He has not . expiration_days: 5 contentType: 'application/json; charset=UTF-8', Her paintings are feminist and frank but restrained; a little edgy, but nonthreatening. Why Larry Gagosian Bought Andy Warhol's Marilyn Monroe - Forbes I think its so pathetic.. (function defernl() { }, Photographer Sues Artist Richard Prince, Larry Gagosian, and His Gallery by Claire Voon January 5, . prefix = 'artnet_newsletter_'; By But although Weyant increasingly travels in Gagosian's jet-set circles, she has tried to remain grounded and sticks to her routines. Larry Gagosian - Wikipedia Earlier this year, New York real estate developer Joseph Moinian and his wife Nazee bought. var $modal = $('#ouibounce-modal'); h = Math.max(document.documentElement.clientHeight, window.innerHeight || 0), Having conquered this worldor at least become one of our most famous and priciest artistsJeff Koons is pushing his art beyond the limits of boring old earth. What happens next? + '<\/div>' By the spring of 2021, Weyant was being exclusively represented byLos Angeles gallery Blum & Poe, and some of her paintings were selling for nearly $50,000 apiece. Who needs labels in 2021 anyway?! See our Privacy Policy for more information about cookies. And which HBO star had jewelry made by Rashid Johnson? List of journal articles on the topic '295 State Street House (New York, N.Y.)'. Josephine, a somber still life, sold for $513,900 over an estimate of $32,000-$58,000 at Sothebys Hong Kong in April, and in May, work by Weyant has Lot 1 placement at Christies, Sothebys, and Phillips. + '