Even though you cant believe Emily would be capable of something so crueleven parallel-universe Emilyhe asks you to go talk with Bill and Mary to see if their relationship is better now. Next time when you see them, Ron is delighted with her transformation, while Cleo is disappointed. Both Jennifer and Mike refuse to back down however, deciding theyll just have to be a little more sneaky in how they go about things. She does not allow it at first but will change her mind from either a Vietnamese-Style Iced Coffee with Tapioca or 40 diamonds. On Emilys behalf, you check to see how the quest is coming along despite all the drama that happened and Daisy happily tells you that the grand opening will happen the following day! I hope you enjoy these mysteries of. The town has a new guest - Ryan, who came to find the person who murdered his friend 14 years ago. Elsa knows she has to reveal to Mary who's her real father, and she fears that such a news might have a bad impact on Mary's mood toward her marriage. They exchange notes and Mary agrees to go on a date with him although she does not believe her 'admirer' is really Bill. You don't have to memorize them. Mr. Fisk is coming to the area and Carl is trying to get Watson to arrest him for the murder of Elsa's husband. When you try to warn Cleo shes being scammed, she leaves the coffee shop in a huff. Mary allows it and Bill has the bachelor party of his life. However, Mary is now very curious about the identity of her real father. Alice has decided to try skydiving. Then he lets on he may have tampered with Cleo's flight. You offered to help him by talking to your customers and asking them to come up with a couple of lines each for a new song. Not sure about Fernando. She wont reveal the details of why she did it, however, unless she gets a Supercupcake with Nutmeg, Cardamom, Saffron and Salt. Talk to Elsa and help her figure out the circuit breaker locations for Petrovich. Atfer moving in with Lucas, Emily teaches Lucas the art of advertising and Lucas helps her with preparations to give a lecture, which resulted in not only grants, but new ideas. A boy and a girl. When confronted by the player she quickly admits she did it. Requirements: 1 cupcake with galangal, honey and coconut; 1 tea with anise, lemon and cinnamon; 1 muffin with nutmeg, lemon and coconut; 1 tea with galangal, ginseng, honey and milk. Suspicions were confirmed when she followed Bill and Mary to the park. He'll listen to your request if you make him Country Hot Chocolate with Tapioca. Whether to calm his anxiety or to fulfill his latest celebrity whim, Clyde asks you for a Muffin before he meets with his daughter. Koffsky is enthusiastic about the suggestion of living with Clyde. Unfortunately, something happens during the fishing trip and Petrovich returns asking for an Americano with Saffron and Cardamom to calm him down so he can tell the story. You try to warn Jennifer about Mike but she is quite taken with him and demands proof. He asks you to talk to Koffsky since he knows so many recipes. Ben has put Cleo in touch with a psychic who claims to be able to enchant phones to fix themselves and, though it may be a scam, Cleo says she still wants to try it. However, on her way to speak with him, she bumps into Cleo who asks her to give Lucas the Synchrophasotron Fun back. Meanwhile, Ben is starting taking bets on the next matches: 20 gems for the bet, and if you win you get 30; you're free to bet or to pass. When you talk to him, Lucas is heavily in denial and insists its simply for a scientific experiment; theres no feelings of love, only chemical reactions. However, her husband works a lot and hasn't been paying any attention to her recently. In exchange for helping him find the missing pieces, he promises to give you a Supercupcake Display Case. To his surprise, when he checks the video ratings it appears that Koffsky won! As it turns out, Bill was not cheating but was planning a a surprise birthday party for her. Then, she feels a pinch. She'll go on a blind date with him, and revealing him the truth will get Clyde to try and reconcile with his new-found daughter, but it won't be an easy task, and you'll have to save him from an impeding depression. Judging from the bullet position in Leopold's head, the gun was shot by a fairly tall person. In the end, they need to teach the cat to scratch on a scratching post with Tibetan Tea with Anise and Cinnamon. He reveals to you that Cleo behaves strangely and that makes Ron afraid of losing his authority as a football team captain. You offer to help him in his search and enlist the aid of Watson and Bill. During his story, Bill asks you for a tropical latte with saffron, a ginseng tea with guarana, and a guarana iced tea with tea and lemon. Level 11: Humor Coaching & the theft of Mona Lisa, Level 15: Green Moon Fund & Mayoral Election, Theft of the Mona Lisa II & The Telephone Terrorist. He suggested you to take a scientific approach to the situation, starting by asking the same question to different people, to analyze if there's any pattern. Ben says he saw Edward Koffsky, Buzzs evil twin, working at a gas station. The first problem she has to face is the missing of Bobby, the only bus driver in town. She promises to give you a Gold Gift to help her quest get off the ground. He's described as rich, dashing and well-dressed. As if to answer her prayers, Mike walks into the coffee shop. Ben and Mary had a quick wedding by the Justice of the Peace at town hall and Ben promptly decided he could no longer live with a different name than Mary and changed his to Ditt as well. However, she doesn't have a surfboard. He'll sell you your caf back and will give you a Blue Gift. When you give the news to Watson, he asks you to talk to Kevin as someone has been stealing food in that area. Some stories are resolved in one level, while others may be told over several. You also learn that Mary and Bill arent together at all, they never even dated, and Bill doesnt believe Mary would ever be interested in a guy like him. While Bill is busy connecting the monitors to get feedback from the cameras, Watson finds a note that was left down at the station from one unidentified individual taking credit for the crimes and calling himself Donutman. Reminded of the ex-mayors time as the neighborhood superhero, when Donald is questioned he tries changing the subject unconvincingly and even demands for his lawyer. Clyde gives you a Blue Gift for your help. The psychic needs a Canel with Rose and Cardamom for the ritual. Before filming can even begin on the music video, Mike, Cleo, and their whole crew get arrested under the pretense they were breaking-and-entering into the building. He mentions that Bill is an incredibly agile player, but he hasnt seen him at practice lately. Requirements: a Ginseng Americano for Henry Dougan; Decoration for Lucas; during the investigation, Lucas wll need Chocolate Cake with Tapioca, Hazelnuts, and Honey for three times; the tier 3 Service Table for Henry. As it turns out, the construction worker is working off some strong sedatives after trying to visit Felicia in the hospital. They met when he went to fix the computer network at Mary's college but she doesn't remember him. He decides to catch them red-handed: he will lure them into the bank where the police will catch them. Elsa loved the class, but Bill thinks he lacks parenting skills. He enlists the help of Clyde to make a song with Cleo and the country singer agrees. Ron distracts Bill so much during their match that the programmer ends up losing. My Cafe New Equipment / Machines - update 2022 Raf Machine on level 13 with Price: 385,000 (base version 75,000) Popcorn Station on level 14 with Price: 405,000 (base version 96,000) Green Tea Machine on level 15 with Price: 435,000 (base version 134,000) French Crepe Maker on level 16 with Price: 465,000 (base version 161,600) An excavator appeared and started digging around the area after a tipoff there was some rare fossils to be found under Mikes property. Apparently, shed been dropping hints to Carl this whole time. frozen french bread dough. Youll need to ask Petrovich and remember what he tells you about the bed so you can pass the information onto Lucas. Because Ben is low with money at this point, he can only afford to sponsor sending the tiger cubs by sea. Either winning candidate will ask you to get a Provence table for Four to celebrate. Watson returns and says everything is almost ready for his family, but hes a bundle of nerves and asks you for a Tapioca Tea with Milk, Vanilla and Cardamom to calm down. That criminal almost shoot Olivia, but Michaela saved her life by accepting to go with the gang. Watson has sentenced the two troublemakers to community service, cleaning up all the flyers littering the town. Elsa loves the story and cant wait to start writing it. Afterward, Lucas tells you none of his devices are working and asks you to see if Emily, who is a scientist in this universe, will help. If you choose Clyde's Cadillac or Donald's limousine, both of them will ask for Equilibrium Tea. Ryan doesn't believe her altruism and tries to sabotage the project by convincing all her investors to pull out and starting a smear campaign against Jennifer. You give him a Tea with Saffron, Galangal and Anise, and he tells you that while Elsa was at the table, she had mistakenly started playing footsie with him instead of Clyde. At the same time, Olivia is scared because she senses that someone is following her. Fernando | My Caf Wiki | Fandom Surfing class didn't go so well. Level 28 and it's time to sell my cafe. He says he needs a Bahraini Coffee with Rose, Cardamom and Saffron to calm himself down. But he isnt the only one the ghost visited. Answer: sea sickness. After a quick chat with the local officer, Watson Holmes, we find out the police are looking for a Ben Jones, in connection to the local robbery of the museum where the Mona Lisa has been stolen, the very name Mary remembers Ben using on their marriage certificate. Police dog constantly bites Watson, so you need to give him Americano with Nutmeg and Whipped Cream to tame the dog. A contest is being held to see which town will be the new home of a brand new film studio. He asks for a Lassi with Honey, Saffron and Cardamom and to tell Watson to only call him when theres an emergency. The first interpretation will lead to more people asking for the same favor. Donald Fernando's Instagram, Twitter & Facebook on IDCrawl Cleo is feeling miserable because her phone is broken. Cleo says the ring is a family heirloom, so there's no proof of ownership as a result. Then, he invites Alice and Koffsky but he ends up being the third wheel. 3DS; Android; DS; . New equipment: Mixer (Cost: 7.5 million coins), Simple machine costs 2.5 million coins. The news that the elderly man in the gray hat is Clyde Bowen made a strong impression on Elsa. It doesn't fall this time. Petrovich, who says he is still crazy about his ex-wife, plans to meet her in the caf. With repairs on the time machine coming along nicely, its up to you to play matchmaker again for Bill and Mary. She'll detract the theft statement and apologize to Mary, but won't apologize to Bill and will keep the hacking statement because it ruined her life. At level 4 Bill revealed he had been in love with Mary Ditt for 2 years. The question is: who pinched her? Bill decides to join the soccer team to prove his worth. You will get only one change to buy it from Fernando by spending 49 diamonds. You will go to Lucas to ask hm to analyze the composition of the orporation's food. I have tried to call him using diamonds a few times but he never shows up to finish the story line. In the end, she goes with Petrovichs idea: fishing. Max first appeared during the 2018 Coffee Fest Event then came back for later events. She even managed to get hired by Felicia after writing an article about some of the furniture on the yacht they were on. Kevin is a caf customer who makes his first appearance at level 10. Margaret told her to take the initiative for it surprisingly. To do this you must investigate why Bill looks so disheveled of late by asking customers questions in order to gain clues. I don not know about the other option. Petrovich returns with a carburetor he passes onto Lucas for the quest, but the latter says it wont work; it will work, however, for his compatibility test. He will serve coffee there for 1 coin in order to drive away your customers and make you close your caf. Rewards: Pink Gift from Watson, 15 diamonds and Saffron from Koffsky, Requirements: 2 Galangal Teas for Petrovich, Maxi Cappuccino with Ginseng for Bill, Maneki-Neko for Cleo, Requirements: Turkish Coffee with Cardamon for Elsa, Cappuccino with Nutmeg, Ice and Chocolate for Margaret, Hot Chocolate with Ginseng and Lemon for Bill, Fireplace for Koffsky, Rewards: Pink Gift from Fernando, Simple Gift from Cleo, 15 diamonds from Watson, Requirements: Tea with Galangal, Milk and Caramel for Mary, Requirements: Invigorating Tea for Clyde, Iced Latte for Clyde, Vanilla Frapp for Watson, White Hot Chocolate for Margaret. Afterwards he tells you that Newton carried the baby to the crib but there was a roll of thunder outside and the robot shut down. We ask why she stole it, and she says to wait because she's getting a call. Margaret suggests that he's under scopolamine's influence, but is it possible? She asks you to make her a Sweet Roll with Saffron to help her sleep, just like her grandmother used to make her when she was little. If Bill moves in with Mary, the cat will have less to chew on, but the internet connection is slow where Mary lives. But things end in disaster and Emily is nearly crushed to death by one of the comets on the set, saved at the last minute by Lucas who ended up going to the hospital. Rewards: 2 gems from Henry Dougan; 2 gems from Lucas; 10 gems from Henry when the case is solved. Requirements: a couple of tier-4 sconces for Elsa; a Spring Cupcake with Nutmeg and Saffron for Clyde; Tea with Ginseng, Guarana, Lemon and Mint for Bill; a Golden Microphone decoration for Emily. Margaret is up to her ears in wedding preparations. Your choice whether to get the Red Gift or just take the Gold Gift. Rewards: 5 gems from Ron; 1 gem from Ben, after interpreting Mary's dream; 1 gem from Mary; 2 gems from Petrovich; blue gift from Ron at the end of the story, if you decide to tell him the truth. Contrary to what Mary likes to believe, Bill doesn't agree with her vision for the wedding. Koffsky will give you a puzzle question that is related to the recipe in the coffee shop: Greek Goddess of beauty and the answer to that is Aphrodite tea with nutmeg, rose, cinnamon. Clyde remembers playing at Margarets wedding, but his memory is a little hazy and he mixes up some of the details telling you the story. Answer from: PlayerI sold to Fernando and received a Gold gift from Olivia, a Blue gift from Fernando, and a Pink gift from Felicia. When you tell her that Clyde wants to adopt Emily Roberts as his daughter, she admits that Clyde is Marys biological father. His mom used to tell him if you wanted something, you could get it if only you visualized it. He mentions that whoever slandered his reputation was someone whom he had always gotten along with and while they were competitive, they were always honest before becoming too caught up in emotion and needing a break. Petrovich realizes hes messed up big time and hell do anything to get Felicia back, even if it means making up with her mother. Ginseng: 2-5. There's a new customer called Olivia, who's a lawyer; Watson is in love at first sight, and ask you to help him get to know her better. Answer from: Jmcourtney05I was nervous about selling so i came to this thread to check it out. When he returns, hes made progress in the renovation and made tables and chairs, but he needs help figuring out the color for the walls and asks you to talk to Elsa. A very short event in which Carl remembers his first (very odd) encounter with Margaret. They went on a first date to the movies, and while neither of them liked the movie they saw, they still had an enjoyable evening. Residents of the town started behaving strangely, and Mary and Bill began to worry their baby might be kidnapped after it was born. Max | My Caf Wiki | Fandom He asks you for a Homemade Sweet Roll in return for his help and tags along with Margaret. Then, he asks you to talk to Ann because Mary always seems sad when she comes home from the coffee shop, but Ann says they always have a great time laughing and gossiping. Next time she comes to the shop, she'll ask for someone to keep a lookout at her house for the admirer. Koffsky confirms the story saying he was planning to propose to Alice the night she had an anaphylactic reaction to the tampered drink. Talk to Watson to see if he's gonna do anything about her statement. Answer from: Sam. 1) What language is spoken in silence? After being instructed by Margaret (who threw himself locked in a safe to the water so he could figure out how ti open it), Ben goes to the gangters' place. Refusing to stay in her house alone any longer, Henry offers to stay at Elsas to check the music box for prints, but instead he sees Koffsky running away from Elsas house. Surprisingly, Ben manages to buy a mansion from her directly -she needs to keep selling real estate on her own to still be a member of the real estate association-. Now you need to find a place for him to perform, you suggest getting Ron to agree to hold the concert at his teams stadium. Note: Some story titles are not official. If you convince Elsa not to tell Clyde about his real daughter, Mary, she agrees that telling him and Mary would only lead to heartbreak. Requirements: Spring Cupcake with Nutmeg and Saffron for Bill, Canele with Vanilla, Nutmeg, and Tapioca for Bill, Tea with Saffron, Galangal and Anise for Mary and Americano with Saffron and Cardamom for Bill. After a first loss in which the only stars he sees come from him slipping on the turf, Ron starts to search for help in finding new ways to have the right mindset to win games. She wants a divorce but he doesn't. Bill needs to work out his courage to talk to Mary. The programmer and Mary arent doing too well. He will ask for Spring cupcake with Nutmeg and Saffron. The manhunt quickly ends when Ben Ditt Jones is taken to the local police station where he gives a statement about the robbery, insisting he has been framed. Mary opened the envelope, and they're having twins! She states he was never really married to her because to her marriage is the joining of two lives. Henry returns with surprising results: neither Donalds mirror nor the payphone used to call the ex-mayor had any fingerprints on them. Lucas is having some trouble with his time machine and still needs to work out the kinks. Having set foot on the path to wellness, Petrovichs only advice to Koffsky is to work harder. On the quest side of things, she and Lucas decided putting a carburetor back together would be too difficult for their customers, so they need to come up with something new and asks you a new riddle. When you ask what happened, he tells you that he lost his wallet, and asks you to tell Watson about it. Ben will ask for a Mojito Soda to tell you how he got the money to buy the mansion. After coming back from China (see Level 17), Alice is hit by bad luck. You ask Watson, the coffee shop's resident police officer, about the robberies at the Louvre and Naples Museum and he says his friend at Interpol will help for a Vanilla Frapp. It seems that some citizens are furious about the activities of Green Moon. Bill had nothing bad to say about the mayors foundation, but hes probably just not interested in it. They won the case! When he speaks with Emily, he tells her how he feels and comes clean about everything. This time, hes going to hack into Koffsky's security system with help from Bill. Requirements: Tea with Saffron, Ginseng, Lemon and Honey for Donald, Lassi with Honey, Saffron and Cardamom for Clyde, Canel with Rose and Cardamom for Cleo, Tapioca Tea with Milk, Vanilla and Cardamom for Watson, Bahraini Coffee with Rose, Cardamom and Saffron for Bill. Recycle plastic furniture - recycled plastic engagement ring. Reward: Gold Gift from Fernando, 20 diamonds and Gold Gift from Carl. He also tells you hes found Emilys real biological father whos been in jail for murder for 21 years. He feels it was somehow his and Bills fault, though, because maybe if they hadnt tampered with Simone there wouldnt have been a break-in. Elsa admits she was out again with Kevin that night but swears she wasn't the one who killed him. Clyde is pretty beat up by what happened because, not only was his pride for his music hurt, he put so much effort into his music for the show and all Koffsky did was buy some shiny new gadgets. The final stage of the quest involves testing the customers morals to see whether theyve been turned into robots. Margaret is ready to help with the surfboards, but she wants some Fairy Kiss Tiramisu with Cardamom in exchange. Talk to Margret. Requirements: an Aphrodite Tea with Nutmeg, Rose, and Cinnamon for Felicia; a tier-4 Table for Four for Carl; a Bahraini Coffee with Rose, Cardamom, and Saffron for Ben after he worked for Emily; a Vitamin Explosion Yogurt with Guarana for Ben to draw up his resume; a Tapioca Tea with Milk, Vanilla, and Cardamom for Ben after his first interview, then a Latte with Star Anise, Cinnamon, and Marshmallows before you suggest him better replies to the interviews; an Equilibrium Tea for Ben after his first reportage. Kevin is very happy lately. Talking to Watson, he is still frantically trying to find out who robbed the exhibit so he can save his job. The event organizers cant say a thing about Cleos performance since she technically did everything they asked.
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