The wedding was small for a King and his Consort, so small that it was the talk of all the kingdoms for. Well, not exactly a friend - it's his sister that I'm-", "Dunno," Merlin says and accepts another bit of chocolate. "And then they need to be sorted by language, exam board and year," Linda explains, and adds, rolling her eyes towards Arthur. ~~~~ For the WearyWhen Arthur becomes King, Merlin overworks himself. They both give him sceptical looks at that. Im sorry, but I fell in love tonight by fallenfairytale, Merlin licks his lips, forgetting for a moment about how swollen his mouth is. "I'm watching Torchwood". A knight has escaped his leafy shackles, and is barreling right towards Merlin's back. His legs keep trying to roll up under him but he can manage a few steps. ", "Oh, I'm leaving at the end of August," Merlin tells him. She says you shouldn't be at work today. Leggete per scoprirlo! in the back? The git works at the other end of the office, and would be gorgeous if not for his personality. - As he awaits his freedom, he slowly gets to know the prisoner being held in the cell beside him, a young man named Merlin. Were you hit?" Not that I need a babysitter. Rosaleigh is the twin sister of Merlin and she shares the same power as him. Summary: AU, slash, A/M, Broodmare: an omega kept for breeding purposes only. ", "Oh, it's only because we have to live with Arthur," Gwen says. The git is reflected on the metal walls in dim amber-hued blurs, anger in triplicate (and why he can remember that word when he doesn't know the git's name any more, he will never understand). Hullo. ", "I'm not a goldfish," Merlin protests. This is based on a tumblr post. "By the time the git (his name is Arthur, Merlin suddenly remembers) runs out of chocolate, he's feeling better. He doesn't think it's fair. What will happen? tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits. ", He liked her too, from what he's pieced together about yesterday, so he steps away from the door. It's not until he's sprawled grumpily on the back seat of the bus that he realises that he never asked her name. "You know I've been managing this myself since I was six?". Merlin fears he may never see his King again; meanwhile, Arthur makes discoveries of his own. E se qualcosa andasse storto? To no one's surprise, something is bound to go wrong. Merlin: Everyone Who Knew Merlin Had Magic - ScreenRant It takes almost no effort on Kelan's end to disarm the knight, flipping the blade over and striking underneath the unarmored chin of the Saxon knight. His legs are getting steadily wobblier. Not all of them. "I thought I'd just-" He looks around the lift, wondering why the doors are closed and then gets up and goes to poke them. "Hopefully I'll go blind, and then I won't have to look at your face any more. You have to stay next to me I dealt with it.". "I can drink what I like, actually," Merlin says, shoving to his feet. Im telling you, Arthur, he will find me., When Will These Scars Begin to Fade? Work Search: He does object when Arthur pretty much picks him up and manhandles him into the ambulance (okay, that's an exaggeration, but it's not as if he has the strength to resist a gentle push at the moment, let alone a pointed shove). ", "You tied a rainbow-coloured dalek to the roof of your car?". "Does it matter, if we're all going to get eaten?". "Fine. Arthur's brows narrow a little but Merlin doesn't think anything until he comes back with the drinks, and presents Merlin with a glass of Diet Coke. ~~~~ Arthur frowns at Merlin's words. "Look," Arthur says, staring over his head. "At least your control's better," Gwen says. Merlin wails again, but no one's listening to him, at least until he babbles, "Look, I'm sorry. "It takes years of study to get the qualifications needed for this job.". At that moment, Arthur appears, pushes him down into the seat again and demands, "Is he better yet? Non aveva parole per descrivere ci che stava vedendo il corvinouna parte di lui cadde in pezzi Written for this prompt at kinkme_merlin, which asked for diabetic!Merlin stuck in a lift with Arthur. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Sir Kelan could have sworn that King Arthur Pendragon and Court Sorcerer Merlin hated each other. "Do you do this for every sick employee?" Jenifael34, Lyds29, TheNapkinsAtStarbucks, ehstraus, tv6re, CallMeCleo, kath_lyn4060, resverie, AriadneEcho, RoseWinchesterIsStayingAlive, PuggieParker, Bark1Bark, terinet, hermigg, Hoodiedork, unwantedesires, flohamvi, 00Ginger, thatbisexualkid_02, authoric_demon, Midilia, asterra, mld419, KamiFicL0ver, bo_b, breevee, WouldItWere, Zayebali, midnightslavenderhaze, SpaceTurtle12, lil_macaroon, Sho223, Bandnerd2001, Sishopper, Minipini, 07876, mygutsucks04, the_dreary_fandom_whore, AIC05, ferociousapplesauce, troylerina, SJ3, mamagma4, Magpie_Pen, I_like_bread27, Sauerteig, isniev, Keefe_a_keefe, ChildeOfSleep, aquastar, and 3401 more users He searches for it, with an increasing flutter of panic. It is just the way things are., Arthur frowns at Merlins words. He was the only one on his back and the only one not protected by armor. Merlin has been coping okay because he has loved Arthur since they were teenagers and as long as he lives he prefers 10 times a damaged!Arthur that no Arthur at all, and the blond is just unbelievable lucky that Merlin loves him that much to stick with him through all this. "My lord," he responds. When he gets back to his desk, Arthur's sitting in his chair, drumming his fingers on the desk and frowning at the little cyberman that sits beside Merlin's keyboard. "When have you ever seen me put sugar in my tea? Merlin does a blood test, though. Keep going with the chocolate. "Half seven," he says. never It hit him straight in the chest, and as he dropped to the floor the warlock realised he couldn't breathe. He's never seen them show care or affection towards one another. Lunchtimes aren't so bad, now Morgana's taken to joining them. So why the hell is he sitting on the Druid throne. "No," Merlin tells him sweetly, just so he can hear him scream and cover his eyes ten minutes later. Arthur grinned to himself as he heard Merlin hiss prat under his breath before storming out. This is a Merlin x Arthur fan fiction. I am not good at answering messages or Just a little something I write on when ever I got the time. Kelan had to admire Merlin for his tenacity and stubbornness. "I just want you-" Arthur begins to say but Merlin cuts him off. And don't tell me he means well. Welcome to my 100th fanfiction published on this website :), Knights of the Round Table & Merlin (Merlin), Gwaine Knows About Merlin's Magic (Merlin), Arthur Pendragon Finds Out About Merlin's Magic (Merlin), The Knights Find Out About Merlin's Magic (Merlin). It is quite a common theme, but not always a central one to the story. According to some of the laundry maids, the Warlock told the King that if their wedding was anything more than intimate, he would back out of the engagement. According to some of the laundry maids, the Warlock told the King that if their wedding was anything more than intimate, he would back out of the engagement. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words. Lancelot spends most of the meal casting longing glances at Gwen. Not gonna lie, I kinda forced myself to finish this but I'm still quite proud of it. Merlin parts his lips automatically and then recoils when he tastes it. He hears Arthur's quiet snort from right across the room and grins to himself as he goes back to entering questionnaire results into a spreadsheet (Associated web-resources do or do not influence your choice of language textbook, Y/N? His voice is dripping with sarcasm by the end of it, and Kelan really can't see how Merlin and Arthur are she does as much as she can herself or at least with the aid of a servant, but does her best not to put too much on them. Merlin was never about Arthur and Gwen, or Morgana, or the knights. "Right," Arthur says. I'm turning into the ultimate arts graduate clich. After that, he gets worse. It's working without a hitch again, and the only hint that something had happened is the panel in the door that's much newer and shinier than the rest of it. Merlin then has to struggle with new revelations that might make his life a lot more complicated. -__- You guys are amazing, by the way! and they'd better let him proofread the next one of these before it goes out). Arthur has obviously never had a drink thrown in his face before. She's kind, always good to the servants of the castle and she hisses at him during their morning break, spooning extra sugar into her tea with a ferocious clink of the spoon against the side of her mug. Melting together, they always encouraged each other, it gave them warmth in cold and lonely nights. Kelan coughs to hide a laugh that threatens to escape. "Is she..", "A real dalek? Keep Your Secrets Arthur is captured and held for ransom. The slightest hint of magic is snuffed out like a weed in the spring bloom. Come ooon." Merlin took a swing at him and Arthur twisted Merlin's arm behind his back. *contains ending spoilers* What would happen to Arthur and Merlin if Arthur didn't die that day? Merlin is quite capable of filling his own lunch tray, thank you very much, and he does not appreciate the gruesome pictures of gangrenous feet Arthur keeps sending him under the heading This Could Happen To You! Their thick icing hangs heavily over their rippling flesh as they hunt, circling slowly as he flounders through a marsh of sugar cane. He's thinking about what Gwen said yesterday, and maybe he and Arthur are friends, but it's the strangest friendship he's ever had. I'm okay. "I agree with Merlin," Elyan says and the Warlock in question puts his arm out towards the young knight and raises his eyebrows as if to say, ' Merlin was getting used to his life in Camelot. A lot of people assume they're all crazy. It's long overdue. She is best friends with Snow White from a young age and sat by her . When they go to Camelot to stay with a family friend, they both find work in the castle. Fanfiction Fantasy Romance Merlin Arthur Pendragon Magic. #384 in Fangirl. he asks and then switches to speaking slowly. He tries to pick through what's left to explain, but the only thing he can get his mouth to shape is, "I'm flying.". His fingertips hurt from blood tests, and when he looks over the stranger's shoulder, he can see an ambulance parked outside. "He's awake," the git says, but Merlin barely hears it. Disclaimer I do not own Merlin or any of the characters. "I may have been a little overbearing.". He needs something slow-acting now - bread or pasta or rice. Arthur still has Merlin wrapped in his arms as he addresses the knight, "I have you to thank, for protecting me" he looks down at Merlin with a soft smile, "and my husband. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Fine," he says and a smirk spreads on Merlin's lips, his mouth opening to say something but Arthur cuts him off, "But! The crowning of the Queen Regent, Queen Hunith of Ealdor was much more grand. Sort of a 5 1. 92 guests But thats only the beginning. I normally don't read outside POV stories, but I always seem to write stories I don't usually like reading soAnyways, I hope you enjoy and if you wanna chat fics or fandom with me, come join me on my Tumblr. Merlin FanFiction Archive | FanFiction and so Merlin did. Perhaps that was a question neither of them wanted answered out loud yet. Warnings the first one shots aren't as well written as the latest ones! Finding HomeWhen Gaius retires, a new physician takes over, one that quickly kicks Merlin out of his room and takes it for himself, Arthur finds Merlin sleeping in the stables..and its winter. tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit). It's bad enough living with Will, who won't always let him get away with the odd extra digestive, but Arthur's a thousand times worse. The git has obviously added 'annoying Merlin' to his slim list of daily pleasures, because he constantly appears at Merlin's shoulder to nag him into lunch or tell him he's looking shaky. "And look at you," Arthur shoots back, with a grimace. Just watching her eat salad and nothing but salad makes Merlin feel like he's about to keel over, but she's got a way of baiting Arthur with the slightest hint of disdain, and Arthur's spectacularly offensive once he starts arguing back. Blush!, Merlin said, blushing furiously. Merlin calls out, a large grin on his face. ", Merlin shakes his head. "I asked him to come," Merlin tells her, which he sort of had, without thinking about it. The git is already jabbing at the buttons, mouth tight with annoyance, and Merlin carefully considers whether or not it would be a good idea to lean against the back wall and if he'll be able to get out of the lift at the bottom if he does. ", "Well," Merlin says. I'm off, by the way. Choking, he as well rose up. Compulsory but deserved thanks, etc.- Can you find me a merthur fic involving extremely high levels of hurt/comfort, angst, and also shameless porn? With all his heart, he wishes that the lift would move, so he can get to that chocolate cake and then everything will be okay. Takes place in between Seasons 4 and 5. Freya keeps shooting him reproachful looks over the partition between their desks. Kelan swore to protect his kings, and he will do exactly that. Fluff and smut is not. Broken Down Valiant was not someone who lived up to his name, and Merlin wished hed known this before he had fallen in love with him and moved into a one bedroom luxurious flat with him. He reaches up and traces his thumb along the rise of Merlins cheekbone so reverently that it makes Merlins breath catch. "He saved me once. she asks and her voice is familiar. Let Freya sharpen his stupid pencils and reformat his crappy footnotes. He does bring tea, though, and stop to make leering comments about the cyberwoman costume. Merlin vowed to always find and love Arthur in each lifetime. AscetirMerlin and Arthur are kidnapped by bandits seeking ransom. ", "You'd say that anyway, if this was a dream. The medical bracelet hanging there catches the light, thick links gleaming. ", Arthur takes the cup out of his hand with a tutting noise. While her Based of the film- Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs. He's not the only one to notice Arthur's change in routine. Merlin, un ragazzo che la vita sta mettendo a dura prova, incrocer il suo cammino. He can't eat chocolate! ", "Actually," Gwen says. (I do not own Merlin.). ", "I know that," Merlin says indignantly. Kelan bows with a fist on his chest. Merlino aveva aspettato secoli per rivedere Art e finalmente, quel piccolo grande desiderio di rivedere il suo padrone si realizzato. "Merlin! He started counting: 1, 2, 3 Merlin returned exactly four minutes later to a fully dressed and impatient prince. It's only after the doors close and the lift starts moving that he remembers there's half a packet of stale biscuits in the back of his desk drawer. He has a dead plant on his desk which he won't let Merlin water, and he always put the most cash in to any birthday or leaving collection (yet never eats any of the cake Merlin has to buy with the money). If you proceed you have agreed that you are willing to see such content. "Not quite there yet. When the blade finishes the cut, another spray of blood hits Kelan, and he feels the life essence of the knight sleeping through his chainmail, but he doesn't think on it too much. The story seems to have gone right around the office, and the first job he gets offered that morning involves digging around the basement to find a load of old exam syllabuses for the woman who sits behind him. ", "My mum always made me marmite sandwiches," Merlin tells her. ", "I'm not. ", "And he has no idea what either of you are talking about," Arthur interrupts. There's low grinding noise and the lift suddenly shudders and stops, lights blinking out. Two. It's a very strange dream, he thinks, looking around for the cake-monsters in worry. "I lived a quiet and happy life with my little white-haired mother in a cottage in the woods, and the most annoying sound I ever heard was the clucking of the little hens at the bottom of the garden. Discover merlin fanfiction merlin tortured in front of arthur 's Arthur sticks it to the side of his computer and makes everyone who passes his desk stop to admire it. the girl on the phone asks. . The Druids CaptiveMerlin is raised by the druids and has never met Arthur. Rating: NC-17 Warnings: alternate universe, alpha/beta/omega dynamics, forced heat, forced breeding, knotting, mating cycles/in heat, forced bonding, non-con . What would Arthur do? Then a threat as old as the prince himself rears its head once again and throws everything into chaos. Well go to the airport and catch a plane and hell never find us. Arthur tries to impress upon Merlin that hes absolutely serious, so he strides further into the room. Era da un po' che non scrivevo || M e r t h u r || M o d e r n - M u t a f o r m a A U || W o l f B o y || S o u l m a t e s || F o u n d F a m i l y || A z i o n e and S l o w B o r n || L e m o n || M e r l i n !PoV Arthur can't tell him not to do that! See? So lets leave. And, yes, I am diabetic, and and that's why I grabbed this prompt, but I tried to avoid the urge to get too didactic ;). He stays angry all weekend, turning his music up loud and muttering at Mabel, who has almost vanished underneath everyone's piled up winter coats. Discover short videos related to merlin fanfiction merlin tortured in front of arthur on TikTok. There's a lot of yelling from the git, and Merlin leans back against the wall and blinks at him. "I'm Gwen. King Arthur kisses Merlin's forehead and that's when Kelan looks away, a flush burning his cheeks and the tips of his ears. Hurt part 1 & 2) and smut (wedding day) Renovations Chapter 21, a merlin fanfic | FanFiction
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