The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. We are an emergency service however with a 24/7 responsibility to the people of Northumbria and requests will always be considered in this context. Government legislation states that we need to tell you if any member of staff receives more than 58,200. We provide a whole range of support initiatives to help with both you and your familys welfare, these include: Below are our internal support associations: Family comes first at TeamNP and we support new mothers with a generous police maternity pay package. This Police Constable Degree Apprenticeship (PCDA) is an academic and professional programme jointly delivered by officers from Durham Constabulary and academic staff from across Northumbria University. View the Staff Structure of the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner here OPCC Staff Structure February 2023. PDF Northumbria Police Minutes the Information Tribunal. Northumbria Police is a territorial police force in England. You have no right to demand a full name or a forename - if you think otherwise, please point me to the relevant legislation, guidance or case law. Following extensive advertising of the role nationally through various means which included a personal letter and candidate brochure being sent to all current Chief Constables and Deputy Chief Constables, one application for the position was received from Mr Winton Keenen who was the Temporary Chief Constable of Northumbria Police. Contact us if you think it should be reopened. together with their dates of service, between 1990 and 2010. The Police Constable Degree Apprenticeship. In the case of any acting Chief Constables, please indicate in whose Northumbria Polices next Chief Constable was officially confirmed today. This is part of the Universitys regulatory funding obligations. constables and acting chief constables at Northumbria Police, together recommend as good practice that requests under obvious pseudonyms should If approved, this should not commence before the three year probation is observed, in order to fully support the induction and learning of student officers and minimise any risks to the force, the officer, colleagues and the public. Inspectors 54,600 59,064 such a request which- Information requests to Northumbria Police? This is a CARE (Career Average Revalued Earnings) pension scheme which offers a guaranteed pension with an optional lump sum, based on the earnings you receive during your career. With the exception of Christmas Day, you may request to substitute the standard public holidays for a day of your choosing. blind (as long as they are not, vexatious), however as per part (b) above Northumbria is a research-rich, business-focused, professional university with a global reputation for academic quality. Northumbria Police: Northumbria Police Chief Constable, Mr W Keenen - Email address and Phone number (About Mr W Keenen) Website for Northumbria Police Twitter Page for Northumbria Police Facebook Page for Northumbria Police Postal Address and Map for Northumbria Police Northumbria Police Customer Service telephone A History of Northumbria Police by Frederick C Moffatt, published by Tyneside Free Press,, United Kingdom law enforcement agency stubs, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, 15 January 1857 15 October 1869: Major Alexander Browne, 1 November 1869 9 January 1886: Major-General George Allgood CB, 29 March 1886 15 March 1900: Captain Herbert Durell Terry (appointed Inspector of Constabulary for England and Wales, 1900), 4 July 1900 5 September 1935: Captain Fullarton James CBE (later Sir Fullarton James Bart., CBE), 6 September 1935 30 January 1943: Captain Henry Studdy (later Captain Sir Henry Studdy CBE Chief Constable of West Riding of Yorkshire Constabulary)), 15 March 1943 30 November 1946: (Sir) Joseph Simpson, OBE (later Deputy Commissioner Metropolitan Police), 1 December 1946 30 September 1953: Francis J Armstrong MBE (later Her Majesty's Inspector of Constabulary), 1 December 1953 1963: Alan Ure Reith Scroggie, BL, 19631965: Clarence H Cooksley retired 1975 after Northumberland County Constabulary amalgamated with Tynemouth Borough Police and Newcastle City Police in 1969 to become Northumberland Constabulary and then Northumbria Police on 1 April 1974, This page was last edited on 3 January 2022, at 15:40. In 1965, before the Newcastle and Tynemouth forces merged, the force had an establishment of 754 officers and an actual strength of 697.[1]. The Chief Constable of Northumbria Police says he is "deeply humbled and extremely proud" to be named in the Queen's New Year Honours. Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner, Kim McGuinness, said:I congratulate Vanessa on her appointment as Chief Constable. Chief Constable Andy Marsh, chief executive officer of the College of Policing, said: "As one of the most experienced senior officers in the country, Stephen will be a real asset to our board bringing wide-ranging experience and insights. Together we have delivered on strong ambitions for the Force and I am proud of everything that has been achieved in fighting and preventing crime in our region. An extensive appointment process was undertaken to test candidates ability with each stage of the process explained below: Potential candidates had to complete a formal application form as for any job, which included past experience and specific questions relating to the role and the challenges faced by Northumbria Police. Members also benefit from discounts on financial, health, travel, legal, home, and vehicle products. I am sure the incoming Chief Constable will relish the opportunity of working amongst the fantastic communities we are so privileged to serve and be a part of here in the North East. private interests. The PCC is responsible for overseeing the Chief Constable and holds the Chief Constable to account to ensure an efficient and effective police service for the area. You can also have a read of our recent Newsletters. As only one application for the role was received who met the criteria, this application went forward. Chief Constable Winton Keenen QPM, who is now in his 38 th year of policing service - all of which has been served as a Northumbria officer - will leave next March. you have no valid reason to refuse it: you have the name of the Northumberland County Constabulary absorbed Berwick-upon-Tweed Borough Police in 1921 and Northumbria Police Law Enforcement "Keeping people safe and fighting crime." See jobs Follow View all 1,074 employees . In 2002, she joined Northumbria Police, initially as a Chief Inspector, and was promoted to Assistant Chief Constable, with responsibility for response and neighbourhood policing as well as the communications department. Our work is characterised as informing policy and practice, providing wide-ranging, cutting-edge science and applied research, which is developed in partnership with the Police and agencies regionally, nationally, within European networks and internationally. On the programme, they will address critical questions that span a range of areas, to explore problems from multiple perspectives relating to the role, function, and delivery of 21st century policing, including expertise in: At the end of the programme, apprentice officers will undertake an individual project based around evidence-based policing and the specialist area they have undertaken in year three. Everyone was very friendly and made me feel so welcome. 08/09/2014 16:38, To: [Northumbria Police request email] The stakeholder event took place on Monday 5th March 2018 followed by the panel interview. Each area command has a Chief Superintendent who operates at a strategic level, working with partners, and is divided into policing sectors which have both response and neighbourhood policing teams. We also have support available for adopting parents too. Statement of Accounts - Chief Constable for Northumbria. We provide a whole range of support initiatives to enhance the welfare of you and your family, these include: If you cant find what you are looking for on our website, we are here to help with any queries you may have about our opportunities. Before joining West Midlands Police she worked at Greater Manchester Police where she served as a detective at every rank and the head of public protection. Mr Winton Keenen scored highly during this process and it was the consensus of the interview panel that he was the suitable candidate for the position. Analytics Applicants will need English Language and Maths at minimum grade 4/C and English Language at minimum grade 4/C, or equivalents. dates of service, between 1990 and 2010. please provide the names of your force's Chief Constables and acting When is Eurovision and how do you get tickets? These services are: A Service Level Agreement provides the statement of intent between the Police and Police and Crime Commissioner to work in partnership and to define an effective working relationship. Find out more about how we use your personal data in our privacy policy and cookie policy. 0191 221, Im here to give you, the people of the North East, a voice on all things police and crime related. You can change your choices at any time by clicking on the 'Privacy dashboard' links on our sites and apps. Following the recruitment process as discussed above, the Commissioner proposed the appointment of Mr Winton Keenen as Chief Constable of Northumbria Police to the Police and Crime Panel on 26th March 2018. services through our wholly owned subsidiary David Sadler - Chief Information Officer cc: We will always try to take your individual, religious and cultural needs into account so you can fit your work around your personal commitments. All new police constables join Northumbria Police at pay scale 1; 1 24,780 A site to help anyone submit a Freedom of Information request. Provided you have 63 weeks continuous service you are entitled to full pay and allowances for the first 18 weeks of maternity leave. (c) describes the information requested. To make sure we can inform you of any changes to your course register for updates on the course page. Visit the Northumbria Police Federation website for further information. Following the recruitment process as discussed above, the Commissioner proposed the appointment of Mr Winton Keenen as Chief Constable of Northumbria Police to the Police and Crime Panel on 26 th March 2018. The Police and Crime Commissioner receives an annual salary of 88,600 per year which is set by the Home Secretary. As Chief Constable you will be a strong, visible leader with the strategic vision to shape the direction of Northumbria Police. Pay & Benefits - Northumbria Police The world is changing faster than ever before. they must state the name of the requestor. Northumbria Police serves a population of 1.5 million people and covers an area of more than 2,000 square miles in the North East of England, from the Scottish border down to County Durham and from the Pennines across to the North East coast. uncontentious nature of the factual request made, it is almost impossible The candidate was given the presentation topic upon arrival and allowed one hour to prepare. Download a zip file of all correspondence. A number of purpose-built interview rooms which are installed with recording equipment suitable for simulating interview skills which can be recorded and reviewed, as well as live streamed to another venue. Northumbria Police confirms new Chief Constable * At Northumbria we are strongly committed to protecting the privacy of personal data. HR advice for the panel was provided by Lesley Anne Knowles, Head of HR for Northumbria Police. In 2016 Jardine spent time on secondment from GMP at Northumbria Police as a Temporary Assistant Chief Constable.. Vanessa said: "I am delighted to get the opportunity to build on the great work . Each group summarised their views and feedback at the end of their session. A detailed selection exercise was carried out and lasted approximately one and half hours. D Cox is my real name, I am clearly a "person" who has made a request and you have a way of contacting me. Youth work driving down bus stop ASB in Witherwack, praised by PCC, PCC Kim McGuinness precept plan will put more officers in the heart of local communities, Short films take a stand on violence towards women and girls, PCC Kim McGuinness sets out her priorities to fight knife crime across the North East, Bring back Sure Starts thats how we rescue our region from the impacts of poverty urges Kim McGuinness, Northumbria Police lands first of its kind funding to prioritise fighting rural crime, You can also have a read of our recent Newsletters. Required <[Northumbria Police request email]> "Everyone was very friendly and made me feel so welcome. It was evident throughout the event that the groups had embraced this opportunity and all stakeholders actively participated in the sessions. Follow BBC North East & Cumbria on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. To see how your police force is performing please click on the link below. In the case of any acting Chief Constables, please indicate in whose place he or she was acting. On Blogger since February 2012. Northumbria Police sees rise in hate crimes as force prepares to Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner Kim McGuinness said Ms Jardine was "highly regarded". Apprentices will be trained in the use of personal radios and body worn video devices, giving them the ability to become accustomed to this vital technology. MINUTES OF THE OPEN SESSION OF EXECUTIVE BOARD HELD ON 7 FEBRUARY 2023 Agreed as a true and accurate record. All panel members kept notes and at the end of the interview the panel drew upon these notes to assist in assessing the performance of the candidate and agreed a score against each question / presentation. that the identity of the requester should be ignored, but it is the Officers in their probationary period are able to submit a flexible working request. It is not about specified individuals or private interests. As with any general principles, there are circumstances when the identity Tutors, mentors, coaches and line managers will support individuals as well as having a role in the tripartite meetings with employer, University and apprentice officer. An application does require a The job description for theChief of Staff and Monitoring Officer for Northumbria can be found by clicking on the link below. Northumberland Constabulary - Wikipedia Chief Constable Keenen intends to stay in post until March to help ensure as smooth a transition as possible. List of chief constables and acting chief constables at Northumbria ", "Section 1 of the FOIA refers to any person making a request for We use cookies to give you the best browsing experience. As you have a name, and an address for correspondence, bearing in mind the The process used for the appointment of the new Chief Constable was in accordance with the requirements of the Act and the College of Policing guidance for the Appointment of Chief Officers published in 2012. Northumbria Police has confirmed Vanessa Jardine as the force's next chief constable. "There is no specific reference in the FOIA or the EIR to the principle that the identity of the requester should be ignored, but it is the absence of references in the legislation to the identity of the applicant from which the general principle is drawn. You are therefore under a duty to communicate the information requested. The PCC is responsible for overseeing the Chief Constable and holds the Chief Constable to account to ensure an efficient and effective police service for the area. She was the force lead for domestic abuse, child protection and child sexual exploitation. and Conditions, More Heres how our personnel are divided up within the various departments of Northumbria Police: Northumbria Police provides a comprehensive policing service to communities across the North East via three Area Commands Northern, Central and Southern. This button displays the currently selected search type. If youd like to receive the latest updates from Northumbria about our courses, events, finance & funding then enter your details below. Between them, they cover the local authority areas of Newcastle, Gateshead, South Tyneside, North Tyneside and Sunderland which are all predominantly urban as well as Northumberland, which has both urban and rural areas. Eligibility Requirements - Northumbria Police matters below need to be taken into account. It is an approach endorsed by the Information Tribunal. to think of any circumstances in which it would be reasonable or legal for It is an approach endorsed by enhanced research skills enabling apprentices to progress, if desired, to postgraduate study, or a research orientated career; communicating ideas in written and oral forms; independent learning skills enabling students to take responsibility for their own continued and sustainable professional development. Third Party, Tackling Domestic Abuse & Sexual Violence, Report and recommendations to the Police and Crime Commissioner on Chief Constable appointment, Compliance with Specified Information Order, Terms
This is to recognise and accommodate if you have different needs and requirements regarding public holidays. The Panel used the following criteria to assess Mr Keenen at each stage of the process: The selection criterion used to assess the suitability of candidates for the role of Chief Constable is summarised below: The candidate was scored at the end of the formal interview on a scale of 0 (no evidence) through to 4 (very strong) against each of the structured questions and presentation. View the Police and Crime Plan 2021 2025. Northumbria Police have formally appointed Vanessa Jardine as the force's next Chief Constable at the Police and Crime Panel after being selected as the preferred candidate by Police &. The world is changing faster than ever before. They can be contacted on 0191 406 0901. Subject: Re: Freedom of Information request - List of chief (b) states the name of the applicant and an address for correspondence, Vanessa said: I am delighted to get the opportunity to build on the great work by the current Chief Constable and the rest of the Force as was evident in the positive HMICFRS inspection results.. Printed from on March 05, 2023 03:01. After Alhandra, four villages followed, that of Pilar (1758), So Miguel da Baa da Traio (1762), Monte-Mor da Preguia ( 1762) and that of Jacoca, (current Count in 1768). . Donate and support our work. If approved, this should not commence before the three year probation is completed, so that you can take full part in the induction process. Read about our approach to external linking. Northumbria Police in Boydton, VA Expand search. Unfortunately upon review of your correspondence, it is currently unclear Guidance 6. Chief Constable Recruitment Process - Archived Northumbria Police They will be taught and supported by a diverse range of highly experienced Durham Constabulary and Northumbria University personnel. Northumbria University is the UK University of the Year 2022. Chief Constable Keenen added: I am pleased to be leaving the Force in such a strong position. During the meeting the panel supported the recommendation. of chief constables and acting chief constables at Northumbria Police, You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. Read about our approach to external linking. Students from all over the world choose Northumbria University for many reasons; our academic excellence, and that they will benefit from a fantastic student experience. All material provided subject to copyright permission. She is a well-liked and highly regarded officer and as a leader she will be ambitious, inspiring and inclusive. Members receive support and advice from fellow officers who are elected workplace reps on a whole range of issues, including conduct, equality, performance, health, welfare and more. Vanessa Jardine was formally appointed at the Police and Crime Panel after being selected as the preferred candidate by Police & Crime Commissioner Kim McGuinness last week. The groups interviewed the shortlisted candidate for up to 45 minutes, questioning him on police and community safety issues of relevance and importance to them as stakeholders. Find out about how we our VRU is bringing the region together to stop violence before it starts. We use cookies to give you the best browsing experience. To start your application, simply select the month you would like to start your course. 6 34,950 Theres no denying we face difficult times ahead but I am confident she is up to the challenge. Police Constables - Northumbria Police the identity of that person is not a material consideration when deciding Northumberland Constabulary was created with the amalgamation of Northumberland County Constabulary with Newcastle upon Tyne Borough Police and Tynemouth Borough Police in 1969, more than doubling its strength. As you are promoted through the ranks, you can expect to receive an increase in salary, as indicated below. The panel is made up of at least ten councillors from the six local councils along with two co-opted members. Northumbria Police confirms Vanessa Jardine as new chief It is responsible for policing the metropolitan boroughs of Newcastle upon Tyne, Gateshead, North Tyneside, South Tyneside and the City of Sunderland, as well as the ceremonial county of Northumberland. OPCC - Northumbria PCC ", "Section 1 of the FOIA refers to any person making a request for information being entitled to a response. By increasing skills and knowledge and introducing new ways of thinking and working we create impact in performance at all levels. Although I appreciate your possible confusion on names Although I appreciate your possible confusion on names (which I have now disambiguated), my identity should not in any case be a material consideration for you. my name is D Cox. Established in 2008. please provide the names of your force's Chief Constables and acting Chief Constables, together with dates of service, between 1990 and 2010? Regardless of the FOI Act, it is very difficult (? considering requests for information and the application of the exemptions Northumbria Police - Wikipedia In total, she has 25 years policing service. Apprentices will also develop transferable key skills throughout the apprenticeship, including: he Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (2020) state that - Rigorous, robust and independent End Point Assessment (EPA) gives employers confidence that apprentices can actually perform in the occupation they have been trained in and can demonstrate the duties, and knowledge, skills and behaviours set out in the occupational standard. She not only brings with her a wealth of experience from a successful and varied career in policing, but she is determined to push Northumbria to be the very best it can be.
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