Licenses go on sale after the second Monday in September at all FWP regional offices and the Helena FWP headquarters. The total number of hunting license sales also grew among Montana residents, from 121,982 in 2019 to 136,285 in 2021. . The possession All big game hunting applications are final after submittal. Montana may well be the epicenter for western outdoor businesses. Montana only accepts online applications for all big game draws. Come Home to Hunt licenses are issued on a first-come, first-served basis. The hunter could buy the normal preference point and the outfitter preference point. Use the following applications to prepare and apply for special status licenses offered by FWP. Special Lion License may harvest any legal lion in any open lion The total number of Deer B licenses/permits a hunter may hold each year (through a combination of licenses acquired through drawings, purchased over the counter and through surplus sales is a total seven). More information onMontana Bighorn Sheep,Montana Moose,Montana Mountain Goat,Montana Bison,Montana Elk, Montana Mule Deer, Montana Antelope. Hunters have the option to donate their drawing refund to the block management program. In most cases, to hunt legally in the United States, you must have a hunting license from the state where the hunt occurs and comply with the state fish and game department requirements associated with that license. Access your Montana hunting and fishing licenses and permits in one convenient, paperless location on your mobile device Important info: . The most bonus points a hunter can have going into the 2022 draw for deer and elk is 19 points. If a non-resident applies for a deer or elk permit area that has less than a quota of 10, the application will not be considered for the drawing. Refer to theregulationsfor specific details. Montana Various Game Winter and General Distributions. The sign-up period for the Hunt Roster isJune 15July 15each year. You cannot apply as a party for Montanas sheep, moose, or mountain goat hunts. Each species will have one Super Tag drawn, and it is valid in any hunting district in Montana. General licenses can be purchased over the counter at all license providers. Montana general season elk narrowing down your choices. Bonus points essentially offer you additional drawing chances and are used for first-choice drawings only. A group number will be assigned to each species, with a separate number for general and limited-entry. With the new online application process, FWP can complete the drawing much faster than in years past. Bonus points for deer and elk are squared in the drawing. FWP resells these returned licenses through our Alternates List. Regulation booklets can be downloaded from their website at *Extended hunts available for an additional $1100/day. License fees include a 3% nonrefundable application fee, not to exceed $7.50 per item. The following equipment restrictions apply only to weapon restriction areas: muzzleloaders must not be capable of being loaded from the breech of the barrel; may not be loaded with any pre-prepared paper or metallic cartridges; must be charged with black powder, pyrodex, or an equivalent; must be ignited by a percussion, flintlock, matchlock, or wheellock mechanism; must be a minimum of .45 caliber; may have no more than two barrels; and must only use plain lead projectiles. Given the General Season Antlerless Deer B Licenses are allocated separately, it is possible for hunters to participate in a game damage hunt or management hunt for deer and also receive an antlerless deer B license for use during the general season. Form of Licenses and Duplicates Camping Stamp 18 and Older: For all categories of residences - increase camping stamp cost from $20 to $100. 2022-2023 hunting season information now available.HELENA - The 2021-22 migratory bird regulations are now available online; hard copies will be available at license providers in a few weeks. For antelope, you may list multiple choices on your application. Resident veterans deployed after April 3, Bonus points are squared in the drawing. Moose, sheep, goat, deer, elk, antelope, bison, and mountain lion:mid-July, Go toMyFWPand log in for yourdrawing status. Conservation license, base hunting license, and aquatic invasive species prevention passes are non-refundable. Allows for the purchase of a General Deer, a General Elk, Fishing and Upland Game Bird licenses at half cost. Refunds and issuance may occur at any time but availability of these license increases between early fall and the opening of general hunting season in late October. In many units, youth ages 12-15 may harvest a cow elk with their elk license without having to draw a cow permit. The Montana bonus and preference point systems are voluntary. Elk and deer non-resident applicants are allocated up to 10% of the permit quota, not guaranteed. The time frames to sign up for the various Surplus lists are as follows: Sabots or other similar power and range-enhancing manufactured loads that enclose the projectile from the rifling or bore of the firearm are prohibited. Hunters electing Antelope license opportunities will have the option to purchase one through the Surplus License List. The license allows the holder to hunt all legal game in Montana. Potential hunting regulation changes for 2022 and 2023 are available online for the public to review. Payment of the license fee is not required to sign up on the Surplus License List. Click below to view the website. Hunters may only participate in one game damage hunt, management hunt, or management removal for each species per year. If you were born in Montanabut now live out-of-state, had purchased hunting or fishing licenses as a resident, and have an immediate family member who is currently a resident, you may qualify for these Nonresident Native Hunting licenses at reduced prices. 15% of the limited draw tags are set aside for landowners. In addition, you cannot purchase the same license again during the license year. Fish, Wildlife & Parks GLASGOW - Hunters who are used to buying surplus mule deer B licenses right before the general season might have been disappointed this year. It is the applicants responsibility to find an enrolled landowner. This is a pretty big deal for people who are not members of CSKT, as the Flathead Reservation hunting, fishing and recreation fees have increased significantly.. Nonresident Combination license holders may return their license for a refund for any reason according to the following schedule provided the nonresident certifies that the license was not used. quota in that lion management unit will close upon 24-hours notice, Licenses, permits, and carcass tags are printed on 8 1/2" x 11" regular white paper. Bag Limit: 3 in aggregate daily. 15% of the limited draw tags are set aside for landowners. License Fees (non-resident, 2022 prices): Bull Elk (OTC)-$700.98; Cow Elk-$526.17; Elk (either sex)-$700.98; Deer-$420.23; Bear-$103.60. Our Memberships Include The Most Accurate Draw Odds Available, Join Now! A certificate showing the completion of a Bowhunter Education course or a prior years archery license from any state is required to purchase the bow and arrow license. Consult with Hunters Who Have Hunted in Your Unit, Join Now! Drawings will be completed approximately two weeks after the deadlines except for antelope, which occurs in August. In 2022, preference points can be purchased from July 1 to December 31. Montana is known for its healthy populations of big game animals, tens of millions of acres of public lands, and ample private properties available to hunters through programs like Block Management (BMA). Applicants who are successful in drawing a general license will then be placed in the special drawing if they applied for it. Landowners are critical to the work of conserving Montanas wildlife populations and habitat. If the non-resident quota of up to 10% is reached and tags remain, only residents will be drawn for the remaining tags. Everyones first choice is awarded before anyones second choice is considered. Before the management removal option can be used, it needs to be adopted by the Fish & Wildlife Commission. Outfitter clients are eligible to purchase second preference point for an additional $100 at the time of application. This would give the hunter two preference points, which has historically always drawn a tag. General Big Game Combo (Deer & Elk): $1,208 without dogs, male and female mountain lion harvest from all Otherwise, your preference points will be purged if you dont apply in the next draw. management unit statewide during the fall season without dogs. Death of the licensee:will receive a 100% refund of the license. Some districts vary; check regulations for more information. Applicants purchasing a conservation license can now opt out of donating 25 cents of that fee to Search and Rescue. 80% refund - Postmarked on or before August 1 of the license year, 50% refund without a bow license -Postmarked after August 1 of the license year, but on or before the general big game hunting season (on or before October 21, 2023), 50% refund with a bow license - Postmarkedafter August 1but before opening of archery season (on or before September 2, 2023), Nonresident Combination Any Reason Refund Application(PDF). Preference point expiration Traditionally, Montana would allow applicants to use the points-only purchase option for two years but applicants then had to apply on the third year, or else their accumulated points would be zeroed. of the regular duck season in both Zones (Oct 1 Oct 9), the daily bag may include 2 additional blue-winged teal. Also by the same law, depending upon whether the hunting district regulations offer limited permits or not, landowners may designate some or all of the hunters who may receive supplemental game damage licenses. Montana offers three general huntingpackages to nonresidents througha random computer drawing: General Big Game (Deer & Elk) Combination. You must have a current year's Conservation license to purchase SuperTag chances. A Montana hunter must be aware of the governing quotas and regulations in place for each district, as well as where the boundaries are. Preference points are issued for the general combination drawings. Qualifying nonresidents 18 years of age or older need to apply for either aDeer, Elk or Big Game Combination license starting March 1 and the deadline is April 1. Standard bag limit excluding scaup. Hunters must finalize the purchase of the license/permit within the timeframe specified in the email, otherwise, your opportunity will be offered to the next hunter on the randomized list. Enter search criteria to find your information. To use the app, hunters and anglers will need a MyFWP account, which is a secure and convenient digital profile that stores licenses, permits and related information. Regular Montana BLM maps may be obtained by calling 406-896-5000. The daily bag limit may contain no more than 5 mallards of which no more Remember, you must have your license with you while hunting. Legally licensed youth ages 15 and under when accompanied by a The regions are numbered 1 through 7 with the hunting districts in the region corresponding to that number. 13th ; 2023 Rifle Elk/Deer Combo Hunts, ( . Landowners may designate a family member or employee to be placed in the draw for a tag. Please allow one day in and one day out for travel to and from camp. In all areas, the combined archery only and fall season . Jump to: NEW FOR 2022 State Information Draw System Mule Deer Breakdown Points System. All refunds will be mailed to unsuccessful applicants in the form of a check. Bag Limit: 3 cock pheasants daily. SuperTag chances are available for moose, bighorn sheep, mountain goat, antelope, elk, deer, bison, and mountain lion. Hunters electing Elk B license opportunities through the Surplus License List may only purchase one. Welcome to the 2022-2023 Montana Hunting Regulations. Deadline: To be approved and eligible to sponsor deer hunters on your land for the 2023 season, this application and any supporting documents must be postmarked by December31,2022. For deer and elk, draw results will be available mid-April. than 2 may be hens, 3 wood ducks, 2 redheads, 2 hooded mergansers, 1 pintail, 2 canvasbacks and 1 scaup. The fee to purchase a bonus point without applying is $15 per species for residents and the nonresident fees are $25 per species except for Moose, Sheep, and Goat, which are $75 per species. Death of family member: License holders who experience the death of an immediate family member and are prevented from using their license may receive a 90% refund. The fishing license costs $5.00 for a two-day permit and $10.50 for the entire season. The price of the Elk B license is $20 for residents and $270 for nonresidents. Nonresidents are limited to up to 10% of the permits available in any district. This spring Fish, Wildlife & Parks will be launching the new MyFWP mobile app that will store and display licenses, permits, and digital carcass tags, known as E-Tags, which can be used in the field without cellular service. To apply for a special license/permit, hunters can apply online through the Online Licensing System or at an FWP regional office. These licenses are not available to nonresidents. Bonus points will be issued for the special deer and elk drawings. Additionally, the number of preference points you hold will be reset to 0. Accumulated preference points will be used during the current drawing whether you purchase an additional preference point or not. Montanas seven-year wait for individuals who draw a moose, sheep or goat license through Montanas special permit license drawings will not be imposed on SuperTag winners. *Date of Birth: *Phone Number: *Zip Code: *Residency Status: Select the from the list below to prove you are not a robot: Reset. Otherwise, your preference points will be purged if you dont apply in the next draw. Seasonal Montana fishing licenses are valid from March 1 through the last day of February the following year. If unsuccessful, you will be awarded another point and will have 4 points going into next years drawing. Hunters must purchase a hunting license before applying, but do not need to purchase locking tags prior.December 2022 (58) November 2022 (53) October 2022 (67) . Every year, Montana rotates most of the sheep, moose, and mountain goat units where non-residents are allowed to apply for a permit, making it different from year to year. Download the 2023Disabled Veteran Application(PDF) A Montana resident who is blind can purchase a lifetime fishing license for $10. The new outfitter preference point will allow a hunter applying with an outfitter to purchase two points going into the draw. Aug 11, 2022. Purchase the hunting license(s) you wish to donate. By state law, non-residents are limited to, but not guaranteed, 10% of the license and/or permit quota. He has been fortunate enough to have earned hunting licenses and firearms permits as a foreign resident in Japan and had the opportunity to experience hunting Japan-Style. However, additional opportunities up to your maximum of three may be made available through over the counter or damage hunt sales. . A supplemental game damage license hunt is a very small-scale measure trying to harvest no more than 12 animals to prevent or reduce crop or property damage in situations where larger-scale game damage hunts or management hunts are not applicable. The 2021 mule deer population estimate is the lowest since 2014. The companion may also assist the permit holder by hunting (by the legal use of archery equipment only) a game animal that has been wounded by the permit holder when the hunter with a disability is unable to pursue and kill the wounded animal. This applicationmust be completed and submitted to an FWP office or by mail as instructed on the form, along with the licenses for donation. For updates on availability, visit or call 406-444-2950. Montana Hunting Access 2022 on the App Store Open the Mac App Store to buy and download apps. updated information. Hunting permit drawing results now available By angelamontana Posted: April 14, 2022 HELENA - The wait is over as the deer and elk permit drawing is complete, just two weeks after the deadline. limit may not exceed three times the daily bag limit of any species and sex. . Required additional information that must be submitted to complete your license. Fifteen percent of each hunting district quota for deer B and antelope licensesand for deer permits is set aside for landowners in that hunting district. You cannot apply and purchase bonus points in the same year. The licenses should be available online. A Conservation License is not a prerequisite for this license. The department will review all applicable information in evaluating requests per ARM rule 12.3.402. Existing bonus points will be mathematically squared prior to the drawing. Game Damage and Management Hunts could take place anytime from August 15February 15. The possession If you do not hold a general Elk license, you could obtain up to three Elk B licenses. We listed the prior years first choice draw odds based on if that applicant had 0, 5, 10, or 15 points going into the draw. We cover Montana wolf hunting information in our October issue. There may be relatively large numbers of hunters recruited from the Hunt Roster for a longer period of time with the potential for a significant harvest. If you receive a moose, mountain goat, or limited either-sex or legal bighorn ram permit, you may not receive another permit for the next seven years, regardless of if you harvest or not. Learn more about youth hunting opportunities. -When the harvest reaches a number nearest to 20 percent of the All applicants are in the same drawing pool, unless non-residents have met their regional and/or unit quota. Each license must be donated or surrendered before the beginning of the general hunting season. To sign up for the Surplus License List, resident and nonresident hunters can sign up through theMyFWP portal. Online Licenses Service Hunting in Montana Worksheets Base License Requirements & Fees Bonus Points System Deadlines & Drawing Dates Disabled & Special Licenses Donate License Programs - Licenses or permits left over from the special license permit drawing can be purchased starting Monday, June 21. In Montana, there are two primary types of licenses: General licenses that can be purchased over the counter; and special limited permits and licenses that are available through drawings. onX has mapped 1,100,000 acres of possible access lands in Montana including timber companies and land conservation groups. The new app will be released soon with more information on how to download and use it. Revenue from the new SuperTag sales is used to enhance hunting access and boost FWP enforcement efforts. To hunt during the archery season, hunters must purchase a $10 bow and arrow license after obtaining a hunting license. To purchase a license, any person born after January 1, 1985, must provide proof of successful completion of a hunter education course. Bonus points will be averaged and rounded to the nearest whole number. Applicants wishing to apply for points only for any species may do so from July 1st through September 30th. For big game combination or elk combination licenses, you will be able to choose from the following if unsuccessful in the special drawing: keep your general combination license to use on the general seasons, receive an 80% refund of the license, or, if drawn for a big game combination license and you are unsuccessful in drawing a special elk permit, elect to receive a $351.20 refund for the elk license and be issued a deer combination license to use for the general deer seasons. Anyone applying for a special license/permit will need to have a valid email address. Cedar City, UT 84721 Antelope, Bighorn Sheep, Bison, Bear, Deer/Elk/Mountain Lion, Fisher, Wolf, Moose, Mountain Goat, Trapping, Turkey, Migratory Bird, Upland Bird, and Swan Hunting Districts. The Deer and Elk licenses issued as part of a nonresident Combination license are valid for both an early archery-only season and the general rifle season. The Montana MyFWP app provides a digital wallet to store and display licenses and digital carcass tags, known as E-Tags, that can validate your harvest in the field. The revenue from the Super Tag sales is used to enhance hunting access and boost FWP enforcement efforts. Additionally, youth weekends for deer, duck, and pheasant hunting are available in Montana. Refer to the regulations for specific hunting district details. The Hunt Roster is one of the ways FWP selects public hunters to participate in hunts where animals are causing damage to stored agricultural crops or private property. game-hunting license for $16 (instead of $20) and a 5-day fishing license for $12 (instead of $25). Limit. Super Tag chances may be purchased online at TheApprentice Hunter program allows anyone 10 or older to hunt for up to two years without completing ahunter education course. The daily bag limit may contain no more than 5 mallards of which no more HELENA - At its Feb. 4 meeting, the Montana Fish and Wildlife Commission approved hunting regulations for the 2022 and 2023 hunting seasons with a significant focus on changes to elk hunting opportunities. The Archery Only Season is only for bighorn sheep hunting districts with limited entry, and it will start before the general bighorn sheep season opens in any district. Download the 2023Application to Donation of Hunting License to MilitaryVeterans(PDF) All final regulations approved at the meeting will go into effect when the new license year . For example, if you have 3 bonus points, you will have 9 points in the draw plus that years application, equalling 10 chances in the drawing. Montana Hunting Access 2022 4+ Montana's complete hunting app Mountainworks Software Designed for iPad #174 in Sports 4.6 25 Ratings $9.99 Screenshots iPad iPhone Every 2022 Block Management Area document from Montana FWP is included. The maximum number of points someone can have is 23 going into the 2023 draw. of the regular duck season in both Zones (Oct 1 Oct 9), the daily bag may include 2 additional blue-winged teal. TheApprentice Hunter program allows anyone 10 or older to hunt for up to two years without completing ahunter education course. Hunting and fishing license year begins March 1 By angelamontana Posted: February 25, 2022 The 2022 license year opens March 1, which means that is the day you can buy new hunting and fishing licenses and begin applying for permits and special licenses. After the sign up period closes, the list of interested hunters will be randomized to determine each hunters prioritization on these lists. reached in a LMU, the mountain lion season for that subquota or Landowner preference applies to your first choice when applying for a permit. Each hunter may only register on one combination license list (Big Game Combination, General Elk or General Deer), and is not eligible to purchase more than one nonresident combination license a year. Hunters at the top of the list will be contacted via email with instructions to finalize their purchase. Montana wildlife managers structureseasons to provide a wide variety of hunting experiences with a strong emphasis on sustainable opportunity. The law requires every hunter to have permission from the landowner, lessee or agent before hunting on private property regardless of whether the land is posted or not. SuperTag chances are also available for purchase atFWP officesandlicense providers. Check unit-specific regulations for closing dates. A student must be at least 11 years old to register for a bowhunter education classroom course. May 11, 2022. Montana has a good hunt planner that can be found at If you are going to hunt snipe in Montana, you must be certified to hunt migratory birds and fill out an HIP survey. Then if youre unsuccessful, youll be awarded an additional base bonus point for next years drawing. Use the Online Licenses Service to purchase all your Montana hunting and fishing licenses without having to visit an FWP office or License Provider location. . Hunters electing Deer B license/permit opportunities will have the option to purchase two through the Surplus List.
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