Suite 116, 4808 Tower Hill Road, Wakefield, RI 02879-1900 Help reduce traffic delays by buying your season beach parking pass or daily flex pass online. Yes, specific documentation is required to obtain a disability pass from RI State Park's headquarters, which is required for fee exemption at our State beaches. You must provide a current vehicle registration along with the appropriate fee. View news and updates that may impact state beaches during the off-season here. If you purchase a Resident pass, your vehicle must be registered in Rhode Island. Therefore purchasing a Beach Vehicle Permit does not guarantee access to the East Beach Sand Trail. It takes several minutes to purchase a season pass, which adds up to significant delays with thousands of cars on busy summer weekends. There is no public property that is available for ATV use in the State of Rhode Island. Any areas where beach grass has been altered or destroyed, un-stabilized sand is exposed to erosion by winds and waves and the integrity of the barrier beach as a storm buffer is compromised. Season beach parking passes may bepurchased onlineanytime from January through September orin-person at specific times in Narragansett. Below is a summary of RIPTA routes that offer access to some of Rhode Islands beaches. Beach storage units are now available for rent on a seasonal basis. As part of DEM's Beach More, Wait Less initiative, we are working hard to reduce traffic and wait times. ONLINE OVERNIGHT PARKING PERMIT APPLICATION PAPER-BASED OVERNIGHT PARKING PERMIT APPLICATION, Address: Charlestown Breachway, Parking at RI state beaches no longer requires a physical pass, instead your vehicle's license plate will serve as your credential to enter state beach parking lots. After a competitive bidding process, Rhode Island DEM contracted with LAZ Parking to operate and modernize parking at state beaches. Over two miles of nature trails, four viewing platforms, and several interpretive panels enhance wildlife viewing opportunities. A season pass is $60 for non-residents. All rights reserved. Blog/Exploring South County/What to Expect at Moonstone Beach in South Kingstown, RI. At about 1980, the Audubon Society concluded that it could not afford to continue to support the property. Download the CRUSH COVID RI app now to step up and help RI #CrushCovidRI. Fish & Wildlife Service Skip to main content U.S. Moonstone is a subvariety of orthoclase-feldspar that displays an optical effect known as opalescence. Where is Moonstone Beach RI? It takes several minutes to purchase a season pass in person, which adds up to significant delays with thousands of cars on busy summer weekends. South Kingstown. Applications are available at the Neighborhood Guild only. All efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of the information on this website, however it is subject to change. **OPEN WEEKENDS FROM MAY 14 THROUGH MEMORIAL DAY. Gift Certificates may be redeemed on weekdays for a season beach pass only. The judge also ruled that any person could be a complainant to invoke this statute. Beach entrances use license plate recognition technology that scans the license plates of prepaid customers vehicles and operates gate entrances. North Kingstown, RI The barrier beach's shielding and protective function is enhanced by the height and stability of sand dunes which in their natural state are formed by beach grass which traps and anchors wind blown sand. The additional funds raised from the new fees will be reinvested in DEM's Division of Parks and Recreation and will also increase the amount of revenue provided to the Town of Westerly, which is the host community. Access to beach areas is controlled by municipal or RI Department of Environmental Management (RIDEM) regulations only. Daily Flex Passes (previously called daily passes) are also available online. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Daily hours beginning June 25 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Be sure to bring your vehicle registration with you. Daily: M-F $6; $10 at Misquamicut Beach grass is an extremely hardy plant, but will not tolerate trampling or disturbance. For mail ins, please provide a copy of . A gift certificate cannot be used towards the purchase of a daily flex pass. Beach parking passes may be purchased from opening day in May through September (Labor Day). Make sure you read all the signage you come across while you walk to ensure you aren't passing into a protected area. The cost of a parking pass online and in-person is the same. 719 Matunuck Beach Road. No. Daily confirmation only, season passes are not issued for this program. Moonstone Beach. Non-resident parking is $12 on weekdays and $14 on weekends and holidays. Roger Wheeler, A gift certificate cannot be used towards the purchase of a daily or pay-as-you-go pass. You'll find countless beaches when living in South County, Rhode Island, as the area is known for its sandy waterfront expanses. Carry out what you carry in! During the summer beach season (Memorial Day through Labor Day) driving on beach areas is generally prohibited throughout the State in accordance with municipal regulations. The RIDEM East Beach Sand Trail has parking for 30 vehicles in two parking areas (see maps on pages 11 - 13). Beach entrances accept CASH OR CREDIT CARDS only for daily parking fees. NENA dissolved at the end of 1996 and became a part of our group at Pilgrim Naturists of New England in Boston at the beginning of 1997. All rights reserved. State Law 32-1-18: No entrance fee shall be charged to any person who is sixty-five years of age or older and who is eligible to participate in the RI Pharmaceutical Assistance to the elderly program. Salty Brine. We are working hard to reduce traffic and wait times. In fact, the area is home to over 300 bird species, including herons, egrets, killdeers, and sandpipers. Please do not report non-emergency activity to lifeguards. Give the gift of beach parking! Gift certificates for RI state beach parking are available for purchase online and are good for a resident, non-resident, or senior RI state beach season pass. 4872. Frequently Asked Questions. The daily parking fees are $30 for weekends and holidays and $20 for weekdays. The short trail from the parking area to the beach provides enough elevation to get clear views of . Things to Do in South Kingstown. Over two miles of nature trails, four viewing platforms, and several interpretive panels enhance wildlife viewing opportunities. Get news from Visit Rhode Island in your inbox. A section of the beach at the end of Moonstone Beach Road was leased to the Town of South Kingston to use as a town beach. Yes, you can go to the Scarborough State Beach overflow lot located across the street from Scarborough State Beach (on Burnside Avenue, Narragansett) weekdays from 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM. As a statewide transit agency, the Rhode Island Public Transit Authority (RIPTA) works to balance the service needs of urban and business centers with residents desire to access recreation sites. Currently there are two exceptions to this: on Block Island beaches and then only in accordance with the Town of New Shoreham regulations; and, at the RIDEM owned and operated East Beach Sand Trail in Charlestown in accordance with RIDEM regulations. Daddy's Bread. IF YOU PLAN TO PAY WITH CASH OR CREDIT, PLEASE HAVE YOUR PAYMENT METHOD READY AS YOU PULL UP TO THE ATTENDANT TO HELP KEEP TRAFFIC MOVING. All Rhode Island-registered vehicles will be subject to resident parking rates; non-Rhode Island plates will be subject to non-resident rates. Unfortunately, each season pass is required to be registered to only one vehicle. South, and Its easy! Note To prevent traffic back ups on busy days, in person sales are not available when the overflow lot is being used for beach parking. By Rhode Island State Law 32-1-17, no fee shall be charged to any person with a disability regardless of age, or to automobiles transporting a non-driver with a disability at any recreational facility owned by the state, provided, however, proper identification is presented as prescribed by the Department of Environmental Management. We have answers. Police, frequently in plain clothes, often came to the beach to see if they could observe such behaviors. At about the same time some people continued to try and use the former leased area near Roy Carpenter's Beach only to be cited for nudity or tresspass - some paying high fines and being required to appear in court. While beach passes are required to park at the beach during the season, Newport residents with Residential Parking decals are able to park for free during the shoulder seasons which run from May 1-27 and Sept. 6 to Oct. 31. Email: These beaches include: Charlestown Breachway, East Beach, East Matunuck, Misquamicut, Roger Wheeler, Scarborough North and South, and Salty Brine. Yes, specific documentation is required to obtain a disability pass from RI State Park's headquarters, which is required for fee exemption at our State beaches. DEM is also responding to requests from local town authorities to help reduce traffic build ups at state beach entrances for safety purposes. vehicle shall mean any street legal equipment, motorized or non-motorized, properly registered for over the road travel. The Lifeguards go off duty at 6:00 PM, and the bathrooms close at 7:00. Learn more Map of State Parks, Beaches, and Campgrounds Outdoor Recreation Map 1100 Tower Hill Road North Kingstown, RI Phone: 401-667-6200 Fax: 401-667-3970 Its easy! 228 reviews of Moonstone Beach "Moonstone Beach is located at the northwest end of Cambria, CA along the central coast. For all of these reasons and in order to implement its responsibilities to protect and restore coastal resources, and to prevent their use in any manner which injures or compromises the rights of others or the public at Iarge, the Coastal Resources Management Council has found it to be in the public interest and welfare to adopt the regulations below. Your pass is tied to a specific vehicle. The company which manages more than a million parking spaces across the country for clients including California State Parks and Beaches and TF Green Airport is using better technology to speed up entrance booths, expand online purchasing options, and track revenue in real time to ensure that fees are being collected accurately. Purchase season and daily parking passes to all 8 RI State beaches using secure forms. No lifeguards are on duty and beach pavilions are closed. Tips for birding Moonstone Beach. If youd like more than one season pass, you will have to purchase each additional pass individually. facebook icon. Patrons must purchase a new pass each year. Town Beach Parking Fees Resident Seasonal Sticker: $60: . Moonstone Beach was a popular nude beach in South Kingston, RI. Customers with a season pass or daily flex pass are able to use the Express Lanes at larger state beaches. Phone: 401-667-6200 RI State Parks has worked with our beach parking vendor to launch a website that allows customers to buy online gift certificates, season passes, and daily flex passes. East Beach, If the pass does not match the state registration status of the vehicle, the pass will be voided, and the occupants will be required to pay the day use parking fee. The cost for non-residents are $140, $130 for seniors 65 and older and $60 for motorcycles or scooters. The refuge includes 787 acres of various wildlife habitats including fields, shrublands, woodlands, fresh and saltwater ponds and sandy beaches and dunes. in-person at specific times at the overflow lot in Narragansett, public comment hearing on the proposed changes on April 26, 2021, fee changes at Misquamicut State Beach here,, RIPTA routes that offer access to some of Rhode Islands beaches. Both for residents and non-residents, you must be 65 years of age or older. Yes, you can go to the Scarborough State Beach overflow lot located across the street from Scarborough State Beach (on Burnside Avenue, Narragansett) weekdays from 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM. You must be driving and be eligible for the 60% income level indicated on the card. You'll then follow the road to its end and park on the side of the street. This beach is beside the Trustom Pond National Wildlife Refuge and is an essential habitat for the piping plover, so there are some stipulations in place that you'll have to follow when checking it out. Clickhereto access the RIDEM site for the user fees at all State Beaches, Parks and Recreational Areas. NENA continued to warn users about this as best they could but outdated Naturist publications and other listings continued to send people to this location only to face legal problems. Passes are still available to purchase in-person at the Scarborough State Beach overflow lot located across the street from Scarborough State Beach (on Burnside Avenue, Narragansett) weekdays from 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM through August 19. Discounts available for residents and seniors, visit to learn more. The fee for a season pass for residents is $30 and, through September 2, will be available for purchase at state beaches. in-person at specific times in Narragansett, public comment hearing on the proposed changes on April 26, 2021, fee changes at Misquamicut State Beach here,, Accessibility, data, and privacy policies. (401) 782-0658, . It takes several minutes to purchase a season pass in person, which adds up to significant delays with thousands of cars on busy summer weekends. Please do not report non-emergency activity to lifeguards. The season beach passes available online at are for state beaches only. Moonstone Beach Description The parking area at the end of Moonstone Beach Road provides access to a barrier beach and three coastal ponds: Mud Pond (adjacent to the parking area), Card's Pond (about 0.25 miles east along the beach) and Trustom Pond (about 0.5 miles west along the beach). Scarborough North and Once purchased, you can use the Express Lanes at larger state beaches that use license plate recognition technology to scan the license plates of prepaid customers vehicles and operate gate entrances. All rights reserved. Seasonal Passes may be purchased at the Town Clerks office Monday - Friday from 8:30 am - 4:30 pm. *Please Note: Once youve finished completing your online Beach Vehicle/4x4 Permit application, the CRMC will contact you to make an appointment to pick up your Beach Vehicle/4x4 Permit sticker. The beach is easily accessible via the Commodore Perry Highway, as you can get right onto Moonstone Beach Road from the highway in the Perryville area. Parking on the dunes or other vegetated areas at any time shall result in revocation of the Beach Vehicle Pass. Seasonal beach passes for residentsandnon-residentsare available to purchase online at Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. * Parking on East Beach is on a first come first served basis. Photos (39) Directions. Below is a summary of RIPTA routes that offer access to some of Rhode Island's beaches.Unless noted, these routes operate year-round. View news and updates that may impact state beaches during the off-season here. Rhode Island barrier beaches, their associated sand dunes, wetlands and salt ponds are limited and valuable natural resources in need of protection and careful management. Daily Flex Pass Note To prevent traffic back ups on busy days, in person sales are not available when the overflow lot is being used for beach parking. See map here. *OPEN DAILY THE SATURDAY BEFORE MEMORIAL DAY THROUGH LABOR DAY. Daily figures were kept by NENA and overcrowding was never the case. . Portajohns are available at a majority of our locations and will remain as long as weather conditions allow. It's also worth noting that you can't bring pets to the beach at any time, and you must stay off the dunes because of the wildlife that could be living in those protected spaces. The wooden boardwalk is well maintained, and there are rope barriers in places to keep you on the boardwalk. Passes are still available to purchase in-person at the Scarborough State Beach overflow lot located across the street from Scarborough State Beach (on Burnside Avenue) weekdays from 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM. The only exception to this regulation is military personnel who are stationed in Rhode Island and provide proof or permanent duty papers. As part of DEMs Beach More, Wait Less initiative, we are working hard to reduce traffic and wait times. (By law, a "vehicle" is defined as any street-legal equipment, motorized or non-motorized, properly registered for over-the-road travel.). Rhode Island (RI) Washington County. Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed. RIPTA offers year-round service to a number of popular beaches and a seasonal "Beach Bus" express route to several South County beaches. Full view. Prohibited areas may or may not be vegetated. It is tied solely to the vehicle information you provided when you purchased your pass and cannot be used for more than one vehicle. We ask for your participation in helping to keep our beaches clean, healthy, and smoke-free. Further, while the state disorderly person statute makes genital exposure illegal it DOES NOT make topfree usage by women illegal, and on some remote beaches women are indeed going without tops. vehicle shall mean any street legal equipment, motorized or non-motorized, properly registered for over the road travel. Beach passes are available for both South Kingstown residents and non-residents. State beach parking passes may be purchased January through September (Labor Day). *** See important information about the East Beach Sand Trail below ***. Misquamicut, South Kingstown is pretty spread out, as it extends from Block Island Sound all the way to the University of Rhode Island. ), naiads (Najas spp. You'll need a parking pass to leave your vehicle in this spot between May 1 and September 15. 1/11/2021. Get your pass here, Jump to: No, not at this time. Season beach parking passes allow entry into parking lots at all eight of Rhode Island's state beaches. By having pre-purchased season passes on the cars when they approach the entrance, traffic will lessen, and you'll get to the beach faster! This is a 4-bed, 2.5-bath, 2,278 sqft property. The city is also currently looking to hire for all seasonal staff positions at the beach, including lifeguards and laborer/attendants. Daily Flex Passes (previously called daily passes) are also available online. Generally considered an easy route, it takes an average of 32 min to complete. 2022-2023 season will be available on June 1, 2022. Parking on East Beach is on a first come first served basis. You can purchase a gift certificate towards a RI State Season Beach Pass anytime - even during the off season. Length 1.8 miElevation gain 26 ftRoute type Out & back. On the other hand, the presence of the Vanilla Bean right next door is a huge advantage - excellent for that post-beach ice cream. For the purpose of this section "person with a disability shall mean an individual who has a physical or mental impairment and is receiving: [A] Social Security disability (SSDI), [B] Supplemental Security Income benefits (SSI) or Veterans benefits and who shall be determined under applicable federal law by the Federal Department of Veteran's Affairs to be 100% disabled through a service connected injury. The new rates are as follows: The daily parking rate for non-residents is $20 on weekdays and $30 on weekends & holidays; The daily parking rate for RI residents is $10 on weekdays and $15 on weekends and holidays. Click to share on facebook, linkedIn Icon. 2023 RIPAE Card must be marked 8018 not 8019 or 8020. As a former director and officer of the New England Naturist Association (NENA) I was on the front lines for anything and everything that took place at Moonstone Beach from 1984 through 1994 and in the periods of time immediately prior to that, and through the dissolution of NENA in 1996. 22 within 3 miles. You'll then follow the road to its end and park on the side of the street. Season Dates A 50% discount on daily parking fees and season passes applies for senior citizens 65 years and older. If you apply online, once your application has been fully approved, your license plate will be used by enforcement officers to verify that you have a permit. Seasonal Passes are available for purchase beginning May 1, 2022. Westerly, RI 02891. Hours. These beaches include: A season pass gives you access to all eight Rhode Island State beach parking lots. It is one of my favorite places to just BE in all of California. Route 14 (West Bay): provides regular, year-round service Monday through Saturday from Kennedy Plaza to Narragansett Beach. Job Listings. Know the law and know your rights and have copies with you at all times if you try it. The gist is that most of the beach is closed between April 1 and September 15 to protect the nesting piping plover in the area. Coastal Resources Management Council (CRMC) is now processing all Beach Vehicle Permits/Trail passes ONLINE: Please take a moment to participate in our Community Satisfaction Survey. Barrier beaches shield the biologically productive and valuable salt ponds, wetlands and frequently low lying mainland behind the barrier beach from the ravages of coastal storms by absorbing and dissipating the energy of storm driven waves. Passes are non-transferable. It is the policy of the Town of Charlestown to operate and maintain as a municipal facility the Charlestown Town Beach and Blue Shutters duringeach summer season. This area is popular with photographers because it's so rustic and natural, and activities like beachcombing, hiking, bird watching, and fishing are also prevalent. There is a boardwalk running the entire length of the cliff . You'll need a parking pass to leave your vehicle in this spot between May 1 and September 15. Coastal Resources Management Council (CRMC) is now processing all Beach Vehicle Permits/Trail passes ONLINE: As this situation deteriorated, local land owners bent on getting NENA and nude use out of the new area started to complain about sexual misconduct at NENA Beach. Please make sure you purchase the correct pass based on your residency and/or age. Or you can purchase your pass online. 0.3 mi $ Bistro By The Sea. Once the permit sticker is applied, residents can park overnight on the street in areas designated by district parking maps. Misquamicut in Westerly, Season beach parking passes may be purchased online anytime from January through September or in-person at specific times in Narragansett. Storage Units (seasonal rental with seasonal beach pass) $175: Beach Picnic Area ; . Passes are available only at RI State Parks Headquarters located at 1100 Tower Hill Road, North Kingstown from Monday-Friday 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Here's what's next for the surf shop. If a senior is not present in the vehicle, the car will be required to pay the day use parking fee. We highly recommend you plan ahead and purchase your pass BEFORE you plan to go to the beach. The costs for a season pass is $70 for Middletown residents, $65 for Middletown seniors 65 and older and $30 for residents with a motorcycle or scooter. Mayor Smiley wants to hear from you! A season pass is $60 for non-residents. Follow the instructions in the email to finish your pass purchase and then you're ready to head to the beach! For information on pricing, equipment requirements and other regulations regarding barrier beach permits, visit the CRMC website. Word of this spread to the beach and in an attempt to assist the Audubon financially, many of the nude beach goers joined the Audubon chapter assuming their donations would allow the beach to continue as it had for many years. State Agencies (A-Z), 2023 Moonstone Beach. Print/PDF map. The USFWS did back down on this technical point and signs banning nudity were removed and nudity continued unabated. A CRMC Beach Vehicle Permit does not guarantee access anywhere; it only ensures that vehicles which have such a permit can safely travel off road. Just go to to purchase a resident, non-resident, or senior season beach at any time and follow the instructions. Season Pass - non-Resident (not available at this time). By having pre-purchased season passes on the cars when they approach the entrance, traffic will lessen, and youll get to the beach faster! The USFWS indeed took over the land at that time and immediately tried to ban nude bathing but the users formed NENA and challenged the USFWS on grounds that there were no laws that prevented nude use of federally controlled lands. . RV parking - outside of designated campground areas at RI State Beach locations - is only available at Scarborough South and Misquamicut State Beach. First to Review. Under RI law, a municipality that has a state beach within its jurisdiction receives 27 percent of the daily beach parking fees annually. After Memorial Day, it takes up to 24-hours to verify your account. Moonstone Beach Bar & Grill 2,792 388 ft$$ - $$$ American Bar Seafood Sandy's Deli & Bakery 328 0.9 mi$ Quick Bites American Cafe See all Attractions 50 within 6 miles Moonstone Drive 777 343 ftScenic Drives Fiscalini Ranch Preserve 400 0.8 miHiking Trails Leffingwell Landing 92 0.5 miState Parks See what other travelers are saying No. 4x4 Pass This resulted in the USFWS entering the RI state courts and obtaining a redefinition of the state disorderly person statute. Beach passes are available for both South Kingstown residents and non-residents. See all things to do. And given that NENA ran a legitimate family nude beach such conduct would never have been tolerated anyway. If a senior is not present in the vehicle, the car will be required to pay the day use parking fee. State Law 32-1-18: No entrance fee shall be charged to any person who is sixty-five years of age or older and who is eligible to participate in the RI Pharmaceutical Assistance to the elderly program. Service is expected resume next Monday (5/23) during office hours, 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM. An eligible senior must be present in the vehicle and may be required to present identification as proof of age. Your license plate will be your way into state beach parking lots. - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. If you'd like more than one season pass, you will have to purchase each additional pass individually. Below is a link so that you may view the Park & Recreation ordinance. No lifeguards are on duty, and beach pavilions are closed. People who don't have season passes to Narragansett Town Beach have to pay a $12 daily admission fee to get a wristband. Wakefield, RI 02879 Phone: 401-789-9331 Fax: 401-789-5280 Email us Hours of Operation; Quick Links. A season pass is $60 for non-residents. Discounts for seniors and veterans are also available. South, and A 50% discount on daily parking fees and season passes applies for senior citizens 65 years and older. Current passes will expire June 30, 2023. Vehicle access to the Salt Pond is prohibited. Please note that if you are signing up a second vehicle, you will need to use a DIFFERENT email address. During the summer beach season (Memorial Day to Labor Day), daytime off-road driving is restricted at the majority of public-controlled beaches in Rhode Island due to the sheer volume of beachgoers and the safety issues that presents. to preserve, protect, develop, and restore coastal resources for all Rhode Islanders, CRMC is now processing all Beach Vehicle Permits/Trail passes ONLINE * The parking fee of $20 for non-residents is steep though in comparison to the $12 for the state beach. It is tied solely to the vehicle information you provided when you purchased your pass and cannot be used for more than one vehicle. Lung health is important now more than ever. This pond is one of the most significant migratory waterfowl concentration sites of New England. A discounted Senior Citizen pass is available to individuals who are 65 or older. Patrons must purchase a new pass each year. Route 66 (URI/Galilee): provides access to South County Beaches seven days a week with trips that depart Kennedy Plaza hourly with stops along the greater Providence area and in East Greenwich, Wickford, North Kingstown and South Kingstown. When you purchase your pass online, you will receive an email response within 24-hours of creating your account. Starting Monday, April 5, 2021, seasonal beach parking passes for South Kingstown residents can be pre-purchased on-line click Here. Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy. Weekends through June 25. For those traveling to the beach without a sticker, daily parking rates will be set at $15 on weekdays and $25 on weekends. The foliage is something to behold in the fall. Photos (29) Directions. As part of DEMs Beach More, Wait Less initiative, we are working hard to reduce traffic and wait times. THE OPEN SEASON FOR AMENITIES AT SCARBOROUGH SOUTH STATE BEACH IS DEPENDENT ON CURRENT SEASONAL STAFFING LEVELS AND MAY BE SUBJECT TO CHANGE.
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