Dear Zachary has been announced as the first film to launch the newly formed MSNBC Films division of MSNBC. She landed a residency at a hospital in Iowa, several states away but still close enough to allow occasional weekends with Andrew in Pennsylvania. MORRISON: And, says T.J., in the way of her opportunities to be. Ms. TURNER: (Audio recording) His parents don't even know, do they? Click HERE for ticket information. A court mandate allowed David and Kate Bagby to spend time, with their grandson, babysitting, even sharing in joint activities with. Parents Kate and David Bagby's story of identifying Andrew's body is devastating. Read the DocuWeek Q&A with writer/director/composer Kurt Kuenne HERE. And one, of the first to see her there was T.J. Shears, the eldest of Shirley's three. The private member's bill was introduced by MP Scott Andrews of Newfoundland last fall after he saw "Dear Zachary" at a March 2009 screening in Ottawa and decided to do something about what he saw. June 25, 2008: If Shirley, Turner had her way, they wouldn't have met Zachary at all, claiming she didn't. His goal at first was simply to collect memories and tributes from people who were close to Bagby. You can reach out to David Bagby-cantu via phone number 915-383-8358. Home video captured what looked like a. typical domestic scene, but beneath these happy images lies a darker truth. We couldnt actually believe shed (harm Zachary), but we consciously feared she could do that, he said. Only Kate and David, MORRISON: Perhaps the most irksome part of the deal with Shirley. You will hurt and this film will sit with you for days, weeks, months. Please consider joining us in this mission by becoming a member of the SaltWire Network and helping to make our communities better. I--we both did. Murders of Andrew Bagby and Zachary Turner - Wikipedia ', KATE: (Audio recording) Yeah. "Go into this cold and be prepared for a life-changing experience. Was it a tight bond? The bill now moves to the Senate where it is expected to be embraced in a similar fashion. 10th Anniversary Collector's Edition DigiPak: David Bagby wrote Dance with the Devil: A Memoir of Murder and Loss, a best-seller in Canada in 2007, about his family's ordeal. This is what that fucking bitch didnt know, David Bagby fumes towards the end of Dear Zachary. They told us that they'd found the body. but if we don't get help, we don't know if we're doing what's best. Mr. BAGBY: (Talking in group) This is about making public exactly what, MORRISON: The Bagbys' public outrage had some results. TO ME ITS REAL LIFE. Dear Zachary avoids the first pitfall by directly confronting the second. And Kate kissed him and held him and kissed him some more. Wow." Our 100 journalists strive to inform and improve our East Coast communities by delivering impartial, high-impact, local journalism that provokes thought and action. But before that could happen, Shirley was apparently deemed neither, dangerous nor a flight risk and almost immediately released on bail, most of, it posted by one of her mentors from med school, a psychiatrist to whom she'd, gone for treatment after Andrew's murder. iTunes | Amazon Prime Video | Google Play, DEAR ZACHARY ORIGINAL MOTION PICTURE SCORE ALBUM NOW AVAILABLE. He said, `What can happen?'. MORRISON: When somebody tells you that your mother may have--was a suspect Mr. SHEARS: No, it has to be a mistake. Ms. TURNER: (Audio recording) That you aren't trying to take my place. GARDNER: (Audio recording) I'm not going to kid you, Doctor. They began a drawn-out court battle to protect their grandson from the woman who had almost certainly murdered their son. We'll keep this website updated as to their progress when there is news. Authorities later determined his former lover Dr. Shirley Turner,. At least he might have asleep when she went in. I only live a block away.' It's said there's nothing worse than the death of your child, and this film drives that point home harder and with the utmost care and precision." I dont understand how that can be ignored.. The New Yorker may earn a portion of sales from products that are purchased through our site as part of our Affiliate Partnerships with retailers. (Photos of David and Kate with Zachary; Shirley being escorted from court). And if that picture never reveals itself, it feels like a letdown, not a tragedy. I knew, exactly what my son looked at before he died. (Shirley and Zachary at birthday party; birthday party), KATE: He didn't want to open presents, you know, he wanted to get, down. Cpl. They also went to Ottawa to push the case for Bill C-464, which had been introduced by then Liberal MP Scott Andrews, at a committee hearing. MORRISON: As Kurt tracked down Andrew's friends for the documentary he was making, he discovered that not a one had anything favorable to say about Shirley. On Nov. 5, Kate, who is originally from England, pictures Turner sitting on top of a Guy Fawkes bonfire and her family all around it with fireworks. That one comes back a lot. Thought that maybe he had found somebody that he could really be happy with. (Newspaper rack; photo of Shirley and Zachary), Mr. BAGBY: (Press conference) I am going to continue to scream long and loud, MORRISON: The Bagbys have continued a campaign for the overhaul, of the bail system. Meeting her at 6. But a few weeks later, she showed up in Pennsylvania, unexpected, for the wedding of one of his friends. This couple have endured more grief and pain that most people will endure in a lifetime. ), DEAR ZACHARY 10TH ANNIVERSARY HD REMASTERED EDITIONNOW AVAILABLE ON BLU-RAY, DVD, and DIGITAL, For the film's 10th anniversary, Kurt Kuenne remastered "Dear Zachary", its epilogue, and its bonus features for HD, converting the original standard definition elements to HD shot-by-shot, while remixing the film in 5.1 surround, so that it now looks and sounds as originally intended on today's platforms. Bring lots of kleenex and prepare to be equally angry and emotionally drained as you watch real, so-called justice in action. I thought if I do that, I go to prison, maybe Kate. was that they'd have to accept her daily phone calls. All rights reserved, Click here for information on becoming a member. Kate said Shirley insisted on keeping Zachary in, the deep pool, which frustrated him because he couldn't move on his own. We urge you to write your MP (if you're Canadian) or the Attorney General of Canada (if you're not) in support of MP Andrews' bill; the next few months are a crucial time. When Kate reached down to wipe one away, she accidentally knocked out the plug used to mask his facial wound. It's great. We had to pack up Zachary, Mr. BAGBY: We just climbed right back upstairs and went to bed and melted. To revisit this article, select My Account, thenView saved stories, To revisit this article, visit My Profile, then View saved stories. I lay in--laid there in bed a couple of times and thought, If I just kill her, Zachary will be safe. did. They might as well have sent a taxi to her to help take him out and drown him. I'm absolutely sure. report that concluded the child protection system failed Zachary Turner. Kuenne, a childhood friend of Andrews, started out to make the movie as a tribute to Andrew, but it kept taking on new meanings, first with Zacharys birth and then his death. Just like Andrew, you know, happy. MORRISON: It's no easy thing to be a doctor in America. Corporal GARDNER: (Audio recording) Yeah, Dr. Turner, I'm Corporal Gardner with the Pennsylvania State Police. He had been shot five times and the No. David Bagby - IMDb And now it's just. She was deranged. 1 suspect was his estranged girlfriend, Shirley Turner, also a medical doctor, who was raised in western Newfoundland and was then practicing in Iowa. don't have these meltdowns and emotional scenes. 'Dear Zachary' Is A Greek Tragedy Come To Life | Defector See details above! David bagby, left, and kate bagby, right, celebrate with their son andrew bagby at his graduation from medical school at memorial university of newfoundland in june 2000. contributed by david and kate bagby. Shirley, held his birthday party at McDonald's. SCREAMS. Dear Zachary had its Canadian premiere at the Hot Docs International Documentary Film Festival in Toronto, where it was welcomed by a line down the street and around the block to get in. A security guard reported hearing a. Mr. SHEARS: When we woke up in the morning, realized they weren't there. Blu-Ray | DVD, BLU-RAY Click HERE for ticket information. They watched the legal proceedings grind, infuriating and slow. There won't be any question about, whether she can hurt him. His father says, I kissed him and held him. We would've done handstands and cartwheels to. The 14 Most Upsetting Parts Of Dear Zachary That Broke Your Heart - Ranker He was in, Mr. SHEARS: I would cook supper sometimes when she wasn't around. Mr. SHEARS: I can remember being really upset and pissed off about that, happening because I had--I had friends here, and I had no time to tell anybody, basically why. The film is by the phenomenal writer, director and composer Kurt Kuenne. Any reference to Turner as a flight risk, for instance, is accompanied by birdsong and pictures of flying pigeons. I kind of need to move on from that because, like I. said, I'm a Bagby male. MORRISON: The sea at midnight was endless black. Lying on my shoulder and looking up at me as if to say, Yes Nan, Im here.. That's what Kurt does, he's an independent filmmaker. MORRISON: I never know what to think about these feelings that people get. Someone found a car that didn't belong. MORRISON: You didn't seriously think of--I mean, you talk about this plan Mr. BAGBY: Absolutely. I had a job I loved. -Drafted and finalized press releases, articles, annual reports, websites, earnings releases and investor . MORRISON: And then, in the spring of 1995, Andrew found someone, a Newfoundlander, also a doctor in training, a woman named Shirley Turner. A few weeks after, Zachary's birthday party, the Bagbys and Shirley took the toddler swimming, an, activity he usually enjoyed. On December 4, 2009, Bill C-464 (our bail reform bill) was discussed on the floor of the House of Commons for a full hour, and MP Scott Andrews received unanimous support from all political parties in the House of Commons to advance the bill to the Standing Committee on Justice & Human Rights. Zachary, how's our baby today? because it's hard to get off Newfoundland. I said, `Do not meet her in private.' None of his friends liked Turner because she was often inappropriate and even harassed one of Bagbys exes and just generally appeared to be an incredibly unstable, crude, and unlikeable personbasically Bagby's exact opposite. HOUSE OF COMMONS UNANIMOUSLY PASSES BILL C-464. GARDNER: (Audio recording) I'm interested in the gun. Remember these two things as I go on. He said, `What can happen?'. I'm tired of this. But of course I didn't. But he was moved to honor his friend the best way he knew how, by making a film. GARDNER: (Audio recording) Is this Dr. Turner? The good life started in earnest when Kate first laid eyes on Petty Officer David Bagby, who was serving on the USS Hornet, docked in Long Beach in 1967. The other, their grandson, Zachary Turner. The strange allure of Robert Durst and The Jinx.. MORRISON: What thought or feeling did that give you? And I know, you love me, and--yeah. Sometimes, if you are paying attentionclose attentionyou can see it coming, even if only barely. Woman #11: Doesn't matter what happened. a--with a hand grenade in the kitchen with the pin already pulled. MORRISON: Coming up, Andrew dead. So I gave her the. The documentary was originally released in 2008. Mr. BAGBY: He's now engaged to this lovely girl, and he's going to go to med school. KATE: (Audio recording) Right. Slamdance Film Festival book signing! keep him safe, which they feared was about to become even more difficult. And in that way this tragedy remains hers and hers alone. The reason we go through the lawyers is so that we. This is the kind of couple, themselves beloved by hundreds, that produces the kind of son who is beloved by hundreds. But you will come away believing in people. She was, pregnant, and the baby was Andrew's. -, "Demonstrates independent film at its finest." Now, she sucked us in here, too. Previously, Kate was a Founder & Executive Director at Read More Kate Bagby's Phone Number and Email Last Update 11/14/2022 10:26 AM Email k*** Engage via Email Contact Number (***) ***-**** Engage via Phone Mobile Number HEATHER: I was so excited that he was dating somebody. David Bagby - Risk Manager - McKinsey & Company | LinkedIn Or was this her, way of demanding that they suspend their critical faculties and declare their, Ms. TURNER: (Audio recording) I don't know what to give Zachary. Mr. SIMPSON: He said, `You'll never guess who showed up on my doorstep at 5:30.' However awkward Shirley Turner made it, they were sweet, cooperative. In the end, she died, but love did not. Said, `Oh, no, I really can't.'. David R. Bagby Born: July 2, 1957 in Joliet, IL Died: January 5, 2022 in Statesville, NC David R. Bagby, 64 of Statesville, NC and formerly of Streator passed away Wednesday (January 5,. Subscribe here. And I said, `Who?' KATE: I thought, `Well, he's got to get out of this.'. This was the situation with Andrews son Zachary. For this night they were a couple once again, dancing and drinking together. I have to tell you that Andrew is dead. And she followed Andrew to St. John's. Turner shot Bagby two days after he broke up with her at a Pennsylvania airport as she was set to fly back to Iowa. But their efforts to. then one day I realized what it was. But the tributes Kuenne collected remain the spine of the movie, alternating throughout with exposition of the murder and its aftermath. The full hour will not be available online. What if she is backed in a. corner? The bill is called C-464 - An Act to amend the Criminal Code (justification for detention in custody). And tears are dropping on him, of course, and Kate went to wipe one of those away off his cheek, and a plug came out, where hed been shot in the left cheek. I don't know how else to say it except they are grown-ups: they are funny, but serious; playful, but organized. -, "To give you an idea how powerful it is, I'll just say that there was a lot of audible sobbing during the credits.and the first question in the Q&A started like this: "First of all, holy crap. But he was accepted here, St. John's, Newfoundland, the easternmost point in North America. MORRISON: A couple of hours later, there was another knock at the, Mr. BAGBY: Told us what happened. I'm just curious Ms. TURNER: (Audio recording) Yeah, and I wanted to know for safety. prayed that his murderer, whoever it was, would be swiftly brought to justice. (SPOILER WARNING: Do not watch this short until you have seen Dear Zachary. Ms. TURNER: (Audio recording) Then I can't consent to more time right now. MORRISON: Must have seemed like the enemy was in the camp. There were moments when something happened that had my heart beating so fast I became lightheaded and had to refocus myself. And we came back. It comes down to probable cause, the right to bail and the presumption of innocence. He couldve introduced his friends death any way he wanted, and he went with this, with a kid who can barely pronounce the word killed asking why one of daddys friends has ended up that way. (Photo of Andrew; cell phone towers; photo of Shirley; maps; suburban street; photo of house; newspaper clipping; photo of Shirley; maps; cell phone tower; Shirley in court; court documents; flashing police lights; American flag. September 28, 2008: They hadn't been identified, but it's obvious who they, MORRISON: He was right. Keith Morrison reports. Djing. Mr. BAGBY: Shirley killed Andrew. People in the audience were literally weeping during the post-screening Q&A." David Bagby, left, and Kate Bagby, right, celebrate with their son Andrew Bagby at his graduation from medical school at Memorial University of Newfoundland in June 2000. And Turner had said he was a, MORRISON: But there were some caveats. He was like, `Eh, mm.' MORRISON: Shirley, meanwhile, seemed to be preparing for her, extradition, and perhaps she was looking for a way to exclude the Bagbys from. It's great. David and Kate Bagby must have been saints to have had to tolerate personal dealings with their only child's murderess,and basically have to groval to her to even see their precious only-ever grandchild.Yet,they did whatever they could for the sake of Zachary.Most people (myself included) would have made away with Shirley Turner the first chance Its hard to imagine a well-crafted rendition being as powerful.). -, "When this haunting, shattering film made its premiere at Park City's Slamdance Film Festival, it received the most sustained ovation of any film I saw this year in Park City. I said, `Find her, and I think you'll find who did this.'. I'm just looking for somebody to hang out with and have fun here in school.' Happy Birthday Dr. Andrew Bagby. You should be 49 today. You should be When Kate reached down to wipe one away, she accidentally knocked out the plug used to mask his facial wound. ', MORRISON: When Dr. Andrew Bagby's bullet-riddled corpse was, found in a Pennsylvania state park in November 2001, his devastated parents. We just want as many people as possible to know this story, the documentary, for the practical reasons in my fantasies, I suppose some judge, some place, actually gets it and denies bail to somebody who could kill again, said David. You can't tell them this over the phone. It turns out Shirley owned a .22 caliber handgun, which she acquired while living in Iowa. Ensure local journalism stays in your community by purchasing a membership today. I, was like, `Hi, buddy.' Please check back for updates as the bill makes its way through the Senate in the coming weeks -- and if you are a Canadian Citizen, please write your Senator to voice your support of C-464 during this crucial time. In initial questioning, Turner claimed to have been home sick in Iowa when Bagby was shot, but cell-phone records showed her placing calls along the thousand-mile highway route between Council Bluffs and Latrobe in the days before and after the murder. Zachary didn't seem like. 'Nothing to lose' | Gilroy Dispatch | Gilroy, San Martin, CA (Photo of David and Kate; airplane; lake and coast), MORRISON: But here's the thing. MORRISON: Zachary fell asleep in his car seat. Both screenings were sold out and received sustained standing ovations, an exceptionally rare event in the 14 year history of Slamdance. Click here for ticket information! Lori Kaufman rw. What do you want it Mr. BAGBY: Very seriously. Dear Zachary recently won the Sigma Delta Chi Award for Best Documentary of 2008 from the Society of Professional Journalists. her. Kurt Kuennes 2008 documentary, Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father, deserves a second look, especially in light of the recent popularity of true-crime programs like Serial and Making a Murderer., Photograph courtesy Oscilloscope Pictures / Everett. And in that time, the Canadian justice system does nothing. This film wasn't made to win awards, or, for that matter, even be criticized. How do you represent the fact that when you see a crime coming from a mile away you still cant do anything to stop it? But that is what the Bagbys. We need each other, have each other to get through this, added David. He laughs as he recalls images of Zachary running up and down a hall, saying that is a joy. Some of, those frames even at the dollar stores will say--there'll be little sayings on, Ms. TURNER: (Audio recording) if you want to say `Mommy and Daddy' on a. frame and stick a picture of me and Andrew in it, I don't know. But I used to look at her hand and think, it. Dear Zachary was named one of the top 5 documentaries of 2008 by the National Board of Review! The memory of that visit is of a crying Zachary being taken away from them. Hello. Memorial University Medical School. Family and friends go to extraordinary lengths to honor a legacy of a young man whose trust led to tragedy. If you didnt realize the importance of that, Kuenne mutes the film to let you process it. "There, is no indication of a psychological disorder that would give concern about, potential harm to the public generally as her crime, while violent, was, specific in nature." substance to it. There won't be any question about whether she can hurt, MORRISON: Coming up, as David Bagby wrestles with these terrible. He had returned to the US and had discovered a passion for family practice, where his love for people--and theirs for him--seemed as natural, as comfortable as the quiet town in Pennsylvania in which he'd chosen to live. Dear Zachary is now available on DVD! One contains the remains of their son, Dr. Andrew Bagby. David and Kate Bagby know all about the unlikely power of love funneled through rage. Information on who and where to write can be found by going to the "Support Bail Reform" page. MORRISON: How'd you feel about having a much younger brother come, Mr. SHEARS: I thought it was great. The Bagbys attended the hearing, of course, and, could not quite believe their ears when they heard the judge's ruling. MORRISON: Kurt and Andrew grew up together in Northern California, where the fledgling director gave Andrew starring roles in some of his earliest ventures. HEATHER: You are the most amazing, strongest people I've ever. The Best Man - NBC News The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Cond Nast. kate bagby and david bagby 2020 - And the comfort they personify can be found in the fact that even in the face of Shirley Jane Turner, they not only continue, they remain good while continuing. MORRISON: But she was allowed to go back to Newfoundland? We were done," Kate Bagby said, finishing her husband's thought, a quirk of their relationship that became apparent during a several-hour recount of how their lives spiraled out of control after that phone call from police. IE 11 is not supported. Mr. SHEARS: She's kind of reliving a university life again.
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