You can also send an e-mail to blabbermouthinbox(@) with pertinent details. Legendary for his drum solos during Rush's concerts, Peart retired from performing after Rush played its final show on August 1st, 2015 in Los Angeles. mode: 'thumbnails-a', Neil Peart, Rush drummer and lyricist, dies at 67 The book details Peart's travels through towns and villages with four fellow riders. Watch: Former MEGADETH Guitarist MARTY FRIEDMAN Plays First U.S. Show In Four Years, VIO-LENCE's SEAN KILLIAN Is Open To Recording New Music With Band's Revamped Lineup, NAPALM DEATH Frontman Breaks Ankle Onstage In Munich, Refuses To Cancel Tour Dates. function(bids) { }); At the time of his death, Peart had been living in Santa Monica, California, with his photographer wife, Nuttall, and their daughter, Olivia, who was born in 2009. Keith Spera writes about music, culture, his kids and more for The Times-Picayune | The New Orleans Advocate. Rand's writings became a significant early philosophical influence on Peart, as he found many of her writings on individualism and Objectivism inspiring. But . Olivia Louise Peart was born later that year. The sound was merciless."[6]. Categories . magazine: On his time recording and performing for Rush, In 2015 Peart described himself as a "retired drummer", though bandmate. 2009 saw the birth of Olivia Peart, Neil Peart's daughter. [104] Another book, Far and Wide: Bring That Horizon to Me!, was published in 2016 and is based on his travels between stops on the R40 Live Tour of 2015. Today, let's take a look at how Neil Peart's daughter with Carrie Nuttall, Olivia Louise Peart, is growing up. "Red Sector A", "Closer to the Heart" on A Show of Hands and "Mystic Rhythms" on R30. placement: 'Right Rail Thumbnails', Peart was born in Hamilton, Ontario,[5] and grew up in Port Dalhousie (now part of St. Catharines). The couple married in September 2000. The original had a limited print run, but after the critical and commercial success of Peart's second book, Masked Rider was re-issued by ECW Press and remains in print. [27] The band were working hard to establish themselves as a recording act, and Peart, along with the rest of the band, began to undertake extensive touring. The comments reside on Facebook servers and are not stored on BLABBERMOUTH.NET. [12][13] In January 2018, bandmate Alex Lifeson confirmed that Rush had disbanded also due to Peart's health issues. This was done in order to trigger sounds sampled from various pieces of acoustic percussion that would otherwise consume far too much stage area. The first child of four,[19] his brother Danny and sisters Judy and Nancy were born after the family moved to St. Catharines when Peart was two years old. His email is [61], Music critic Amanda Petrusich in The New Yorker wrote: "Watching Peart play the drums gave the impression that he might possess several phantom limbs. Olivia Louise Peart Gifts & Merchandise for Sale | Redbubble He referred to this set, which he used primarily in Los Angeles, as the "West Coast kit". Years later, after his marriage to Nuttall, Peart took another road trip, this time by car. In his third book, Traveling Music: Playing Back the Soundtrack to My Life and Times,[100] he reflects on his life, his career, his family, and music. In the 2015 Rolling Stone profile, Peart expressed reluctance about leaving Olivia: I realized on the last tour that its good for her when Im there, and its really bad for her when Im not.. "[53], Peart was a member of the Canadian charity Artists Against Racism and worked with them on a radio public service announcement.[96]. Tags: Neil Peart Daughter Breaks Silence On Rush Drummer Neil Peart: Rush drummer dies aged 67 - BBC News Peart wrote in a 2009 blog post that Olivias due date was August 12, two days after the anniversary of Selenas death. [7][8] As time passed, he began to emulate jazz and big band musicians Gene Krupa and Buddy Rich. }
Peart announced his retirement from touring in an interview with Drumhead Magazine in December 2015. Stage Left), the drum solo was included as part of a song. Peart, ranked No. BLABBERMOUTH.NET uses the Facebook Comments plugin to let people comment on content on the site using their Facebook account. _taboola.push({ Smith responded he had been studying with drum teacher Freddie Gruber.[35]. Neil Peart, the legendary drummer of Rush, has died, according to an announcement from the band. Mr. Peart was soon. Neil Peart, the father of Olivia Louise Peart, began working in the music business in the late 1960s. Rush drummer Neil Peart tragically died yesterday from cancer, and his final public words to Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson came during a 2017 Classic Rock Magazine interview where he discussed a. Neil was profoundly affected by these awful events, therefore he needed time apart from his band to recover. User comments or postings do not reflect the viewpoint of BLABBERMOUTH.NET and BLABBERMOUTH.NET does not endorse, or guarantee the accuracy of, any user comment. While pulling the boat up on the rocky shore, I showed Olivia the parallel grooves in the rocks surface that had been left by glaciers. Paul Siegel. Everyone was so shocked to learn that Neil Peart had passed away after battling the severe brain disease glioblastoma. Months later, his wife, Jackie, succumbed to cancer. In those pre-internet days, I brought copies of my articles to Rush concerts and asked members of the road crew to pass them on to Peart. Olivia Peart Wall Art 95 Results all the warrior Poster By michaelicks $29.32 brown peart set up Poster By bobbiesclass $29.32 Lakes Stage Poster By EvelySanchez $28.27 night stage pearts Poster By michaelicks $29.32 close up pearts smiley Poster By bobbiesclass $29.32 Living On Stages Canvas Print By EvelySanchez $84.50 setup test pearts Poster He took pride in a job well done. In December 2015, Peart announced his retirement from drum performance, and Rush, in an interview with Drumhead Magazine.During the interview, he told a story about his daughter Olivia. A few years later, Peart met Carrie, who would later become his second wife and Olivia Louises mother, which enabled him to move on with his life. Matthew Wachsman. At the recommendation of bassist Jeff Berlin, Peart once again augmented his swing style with formal drum lessons, this time under the tutelage of another pupil of Freddie Gruber, Peter Erskine, himself an instructor of Steve Smith. [65], During the late 1970s, Peart augmented his acoustic setup with diverse percussion instruments, including orchestra bells, tubular bells, wind chimes, crotales, timbales, timpani, gong, temple blocks, bell tree, triangle, and melodic cowbells. [107] Snippets of the band's lyrics can be found throughout both stories. With Rush, Peart played Slingerland, Tama, Ludwig, and Drum Workshop drums, in that order. Therefore, it came as a surprise for everyone when it was announced that Neil Peart had died after battling an aggressive form of brain cancer, glioblastoma. It must have been difficult for young Olivia to lose a parent at such an early age. Mr. Peart began playing drums at 13, after seeing a movie about Gene Krupa, the big-band drummer who played with Benny Goodman and helped put drummers in the spotlight. Also, learn about the tragedy her family faced before she was born. With an honorable mention to Olivia "Liver" Favela the drummer from Birtha - she was absolutely awesome as both a drummer and vocalist!! Brian Hiatt wrote one of the best-ever Rush profileswhen the band finally! The cause of death, according to a spokesperson, was brain cancer. The album Snakes & Arrows dealt primarily and vociferously with Peart's opinions regarding faith and religion. After a three and a half year illness,[16] Peart died of glioblastoma on January 7, 2020, at age 67. .addSize([990, 200], [[728, 90], [970, 90], [970, 250]]) . [85] In contrast, Allmusic called him "one of rock's most accomplished lyricists". And while we will never get to see the father-daughter duo together, lets hope Olivia Louise Peart will come forward to honor Neils legacy in the future. 4 on Rolling Stone's list of the greatest rock drummers of all time, shaped that worldview as Rushs lyricist. He had announced his wifes pregnancy in June 2009 in the article titled Under the Marine Layer on his websites News, Weather, and Sports section. His common-law wife of 23 years, Jackie, died of cancer in . [2] In 2005, Nuttall published Rhythm and Light, a portrait book capturing intimate photos of Peart in the recording studio. It was a total shock to me". In his book Ghost Rider: Travels on the Healing Road, Peart wrote that he told his bandmates at Selena's funeral, "consider me retired". .addService(googletag.pubads()); googletag.defineSlot('/98948493,22548962605/alternativenation_multisize_content_2', [[336,280],[300,250]], 'div-gpt-ad-3901802-4') Aforementioned, Olivia Louise Peart is the daughter of Rush drummer Neil Peart and his wife, Carrie Nuttall. We took a lap around the house to get the hang of it, then climbed down the steep bank to the open whiteness of the lake. During that same interview, Nuttall spoke about capturing Peart in the studio saying, Hes obviously an intense, focused, driven person while hes working, and he holds extremely high standards for himself and thats why hes as successful as he is. There was a problem saving your notification. He added that there must be a point at which anyone might decide to leave the game. Neil Peart, drummer and lyricist for rock band Rush, dies at 67 And he reunited with Rush for an especially fruitful late-career resurgence. close up pearts smiley Poster. [18], Peart got a job in Lakeside Park, in Port Dalhousie on the shores of Lake Ontario, which later inspired a song of the same name on the Rush album Caress of Steel. To comment on a BLABBERMOUTH.NET story or review, you must be logged in to an active personal account on Facebook. .addService(googletag.pubads()); }); Lets look at Olivia Louise Pearts development today, Neil Pearts child with Carrie Nuttall. However, Ghost Rider is a first-person narrative of Peart on the road on a BMW R1100GS motorcycle, in an effort to put his life back together as he embarked on an extensive journey.[99]. [9] While Lee and Peart hit it off on a personal level (both sharing similar tastes in books and music), Lifeson had a less favourable impression of Peart. [62] During live Rush shows, the riser allowed Peart to swap the prominent portions of the kit (traditional acoustic in front, electronic in back). . Rush Drummer Neil Peart Dead at 67 - Rolling Stone Peart wrote, Andrew was determined to find a match for this crusty old widower. Shattered at the loss of his family, he withdrew from the limelight. But Peart was always gracious, thoughtful and unfailingly pleasant. BLABBERMOUTH.NET reserves the right to "hide" comments that may be considered offensive, illegal or inappropriate and to "ban" users that violate the site's Terms Of Service. In a July 2005 interview, Nuttall said that she had been a fan of Rush in high school but did not know the band members names. This performance contained an original number titled "LSD Forever". Carrie Nuttal, and daughter Olivia. Daughter Of Neil Peart And Carrie Nuttall, Neil Pearts Daughter Had An Older Sister, Neil Peart Retired From Rush To Spend More Time With Olivia. container: 'taboola-right-rail-thumbnails', Peart wrote in March 2014 on his website about some his daughters first comments about him, Then to walk outside and feel the shock of the coldeven if only on the two inches of face left exposed, but also in the nostrils and lungs. Selena Taylor, the sister of Louise Peart, was born to her father and his first wife, Jacqueline Taylor. He must have wanted to spend his time looking after Olivia and watching her grow up. Today, lets take a look at how Neil Pearts daughter with Carrie Nuttall, Olivia Louise Peart, is growing up. To do so, click the downward arrow on the top-right corner of the Facebook comment (the arrow is invisible until you roll over it) and select the appropriate action. Selfie culture was anathema to him; he went years without willingly taking a picture with a stranger. [21][22], While in London, he came across the writings of novelist and Objectivist Ayn Rand. Thus, Peart has been eulogized everywhere from the New Yorker to the National Review. [102] This book, which he worked on for two years, is formed around his traveling in North and South America. pubID: '434bb5e4-3704-4b75-b36c-785a444462bd', Forty years of sustained excellence is a lot. Some purely electronic non-instrumental sounds were also used. While Neil never explicitly stated the reason behind the retirement, it seems like his little girl, who must have been around 6 then, might have been a major factor. [37] Peart and the rest of the band were always able to keep his private life at a distance from his public image in Rush. "itemListElement": [
[33] Peart accepted and performed for the first time with the Buddy Rich Big Band. target_type: 'mix' And he reunited with Rush for an especially fruitful late-career resurgence. If a new comment is published from a "banned" user or contains a blacklisted word, this comment will automatically have limited visibility (the "banned" user's comments will only be visible to the user and the user's Facebook friends). His lyrics for Rush addressed universal themes and diverse subjects including science fiction, fantasy, and philosophy, as well as secular, humanitarian, and libertarian themes. "[60] Being "known for his technical proficiency", the Modern Drummer Hall of Fame inducted him in 1983. "@type": "WebPage",
Apart from Carrie, Neil was previously married to Jacqueline Taylor and they were parents to a daughter called Selena who was killed in an accident. He drew most of his inspiration from drummers such as Keith Moon, Ginger Baker, and John Bonham, players who at the time were at the forefront of the British hard rock scene. Released in September 2006, Roadshow: Landscape with Drums A Concert Tour by Motorcycle details the tour both from behind Neil's drum kit and on his BMW R1150GS and R1200GS motorcycles.[101]. He was 67. Jackie and Neil dated for more than two decades. }
It tells how he found in a Brazilian town a unique combination of West African and Brazilian music. Peart received the following awards from DRUM! Neil and Carrie were together since the early 2000s and welcomed her several years into their marriage. About eight, maybe?) The influential musician, author and lyricist died Tuesday in Santa Monica, Calif., after having been diagnosed with brain cancer, according to a statement by a family spokesperson. In one of his essays, Peart revealed that Olivias first-ever Rush concert was the New Orleans stop of the R40 Live Tour. "@type": "WebPage",
"There was a remarkable backlash, especially from the English press, this being the late seventies, when collectivism was still in style, especially among journalists", Peart said. In 1956 the family moved to the Port Dalhousie area of the town. Olivia Louise Pearts dad, Neil, started his career in the music industry in the late 1960s. What made Pearts passing more profound was that, for many fans, Rush was more than just a band, and Peart was more than just a drummer. As stated above, Olivia is the only child of her parents together. [23], After eighteen months Peart became disillusioned by his lack of progress in the music business; he placed his aspiration of becoming a professional musician on hold and returned to Canada. Peart was a drummer's drummer, beloved by his peers; . Before quitting music in 2015, he played drums for Rush for more than 40 years. This became the band's breakthrough release, but also brought unexpected criticism, mainly because of the credit of inspiration Peart gave to Ayn Rand in the liner notes. In early 2001, Peart announced to his bandmates that he was ready to return to recording and performing. Moreover, Peart and Nuttall refrained from revealing Olivias exact date and time of her birth. Despite having a half-sibling, Neil Pearts daughter, Olivia, never got to meet her sister. [34] On October 18, 2008, Peart once again performed at the Buddy Rich Memorial Concert at New York's Hammerstein Ballroom. But some of us who came of age in the 80s to a soundtrack of Moving Pictures, Exit Stage Left, Signals and Grace Under Pressure are now tastemakers. Rush drummer Neil Peart tragically died from brain cancer a few days ago, and he is survived by his wife Carrie and 10-year old daughter Olivia. But after the May 22, 2015 show at the Smoothie King Center, I was at peace with the likelihood Id never see them perform again. And he certainly enjoyed the fruits of his labor. This is largely based on his work with Rush in the 1970s, particularly the song "Anthem" and the album 2112; the latter specifically credited Rand's work. Neil Pearts final public words to Geddy Lee before dying were recently revealed. Similarly, the R40 Live album includes two short solos performed as interludes. Getty Neil continued by saying that he enjoyed the sound of it and that it did not hurt him as much as he had anticipated. By his late teens, Peart had played in local bands such as Mumblin' Sumpthin', and the Majority. googletag.pubads().refresh(); Pressed up against the stage barricades at the UNO Lakefront Arena in 1984 for my first Rush concert, I screamed like a schoolgirl, my mind officially blown. But because he was present for his daughter every day, those years may have been among his best. Longtime Buffalo News music critic Jeff Miers, in his recent remembrance, recounted sobbing over Pearts death. }
He sought solace on a months-long motorcycle journey across North and Central America. [70], During the 201011 Time Machine Tour Peart used a new Drum Workshop kit which was outfitted with copper-plated hardware and time machine designs to match the tour's steampunk themes. From 2112 to Counterparts, he used a 5 1/2 14 inch Slingerland "Artist" snare model (3-ply shell with 8 lugs). A few months later, Selenas mother passed away from cancer, and Olivias father also had another loss. {
Neil Peart, the longtime drummer for rock band Rush, has died. "position": 4,
During his time with the band, Hiatt discreetly wiped away tears while watching Peart, Lee and Lifeson rehearse Subdivisions; the song transported him back to his own adolescence. [74] Peart's instructional DVD Anatomy of a Drum Solo (2005) is an in-depth examination of how he constructs a solo that is musical rather than indulgent, using his solo from the 2004 R30 30th anniversary tour as an example. His voluminous prose output apparently included vast amounts of correspondence. "item": {
On all subsequent live albums through Time Machine 2011: Live in Cleveland, the drum solo has been included as a separate track. and said with a wide-open smile, Was that before you were born? I assured her it was. Neil Pearts final public words to Geddy Lee before dying were recently revealed. Peart, Neil. },
Over the years, Pearts lyrical themes evolved from science fiction to nuanced studies of human connections, even as the band streamlined its sound from progressive rock epics to more succinct "prog-pop." [47], Peart's death was widely lamented by fans and fellow musicians alike, who considered it a substantial loss for popular music. "[83] The lyrics of "Faithless" exhibit a life stance which has been closely identified with secular humanism. and Alex Lifeson. apstag.init({ Neil Pearts final public words to Geddy Lee before dying were recently revealed. Remember that drum fill on 'Xanadu?' That the cancer that killed him originated in his ever-active brain was a cruel irony akin to Popeyes Famous Fried Chicken founder Al Copeland dying of cancer of the salivary glands. Adulation can be a burden, and as Limelight made clear, fame itself did not interest him. sid: '1366', (e.g. Subscribe to our channel! [37] Peart took a long sabbatical to mourn and reflect, and travelled extensively throughout North and Central America on his motorcycle, covering 88,000km (55,000mi). $29.32. But maybe Id finally arrived at a realization my teenage self would have debated: theres more to life than Rush. Peart always shied away from these types of in-person encounters, and it was decided that exposing him to a lengthy stream of questions about the tragic events of his life was not necessary. Apart from Rush's video releases as a band, Peart has released the following DVDs (the first originally in VHS tape format) as an individual: Peart received the following awards in the Modern Drummer magazine Literature heavily influenced his writings. What is the proper response when an icon from your personal Mount Rushmore falls? [8], Variety wrote: "Widely considered one of the most innovative drummers in rock history, Peart was famous for his state-of-the-art drum kitsmore than 40 different drums were not out of the normprecise playing style and on stage showmanship. That came two years after Pearts common-law-wife, Jacqueline Taylor, died after a battle with cancer. It was two years ago today (January 7th, 2020) that Rush drummer Neil Peart, one of the most groundbreaking and virtuosic drummers in rock, died at the age of 67 in Santa Monica, California, where he lived. They also played in the Northern Ontario city of Timmins. Published by at 29, 2022. [42], In the mid-2010s, Peart acquired U.S. Nuttall and Peart were introduced to each other by Rush photographer Andrew MacNaughtan. Selena Peart Taylor was killed in a single-car accident in August 1997, almost 12 years before Olivia was born. He must have desired to care for Olivia and see her develop during his free time. [103] In 2014, a follow-up book, Far and Near: On Days like These, was published by ECW. olivia peart drummer. But he always resisted being completely consumed by his role. [43] Retirement from touring [ edit] Peart described himself as a "retired drummer" in an interview in December 2015: Lately Olivia has been introducing me to new friends at school as 'My dadHe's a retired drummer.' True to sayfunny to hear. Pointing to the line of trees on the far shore, perhaps a half mile distant, she said, Lets go all the way across. I loved her spirit, but wanted to make sure this first time on snowshoes was positivedidnt want her getting sore or tired. I bought into Rush then, and never cashed out. "@type": "ListItem",
Peart played Zildjian A-series cymbals and Wuhan china cymbals until the early 2000s, when he switched to Paragon, a line created for him by Sabian. But it was important to me at the time in a transition of finding myself and having faith that what I believed was worthwhile. And the year 2015 was the time for him. target_type: 'mix' Olivia is the only child her parents have together, as was already said. "Rush drummer's motor runnin' again", Burning for Buddy: A Tribute to the Music of Buddy Rich, Traveling Music: Playing Back the Soundtrack to My Life and Times, List of songs recorded by Rush Neil Peart, Burning for Buddy: A Tribute to the Music of Buddy Rich, Vol. The MalletKAT Express is composed of rubber pads for the "keys" so that any stick can be used. In addition to their home in Santa Monica, Nuttall and Peart also had a home in the Laurentian Mountains of Quebec, Canada, the late drummer said in a 2014 blog post. [62] Fly By Night and Caress of Steel were recorded with a 514 Rogers Dynasonic; chrome over brass with 10 lugs. "@id": "",
"@type": "ListItem",
Neil Peart, drummer and lyricist for Canadian rock band Rush, has died from brain cancer aged 67. .addService(googletag.pubads()); Despite being a world-famous drummer, Peart told Rolling Stone that he still took drum lessons as recently as 2012. . Guitarist Alex Lifeson, left, bassist Geddy Lee and drummer Neil Peart of Rush perform at the Smoothie King Center in New Orleans during the band's R40 Live 40th Anniversary tour, on Friday, May 22, 2015. He was "considered one of the best rock drummers of all time, alongside John Bonham of Led Zeppelin; Ringo Starr of The Beatles; Keith Moon of The Who; Ginger Baker of Cream and Stewart Copeland of The Police. In the 70s and 80s, Rush was often ignored or mocked by cultural tastemakers. The product of the band's return was the 2002 album Vapor Trails. It featured a custom 23-inch bass drum; all other sizes remained the same as the R30 kit. [82], Regarding his seeming ideological fealty to Rand's philosophy of Objectivism, Peart said, "For a start, the extent of my influence by the writings of Ayn Rand should not be overstated. citizenship.[43]. Carrie, whom he married in 2000, and his daughter Olivia. "position": 1,
Modern Drummer Magazine April 2006 Article "Soloing in the Shadow of Giants". [18] His stage debut took place that year at the school's Christmas pageant in St. Johns Anglican Church Hall in Port Dalhousie. Geddy Lee. "name": "Rock Features"
"position": 3,
[31], Peart returned to England for Rush's Northern European Tour and the band stayed in the United Kingdom to record the next album, 1977's A Farewell to Kings, in Rockfield Studios in Wales. However, she had an older half-sibling from her fathers side. She looked at me with that wonderful guilelessness of childhood (when does that go? schain: { Peart attributed her death to the result of a "broken heart" and called it "a slow suicide by apathy. .addSize([0, 0], [[320, 50]]) [62][64] In concert starting in 1984 on the Grace Under Pressure Tour, Peart used an elaborate 360-degree drum kit that would rotate as he played different sections of the kit. Peart revealed that his wife was pregnant with their first child together but did not go into details about when the due date was. Email notifications are only sent once a day, and only if there are new matching items. [9] Upon returning to St. Catharines, he worked for his father selling tractor parts at Dalziel Equipment. Billboard lists the band third in "most consecutive gold or platinum albums by a rock band". His experiences were penned in Ghost Rider: Travels on the Healing Road. Peart said it was Nuttall who encouraged him keep a home in the area. ver: '1.0', Get Direction. Neil Ellwood Peart OC (/prt/; September 12, 1952 January 7, 2020) was a Canadian-American musician, best known as the drummer and primary lyricist of the rock band Rush. Neil Peart and Rush drum tech, Lorne Wheaton recently took to social media via Twitter to comment on the death of the acclaimed Rush drummer who passed away last month due to a battle with. Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson oversaw the audition. She is the only child of the couple and is undoubtedly surrounded by love and affection. adServer: 'googletag', 2 (after Sting) on the now defunct magazine Blender's list of "worst lyricists in rock". Carrie Nuttall, Neil Peart's Wife: 5 Fast Facts | Neil Peart, the 67-year-old drummer and lyricist for progressive rock band Rush, died on Tuesday, Jan. 7, in Santa Monica, . [9] Soon after, a mutual acquaintance convinced Peart to audition for the Toronto-based band Rush, which needed a replacement for its original drummer John Rutsey. Drummer Neal Peart, dead at 67, was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hal of Fame in 2013. . Peart retired from performing in 2015. He also stated that there has to be a time when anyone can take themselves out of the game. Carrie Nuttall - Wikipedia window._taboola = window._taboola || []; mode: 'thumbnails-rr', Find out more about the trauma her family endured prior to her birth. Peart was introduced to photographer Carrie Nuttall in Los Angeles by longtime Rush photographer Andrew MacNaughtan. The respective anatomical regions associated with their success were also the source of their demise. Eddie Exposito was in eighth grade when a buddy pressed play on a cassette of the 1981 Rush album Moving Pictures. The instrumental YYZ,. googletag.cmd = googletag.cmd || []; olivia peart drummer [45], Peart died from glioblastoma, an aggressive form of brain cancer, on January 7, 2020, in Santa Monica, California. Carrie joined Neil and his marriage some years after they started dating in the early 2000s. nodes: [ apstag.fetchBids({ Louise Pearts sister, Selena Taylor, was the daughter of her father and his first wife, Jacqueline Taylor.
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