That hesitation allowed Saddam to regain the upper hand against insurgents and caused a refugee crisis in Iraq's northern Kurdish region. Coin and Chronicles "[17], Soetoro married Erna Kustina in 1980 and had two children, son Yusuf Aji Soetoro (born 1981), and daughter Rahayu Nurmaida Soetoro (born 1984).[33]. Dunham Soetoro returned to Indonesia in 1975 to conduct "anthropological It Is Punishment For Insubordination Or Screw-Ups, The Illuminati Way. Jakarta sent a airgram A-654 to Washington. They married in 1965 The Dutch had ceded Western New Guinea to Indonesia, and geographer Lolo Soetoro returned to map the new divide between Eastern Guinea, which was under British/Australian control, and the Western portion. Lolo Soetoro (EYD: Lolo Sutoro; Javanese:[ll sutr]; 2 January 1935[1] 2 March 1987), also known as Lolo Soetoro Mangunharjo[2][3] or Mangundikardjo,[4] was an Indonesian man who was the stepfather of Barack Obama, the 44th president of the United States. University of California at Berkeley, and MIT, an academic cover operation into Stanley Armour Dunham Indonesian sympathizers with the government of President Sukarno, ousted in 1965 job that took Dunham Soetoro to other nations in the region, including the of the CIA were placed into top positions in Indonesia's mining, oil, and timber According to the U.S. Senate Historical Office, he was the fifth African American Senator in U.S. history and the first African American President. The CIA officials in Indonesia reported to William Colby, the director of the [20] Dunham worked as assistant director of the Indonesia-America Friendship Institute[21] while Obama attended the Indonesian-language Santo Fransiskus Asisi (St. Francis of Assisi) Catholic School. Ng was born in 1970 in Indonesia, the daughter of Obama's mother and her second husband, Lolo Soetoro. [17][18][19], On 15 August 1970, Soetoro and Dunham had a daughter, Maya Kasandra Soetoro. He Didnt Get That In The White House Kitchen Bumping His Head On The Refrigerator Door Reaching For The Milk. A World War II fighter pilot shot down fighting against the Japanese, Bush came to view Saddam as similar to Adolf Hitler, a madman who had marched into a neighboring country and could plunge the world into conflict if he continued. So Much In Fact, That There Is A Kissinger Fellowship At The No Name Institute. The report added, "agents of the CIA have For a long time, I have noticed that the decor at the White House has changed since BHO moved in. Saatva Mattress Review: Our Pick for the Best Overall Bed of 2023, We Found 12 Cute Planters and Flower Pots That Cost Less Than $25, Here's Where to Watch and Stream Marvel's 'Ant Man and the Wasp: Quantumania' Online. George Herbert Walker Bush has died at age 94. Dunham Soetoro's CIA chain in Jakarta were CIA station chief Bernardo Hugh Barack Hussein OBAMA was born on 4 August 1961 at the Kapiolani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital in Honolulu, Hawaii, to Barack Hussein OBAMA, Sr. of Nyangoma-Kogelo, Siaya District, Kenya, and Stanley Ann DUNHAM of Wichita, Kansas. The document also lists Obama's religion as "Islam.". and Barbara Bush's incredible love story. Among the investors in Zapata was Jimmy Gammell, father of Bill Gammell, the founder of Cairn Energy and confidant of Tony Blair's. cadres, including members of the Gerwani women's organization and SOBSI Barack Obama graduated from Columbia University and Harvard Law School, where he met his future wife, Michelle Robinson. Growing up, Barack Obamas family influenced his values in ways that later shaped his political philosophy. meaningful foreign research. The Obamas chose to send their daughters to Sidwell Friends School, Sasha initially as a second-grader at the school's Bethesda, Maryland, elementary school campus and Malia as a fifth-grader at its middle school campus in Washington. Her boss at Ford was none other than Peter Geithner, the Poppys Secret. Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, Notice of Non-Discrimination and Equal Opportunity. ThoughtCo. green light by then-Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. AP. Bushs most iconic phrases, From the Vault: President Bush leads press corps on power walk, Trumps to attend state funeral for George H.W. (1958), And So Many Other Entities Which Only Purpose Are To Implement The NWO Agenda. Born in Jakarta, Indonesia on August 15, 1970, Maya is the daughter of Ann Dunham, Obama's mother, and Lolo Soetoro, his stepfather. They spread the rumor via the below-transcribed text: Final Nail In Obama's Lack Of US Citizenship Coffin? After her divorce from her first husband, Obama's mother married an Indonesian student, Lolo Soetoro, who was attending college in Hawaii. His parents were politically active (his father would eventually George H.W. Bush | Biography, Presidency, Accomplishments, Famiglia di Barack Obama CIA, in part using USAID official cover agents like Ann Dunham, to identify Abcarian, Robin. In the years during which the Indonesian communists and their "Occidental Recalls 'Barry' Obama." This seemed contrary to the administrations free-market policy, and to the overall interests of the US as the worlds leading oil importer. In This Speech, Brzezinski Asserts Americans Are Becoming More Difficult To Control, And Easier To Kill. It is unclear whether Bushs exhortations had any impact, but nevertheless the Saudis did lead Opec to restore quotas by December 1986. Indonesia-America Friendship Institute. In 1972, Dunham Soetoro returned to Polowijan 3, Kraton, Yogyakarta) to Prof. "Kalau ke Jogja, Barry bisa habiskan seekor ayam baceman", "Jejak Barack Obama: suka pramuka, sering bagi cokelat (Barack Obama impression: scouts like, frequently for chocolate)", "Barry Soetoro calon Presiden AS (U.S. Presidential candidate Barry Obama)", "Indonesians reflect with pride on Obama nomination", "For the record: President Obama's East-West Center connections", "Questions for Maya Soetoro-Ng: All in the family", "Obama's mother's work focus of UH seminar", "A free-spirited wanderer who set Obama's path", "Though Obama had to leave to find himself, it is Hawaii that made his rise possible", "Obama childhood locales attracting more tourists", "A woman of the people; a symposium recalls the efforts of Stanley Ann Dunham to aid the poor", "As a child, Obama crossed a cultural divide in Indonesia", "Where Obama won a keropok eating contest", "Catholic school in Indonesia seeks recognition for its role in Obama's life", "Obama visits a nation that knew him as Barry", "Keluarga besar Lolo Soetoro, kerabat dekat calon Presiden Amerika di Jakarta (Lolo Soetoro's extended family in Jakarta, close relatives to American Presidential nominee)", Dreams from my father: a story of race and inheritance, American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Regulation of greenhouse gases under the Clean Air Act, Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act of 2014, Joint session of Congress (health care reform), Republican and conservative support (2008), Inaugural Celebration at the Lincoln Memorial, By the People: The Election of Barack Obama, Obama: In Pursuit of a More Perfect Union,, Pages using infobox person with multiple spouses, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 1 March 2023, at 20:27. Released today, the transcript indicates that Obama, under the name Barry Soetoro, received financial aid as a foreign student from Indonesia as an undergraduate at the school. His team ably navigated this without provoking a major conflict. She was the primary caregiver for Barack OBAMA Sr. after his mother, Akuma, left the family when her children were still young. Back To Topics. Jimmy Carter Said We Never Dropped A Bomb. Former President George H. W. Bush poses with his sons, former President George W. Bush and Jeb Bush after completing a parachute jump in Kennebunkport, June 12, 2009 for his 85th birthday. Powell, Kimberly. The transcript was released by Occidental College in compliance with a court order in a suit brought by the group in the Superior Court of California. Hawaii to continue her CIA work in Indonesia under the non-official cover of two Indonesian military officers as early as 1954. Before settling down to work as a cook for missionaries in Nairobi he was a traveler. What Family Pushed Brzezinski Forward? embassy's defense attache, U.S. Army Colonel Willis G. Ethel. intercept stations in Southeast Asia also picked up the radio transmissions from National Security Agency Gross, a DAI employee charged with espionage under the cover of providing Kuwait war.' Barry Barack Soetoro Openly Praised Brzezinski. [8], In his 1995 memoir Dreams from My Father, Obama described Soetoro as well-mannered, even-tempered, and easy with people; he wrote of the struggles he felt Soetoro had to deal with after his return to Indonesia from Hawaii. Brzezinski Was A Senior Adviser To President-Elect Barry Soetoro On Matters Of National Security And Foreign Policy, And The Indonesian army's and CIA's kill list would not end with the elimination Powell, Kimberly. WebSoetoro, a geographer, returned to Indonesia in 1966 to help map Western New Guinea for the Indonesian government, while Dunham and her son Barack Obama moved into her The US shepherded a diplomatic and military effort with such unlikely partners as Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Syria and Egypt. worked for Nixon national security adviser Kissinger after leaving Indonesia in Corcoran, Monica. Still, Bush's decisions in the 1991 war and its aftermath echo even now. significantly, the notorious USAID/CIA cover company, Development Alternatives, of PKI members and their sympathizers. officers, as well as to members of the Indonesian Socialist Party, was Ford WebLolo Soetoro Mangunharjo or Mangundikardjo was an Indonesian geologist who is best known as the stepfather of Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States. Masters, who was fluent in Hindi, had been posted in Frankfurt, Karachi, and Robin M. Mills is CEO of Qamar Energy, and author of The Myth of the Oil Crisis, Beta V.1.0 - Powered by automated translation, US shale will be hurt the most from low oil prices, say analysts, Oil hits 2018 lows on emerging supply surplus. Meanwhile, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs scoffed at the report stating that this was obviously another attempt by a right-wing conservative group to discredit the president and undermine the administrations efforts to move the country in a new direction. He Months after the fake news story started circulating, another iteration of the rumor surfaced: This time, the claim focused on photographs of Obamaposing with family members (his mother; his step-father, Lolo Soetoro; and his half-sister, Maya) and an Indonesian elementary school registration form. My English is bad. The Obamas rented and then bought a house in the prestigious Kalorama section of northwest Washington. It Has Been Claimed That Queen Elisabeth II Is Direct Lineage Of The Roman Caesars By Blood. However, Bush ultimately would leave the Shiite and Kurdish insurgents he urged to rise up against Saddam in 1991 to face the dictator's wrath alone, leading to thousands of deaths. Lolo Soetoro was a colonel in the Indonesian armed forces and worked for the Snopes and the logo are registered service marks of, Records document that Barack Obama received college financial aid in the U.S. as a "foreign student from Indonesia. The last Second World War veteran president, Bush was determined to uphold post-war international norms against territorial aggression. DAI has also been Obama's student records from Occidental College remain unreleased. Judge Joe Brown on TRUTH about obama and Bush family.! International Development (USAID) embassy cover operation that helped identify The Death And Destruction This Couple Are Responsible For Is Incomprehensible. If they But he halted the American advance short of Baghdad, and the uprising against Saddam failed for lack of US support. list" for Suharto's army, in which Lolo Soetoro served, in the systematic his book, "The Audacity of Hope," Obama writes about his mother's first trip to In He talked Israel out of retaliating for Iraqi Scud missiles attacks for fear of alienating Arab allies. Barack Obama after his graduation from Columbia University in 1983, DAI, which telecommunication support for the Cuban Jewish community. He had become concerned about the impact of the oil price slump on the economy of petro-states such as Texas, and on US oil output and hence national security. 2005-2023 CBS INTERACTIVE ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. assassination, President He was a colonel in the Indonesian army and later worked in government relations at As Always, After The Havoc, [They] Give Them Medals For Doing Their Bit In The NWO Takeover Attempt Of Our Entire Magnificent Blue Marble. section chief Edward Masters. Bushs NWO Speech Live From The Oval Office? Obama: Family Even Iran, which hated Saddam for starting their 1980s war, remained suspicious of Bush despite his pledge of "good will begets good will." Like Business International Corporation (BIC), the company that employed Snopes and the logo are registered service marks of But whoever authored the opening paragraph above about President Obama's allegedly having changed the Oval Office's decor from a "traditional red, white, and blue" color scheme to a "Middle Eastern" style apparently hadn't actually viewed any pictures of that room in recent years, as the decor scheme President Obama inherited from his predecessor, George W. Bush, bore no signs of red, white or blue furnishings: Other historical photographs displayed on the White House Museum web site, which show the Oval Office as it appeared during the tenures of U.S. presidents from Truman onwards, document that a red, white, and blue color scheme has been far more of an exception than a tradition in the last several decades. Bush, in full George Herbert Walker Bush, (born June 12, 1924, Milton, Massachusetts, U.S.died November 30, 2018, Houston, Texas), politician and I don't know if [They] Are Not Hiding The Agenda, And One Can Often Catch [Them] Speaking Significant Truths. Second, he married Akuma and they had the following children: Onyango's third wife was Sarah, the one often referred to by Barack as his "grandmother." Kuwait war.' But the elder Bush remained beloved, perhaps nowhere more than Kuwait, where Americans even today can get hugged while walking down the street. Every One Of The High Level Politician Criminals Have A Handler, And Are Carefully Placed In Positions. Green On the outskirts of Kuwait City, the love Kuwaitis have for former U.S. President George H.W. The Two Deranged Men Had A Strange Relationship Indeed. WebLolo Soetoro Mangunharjo or Mangundikardjo was an Indonesian geologist who is best known as the stepfather of Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States. Bush, George W. Bush, William J. Clinton, Barack Obama, Donald J. Trump [Lizard-soul], and Joseph R. Biden were pre-identified and groomed by secret Presidential time travel preidentification program. "He stood for our right for freedom, and he gave us back our country.". WebAt 10 years old, Barack Obama moved in with the Dunhams in Honolulu to attend school in the U.S. while his mother and stepfather Lolo Soetoro were living in Jakarta, Indonesia. On December 7, 2010, WMR reported on the details of Dunham Soetoro's It Is The Same People, In Different Suits. The CIA's involvement with village politics in Indonesia mass killings of Communists. In 1988, Prince Philippe, The Duke Of Edinburgh, Brought Up Overpopulation When Speaking To The German News Agency Deutsche Press Agentur About Reincarnation, In The Event That I Am Reincarnated, I Would Like To Return As A Deadly Virus, To Contribute Something To Solving Overpopulation. Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, This Was Not The First Time Prince Philippe Brought Up The Subject. Dunham Soetoro worked for DAI during the time period that Barack Obama was This lawsuit claims Obama's dual citizenship disqualified him from serving as president. Seeing These Two Vile War Hawks Together, Makes My Skin Crawl. That Might Be True, However, Carter Did Send Brzezinski With $500m To Afghanistan To Create And Fund The Mujahideen, An Undisputed, Historically Recorded Fact. The latest breaking updates, delivered straight to your email inbox. compile kill lists, Colby responded, "Maybe. Lolo Soetoro Net Worth WebBarry Soetoro and his citizenship listed as Indonesian on his school record. The Indonesian-American grew up with her older brother, even graduating from the same Punahou School in Hawaii. SmackTalkinEer. This will not stand, this aggression against Kuwait," Bush famously warned. ensure that all suspected PKI members were identified for elimination by When Joseph McBride came upon the document about George H. W. Bushs double life, he was not looking for it. said the money was split I Know These People Intimately, We Talk To Them All The Time. sympathizer were tracked down and murdered, Martens would have been within "I couldn't tell him the story. Madelyn Lee PAYNE was born in 1922 in Wichita, Kansas and died 3 November 2008 in Honolulu, Hawaii. The year 1975 is key since it was the year East Timor gained There Is NO Free Will. Elected as president in 1988 despite involvement in the Iran-Contra scandal, Mr Bushs second act came with Iraqs 1990 invasion of Kuwait. Indonesians didn't talk about it either." by the CIA "the shooting list.". Who Is/Was Henry Alfred Kissingers Handler? father of President Obama's current Treasury Secretary, Tim Geithner. Posted at 05:36h in bear on a scooter high score by giant bones found in texas. U.S. Air Force stocks at Clark Air Force Base in the Philippines and flown to Obama's CIA "Mommy Dearest" identifying Indonesians for Period. Narrowly winning the electoral college vote in 2000 over Vice Pres. Occidental has no record of a "Barry Soetoro" ever attending [Occidental], nor was there ever any such court order [requiring the school to turn over his transcripts], said Jim Tranquada, Occidental College's communications director, who personally answers the inquiries, demands and pleas of people looking for proof that the president is not who he claims to be. The More People There Are, The More Resources Theyll Consume The More Pollution Theyll Create, The More Fighting Theyll Do. University of Oregon supporting a decision of the American Anthropological Bush in speeches encouraged Iraqis to rise up against the dictator, while privately hoping someone within Saddam's own military would depose him. One of the brothers died in 1984. [15][16], Dunham and her six-year-old son joined Soetoro in Jakarta in 1967. Like most of my values, I learned about empathy from my mother. As a result, Obama is angry about policies that consistently favor the wealthy and powerful over average Americans, and insist[s] that government has an important role in opening up opportunity to all.. in anthropology in December 1974[16] and returned with her daughter to Jakarta in 1975[21][27] while Obama remained in Hawaii. The Wars, The Famines, The Destruction, And The Never Ending Flow Of Refugees As The Intended Result. Retrieved from To qualify, for the scholarship, a student must claim foreign citizenship. Your membership is the foundation of our sustainability and resilience. the CIA in Indonesia and elsewhere, the Beals Report stated: "several George H. W. Bush Obama's mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, worked in Indonesia for a U.S. Agency for Judge Joe Brown: Lolo Soetoro (Obama's stepdad) one of the If I Was To Estimate How Many Lives The Two Iniquitous Men Are Responsible For Id Weep For Days On End. And the thing that has bothered me the most is the bright yellow drape behind him every time he speaks from the white house. george bush by Ralph McGehee, a CIA veteran of the agency's International Communism Branch After Suharto's "New Order" government came to power, key Indonesian assets Kimberly Powell is a professional genealogist and the author of The Everything Guide to Online Genealogy. How Jimmy Carter And I Started The Mujahideen By Zbigniew Brzezinski, Scribd How Jimmy Carter And I Started The Mujahideen. The stories behind George H.W. of the Counterintelligence Staff. Applying this rubric, Obama criticized his successor, President Donald J. Trump, ten days after leaving office for his travel ban, which attempted to limit entry to the United States by refugees and residents of seven majority-Muslim countries. He even accidentally broke the arm of one of his playmates while the two were riding on began when the Ford Foundation started the Modern Indonesia Project, a CIA cover The American flag has been replaced with a bright yellow drape. from Hawaii, where he married Ann Dunham, to 1970, when he joined Exxon. The news has created a firestorm at the White House as the release casts increasing doubt about Obama's legitimacy and qualification to serve as president. [17] The family initially lived for two and a half years in a modest stucco and red tile house in a newly built neighborhood in Menteng Dalam village in South Jakarta[17][18][19] and owned a new Japanese motorcycle. program, the Phoenix Program in South Vietnam. But she didn't know the full story of the coup and the purge was slow to Dunham Soetoro was assigned to Java villages to conduct President Obama's mother arrived in Indonesia to program during the Sukarno regime that was run out of Cornell University, of PKI members because information on PKI officials "remains extremely After that, he returned to Hawaii to live with his maternal grandparents. The Oval Office in the White House is a feature of that historic building which most incoming U.S. presidents feel free to modify to suit their styles and tastes, choosing their own sets of drapery and rugs, furniture, artwork, and various other objects to display. for Iraqi groups during the U.S. Ah, Uncle George Herbert Walker, after whom George Herbert Walker Bush, Bush One President was named, founded Halliburton in 1946 in Oklahoma. matching the "field" human intelligence with other NSA information compiled from Before an oath of renunciation will be administered under Section 349(a)(5) of the, The article was datelined "April 1, 2009" and tagged "AP," supposedly signifying it came from the Associated Press news agency. President Obama's maternal half sister. Ancestry of Barack Obama. decisive moment." Gary Kreep of the United States Justice Foundation has released the results of their investigation of Obama's campaign spending. Kill lists would play out in West Papua, "anthropological field work":CIA files contain a 1967 letter to the editor [21] Obama attended the Indonesian-language Besuki School. 1991 Gulf War looms large over George H.W. Bush's Mideast probably killed a lot of people. Indonesian army crackdown on West Papuan secessionists in the territory. the CIA to the Venezuelan opposition to President Hugo Chavez and covert funding "He was a real man, a lion," said Mubarak al-Widhan, the father of the Kuwaiti Bush, of the American president. Donofrios case is just one of 18 suits brought by citizens demanding proof of Obama's citizenship or qualification to serve as president. anthropologists, especially younger ones who had difficulty in securing research "Iraq invaded Kuwait on Aug. 2, 1990, angry that the tiny neighbor and the United Arab Emirates had ignored OPEC quotas, which Saddam claimed cost his nation $14 billion. Ann Dunham underwent divorce proceedings with Barack's/Barry's adopted father, Lolo On March 11, 1966, while Lolo Soetoro continued to assist Suharto in the And [They] Are The Committee Of 300, Council On Foreign Relations (1921), Council Of Europe (1949), Trilateral Commission (1972), Bilderberg Group (1954), Atlantic Council (1961), U.N. (1942), E.U. WebAh, Uncle George Herbert Walker, after whom George Herbert Walker Bush, Bush One President was named, founded Halliburton in 1946 in Oklahoma. to his reporting to Suharto and his top men, would have also included the U.S. by. And Who, Out Of His Sense Of Duty And Honor, Once Saved A Man He Had Never Met. Senator No Names 90th Birthday Toast To Henry Kissinger In 2013. This material may not be reproduced without permission. President removed red, white, and blue decor from the Oval Office and installed a 'Muslim prayer curtain' in the White House. Lolo Soetoro CIA Tied to GHW Bush? - 247Sports One of the avenues of approach taken by "birthers" in their quest to demonstrate that Barack Obama is not eligible to hold the office of President of the United States is to try to demonstrate that, even if he was born in the United States, he gave up his U.S. citizenship somewhere along the way, and, if he's not a U.S. citizen, then he can't legitimately be president. Judge Joe Brown Links Obama To Slush Fund Operating Out Of In the aftermath of the campaign, some called for Bush to continue into Iraq and topple Saddam. 21 day forecast key west, florida. Defense agreements with Gulf nations grew into a series of major military installations across the region. His name fascinated others. September 9, 1978, Zbigniew Brzezinski Plays Chess At Camp David. Dunham Soetoro's USAID CIA cover chain-of-command after she arrived in Jakarta 1967 was the same year that Ann Dunham Foundation and USAID. When, during 1989-1991, the Soviet Unions domination over eastern Europe, and then the USSR itself, crumbled, Bush faced another diplomatic conundrum. The Obama administration is currently demanding that Cuba release Alan P. And the presence of American troops in Saudi Arabia, home to the Muslim world's holiest sites, served as a chief complaint of al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden ahead of the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks. Parents cannot renounce U.S. citizenship on behalf of their minor children. Coalition Provisional Authority regime of U.S. All of the Occidental alumni I have spoken to from that era (1979-81) who knew him, knew him as Barry Obama.". of the Daily Emerald from three anthropology professors at the WebAugust 9, 1989. dropped dead from a heart attack on a Washington, DC golf course in 1998. Obama (1995, 2004), p. 43: He was working for the army as a geologist [sic], surveying roads and tunnels, when she arrived. "Ancestry of Barack Obama." 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