Cross posted on AO3 Want to join our next mission? octonauts. I don't know what the octonauts would have done without you. ; Badass Adorable: All of them. (, Tunip almost gets hurt from falling off a cliff or from falling rocks, until the, Almost gets hurt when trying to shade the cocoa trees. : Sure, you haven't! He then passed out in my arms. There ain't any medics near where Koshi lives. title says it all. @Octonauts - Captain Barnacles Super Polar Adventure! - YouTube One day, however, Tweak convinces him to let his guard down and long story short; she finds out. (, Almost gets injured in a storm on a floating log while trying to save the youngest beaver. This is hella late but honestly I wanna add my opinion, going from youngest (no vegimals) to oldest, and only the octonauts from the original show. Octonauts, let's do this! He asked me to drive Shellington home in the Gup-A because guess what!? Two lovers, caught in an endless game of tag, until one finally caught up and made the move.Two lovers, one haunted by the ghost of their past, one finally willing to not be alone.Two lovers, like a coin with two tails.Who knew such a simple act they both desired would lead to a life stricken with anguish, even if one of those lives is vastly shorter than their counterpart. I swam so fast, my legs hurt. Fund your creativity by creating subscription tiers. (, Almost gets suffers from a collapsing Octo-Repair Station and gets pinned under fallen objects. So Peso? I guess I should do more research on idioms Anyways, it's 12 at night. What will they do to him? (, Almost suffocates from the desert heat. I'm so confused now. (, Tunip almost gets hurt when he crashes the Gup-X Glider at the bottom of a trench. I cringed. in short Barnacles drugged Peso which cause him to stay up really really late last night to only for him go to bed around five o'clock in the morning which is bad poor thing have a headache now. We are the Octonauts - Chapter 68 - StoryLover149 - The Octonauts Sandy (Octonauts) Hugo (Octonauts) Witch's have been wiped out for 3 decades. Chapter 1 - The Beginning of Everything - Octonauts Fanfics Wiki This is a collaborative story between KateSeleneMelody3OCS and isobeljones2000, otherwise known as Sierra and Izzie! ; Freudian Trio: Demonstrated in the first ten seconds of the opening theme.Kwazii is a daredevil (Id), Peso's a thinker (Superego) and Barnacle is The Leader (Ego). Captain Barnacles: Agreed. (, Almost gets eaten and stung to death by a, Almost drowns when he doesn't have an air tank and his tail was stuck. Peso the penguin was never considered to be one of the bravest of the Octonauts. Kwazii: But Captain, where are we gonna put all these scurvy rocks once they're off of Shellington? I Shouldn't Be Alive: Octonauts Special Chapter 5 - FanFiction.Net And their brothers try to keep them hidden of their true identities as humans. rated for language, sexual activity, and blood. One day dashi was in the HQ working at her computers next to Shellington when she started to get a headache and get very tired. [peso bandages his leg] There. I saw Tweak crying on the Captain's shoulder, and the Captain trying to comfort her. (, Almost drowns after being eaten by a giant clam. I hope you guys enjoy it. Captain Barnacles: I'm still really confused between Dashi and Tweak Kwazii, I like BOTH of them. When Tweak saw the rock pile in the exact same spot shellington was standing a moment ago, she knew exactly what had happened and sounded the octo-alert. So until further notice there won't be any new pages of Octoteens or Rabbit Hole. Kwazii has a secret. That would be the perfect place for all this rubble! I drifted off to sleep, but woke up in the middle of it. Peso: Let me take a look. It was like midnight. Barnacles caught Peso crying and worrying, so he comforts him. It isn't healthy for you to be over working yourself like Tweak or Barnacles. Kwazii Cat: That's were the trash can in the . Tweak: You got it Peso!! So he grabbed Tweak's paw and swam over to the rock pile. I wonder what it is Perhaps a kitten of his own? Dashi: According to the map, there should be a trench not to far from here, with nothing living in it. Please consider turning it on! Captain: Tell him we'll be extra careful. Published in: December 1 2018, I was inspired by Isobeljones and DolphinGirl so I decided to discontinue my other stories and make this, by discontinue I mean delete. Barnacles continues to walk down the hallway. Will: He says please hurry but be careful. ((Acctually, NONE of the art in here is mine)), My story of how I met the Octonauts and Became part of there team/family. Dashi out.). 1620 - The 1st Octopod and the 1st Gups are invented along with the Submarine. Tweak set a course for the island she lives on and tell the Captain, Inkling, and Kwazii our new mission. Peso: I don't know, but at least we will have helped Koshi. Original Character (s) Includes ART! And I wanna say that youve done so much for me, like you got me into doing voice acting and doing much more creative stuff, and it makes me happy knowing how much youve inspired me to do things. I am shamed. ? Steps Chapter 13: The thirteenth step - FanFiction.Net The door opened, and I slammed my journal shut. No, I want to go up there! I closed my pink journal and put it with my books. Peso has! 622 Stories. montana plant identification. tip: hetalia f/f sort:kudos, Im high on random lemon sparkling water thing from italy i think maybe its made in the usa how am i supposed to know, with my friend who is equally if not more high on the random lemon italian sparkling water that probably has alcohol or something\, definitely not high lmfao lololololololoaoiodafosdboaibeiwvf;oavwefsv. This a request book and head canons stories to feel/heal my soul :), ((Will not make smut or any NSFW writing. He pulled out his medical bag and began taking everything out. Octonauts Stories - Wattpad I really wanted to try finding someone who could put backgrounds on these comics to give them life, but I have yet to find someone willing to do so. That's when Shellington's eyes started opening. ), Here i make oneshot ships and oneshots here. But since Shellington wasn't there to translate his vegimalise no one understood him. Dashi gasped. Kwazii tried to struggle free but he couldn't move anything but his legs. You know Help take care of some jobs? Curse me and my autistic butt. -Captain Barnacles The moment she got there she flopped onto the bed and fell asleep. Peso nodded he moved back and position himself over the Captain he slowly push himself down on it he gasped when the Captain's length hit his sweet . Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Barnacles, Kwazii - Chapters: 13 - Words: 17,966 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 10 - Follows: 9 - Updated: 3/4/2015 - Published: 2 . POSSIBLE TW FOR DESCRIPTIONS OF MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES AND DISORDERS! (, Almost gets crushed by one of the Gup-D's retractable legs while attempting to help an injured Fiddler Crab. He trusts the Octonauts, more than he trusts himself. Coco gets sucked into life in the crew when she least expects it. It doesn't seem to be broken, but you need a bandage. Downstairs. Peso (Octonauts) - Works | Archive of Our Own POSSIBLE TW FOR DESCRIPTIONS OF MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES AND DISORDERS! (, Almost gets eaten by a great white shark. (, Almost gets eaten by lions along with Shellington. (, Almost perishes in the Amazon while searching for "the hidden city". I should get going. There was Captain Barnacles bear, Kwazii cat . Then a whole big pile fell down, trapping him. Then Kwazii, Tunip, Vegimals, start loading the gups with rocks. But he just stared, curious as he shook his head. We piled into the Gup-C, and Tweak opened the door for us. (Originally from Kwazii and Peso crash, while Barnacles is anxiously waiting for their return. They end up in Iceland with a few peculiar birds. What goes on behind the scenes? Then I walked away. The captain is accidentally sent to the real world by a mysterious underwater formation. When Peso does something not so great to Codish, Captain Barnacles decides to strike revenge. "d-dear god what have I done?" Barnacles murmured. One day when Peso and his friends went onto the surface to get some supplies Peso spotted a blue journal in the the cover page! Peso: Glass went into your stomach when you crashed the Gup-A, but you're ok now. Well I'm making this update now to tell you what's happening. octonauts fanfiction barnacles hurt. Yeah B, I wanna hear what you think about this.. (, Almost gets eaten by a European brown bear. You need to rest or you'll get sick. I haven't seen a scenario with these guys. What was he doing? Captain Barnacles: I need you to go through all your photos of us, and send them to me. Right. So what Im saying is even though you might forget me, Ill never forget you, and all youve done for me so thank you @RyneFloodCreative. Also because I don't want to get kicked off. kwaso. Tweak Bunny: You mean down there? Dashi's POV Dashi: No, NO! Captain: Perfect! After the master bolt of Zeus is stolen, it becomes clear to the last of the demigods that this is more than just any old theft. Captain Barnacles of the royal British navy arrived at a small port town to deliver and carry cargo on one of his ships. peso. What happens next? What a day! octonauts fanfiction kwazii hurt Tweak: If I can use the drill to drill through the rock Shellington's stuck under, it would free him. and finally passes away during a crash Dashi: He's dead. You wouldn't have happened to see our friend, Shellington in there, would you little guy? Barnacles cried, tears of joy running down his face. : Captain, you should just follow your heart. During a storm, Kwazii ended up lost at sea and kidnapped by some mistaken pirates. You have to drive the Gup home! He trusts the Octonauts, more than he trusts himself. love and make you do crazy thingswhat would happened if Kwazii, Captain Barnacles and Tweak was struck by the love bug.First story Kwazii x Shellingtonsecond Tweak x Dashithird and final Captain Barnacles x Peso, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (5), Captain Barnacles/Kwazii/Peso (Octonauts) (4), kwazii and shellington have trichotillomania, this is just an excuse for me to include my headcanons, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings. (, Almost falls after trying to recapture the Octopod from a group of crustaceans. They were burned in this magical land, as they were too powerful and dangerous. (he and shellington head up to HQ). It had been 3 hours since I left. Octonauts: Graveyard Shift | Fan Fiction | Fandom "don't forget ,Tweak, the Gup-A, Gup-B, and Gup-D need a little working on." Captain Barnacles & Shellington (Octonauts), Captain Barnacles/Professor Inkling (Octonauts), Captain Barnacles (Octonauts)/Original Character(s), go follow OATZ on tumbeler and join its discord, Episode: s02e04 Great White Shark / Sea Snakes, Captain Barnacles/Kwazii/Peso (Octonauts), public stuff but they don't fuck so it's fine, Nothing ever happens tho besides kisses and at most hickeys, Tweak has a girlfriend but she doesn't live here and you guys totally wouldn't know her shut up, Shellington has confusing feelings but not adressed until a later story, kwazii and shellington are dating in secrets, this is going to get scary will as scary as it gets. With a strange glass round thingy? Badass Crew: A group of animals who save animals from danger. Although he felt bad about lying to the Professor, it was for the best. Work Search: Kwazzi took out his flare gun and pointed it to the sky. : I got it! After vacation 2 by girsgirly on DeviantArt I was looking into Dashi's beautiful eyes. Swim from the shores of Australia's course to a point in the ocean where the gups were stationed. Kwazii hesitated, but Barnacles forced himself into Kwazii's mouth. Luckily there's only a couple more rocks to move. Watch Octonauts | Netflix Sometimes I believed I had a small crush on her. Tell him we'll get him out of there. ? I leaped out of the Gup and tried pushing it with . Octonauts belong to meomi. Shellington: Ugh What happened? But why is this so confusing?). Octonauts Fanfic: Introducing Carly - DeviantArt They noticed me walk in, and stopped speaking. She must be really tired. Suddenly, they both let go of me and walked 10 ft. away from me. : DashiDashistaystaycalmcalm. I'm going to question both! Peso: Dashi, stay calm. I needed to go tell the Captain and Tweak, if she was awake. (I held Dashi's hand, and Tweak's hand. Inkling: I've got it! (, Almost gets injured when the Gup-B gets caught in a net from an old shipwreck. Over the course of writing this my writing has grown and I want to show that by basically redoing it. octonauts fanfiction barnacles hurt. She just isn't herself these days. Please consider turning it on! Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! He tried to move the rocks, but he was to small. A crew that has become known for chasing away doctors. Octonauts Fanfics Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. ? I tried to get a little out of the shadows to see, but if I did, they'd see me. For now, you should get some rest. (, Almost becomes a humpback whale's lunch. (, Almost gets caught in a flood in the Australian Outback's. Ok, this was a bit weird No Archive Warnings Apply; Chris Larabee/Vin Tanner; Peso; Chris Larabee; Vin Tanner; Summary. Captain: So that's how you were able to dig your way out the rock pile! don't read it. Even more blood gushed out, but I covered the hole quickly and wrapped him in bandages. Who would've guessed a life-threatening situation would lead a river otter named Nessa to the one place-and sea otter-she belongs? Tunip was the first there. (, Almost gets eaten by Randy the Gray Reef Shark. Octo-One Shots Chapter 1: Barnacles x Kwazii (1), an octonauts fanfic Kwazii along with Octo-Agents Pearl and Paani embark on a research mission. She got knocked out and still isn't awake yet. (, Almost gets lost in an underwater cave with Shellington and Clem the pupfish. A little breathing room between Parts! :, Peso's a middle child and things like that don't just go away. "We're done with our mission, Octonauts at ease," Barnacles sang. What goes on behind the scenes? Reid and Hotch wake up one morning after a case in Vegas to find out they had a crazy night on the town. Captain Barnacles (Octonauts) - Works | Archive of Our Own The captain is accidentally sent to the real world by a mysterious underwater formation. She hasn't been sleeping or eating very much and she needs as much sleep as she can get. I'm gonna start moving some of these rocks with the gup d! Kwazii: Peso, it's not me that's hurt. I became hooked on the series when i started babysitting a little girl who bases her life on the show. I sighed and turned to the Octo-Hatch where within seconds, Peso would pop out of it. Shellington (Octonauts) - Works | Archive of Our Own "Until the next adventure!" everyone sang together. (, Almost gets crushed along with Kwazii by a so called "giant fish head". If so this is a good fic for you we will get snipits of there life outside of TV there will be drama, love, but most importantly angst because I have no other way to cope with wanting to kill myself other than writing fanficon, TW - Self Harm - Self Hatred - Depression, Due to his depression and anxiety, Kwazii feels like he has no place on the team and turns to self harm as a coping mechanism. Peso: I believe I can. [he begins to dig his way back into the rocks]. (runs out the door). (, Almost gets eaten by a gulper eel and almost crushed by falling rocks after a tremor with Professor Inkling. Oh no, was I in trouble again!? Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place. After yet another cr Kwazii becomes an overnight stand-up comedy sensation when he starts telling jokes about sea otters. Its Kwazii, Peso and Shellingtons turn to help him. Ok normally Im not up for rules but heres a few lagunitas hop water; matt beleskey retired; octonauts fanfiction barnacles hurt; June 22, 2022 . (, Almost suffers the extreme desert heat with, Almost gets hurt after crashing the Gup-B into some rocks. Was I really coming back? Whats the best kind o meme? Kwazii purred. But this means She doesn't like Captain Barnacles. Shellington: I'm sure she'll talk when she's ready. I might know a thing or two about why. Peso: Very good. I don't know if and when I'll get back to these comics. He tried to move the rocks, but he was to small. Peso, Tweak, Dashi, Inkling, you stay here and get Shellington out safely. (, Almost gets burned by lava from a lava tube while trying to save Frank the Water Bear. From the first day he joins the Octonauts--a team of highly trained shifters tasked to Explore, Rescue, and Protect the creatures in the world's oceans--Peso finds himself falling for both the Captain and the first mate. (, Almost gets hurt after slipping on moss and tumbling down a hill. Peso: No problem Shellington, just take it easy on that leg for awhile. Firstly dont ask any fetish questions cuz Im not gonna answer those Then I walked away. : That's not a good idea, actually. Flappity Flippers, this is very horrible and bad! Kwazii: PESO!!! We just wanted to talk to you. Hey Cap, we're gonna need some help over here. (, Almost drowns by flooding water in the Octo-Repair Station. Captain Barnacles: Thanks for saving me, Kwazii. Hey' dashi dont worry' he will be alright. I've never been through something like THIS before! If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). Shellington, wake up! (Video Game), Ouran High School Host Club - All Media Types, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, #JusticeForTheRandomPolicemanNikolaiShot'sFamily, I Feel Bad For You If You Actually Read These, TOLKIEN J. R. R. - Works & Related Fandoms, France (Hetalia)/Original Female Character(s), Prussia (Hetalia)/Original Male Character(s), America (Hetalia)/Original Female Character(s), Original Female Character(s)/Original Male Character(s), Original Male Character(s)/Original Male Character(s), Original Demigod Character(s) (Ancient Greek Religon & Lore), takes place within the game of the sims 4 in a custom save I made, Not all of the marvel heroes have become heroes yet, king triton is the same person as the god triton, Shellington (Octonauts)/Original Character(s), Captain Barnacles is sent to the real world by accident, Angelina Ballerina: The Next Steps (Cartoon), Captain Barnacles/Kwazii/Peso (Octonauts), Captain Barnacles/Shellington (Octonauts), I Wrote This Whilst Listening To Radiohead And It Shows, Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - All Media Types, Barbie & Her Sisters in A Pony Tale (2013), Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon | Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon (Anime & Manga), the implied rape is not the part that's funny, Been wanting to write this genre for a while and Kwazini just materialized :), we got many forms of symbolism in this bois, chapters are alternating between major events and perspective changes, warning does have character death.injury mention.past trauma.dangerous situations. But, the pain soon disappeared, and the light was disappearing. Octonauts FanFiction Archive | FanFiction
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