0000018717 00000 n Stay alert at all times before, during and after play or performance. We're sorry, but your browser does not support all required functionality needed to run our app. endstream endobj 643 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/Index[36 533]/Length 41/Size 569/Type/XRef/W[1 1 1]>>stream Premium Seats provides tickets and hospitality packages for the largest and most exclusive major Australian events including the 2023 Toyota AFL Grand Final at the MCG, the 2023 Formula 1 Australian Grand Prix and the 2023 Melbourne Cup Carnival at Flemington Racecourse. Please update your browser by clicking here or Price is inclusive of food and beverages. This means that the FAA governs, among other things, the interpretation and enforcement of this arbitration agreement and all of its provisions, including, without limitation, the class action waiver discussed below. THE PROVISIONS OF THIS PARAGRAPH THAT (A) PROHIBIT DAMAGES TO BE MULTIPLIED OR OTHERWISE INCREASED, (B) IMPOSE A DAMAGES LIMITATION OF THE GREATER OF ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($100) OR THE AMOUNT YOU HAVE PAID US IN THE PAST TWELVE MONTHS, AND (C) PROHIBIT THE RECOVERY OF ATTORNEYS FEES AND COSTS, DO NOT APPLY IN CERTAIN STATES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION NEW JERSEY, TO CLAIMS BROUGHT UNDER STATUTES PERMITTING SUCH RECOVERY. JavaScript is disabled! We're sorry, but your browser does not support all required functionality needed to run our app. The stadium hosts a year-round calendar of major national and international sporting and entertainment events. You bear all risks of inclement weather. Before posting a ticket for sale via the Advanced Services, please consult the website through which you will be posting your ticket for sale, which detail the prices at which you may post tickets for sale via the Advanced Services, the amounts that will be deducted, retained or charged from or over the sale price, the amounts that will be credited or remitted to you, the method by which you will receive such credit or remission and other terms applicable to the posting, sale and funds collection, retention, deduction and payment or crediting processes. Can I park at the stadium when there isn't a major event? Corporate Suites Ballpark Entertainment AFL sets aside at least 10,000 public tickets for the 2021 grand final Optus Stadium Commercial may allow a designated person (Group Manager) to distribute group tickets. A Revenue Administrative Bulletin (RAB) is a directive issued by the Bureau of Tax Policy. For the category select Excel Exports, then select the desired report from the report drop-down list. If anyone brings a claim against us related to your use of the Site or the content, or your violation of these Terms, you agree to indemnify, defend and hold us and our affiliated companies, Optus Stadium Commercial, suppliers, advertisers and sponsors, and each of our officers, directors, employees, and agents, harmless from and against any and all claims, damages, losses and expenses of any kind (including reasonable legal fees and costs). Frequently Asked Questions We will not be liable for travel or any other expenses that you or anyone else incurs in connection with a canceled or postponed event. 1999-2023 Ticketmaster. purchase rights of refusal for post season event tickets, purchase ticket packages or single event tickets. 0000261902 00000 n P!NK - optusstadium.com.au Experience football like never before at our new home, Optus Stadium! Millage Rates. Guest rooms and suites at Crown Towers Perth feature custom made furnishings, the latest technology and magnificent views of the Swan River and Perth city skyline. Gates: 5:00pm. COVID-19 is an extremely contagious disease that can lead to severe illness and death. You will not be entitled to receive any part of any payment made in connection with having access to ticket listings or ticket purchase capabilities, or in connection with wait list or season ticket holder status. Optus Stadium Conditions of Entry 0000268675 00000 n If we are unable to reach you after our initial attempt, we may cancel your order and may sell your tickets to another customer without further notice. However, an arbitrator can award on an individual basis the same damages and relief as a court (including injunctive and declaratory relief or statutory damages), and must follow these Terms as a court would. 0000316562 00000 n Optus Stadium | 7,181 followers on LinkedIn. Your browser does not support JavaScript! We strongly encourage all parents and guardians to monitor the Internet use by their children. Passes will be issued by email. We and Optus Stadium Commercial are only providing certain services that will facilitate your sale. 0000006290 00000 n The JAMS Rules are available online at https://www.jamsadr.com or by calling (800) 352-5267. H\n@E^& YH<4|b),eAe}|0gi};oNc4&N^x7~{p6Gn/>0) }k|{0+~'odnuj;pYS4o|;cSpqQB_o$1[\+pMU+YgIloooooo-eeeeee_/`kw}-:u!c28:::yXKK)j 0000263243 00000 n Get Directionspremiumsales@optusstadium.com.au333 Victoria Park DriveBurswood, Perth, Western Australia. Before we can pay you, we will need to collect your taxpayer information in accordance with applicable laws. 2023 Optus Stadium. An additional benefit is the introduction of Matt Moran, Chef and restaurateur behind some of Australias most celebrated dining establishments. We may limit the availability of the Site or any service or product described on the Site to any person or geographic area at any time. xref From Private Suites to dining experiences with seats in the stadium, you'll find the perfect setting to watch or host, where we take care of everything for you and your guests. Any use of the Site or Content by you or anyone acting on your behalf that does not strictly comply with each and every provision in this section exceeds the scope of the license granted to you herein, constitutes unauthorized reproduction, display, or creation of unauthorized derivative versions of the Site and Content, and infringes our copyrights, trademarks, patents and other rights in the Site and Content. From Private Suites to dining experiences with seats in the stadium, you'll find the perfect setting to watch or host, where we take care of everything for you and your guests. We are not responsible for the content of those websites, or the privacy practices of those websites. Soak up the atmosphere of the crowd with an Open Box at Optus Stadium. Should you do so, your tickets may be canceled, and we may, in its sole discretion, refuse to honor pending and future ticket purchases made from all credit card accounts or online accounts on which such chargebacks have been made, and may prohibit all persons in whose name the credit card accounts exist and any person who accesses any associated online account or credit card or who otherwise breaches this provision from using the Site. There is limited ACROD parking available at Optus Stadium. Can I park at the stadium when there isn't a major event? 0000316938 00000 n You agree that these Terms evidence a transaction involving interstate commerce and will be governed by and construed in accordance with federal law to the fullest extent possible. Soak up the atmosphere of the crowd with an Open Box at Optus Stadium. We will not be liable for any harm related to disclosure of your username or password or the use by anyone else of your username or password. Beverly Hills, CA 90210 Impress guests with your own Private Suite, entertain in style in one of our exclusive dining rooms, reward your high performing staff or host your next special occasion or business event. 0000254261 00000 n 0000270048 00000 n All rights reserved. $800 (GST inc) per person, per game. The various Divisions of the Department of Treasury are guided by State statutes, Administrative Rules, Court cases, Revenue Administrative Bureau Bulletins, Property Tax Commission Bulletins and Letter Rulings. Only moments away from the CBD, airport and Crown Entertainment Complex, youre never far from the action. A VenuesWest venue, proudly operated by VenuesLive. 0000269532 00000 n Fremantle FC Premium Hospitality and Corporate Sales Can I park at the stadium when there isn't a major event? Experience the luxury of your own intimate Private Suite with dedicated steward service or enjoy a premium experience in the thick of the action with a suite Optus Stadium. Fremantle Dockers Premium at Optus Stadium delivers exceptional guest entertainment and world class stadium experiences. Lena Snook - Premium Products Coordinator - WA Cricket - LinkedIn endstream endobj 570 0 obj <>/Metadata 34 0 R/Pages 33 0 R/StructTreeRoot 36 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 571 0 obj >/PageTransformationMatrixList<0[1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 -396.0]>>/PageUIDList<0 211>>/PageWidthList<0 612.0>>>>>>/Resources<>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC/ImageI]/Properties<>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 572 0 obj <> endobj 573 0 obj <> endobj 574 0 obj <> endobj 575 0 obj <> endobj 576 0 obj <> endobj 577 0 obj [/Indexed/DeviceRGB 15 604 0 R] endobj 578 0 obj [/Indexed/DeviceRGB 14 605 0 R] endobj 579 0 obj [/Indexed/DeviceRGB 13 606 0 R] endobj 580 0 obj <> endobj 581 0 obj <> endobj 582 0 obj <> endobj 583 0 obj <>stream We are not responsible for providing transportation or reimbursement of travel-related expenses under any circumstances unless those items are specifically included as part of a package. From Private Suites to dining experiences with seats in the stadium, you'll find the perfect setting to watch or host, where we take care of everything for you and your guests. . You consent to such searches and waive any related claims that may arise. Surrounded by glamorous day beds, Poolside features a large main pool, relaxation pool and a family friendly pool complete with childrens waterslides. 0000261467 00000 n To access the ACROD Parking or Drop-Off areas, you must have: A valid event ticket; An ACROD permit; A parking or drop-off pass. 0000002617 00000 n Tickets forwarded using the Advanced Services are subject to the ticket authentication and delivery fees as disclosed to you by us or Optus Stadium Commercial. If struck, immediately ask an usher for directions to a medical station. Make your NRL experience an unforgettable one with premium hospitality. 1[Y5F_acmftu8yn, @]f@?l`Kax e`p?gCKRn`*`} m+^RAa;8&f`4l` Uf`]Z %PDF-1.4 % $300 (GST inc) per person, per game. A ticket is a revocable license and admission may be refused upon refunding the tickets face amount. 0000261787 00000 n 644 0 obj <>stream 0000262016 00000 n Browse our packages below, register your interest to experience Fremantle Dockers Premium and let us tailor a package for you. Either you or the Group Manager will be responsible for paying for the tickets, as applicable. Optus Stadium is home to the biggest names in sport, music and entertainment. Please update your browser by clicking here or 2023 Optus Stadium. The following applies only to resale tickets to Illinois events: If you purchase resale tickets to an event located in Illinois, you will receive a refund of the amount you paid for that resale ticket if (a) the ticketed event is canceled (in which case you will not receive a refund of any delivery fees), (b) that ticket does not allow you to enter the ticketed event for reasons that may include, without limitation, that the ticket is counterfeit or that the ticket has been canceled by the issuer due to non-payment, unless the ticket is canceled due to an act or omission by you, (c) that ticket fails to conform to its listing description, or (d) you failed to receive that ticket. You agree that the event for which you purchase tickets is a public event, that your appearance and actions inside and outside the venue where the event occurs are public in nature, and that you have no expectation of privacy with regard to your actions or conduct at the event. By posting a ticket using the Advanced Services, you authorize us and Optus Stadium Commercial, upon purchase of the ticket by another person through the Advanced Services, to cancel and invalidate your right to use or convey the ticket, and you acknowledge that the posted ticket will thereafter be invalid for entry to the applicable event by you or anyone other than the person who acquires that ticket via the Advanced Services (or any person lawfully receiving the ticket from such acquirer). Occasionally, we receive incorrect billing or credit card account information for a ticket order that can delay processing and delivery. 0000317422 00000 n Combine an exciting atmosphere with premium hospitality and an unbeatable view from any of our impressive spaces at Optus Stadium - the Most Beautiful Stadium in the World! If that happens, you may no longer use the Site or any Content. In these cases, we will attempt to contact you, using the information provided at the time of purchase. 0000005738 00000 n Whether it's networking with customers, rewarding staff, relaxing with family and friends, celebrating a special occasion or simply joining the Purple Army on a match day to cheer on the team, Fremantle Dockers Premium delivers a range of options to suit your individual and business needs. Complete the below form and an email will be sent through to our Premium Sales Team. Premium Hospitality - Optus Stadium This #InternationalWomensDay we celebrate women all over the world, with a You and your belongings may be searched on entry to the event. 1300 297 588 If we issue you a refund for a ticket due to a canceled or postponed event, we will issue a refund of the ticket price paid and all service fees. 0000034925 00000 n You agree that you will comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations, and that you will not: Ownership of Content and Grant of Conditional License. Opening acts, as well as festival performers, are subject to change or cancellation at any time without notice. We grant you a limited, conditional, no-cost, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable license to view this Site and its Content as permitted by these Terms only if, as a condition precedent, you agree that you will not: This license is expressly conditioned on your preexisting agreement to comply with, and your actual compliance with, each of the provisions described in this Ownership of Content and Grant of Conditional License section. Local Government. Guest rooms are a mix of clean classic lines with chic gloss black detailing featuring indulgently large beds, and an oversized shower and bath. This license exists only so long as you strictly comply with each of the provisions described in this section. No refund will be owed if an opening act or festival performer is changed or canceled. You will not be able to obtain a refund or exchange after a ticket has been purchased, unless required by law or otherwise permitted by Optus Stadium Commercial. 0000040608 00000 n The Advanced Services offer you the ability to purchase tickets from individuals and businesses that hold tickets purchased from Optus Stadium Commercial. These individuals and businesses are the sellers of the tickets, not us or Optus Stadium Commercial. Enjoy premium hospitality offerings tailored for corporate clients or social occasions. WE PROVIDE THE SITE AND THE CONTENT TO YOU AS IS AND AS AVAILABLE. 0000007529 00000 n 0000006473 00000 n Optus Stadium Premium Hospitality Experiences Take your experience to the next level Optus Stadium is the home of the biggest names in sport, music and entertainment. Optus Stadium, Burswood | Events & Tickets | Map, Travel & Seating Plan Premium Hospitality Sports Lounge Network in Style in the Sports Lounge Perfect for groups of all sizes Sports Lounge Benefits Premium level 3 location on the south of the Stadium Padded seating and continuous Lounge access Big screens, lounge seating, bar tables and dining tables 0000034760 00000 n WE DO NOT GUARANTEE THAT THE SITE WILL ALWAYS BE SAFE, SECURE OR ERROR-FREE OR THAT THE SITE WILL ALWAYS FUNCTION WITHOUT DISRUPTIONS, DELAYS OR IMPERFECTIONS. OUR LIABILITY WILL BE LIMITED UNDER THIS PARAGRAPH TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, AND THE PROVISIONS OF THIS PARAGRAPH WILL NOT APPLY TO THE EXTENT APPLICABLE LAW PERMITS THE RECOVERY OF DAMAGES, ATTORNEYS FEES OR COSTS OTHERWISE PROHIBITED UNDER THIS PARAGRAPH. Its purpose is to promote uniform application of tax laws throughout the State by the Bureau of Tax Policy personnel and provide information and guidance to taxpayers. Various millage rate exports are available under the Review Reports section. To find out more about P!NK in Perth including ticketing and premium hospitality . When required, Ticketmaster will generally provide you a copy of any state forms. You may be required to provide your credit card number and other information in order to pay such fees, which will be processed or collected by us or Optus Stadium Commercial. 2016 Millage Rates - A Complete List. 0000273705 00000 n You will be responsible for printing out and using your tickets. You voluntarily assume all risks and danger incidental to the event for which the ticket is issued, whether occurring before, during or after the event, and you waive any claims for personal injury or death against us, management, facilities, leagues, artists, other participants, and all of our respective parents, affiliated entities, agents, officers, directors, owners and employees on behalf of yourself and any accompanying minor. The company's filing status is listed as Active and its File Number is 802047738. External link for Premium Hospitality Packages, Join to see who you already know at Premium Hospitality Packages. | Optus Stadium is home to the biggest names in sport, music and entertainment. 0000317681 00000 n Optus Stadium: Premium hospitality - YouTube 0000000016 00000 n Personal service and attention to detail are at the core of everything we do. $70,252 Loan - Limited Liability Company (LLC) - February, 2021. H\n@b!2tD 8=csw%"{>xv?K;v};66tmL^VOzms'pk1 eO6S]9.i.m&zKW2}qpl.2[s9sf^#o7\+eZky/KdYs@pz:=~B~a~A&. Your account username may not include the name of another person with the intent to impersonate that person, or be offensive, vulgar or obscene. Some of the Advanced Services are provided by Optus Stadium Commercial, and some of the Advanced Services are provided by Ticketmaster (us or we). WITHOUT LIMITING THE FOREGOING, YOU EXPRESSLY ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT WE WILL HAVE NO LIABILITY OR RESPONSIBILITY WHATSOEVER FOR (a) ANY FAILURE OF ANOTHER USER OF THE SITE TO CONFORM TO THE CODES OF CONDUCT, (b) PERSONAL INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE, OF ANY NATURE WHATSOEVER, WHETHER ARISING IN CONTRACT OR IN TORT, RESULTING FROM YOUR ACCESS TO AND USE OF OUR SITE, (c) ANY UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS TO OR USE OF OUR SECURE SERVERS AND/OR ANY AND ALL PERSONAL INFORMATION AND/OR FINANCIAL INFORMATION STORED THEREIN, (d) ANY BUGS, VIRUSES, WORMS, TROJAN HORSES, DEFECTS, DATE BOMBS, TIME BOMBS OR OTHER ITEMS OF A DESTRUCTIVE NATURE WHICH MAY BE TRANSMITTED TO OR THROUGH OUR SITE, (e) ANY ERRORS, MISTAKES, INACCURACIES OR OMISSIONS IN ANY CONTENT, OR (f) ANY LOST, STOLEN OR DAMAGED TICKETS, OR THE FAILURE OF A VENUE TO HONOR A TICKET. 0000266290 00000 n Full Season Membership Price: When you purchase a ticket from a third party via the Advanced Services, the original ticket will automatically be cancelled and invalidated, your credit card will be charged the ticket price and all applicable fees, and you will be issued a new ticket. Allow the dedicated customer service team to take care of your requests and for you to maximise the time with clients or personal contacts to create a lasting impression. 0000316679 00000 n PDF Venue & Show Information Ticketing Enquiries Key Timings Entry and You may download the forms located at https://www.jamsadr.com. All Rights Reserved.
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