And if they do well, I'll figure something out. Lincoln: Dad! Lincoln is pushing Lily in her carriage, and Ronnie Anne walks beside him. Lily smiles at what Ronnie Anne just said. Lynn's punishment | The Loud House Fanon Wikia | Fandom After Rita gets caught sneaking out of the house, she shows Ronnie Anne her secret playhouse, which she had since she was a kid. Then Ronnie thrusted a little, making Lincoln go down on the bed back first. Have you seen Lincoln anywhere? #ronnieanne Bobby: I guess that's what it's like when you're the only brother of the family. Then Carol Pingrey came up and who supports him, until her father firmly tells her to never have any more contact with a "Outcast Boy". Lincoln: oh. The animatronic wasn't supposed to do that! After Bobby turns off the chat, Lincoln comes up to him). This would share similarities with Whatever Happened to Sponge Bob? Those are sweet, too. Lisa: I believe there's a 90% chance that Lincoln will mess up at the convention. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Just as their faces are centimeters away from each other, they are interrupted. "I always had those feelings for you", Ronnie said. He mistakenly gave Clyde carrot pie, causing him to get allergic. (kneels down and starts crying loudly), (Soon, Lynn starts to cry. For a while, Lincoln and Ronnie Anne play with Lily at the park. ! Lincoln puts Lily in the carriage and the three head back to the Loud House together. Ronnie! But I'll still get my chance at the convention! It's not right to take things that isn't yours, okay? (Lincoln opens his eyes brightly, and he runs up to the stage). Lynn: Well, maybe after breakfast we should go and find him. But seriously, don't think like that. Lincoln, the boy without a family, couldn't believe it; Ronnie Anne Santiago, someone close to him back in his old life back in Royal Woods, was somehow in the city that he had run away to. Lincoln had beamed in sorriness at her expression. Ihave a crush on Lincoln" She mumbled softly and the rest her classmates gasped. That's me. Lincoln and Ginraiwatch the Unicorn depart for her home in the woods. Then, Luna notices the broken family picture on the floor), (The sisters start to argue again, while Luna takes a closer look at the damage. They are 11 siblings in the Louds, here is the prediction of the future of the Loud family tree. After Rita Angrily puts him into his room. Ronnie Anne: "Come on, Lily. Lily is angered and approaches the little boy. I'm still a kid myself. lynnloud lynnloudsr ronnieanne +15 more # 12 the journey of the heart. If you are under the age of 13, skip this chapter now. Ronnie Anne: (in a sing-song voice) "Oh Lily?". I'll read you a bedtime story. Ronnie Anne: Urggg! ", Ronnie Anne: "You bet. Lincoln: Wait. I haven't seen him for days! Ronnie Anne: "Hey, can I try feeding her?". I just need to break it to her.". I made up this story after I watched episodes like It's A 4x Loud House and Sleuth or Consequences. And whoever can perform an awesome superhero skill in front of him, will get to appear in the next Ace Savvy comic book! When they arrive at the car park, the girls head inside the mall while Lincoln rushes to the comic book store). Luna: I would love to see what Lincoln does to mess up! That was the only way I knew you'd forgive me for what I did. Bananas are good, and taste way better than peas. It was lots of fun having you here. Being pushed, hated, and treated badly by my family is a fate worse than death. Now, the last time I tried to go to a convention, my sisters were acting very jerky towards me for 'clogging the toilet', but I'm sure that won't happen again. They can be easily fixed, and replaced. Boredom has taken over me and I was just reading a Loud House fanfiction so why not XD Boredom has taken over me and I was just reading a Loud House fanfiction so why not XD Ronnie Anne: We need a plan to get them back together. Looks like she's all tuckered out.". (Warning: This story may contain lemon, if you're underage, do not watch it. Do you think she'll mind? She threads the needle and begins sewing the torn blanket, while Lincoln sits on the couch with Lily. Lincoln and Ronnie Anne exit the room and close the door. What you did on Friday was unforgivable, and I felt personally scarred for what happened. These are just a bunch of one shots for this years Ronniecoln Week hosted by Sunny Eclipse. Escaped Chapter 1: The Escape, a loud house fanfic | FanFiction "I'll, um, go talk to her" Lincoln muttered and stood up, making his way down the hall to the bathroom where Ronnie Anne hid. "Well Ronnie", Lincoln said to Ronnie Anne, "We can't come back now. (The kids all cheer, as the kids then line up near the stage, with Lincoln at the end of the line). He runs away but was caught by lynn and luna, who were born with these p After all the hate and mistreat at Ronnie Anne's Party, The family mistreat him at The Loud House Disrespectful, Irresponsible, Hateful, Hypocritical, Ignorance, Unfair Special thanks to my beta: funkl3ss Lynn: Well, look who's going to the Ace Savvy convention! This tastes good and is good for you. He could hear the quiet *click* Of the bathroom door as the brunette latina unlocked it. Lincoln finally begins to realize how much his sisters miss him, and how sad they feel about him being gone. Lincoln: Sorry, our whole milk went bad a couple days ago. (Lincoln and Bobby do their bro handshake). Ronnie Anne: Gosh, poor Lincoln. Pop-Pop: Hmm, for a minute I thought I was going blind. He sat down at his desk and grabbed some paper to work on his next plan. The Loud House Fanon Wikia is a FANDOM TV Community. User blog:DandyAndy1989/Fanfiction - Right Away | The Loud House They go inside Lisa and Lily's room. *Determined* I know we can find our brother someday! He looks at his sisters with a small glare, as all of the sisters suddenly get tears in their eyes), (All of the sisters run up to Lincoln, and hug him, tighter than they had ever done before). *Sweats* *Sits in the couch*. Lana: I can't reach them! I know you and Ronnie Anne were gonna hang out today. The girls don't even have pr-. (Lincoln and Bobby do their bro handshake) ", Lincoln: "Sure thing. Please! Lincoln: (whispers) "Shhh. Lori: Yeah, after he's done with his little convention. We embarrassed him about the clogged toilet, we humiliated him at the convention, and we didn't even feel bad about it! See ya, Lame-o. Leni: Hey Lori, maybe he's at Bobby's house. She said honestly and he'd have to admit he was quite shocked, that was probably one of the nicest things she's said to him. He thought he found his phone when he used Lori's phone by mistake. Lincoln come from behind the tree. Lori: Don't be! #maverick Okay. He stuffs Bun-Bun in and looks towards the audience.]. However, a shadowy villain is b #2016 [Lincoln reaches for the doorknob again.]. It's just that nobody's noticed until now. We hurt Lincoln so much that he ran away! I'll be here in a short while anyway! Let's head back to my house.". Lynn Sr.: Ah ah ah, I don't wanna hear another word. Help yourself. I need to go and have some moment for myself! Lincoln sees that Darcy has noticed Ronnie Anne on his computer. Lincoln Loud and Ronnie Anne Santiago get their relationship completed, as mavericks attack their homes and take over the others. "They're everywhere", Ronnie Anne replied, starting to faint. Great job. I better head home. Ronnie Anne: Yeah man. Lori: (brightens up) O-Okay. Ronnie panted, "I'm glad you're enjoying it." She doesn't notice the broken picture on the floor. Can his sisters find a way to get him back? Lincoln: "Hey, Ronnie Anne. Lincoln and Ronnie Anne were yards away from the house. What was I going to do again? I'm sorry Ronnie Anne but I can't talk about that but it's something I like to keep buried for right now, Ronnie Anne: I understand so why did you wait when Tony was taking down 3 years ago, Lincoln:because a man like Tony still had power even on the inside it was only after he died from a heart attack several weeks ago that I decided to come back but I didn't know until pop pop found me and told me himself, Ronnie Anne:you should really tell your sisters this I'm sure they would understand, Lincoln: they'll think I'm lying you know my sister is very well especially Lori do you want us to believe she'll believe me even for a second, Lincoln: right now I'm just trying to make up for lost time 9 years I was running when my home was here the whole time I'm hoping with his trip to Hawaii I can connect with them both the sisters I left behind and the sisters I didn't know existed until several weeks ago, Ronnie Anne:you may have changed but you're still the same lame-o I remember always having that kind heart, Lincoln: your mother is an ER nurse right tell her exactly what happened but tell her not to tell Bobby or my sisters she works hard and I want invite her to Hawaii as well I know she needs to vacation, Ronnie Anne: I'll tell her and you're right she doesn't eat this, Ronnie Anne: I still want to know about Japan one day, Ronnie Anne leave the house with a her smile on her face happy to know that Lincoln did not abandon her he just had no choice, Ronnie Anne (I still love you you know Lincoln and although it's been 9 years I hope the spark we had between us is still there), Lincoln (I still love you Ronnie Anne but I still love Sakura as well I'm such a jerk I like both the woman I love more than anything down Sakura I'm sorry I could not save your brother Ryuji and Ronnie Anne I'm sorry I left you behind), Lincoln wipes away a tear knowing that he shouldn't focus on that he had a vacation to plan and another ticket to buy, Ronnie Anne and Bobby drive home that night, Bobby: so did you get the answer you wanted, Ronnie Anne: not exactly but I forgive him and now I need to discuss something with Madre, Bobby: I guess if you can forgive him I can forgive him I just hope Lori forgives him one day I mean he's doing this for us and he's not even asking for anything he still the man I respect, the Santiago's leave on good terms with Lincoln loud now it's only Lori could forgive him will Lori learn the truth one day will she forgive her big brother all questions for another day. Lincoln: *jumps out the window, and bounced on a trampoline, walks out, gives his house one angry glare, and walks away* *Lincoln goes to the Santiago residence and rings the doorbell* Lincoln: *sad sigh* Ronnie Anne: "I'll get it." *she opens the door and sees Lincoln heartbroken* Lincoln: *upset* Ronnie Anne: "Lame-O? Ronnie Anne wasn't the type of person who was open with her emotions: She had been hurt in the past, and she had learned early on that baring your heart and soul makes you look weak. And we even made Lincoln cry! I was originally going to make only Lincoln's meaner sisters (Lori, Luan, Lynn, Lola, Lisa) give him a hard time, but felt that it wouldn't be as strong. The Unicorn returns to say goodbye to Lincoln and Ginrai , who laments he has done her wrong by burdening her with regret and the taint of mortality, which could make her unable to properly rejoin her kind in the forest. He was getting confused and a tiny bit startled about it, when he heard a knock on the front door downstairs. Bobby: I'll be keeping an eye on you babe. Lincoln and Ronne Anne are angered by this. She wears a purple zipper hoodie, jean shorts, a white tank top (in "City . Just then she hears giggling from the nearest tree. Luna: *Tries to catch up with the accent Luan is wearing* Aye mate! #lincolnloud So to let you know, It's a Loud 4x House isn't a Lincoln torment episode, it is an episode where the sisters and brother get to an argument until they decided they will team up and get along to solve the mystery as a family, and Lincoln did pass after taking the test again in the end of Study Muffin. Lily looks at Ronnie Anne. [Lincoln walks Lana upstairs, leaving his bindle on the kitchen floor. But do you have what it takes to face my arch nemesis? Lincoln: (to the viewer) This may take a while, but I know it'll all be worth it! Lori: Leni, she's only a baby, she can't talk yet. Ronnie Anne: It's alright Linc. Mayor Davis, who looked like Lillie Brinket (Effie Trinket), with her black hair with white streaks. Truth or Dare?" Luna: Dudes! Ronnie Anne walks downstairs, leaving Lincoln with his nine sisters. Lincoln hands Lily to Ronnie Anne, who has a smile on her face. Lincoln: "Your son took my little sister's blanket when she wasn't looking. Lily looks at Ronnie Anne, who has a trusting smile on her face. "Truth, because why not?" If my sisters are going to make me the laughingstock for the rest of my life, then I don't think it's worth it. They begin to lean closer to each other with their eyes closed and lips puckered. Lincoln: (sighs) Of course. Where do we keep the chocolate syrup? Lisa: I think she's trying to tell us something. Chapter 4A: Can You Feel The Love Tonight? Lincoln & Ronnie Anne's Friendship Timeline! | The Loud House Slow down! I want you to make up a new story!
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