concord, 9-5, in a district round-robin game Monday at Hislop Field. I was like oh, we could have this in the bag., Amazing, that was incredible, coach Moreau said. All the hard work payed off. Portsmouth Little League - Facebook Spencer recorded two strikeouts in the inning. "I wasn't really in the zone then," Spencer said. Portsmouth Little League will be offering a new division of play for the 2023 season called Senior Little League. So I saw him stealing and I just tried to hose him down totry to get him out.". In the late 70s, the league launched a softball program. I think they were a little nervous to start the game so they were definitely pumped up about that.. Allteams will play two five-inning games each week through late Octoberwith unique rules to ensure learning and participation duringgames. Discover how salting and drying cod fish prevented the starvation of early settlers and became a staple of New England life, literally fueling both the communities and economy of our region. Admission to an individual program is $10. We worked hard during the winter leading into the 2016 spring season, and the results were impressive. . YoungMoreau said his mindset was simple: strike them out or get them out, and then win the game, he said. Portsmouth Middle School | Smore Newsletters for Education This article originally appeared on Portsmouth Herald: Athenaeum announces lectures: 'Portsmouth, NH: Evolution 1623-2023, Athenaeum announces lectures: 'Portsmouth, NH: Evolution 1623-2023. While the Major Division softball squad lost in the District Tournament final, they played well as a team and played in sync. It didnt matter though because the results were all the same a Portsmouth victory. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Local News Social Facebook LITTLE LEAGUE INTERNATIONAL Twitter All Rights Reserved. Those are tough pitches, and incredibly huge outs.. Portsmouth Little League team captures state championship with 3-2 win Most improved: High school baseball: Here are 4 Newport County players who made great strides this season. . In the eighth inning and for every inning after, each team starts with a runner on second base. Tyler Boiani pitched a complete-game, three-hitter and struck out eight. The stations ownership shifted from the federal government to the Town of Kittery in 1973, but little maintenance was undertaken. PORTSMOUTH The annual Portsmouth Summer Basketball Camp, led by high schoolboysbasketball coach John Mulvey and members of the varsity team, is scheduled for July 19-21 from 10 a.m. to noon at the high school. Portsmouth Little Leaguers reach District 2 final round. Visit us at www.portsmouthlittleleague.com Portsmouth Little League-Portsmouth, NH 96 talking about this. In the first inning, Salem was threatening to put the first runs up on the scoreboard with runners on first and second, and just one out in their back pocket. This article originally appeared on Portsmouth Herald: Portsmouth Little Leaguers reach District 2 final round, Northeast Tides hosting benefit at Hadlock Field. While the Major Division softball squad lost in the District Tournament final, they played well as a team and played in sync. Portsmouth Little League Portsmouth Little League. Copyright 2003-2023 The Portsmouth Little League Senior Division softball all-stars are off to the Eastern regional tournament after taking two of three games from Cranston Western to capture the state championship last week. In the late '70s, the league launched a softball program. That got them fired up. However, Portsmouth Little League applied for a grant for something a little different they were looking to grow the game through player development. Portsmouth Little League all-stars team captures state championship defeating Salem 3-2 in extra innings. Ferrelli (two hits, tworuns, twoRBI) scored the first run of the game with a line-drive home run over the left field fence giving Portsmouth a 1-0 lead in the first inning. We had to start thinking creatively to keep our girls from leaving Little League for the AAU programs, said Stacie Iannuccillo MacDonald, Vice President of Portsmouth Softball. Please email us at the email address provided below or contact us through Facebook. ! Bristol/Warren jumped to 1-0 lead in first inning on a first-pitch homer. We offer discounts for families registering multiple siblings. Portsmouth Little League > Home mesurer votre utilisation de nos sites et applications. Portsmouth Little League. Portsmouth Little League-Portsmouth, NH - Facebook Portsmouth was held to just one hit by Salem starting pitcher Brayden Castillo for 52/3 innings but kept pushing forward. Portsmouth Little League held six softball development clinics over the winter of 2016, building up to the spring. "I think he got him by 4 feet, it was a big play. That was until Portsmouths Cam Stacy hit a go-ahead RBI double to left to give them the lead, 5-4, in the top of the seventh, and the final score. Portsmouth Little League With runners on first and second, and in a tie game at 4-4, Moreau retired the next two batters, Nico Cardinale, pop out to first, and Mason Wiles, pop out to third. This years series concludes on Nov. 15 when Proprietor Rodney Rowland presents Water Has a Memory: Sea Level Rise, Our Past, Our Future. Portsmouth put forth a workmanlike effort en route to the district title as its largest margin of victory was four runs. The league is also looking for aheadcoachat the third and fourth grade levels. And the player development program they initiated through the Little League Grow the Game Grant Program is helping this league provide more quality experiences for the female athletes in its community! We will maintain an environment that encourages participation by any child that wants to understand and play the great games of baseball and softball. Buthis big test came in the bottom of the sixthafter the offense rallied to tie the game in the top of the frame. Portsmouth never trailed in the game, but every time they scored in the top of the inning, Salem tied the game in the bottom. In February 2016, Little League presented Portsmouth Little League with a $15,000 grant. In 2011, to avert the planned demolition of the then-derelict and rotting structure, the Wood Island Life Saving Station Association (WILSSA) was formed to restore this National Register of Historic Places building to its former glory. "A lot of people assumed they'd be the two teams in the finals. (Salem) is really, really good over there, so, it was just great that they were able to keep fighting back and they played their guts out.. Win or lose Portsmouth will play District 1 winner Johnston or District 3 winner North Kingstown/Wickford on Monday in the double-elimination tourney. After playing two games in two days the Portsmouth Little League Major Division all-stars had to hang around 13 days to participate in their next contest and then were forced to wait another week to compete again. [As it evolved it acquired] a cabin and lateen sail that could be lowered to shoot under bridges. This presentation will begin with a discussion of the historic significance of gundalows for the growth of the Piscataqua Region through trade and transportation from the 1640s to 1870s.
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