Current board members Ninmann, Schick, Schraufnagel and Thiel, along with challengers Paula Schmitz and Andrew Anderson, are running. She said she wished the district had utilized its outdoor space in order to allow all students to return to in-person learning full-time. Contact info:;; 262-490-7048, Address:N56 W35146 Pondview Lane,Oconomowoc, Past political experience:Current board member. Anderson:We all hope to get back to life as it was before masks. Four recall elections were held in 2020. I want to see Student Personal Development days on the same days that their teachers have their PD days. One of our top priorities will be to review and respond to enrollment fluctuations by continuously focusing on investing in our teachers, buildings and curriculum both financially and through policy updates that give autonomy to district leadership. Oconomowoc was one of the only schools to raise student scores during the pandemic. When I asked, was this pandemic-related? Community involvement: Current school board member, former Oconomowoc rec league coach. Wood had the most votes with 5,279 (24%), followed by Karnowski's 5,010 votes (23%) and Carrico's 4,196votes (19%). There is a list of health precautions including daily sanitizing of . If you say, 'I don't want to play for a team, I want what is best for the students,' it won't make a difference because your name is going to be slandered if you're not on the right team. R- Realistic Spending- Dont spend what you dont have. Fortunately, I pray all of that is behind us. L- Leadership- You manage things; you lead people. My viewpoints remain the same. Oconomowoc Area School District: School Year Calendar. Second, is the unique opportunity to help students pursue their individual passion to a greater extent. Schmitz:Based on the priorities I outlined in my previous answer, I am developing a proposal, a comprehensive plan that includes creative and innovative programs, initiatives and strategies to meet the needs of our students after the pandemic. powered by finalsite About Us From my perspective as a board member, to ensure that we are not putting our students at risk, a soft launch to the school year will provide greater clarity as to the effects of the virus when our students are back in session. 3.) It will be a fantastic! School board members resign in COVID-19 protest - Yahoo! News Leadership by the board, in the district, in classroom, by the teachers, and by the students. My goal is to continue positively contributing to the Oconomowoc Area School District for the benefit of my family, my neighbors and the greater Oconomowoc community. 3 Oconomowoc Area School Board members quit, citing toxic - MSN Anderson:Im proud and humbled to be endorsed by the teachers of the district through the Oconomowoc Education Association. The letter states that the three members are also concerned about how Interim Superintendent Kristen Taylor and remaining board members are responding to the pandemic. To do this we need focus on excellence, celebrate our successes, and create an overall district that people see as the best overall option for their students. "If people step forward and Im very hopeful that theres enough good people out there that will do that then the good quality work for kids can continue. Anderson:As a parent of four, the wake of our school board making national news for toxic dysfunction hit hard. | It is intrinsic to its mission: Unless students are mentally fit and emotionally stable, they cant learn and therefore, they will not be able to lead. Jessica Karnowski for Oconomowoc School Board, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin. Elections in 2023 | Look at our band andtheater programs, our internship and apprentice programs, all top in the state. Then in November, board member Scott Roehl left after moving out of the district and saying in a Facebook post that he and his family did not feel safe in their home. As a former VP of a college, I know the debate around in-person versus virtual creates opportunity for innovation. Kim Verhein Herro - Ballotpedia Thetwo candidates with the highest number of votes will takethree-year terms of office, and the candidates with the third and fourth highest number of votes will take one-year terms. Oconomowoc Area School District: School Board The deadline to apply is Sept. 3. We build futures through partnerships, accountability and transparency. Alexandra Schweitzer garnered 3,200 votes and was followed by Steitzer with 3,010. E- Excellence- Excellence in everything we do. Empowering a Community of Learners and Leaders, 262-560-2101WoodJ@oasd.orgTerm Expires: April 2024, 262-560-2101KarnowskiJ@oasd.orgTerm Expires: April 2024, 262-560-2101CarricoM@oasd.orgTerm Expires: April 2024, 262-560-2101SchickS@oasd.orgTerm Expires: April 2023, 262-560-2101NinmannN@oasd.orgTerm Expires: April 2025, 262-560-2101SchraufnagelC@oasd.orgTerm Expires: April 2023, 262-560-2101ThielW@oasd.orgTerm Expires: April 2025, Meeting Schedule / Notices / Agendas/ Meeting Summaries. Its not a question of which is better;its about innovation to give parents, studentsand teachers a choice. I've pledged not to accept donations from politically aligned special interest groups with pre-determined agendas. questioned one parent. Third, we deserve a school board that can operate for more than six months without creating negative headlines. What programs or initiatives are most important to you? DOWNLOAD THE APP: Get the latest news, sports and Here's what we know about how the Oconomowoc Area School District is Therefore, the district must follow the Strategic Plan and will be monitored by the documented metrics. Some of the activities include Boy Scouts, robotics, band, choir, theater, soccer, ski team, gymnastics, track, tennis, and we even hosted quite a few exchange students. The board is much more stable now than it was back then. "Spending time in the community I love has been an experience I will never forget," Schweitzer said. View more property details, sales history and Zestimate data on Zillow. To get the recall on the ballot, recall supporters had to collect signatures from voting-age citizens who lived within the school district in 60 days. Schools Details: WebSchool Year Calendar - Oconomowoc Area School District.Quicklinks. Schraufnagel:It is important for board members to support the school district as a whole and not get into personal projects. Bill Thiel was appointed in Januaryto Roehl's former seat to finish out the term and will run for the seat this spring. Incumbents Jessica Karnowski and James Wood received the most votes and will retain their seats. Collected signatures for speedier repairs of the pavement in the parking lot across the street from the Post Office, which was in the core area of downtown Oconomowoc, full of potholes. Learn more about the Oconomowoc Area School District at State legislature | Meanwhile, the board will begin taking applications and discuss its plan to fill the vacant seats at its next meeting Wednesday, Aug. 18. School Board Meetings and Agendas Meeting Schedules. Recall supporters said they did not agree with the decision and wanted students to have in-person learning five days a week. Culture war battles in local school boards aren't slowing down Three Oconomowoc School Board members have resigned in protest over how the district is handling COVID-19 protocols before the start of the upcoming school year. I am a strong believer in in-person classroom learning, and that has worked well for myself, my childrenand others for hundreds of years. However, we need to respect those who choose to still wear a mask. The impact of an amazing teacher is immeasurable, and weve all had teachers in our past that were less than exceptional. As a mother of two high-schoolers, an educator, and an online course developer in health and wellness, I have been researching programs and interventions used successfully by other districts that we can bring to the OASD to support students who are hurting. Delavan - Darien School District's DD Tech Administrator and CTE Coordinator, Michael Rick, discusses educational opportunities. I have been an educator for 21 years, the last 16 of them as an administrator, I felt this background would be a benefit to the board and school district. Jessica Karnowski - Ballotpedia Another thing that is important to me and has been added to all the meetings are a time for discussion from the community. The property should be listed very soon. Stay up-to-date on all the latest Oconomowoc news with a print subscription to The Enterprise: Steitzer was one of three current school board members that the groupOconomowoc Citizens Represented attempted to recall in September. Oconomowoc, Wisconsin. OCONOMOWOC The Oconomowoc Area School Board appointed three new members in Neal Ninmann, Sandy Schick and Chad Schraufnagel last Wednesday to replace the three board members who had resigned last month. Thiel:We are very fortunate to have an excellent district to start with. It will notbe my last.". To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that Anderson:First, is to focus on how we attract and retain the most talented teachers possible. "Thank you for those who supported my campaign. By following the Centers for Disease Control and Preventions guidelines around wearing masks, washing hands and social distancing, he said most were able to remain open all school year. Around the same time, a group of parents chased the school board around the hallways of Burlington High School after the unruly crowd forced the suspension of a meeting. Read to your children. In previous decades, concerns about the teaching of sex education and evolution, as well as issues like school vouchers, have prompted angry public discourse and division among school board members. Keep updated on the latest news and information. I am running to be elected by the community to continueserving on the board as a trustee of the district. Waukesha County was home to 395,118 residents in 2014, according to the United States Census Bureau. Ford said theres also been a blurring between the district administrations role and the role of school board members. [1], Herro said it was the community's right to issue a recall. Roehl said the climate surrounding school board meetings has become polarizing amid the pandemic and debates over safety. The results are not official until they are canvassed. Please consider supporting local journalism by subscribing to the Journal Sentinel at Dan Raasch, one of the Oconomowoc board members who resigned, said the group made their decision to quit the board entirely because they didnt feel like they had any options left and they wanted to shock the community into paying attention to the ways he said their school board wasnt working in the communitys best interest. Community members launched a recall effort against three of the board members who voted for hybrid learning, including Herro. I wanted to make sure someone stood up to take accountability and I was most nervous about our district losing talented teachers. The district has a focus on developing learners and leaders and the board has a responsibility to support that focus with policy and financial stewardship. Oconomowoc has had an optional mask policy since the start of the 2021-2022 school year. The district should focus on advancing these programs to meet the needs of the current times or we will be missing the boat. Supporting teachers is the first step towardbringing stability. [7] The district was the 30th-largest school district in the state in the 2013-2014 school year and served 5,224 students. Here's who's running for office in Lake Country during this spring's He said the remaining board would move forward constructively. Ninmann:100% remain optional for in-person learning. All three are up for election April 5. SHARE. Nondiscrimination: The Oconomowoc Area School District provides assurance that no student is discriminated against because of the student's sex, race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital or parental status, sexual orientation, or physical, mental, emotional, or learning disability. In Oconomowoc, three members of the school board resigned, citing its "toxic" environment. 5.) The board voted 4-3 to choose him over Grothaus, who had served in the role for the year prior. Each candidate responded to our questionnaire about their experience and what they see as priorities for the district. The three members have stepped down, citing how the Oconomowoc Area School District has been pulled into partisan culture wars., Because of the dysfunctional and disrespectful behavior of the remaining Board members and interim superintendent, Board work has become toxic and impossible to do, the letter states. 'An impossible situation:' Members leaving school boards amid 2023 Three Oconomowoc School Board members resign, cite toxic board behavior I am running to continue to move our school district in the positive direction. "For those who did not vote for me I want to thank you for coming out and participating in the process. 4.) An effort to recall three of the seven members of the Oconomowoc Area School District school board in Wisconsin did not go to a vote in 2020. Of those priorities, what should the district focus on and why? U.S. President | SHARE. An effort to recall three of the seven members of the Oconomowoc Area School District school board in Wisconsin did not go to a vote in 2020. [5], Steitzer's term on the board expired in April 2021, and Herro's and Roehl's terms expired in April 2022.[1]. Boiling tensions are exacerbated by the structure of school boards themselves, said Dan Rossmiller, director of government relations at the Wisconsin Association of School Boards. Town of Oconomowoc Police Department. James Wood took over as the Oconomowoc School Board president following the 2021 election, in which he was elected to a second term after receiving Kleefisch's support. In August 2021, Rick Grothaus, Kim Herro and Dan Raasch resigned from the board due to what they said was the board's "unwillingness to collaborate in good faith.". 3 Oconomowoc school board members resign, major decisions ahead - WITI The candidates are:Andrew Anderson,Neal Ninmann (i),Sandy Schick (i),Paula Schmitz,Chad E. Schraufnagel (i) andBill Thiel (i). School board members around the state who supported phased returns to the classroom and disease mitigation efforts like masks and social distancing have faced vitriolic school board meetings, recall attempts, election challenges and threats over the past 18 months. As noted before, in-person learning is critical to student success. She thanked the three resigning members for the service and the wrote, in part, "Public service is a difficult endeavor that has been exacerbated by the current division in society as a whole" and, "While the timing and orchestrating of these resignations have taken away from our work, I am confident in the remaining school board members and their commitment to our students and families.". She said: Absolutely! "I had people calling me up and screaming at me, people that have known me almost my whole life, parents calling up and saying 'You are making my kids wear masks, youre doing hybrid, youre bad people,'" she said. The candidates are (top row, left to right):Andrew Anderson,Neal Ninmann (i),Sandy Schick (i); (bottom row, left to right)Paula Schmitz,Chad E. Schraufnagel (i) andBill Thiel (i). Bei der Nutzung unserer Websites und Apps verwenden wir, unsere Websites und Apps fr Sie bereitzustellen, Nutzer zu authentifizieren, Sicherheitsmanahmen anzuwenden und Spam und Missbrauch zu verhindern, und, Ihre Nutzung unserer Websites und Apps zu messen, personalisierte Werbung und Inhalte auf der Grundlage von Interessenprofilen anzuzeigen, die Effektivitt von personalisierten Anzeigen und Inhalten zu messen, sowie, unsere Produkte und Dienstleistungen zu entwickeln und zu verbessern. Michael Ford, a professor of public administration at the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh and a member of the Oshkosh City Council, said theres a concept called "school board capture" that refers to boards being overtaken by interest groups a union, for example, or particular business interests. Now, nearly half the board is . Ballot measures, Who represents me? After considering 29 candidates, interviewing six and then selecting three of those six as finalists, the Oconomowoc School Board has selected the Oconomowoc Area School District's next. Student Mental Fitness should be the top priority in the district. In a democratic society, we will agree and disagree on different matters, and that is healthy;variety of perspectives enriches the board. What a concept! To read about other recall efforts related to the coronavirus and government responses to the pandemic, click here. Both in-person and virtual schooling should be available as a choice for families to accommodate students needs and those of their loved ones. OCONOMOWOC, Wis. - Divisive, bullying, partisan tactics are among the reasons why three Oconomowoc Area School Board members said they resigned Sunday night, Aug. 15. Boards are set up to handle policy issues like setting the annual budget while school officials are typically tasked with day-to-day operations, making decisions based on what theyre seeing in classrooms and running them by the board for approval as needed. Steitzer, Herro, and Roehl were joined in approving the proposal by members Dan Raasch and Rick Grothaus. The district also must continue to pursue the sale of the old Meadow View School site. Oconomowoc Area School Board election results on April 5, 2022 "We have gone as far as we could to try to have a board working together, and a board that would work with the administration as a team effort," he said. Kim Kaukl, of the Wisconsin Rural Schools Alliance, said he got frustrated watching school board meetings where adults talked about what they thought was best for students, but didnt always listen to the students themselves. Tyler James, who did not actively run during the election, had 989 votes (5%). We cannot engage in petty fights that dishonor the office. The Oconomowoc Area School District (OASD) issued a cease and desist letter to a parent threatening her with a defamation lawsuit for statements she made in public forums about the use and accessibility of age-inappropriate material. What a blessing this would be for parents! "Good people are not going to run for office when their reputation will be damaged because of partisan bickering," Steitzer said. We are doing it in many areas already. Their answers were limited to 100 words. Job Openings at Weigel Broadcasting Milwaukee. "Weve got some young people, students who have gotten up and spoken in front of the board on the importance of being in school face-to-face, and then you have adults who are bullying them and cheering them," he said. If the pandemic showed us anything, it is that kids learn the best in the classroom with a teacher. My main reason for applying was to bring stability and history to the table. Anderson:The main goal for the district should start with retaining our most talented teachers and positioning the Oconomowoc brand as the destination of choice among teachers across the state. All rights reserved. . Hopefully our community will rise up and demand to hire a quality superintendent who can provide enough positive leadership to overcome the current state of leadership for the district, the letter states. Follow him on Twitter at @AlecJohnson12. Rick Grothaus, Dan Raasch, and Kim Herro announced their. We are in a good place right now and I want to make sure that we continue being financially strong. EMAIL. Apply today! Three candidates remain in the search for a new Oconomowoc School Board Superintendent. OCONOMOWOC The Oconomowoc Area School District School Board has four incumbents seeking reelection. 2.) supports HTML5 video. For questions or comments, contact WPRs Audience Services at 1-800-747-7444, email or use our Listener Feedback form. That day, I felt a moral obligation to step up to the plate and help stop this insanity in our school communities. Subscribe to calendar notifications by clicking on the Notify Me button, and you will automatically be alerted about the latest events in our community. James Wood (Wisconsin) - Ballotpedia Incumbent Juliet Steitzer was unseated in the election by challenger Matt Carrico. Schick:When I campaigned in 2002, I had the following beliefs. "But where you start off with the entrenched ideological conflict, thats where its just destructive it makes governing impossible.". "[1], Jason Baumann, a member of the group, said, "We're all concerned parents in the district that are not happy with the way things are going in general with our district, with our school board. I am a community supporter, passionate alumni and strong advocate for becoming an unrivaled school district that will be the choice for anyone in our regional communityof learners. Stay up-to-date on all the latest Oconomowoc-area news with a subscription: Click here. I dont have a medical background, but I do have a background in leveraging subject matter expertise to make tough decisions. Incumbents Dave Guckenberger and Steve Zimmer faced challengers Kim Verhein Herro, Jason Kelly and James Wood in a primary election on February 16, 2016. Ninmann:I was appointed in September 2021 to fill one of the quitting members' spots. !function(){"use strict";window.addEventListener("message",(function(a){if(void 0!["datawrapper-height"])for(var e in["datawrapper-height"]){var t=document.getElementById("datawrapper-chart-"+e)||document.querySelector("iframe[src*='"+e+"']");if(t)(["datawrapper-height"][e]+"px")}}))}(); if(document.getElementsByClassName("reference").length==0) if(document.getElementById('Footnotes')!==null) document.getElementById('Footnotes') = 'none'; June 2: El Rancho Unified School District, California, What's on my ballot? As I stated on the previous question our priorities are financial stability, increasing open enrollment into the district, focusing on the strategic plans, supporting administration and teachers, and selling the old Meadow View. Since August, the board has seen four resignations in the wake of a reportedly toxic work environment. | "We should learn from districts that have suffered the death of a child and then changed their policy," said parent Natalie McAndrew. ft. home is a 4 bed, 3.0 bath property. "Who in the world would want to be superintendent of a community and work with a school board that is unwilling to listen to all points of view?" Calendar Oconomowoc Tourism, WI CivicEngage School board members resign in COVID-19 protest. The board filled the three vacant seats in Septemberby appointing Neal Ninmann, former board member Sandy Schick and Chad Schraufnagel. Black Mental Health Professionals panel discusses representation Technicians of Tomorrow competition showcases high schoolers MATC apologizes for sparking frustration after announcing major Plans to extend Milwaukees downtown metered parking to 9pm Oconomowoc School Board meets following abrupt resignation of 3 members, Three Oconomowoc School Board members resign as board 'dragged into partisan culture wars', Medical Examiner called to fatal shooting near 84th and Bender, Multiple families displaced after fire breaks out in West Allis apartment building, Cars removed from third level of partially collapsed Bayshore Mall parking structure, Long Covid is associated with significantly increased risk of death, heart and lung problems, study finds, Yao Ming caught in the cross-fire as Chinese basketball team leaves top league on eve of Covid reopening, Kam Jones scores 23 as No. Application Contact Agency. In August 2020, five of the seven board members voted to start the school year with a combination of virtual and in-person learning. "I would just like to thank them for their service to the Oconomowoc Area School District," said board member Scott Roehl. [2] [3] Results General election While Herro, who co-owns a manufacturing business, said shes used to discord and disrespect as a woman in a male-dominated workforce, the onslaught of anger directed at her and other members was staggering. If elected, what are your priorities for the district? The OASD School Board holds a regular monthly meeting on the third Wednesday of each month at the Oconomowoc High Schoo East Campus, starting at 6:30 p.m. >> Click here for the 2021-22 Regular School Board Meeting Schedule "The kids recognized that this was an important part of them staying healthy, because they didnt want to miss their sports and their other activities and school, they didnt want to miss the end of the year activities.". My focus is clear: As a board member, I am there to represent the families in my district. Place An Ad - Call 262-306-5000/email:, Three Oconomowoc School Board members resign, cite toxic board behavior, Cite hyper political, partisan culture as reason for stepping down, Submit an Obituary Wash. & Oz. Since there is no ability to engage in meaningful dialogue, even on the issue of the health and safety of our students and staff, we cannot be part of an organization that is so non-responsive to every constituents concerns, not just a minority segment, and is so cavalier about our students, staffs and communitys health and safety, the letter states. Then, according to the resigning members, another board member told parents they could claim a religious exemption to allow their kids to go mask-free. 8, North Dakota, El Rancho Unified School District, California, Pocatello-Chubbuck School District No.
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