Has anyone seen this guy on YouTube? This is what I would tell Spencer: If you can live your life doing anything but preaching or missions work youre not saved. ntcplanters 2 yr. ago. 8. 3:11; Jam. After the Welsh Revival (where he did various signs and wonders) in 1912, which was seven years after he vanished from the forefront of activities, from the spotlight which he so cherished, he co-authored (with Jessie Penn-Lewis) the book War on the Saints, where they confess they were both demon possessed and wrote the book out of their experiences with demons. Tony Hutson is a cheap entertainment-orientated showman, can speak many stories but not a lot of actual Bible preaching. Yet, again, there are serious concerns that cant be overlooked. 7:15-20; 12:33-37; 13:20-21), which was already evident to anyone with spiritual eyes and indwelling of the Spirit of God DURING the so-called revival (1 Cor. Rice was a new evangelical at heart and church growth guru, hence why all his children became lost new evangelical gurus themselves. He, like many evangelicals and IBs today, pushed an intellectual, non-volitional type of repentance. (4) Must be ordained by elders (1 Tim. The truth is quite the opposite to what is being said in the video. He does not denounce error as commanded in Scripture which is excessively dangerous. Lost Gentiles arent primarily in unbelief, they are in disobedience (2 Th. 4. Rom. That manifested the Holy Spirit in Him. Consider a few points: 1. The Bible doesn't explain these people as saved, but they are labeled so by this new theology (the theology of Keswick/higher life). I have written up a report on this sermon which is much longer than this brief summary, revealing how terribly unscriptural and heretical it really is. Concerning the Welsh Revival video, he said a 16 yr old girl stood up in a prayer meeting and said I love Jesus with all of my heart; they said the outpouring of the Spirit of God was so strong when she did that, and basically that started it [the welch revival] (. 4:23-24)? Beware of Spencer Smith - 2020ScripturalVision He is also a huge Hyles guy, and teaches the same perverted gospel as Hyles and his father (Curtis). Try restaurant style recipes at home. In his original interpretation and critique of Paul Ramsey's ethical thought, D. Stephen Long traces the development of one of the mid-twentieth century's most important and controversial religious social thinkers. He is not in the church, like Matt. (c) Rice clearly did not hold to a Textus Receptus (TR) position and opposed KJV Onlyism. 5:12-6:1; 1 Cor. He is a false teacher, an overt liar, and a fake missionary. I've thought about this for a while and there is a lot more I could go into, but I'll refrains as to not type your ear off. Spencers gospel is anemic. and another one in their June 2020 prayer letter) who embraced a perverted and false gospel (Gal 1:6-9) and was a very close friend of the wolf in sheeps clothing Jack Hyles. 1:9-10; Ti. Fundamentalism is not a scriptural movement. Hutson hated the biblical doctrine of repentance so much (like Hyles), he wrote books against it and removed the doctrine from well known hymns while editor at Sword of the Lord. No wonder he could say this without supporting it with scripture. The only calling we read of in scripture is the one unto salvation (see Matt. Ill leave it at that. In the video The Falling Away - Missionary Spencer Smith (. ) Secondly, although every person is called to preach, not every person can be a pastor. 4. 15:33; Eph. 6:3-5; 2 Jn. It is not surprising then that one hears Spencer say, weve seen thousands of people saved in their ministry in Kenya. He saw something volitional as works. Here is a good video of the stupidity and Unbiblical sayings of the famous fundamentalists: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zY4tUrBg_vU, . 1. 6:12; 2 Pet. Missionary Spencer Smith is building his doctrine on man's wisdom and ). One can't be a fundamentalist and obey the Bible, and obeying the Bible is more important than being a non-scriptural title or even idea. 10:1-5, 26-29), yet this is not a salvation passage according to Spencer and the church is still saved. Spencer posted a video promoting the heretic Curtis Hutson (. It is impossible to stay in fundamentalism and still be faithful to the Bible. Here are the ones I know of. Spencer seriously undermines sound doctrine: You know there is some doctrinal issues in this Bible but I dont think its a deal breaker. Especially when even Paul corrected Peter, who as we know was Jesus chosen to build His church upon. 21:21, 24) EVER ceased to preach repentance. 2:1-3, 17-22). So I will because it is loving and most importantly because Gods Word commands it (Rom. No demon possessed false teacher will be in line with Scripture. I've seen one video where he said he's, "Not in that camp (Reformed)," but he didn't speak negatively about it in any sense. So any man who is truly born again and has a desire for the office and meets all the qualifications, all of which is confirmed by the elders of the church, can be a pastor (or deacon). That she would learn from these people speaks to her true spiritual nature (1 Cor 2:14-16). boundtree continuing education; can you be charged under ucmj after discharge He speaks about Pauls warning of another gospel, but his elimination of the critical element of repentance and Christs Lordship, which is Who Jesus is, is also another gospel (2 Cor 11:4). I used to watch him a little bit. He says if you do any of these things to the pastor, God will take care of you like He did Korah. They are actively trying to recruit all children into this wicked lifestyle. He has conned many churches to support him as a missionary to Kenya, when he does not even work over there. Its wicked and spawned in the pit of hell. (3) Must meet all the qualifications as presented in 1 Tim. There is actually a lot of heresy in the Scofield. Go figure. 21:24, 21; Lk. Ryrie was a heretic. The problem is that they were in such bad spiritual condition that they didnt even know it. He is describing a church that is true in his eyes, but weak, not right or spiritual and not used by God and they didnt even know it. Spencers chart says fundamentalists are saved and obedient to Scripture. He claims all of fundamentalism is saved, believes right, is following the Scriptures and will be raptured out but that is certainly not true. You will live happily and your children will live happy, I can tell you story after story after story, I can go on Ive got a dozen stories, I cant tell you all things I have come across That is ungodly and fear-mongering. I remembered he said he didnt think all reformed people are damned so thats good. More than likely he would see that as a works- gospel, further buttressing the placebo he is propagating. Thank you to all who gave! (. He's very much against anything that is not Independent Fundamental Baptist. Thats what he tried to emphasize. Roberts did that indeed and much much more, buts its completely unbiblical and another Jesus, while Spencer says I think that was a good thing. False doctrine, sin, worldliness are constantly attacked in the Bible, and so will the preacher behind the pulpit. All these things make it clear that Sexton is a hypocrite and heretic, one warned of by Jesus (Matt 7:15) and by Paul who declared, grievous wolves [shall] enter in among you, not sparing the flock. (Ac. They separated only over the fundamentals, so they unified or fellowshipped merely if someone believed and taught the fundamentals. Telefon: 0542 511 20 02 All new items; Books; Journal articles; Manuscripts; Topics. (b) Rice double-spoke when it came to repentance and the gospel. He embraces Southern Gospel, which is just another form of CCM, and then also CCM itself, with the fleshly self-promoting squeaky syncopated nauseating singing, as seen in this music video he has on his channel (. He was a heretic for a lot of reasons, and theres lots of proof to support all this and more. The great commission is for EVERYONE. Error on Unbelief. 1:6-9 and 2 Cor. So is that showing love to God when he is not being a witness of these things? that would be a good thing for a Christian to claim and pray for and ends the article with, Will you pray for a fresh anointing for yourself and for me? Its lacking doctrinal content Spencer says, yet he exalts it and gives hundreds of them away to flood Africa with heresy. Revivalism / Keswick Heresy. Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. Doesnt understand Kent Hovinds apostate state, or wont be clean about it, which is heresy either way. In one part of Ryries book So Great Salvation he declares that faith is not merely "assent to facts" (p. 118), but then spends three pages proving that faith is indeed merely assent to, or belief in, certain facts, using different wording and various evasions (see Mk. intranet.wspc.com.sg:8082 I don't recommend his videos. As a fundamentalist, one cannot obey the biblical doctrine of separation, not the unscriptural fundamentalist version of it. So called fundamentalists today are practically the same as evangelicals which are practically the same as modernists. 10:32-39; 16:24-26; Mk. So called fundamentalists today are practically the same as evangelicals which are practically the same as modernists. 10:1-21 tells us that there is more to the gospel than just v. 13; there is knowledge required (v. 2), and rejection of ones own righteousness for Gods righteousness which has the idea of turning from self (vv. Regardless how close it comes to the truth, if its not perfectly in line with scripture, it is still false. Even the very context Rom. Spencer Smith VS #MeToo | Missionary Spencer Smith mocks the #MeToo Spiritual Sounding Board-Julie Smith-SGM survivors; Stop Baptist Predators; Toxic Faith; Trinity Foundation-Church Fraud; Under Much Grace/Hephzibah House Exposed; Watchman Fellowship; Wellspring Retreat; Wicked Shepherds/Reformed Baptist, etc; Zalkin Law Firm-CA, NY-Sexual Abuse He is only doing damage to cause of Christ. He has monetized his Youtube channel, and is also brings in funds that way. ). In a few videos he declares that God called him to preach. Then there is a video on that very subject, How Do I Know If I'm Called To Preach? Where does the Bible say that God calls us to preach? Gal. elder, bishop, overseer) or deacon for that matter (Likewise must the deacons 1 Tim.
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