I wish I found out about this earlier. It was so obvious by this time they were all in on it. A case he had just won and was waiting for full benifits.You wont believe the rest of the facts. My sweet mom passed away January 8 at the relatively young age of 74. Discussion about hospice killed my mom [Page 3] at the GodlikeProductions Conspiracy Forum. over a year ago, My father had NO hospice DIagnosis The Sunrise Assisted Living of OLD Tappan a NURSE illegally placed him on hospice YOU need 2 MD' His guardian ad litem That I asked to be hired TO protect him from the assisted living colleen varnum and his son Jack Sheehy that were " denying medical care hearign aides updated eye glasses and NO visitors IN assisted living " YET In 2 weeks the lawyer aligned suspicously with the SON: they removed his broken hearing aids his eye glasses all recorded and documented THEY cancelled MY dads need for GI bleeding only due to acid reflux " to go to a Gastro enterologist ordered by a MD DR SAEED in the hospital : so that my father BLED actively in sunrise of old tappan NJ for 10 days The lawyer ELTON bozanian ignored MY dads calls recorded for HELP ME I am bleeding help me : and I was finally able to get him to the hospital THE JUDGE was involved in NJ JJD " who also allowed his lawyer to abuse MY dad they then without any diagnosis and writted UP by an RN colleague of my dads eldest son: ON HOSPICE by a nurse warren Glick : VALLEY HOSPICE OF NJ left him with no abiliyt to see or hear ON lockdown for COVID but his calls ot me on a DIsabilyt phone i purchased for HI*M Each MONTH the judge deluca nd his ilawyer took on emore right from my dad hospice was illegally billing for hospice they began denying food AGAIN all recorded and documented by my former lawyer : sunrise with slander tried to sue me for harassment wiht perjury presented such case was DISMISSED wihotu prejudice YET colleen varnum continued to lie Thank God for witness and recordings : but it becmae horriied my alert oreinted fahte rthe JUDGE THEN after 5 monthsd decided to incapacitate HIM NO MD LEGAL IN ANY HOSPITLA OR OUTSIDE OF SUNRISE DEMMED HIM ANYTING BUT ALRT ORIENTED and " If you want to question his capacity " YOu better get him hearing aides and eye glasses " NO the judge and elton bozanian and ira kaplan and his son and sunrise lawyer wright and varnum refused THEY then all of a sudeen ON ONE DAY with NO diagnosis and being abused I recorded every day MY dad" HE IS DYING NO MD there OF WHAT " WE DO NOT KNOW " BUT HE IS NOT TO GET ANY FOOD OR WATER ROUND CLOCK MORPHINE ALONG WITH ATIVAN UNDER TONGUE " I called pplice and Dept of heatlh to sotp this i reporteded in court to the judge deluca and the lawyer doing this to my DAD who just prior to zoom court call was in my arms begging for help as i was aathere AND FOUND My fahter udner colleen varnum and her aide zelma edwards and hospice " HE was lying in his bed in approx 4 gallons of his own diarrhea what did you do " we gaVe him laxatives yesterday and today " YOU starved him for 7 days and then gave HIM Laxatives and morphine so he cannot even speak or stand UP"??? She just wanted to be still, in her comfort zone, which mostly meant hanging around her Pomona home with occasional lunches and dinners out. It was beautiful. WebMy father was a hospice patient and I feel like they killed him with morphine. At its extreme, sepsis can also lead to dangerously low blood pressure. When Velez is not around, John McCasland Jean's husband of nearly 50 years is the person in charge at home. After the first 6 months of hospice she was re-enrolled for another 6 months. Sue Riggle is the administrator for the McCaslands' hospice agency and says she understands how much help patients with dementia need. There are times when I have to take a moment to have my feelings, and then I get back to what I do with boundaries that I think are safe and strong and sustainable for me. And they all die. They put him in the hospital and then said he had to go to rehab hospital so he could stand on his own and how fall. On Dec. 31, 2011, my sister and I took him to the hospital because he had an urinary tract infection. Social worker Coneigh Sea has a portrait of her husband that sits in the entryway of her home in Murfreesboro, Tenn. In contrast, Teno says, in her father's final hours, he was admitted to a hospice residence. They will blame the disease and not the overmedicating, starvation and dehydration protocol. Patients have to be in bad shape for Medicare to pay the higher inpatient rate that hospice residences charge. Most already do that, and assist dying patients with dignity and compassion. It was rough to hear my mom say she was done with this life. She needs a service that hospice rarely provides a one-on-one health attendant for several hours, so the regular family caregiver can get some kind of break each day. Actually, in the US, MOST Americans are overmedicated. But there was little left to do. Her company is a small for-profit business called Adoration; she says the agency can't provide more services than the Medicare benefit pays for. The second they left, the injections started again and she was out for the count. She made many attempts over the years to woo me over to Gods way. And it only gets better. It is hard, but people are the most genuine, and all of our prejudices are just irrelevant. "But I think people aren't prepared for all the effort that it takes to give someone a good death at home.". He wasn't ready to die. She told us we should double his dose of oxycodone, but that made no difference. Quality hospice care can provide significant comfort and support to terminally ill patients and their families and caregivers. I have no proof of this bit, but everything else I witnessed with my own eyes and can guarantee is the truth. "Imagine if you're the caregiver, and that you're in the house," Teno says. It was a burden that I lovingly did.". But he clearly embraces hospice's cult of death and probably commands a low salary which fits in nicely with Hospice Inspiris's cost cutting philosophy. Go figure. These messages are entirely unedited, except for the addition of paragraph breaks for readability. Rest in peace Dad, at least you are no longer being abused at their hands. When a doctor said my father had about six months to live, I invited a hospice representative to my parents kitchen table. #100 I was determined that if Mum did not drink that day I would make a determined effort on Day Four to get some fluids into her and would, if left alone for long enough, cut her morphine tube. Exclusive analysis of biotech, pharma, and the life sciences. John keeps his monthly statements from Medicare organized in a three-ring binder, but he had never noticed that his agency charges nearly $200 a day, whether there is a health provider in the home on that day or not. Cancer Treatment The next day gave dad a morphine an hour until he died. "But it's not something that is covered by hospices.". Hospice and the Death Cults of Modern Medicine When she passed the hospice social worker and nurse came by. Because taxpayers bankroll poor care and fraud through the Medicare hospice benefit, policymakers need to take immediate action to implement safeguards against fraud, waste, and abuse of this important benefit. Press for an autopsy to determine how your father died. Joe Shega, chief medical officer at for-profit Vitas, the largest hospice company in the U.S., insists it's the patients' wishes, not a corporate desire to make more money, that drives his firm's business model. When a patient nears the end, a feared therapy can comfort - STAT "Our long-term-care system in this country is really using families unpaid family members," she says. Fraud, waste, and abuse in the Medicare hospice program is Bold faced lies! In a couple of days, my Mum went from being an alert and keen communicator to being unresponsive, almost comatose individual. Like many Americans, I have a story about hospice care for a loved one. After what seemed like years of unreliable health-both physical and mental-she seemed to get a boost from knowing death was coming. At the end of life, things can fall apart quickly, and neither medical specialist nor hospice worker can guarantee a painless exit. Blake Farmer/WPLN Immediately both mom and I felt the anxiety lifting. In my opinion, the ritual 20-25 minute exclusion from the patient's room each morning for nursing duties may carry a sinister, covert purpose, possibly involving moving the patient, creating stress and trauma, especially towards the end of their expected stay, presumably to encourage and speed their demise. I can't believe I'm reading all these horrible posts about Hospice now. A team of four nurses went inside and closed the door - I don't know what they were doing, but it was explained as 'freshening her up'. "That was the lowest point. Sea's family may have limited options. What to Expect When Your Parent Is Dying - Medium What is astounding is it seems to be a standard protocol that they are using to kill off the old people quicker. I know it is in the law. Apparently, the lower spine bones got squished together which caused pain. How these killers sleep at night is beyond me. We got her enrolled, they brought in tables and chairs and machines and pills. In April, he fell again, this time in the bathroom. "Coordination and cooperation with federal, state and local law enforcement officials on mutual drug enforcement efforts ." ". Only Ensure and juice. With the exception of a bad back, she was not suffering any other pain. Some of these excessive dosages resulted in significant injury or death. A She had been heavily sedated for a week. 2. Another reason sepsis is so dangerous is that people who think they have beaten the illness often end up back in the hospital even weaker than before. I wish I knew about this earlier so I could save my dad. When I questioned them there response was, she doesn't need many calories. My job is to understand that the best I can, fix it when its fixable and curable, address it to the best that I can, but also know that even though technically adequate, sometimes medical treatment can be the source of suffering, also.. I ask them again about food and drink and get a response that I can't believe. I feel my mother could likely have lived several more years if she hadn't been preyed upon by Hospice Inspiris. So ask the hard questions. I pushed past them to get into the room, so eager was I to see how she was and to carry out my plan of giving her fluids. In my book this is fraud but it is very difficult to prove!!! But hands-on help is scarce. Im the first person to say we cant take away all suffering, and the inevitability of death and the inevitability of suffering is real, and there are magnitudes to that. And that's the direction the health care system is moving, too, hoping to avoid unnecessary and expensive treatment at the end of life. According to their investigations, the hospice system, which began idealistically in the 1970s, is stretched thin and falling short of its original mission. I could not be consoled I was angry. Nurses arrived at all hours of the night to help when things went off the rails, as they often did in those last days. She was surprised he hadnt been set up with a pump for a more effective painkiller. Thank you for that! We strongly urge CMS and Congress to implement our longstanding recommendations to protect patients and their families from hospice providers that are exploiting this vital service. But thats the beautiful part, Dr. Dauwalder said. My Mum had been suffering from renal cancer, which was, apparently, also in her lymphatic system, but of which there were no current mestases in other locations, although the byproducts from her tumour were kicking off a few problems with her lungs requiring her to use a supplementary oxygen supply. Like I said, hospice workers are a rare breed. This was 8 years ago. The fact that folks I respected who had recently gone through the loss of a parent all recommended VNA made it an easy call. WebMy father in law got a chance to decide many options and his decisions were important. Not just 10 or 15 lb.. but many pounds. For example, one intimate task in particular changed Joy Johnston's view of what hospice really means trying to get her mom's bowels moving. I felt unable to stop this as we were all victims of a well-rehearsed and elaborate confidence trick that these hospices operate much to my eternal regret and shame. Am diagnosed as paranoid schizophrenic since my teenage years and this factor may have played a part in them ignoring my wishes completely. Talk to our caring staff 24/7we're always available. We needed a house call. Oh, and by the way, no-one from the "Hospice team" called after my dad's death or attended his funeral. Medical Aid in Dying was Palliative Care for My Mother Mom and I had hoped her hospice care team would help to make her last days as pain-free as they could be. They took control and I was completely out of the picture or so they thought. Also, I think all caregivers wether they are family or not should under go evaluation before that give care. A tragic end. The misconception is that hospice leaves as denied the funeral parlor Becker funeral parlor who also illegally cremated my mother suspicoulsy locked in her room in sunrise NO visitors allowed under the son and varnum ; cremated her NO abilyt ot view her remains NOW my fahter ND HIS priest reported how his wishes for a catholic viewong and mass priorr to cematoini ALSO I called the DOH dept of health wqhich was MY rioght thehy opened a case as " starrving my dad over dosing him and no eye glasses hearing aides such reported twice" the Lawyer wrote a letter DUE TO BRENDA calling the DEPT OF heath She upset the LEGAL counsel fo Valley hospice IN Paramus NJ the legal counsel and and the supervisor an RN joanna hanna : so NOW JOHN Sheehy my dad WILL HAVE NO VISITS as he clearly stasted " I DO NOT know why your father is dying .. dont care and also was stated to Father PAUL NO VISITS for JOHN : he needs ot die alone ; : SO HE DIEs alone NO ONE by his side with a sign over his heaD He was now unconscious due to medicatoins morphine and sedatives every 3.4 hours aide confirmed ; DO NOT FEED HIM ONLY HOSPICE MEDS SUNRISE also attaempted to haVe ME SIGN as this lawyer KNEw sign a " Euthanasia contract " IF YOU feed him or ask about his med YOU wil be asked ot leavE on JLY 9 i gaVe that to polkcie they wenet in for a safety check : THEY deny this ; well here is the contract the officer was kind that is when they started wiht laxative supposoitories all on record ' FROM jluy 5-19 that is what was DONE by a judge 3 lawyers hsi son colleen varnum adn hospice valley hospice who raged as recorded at me on phone just prior to july that july 3 and 4 and for a year MY DAD and I are chatting on phone laughing LOVE YOU BRENDA MISS YOU ; see you soon YES dad I will bring you food they were denying him food the sunrise lied and even attemtped to put him in a psych hospittal : it was so evil WE threatned to sue MY DAD was with his aides and i was outside of window he fell i heard it ; the lawyer wright robert and colleen varnum lied stated " as my dad is heard " I am ok ' and the aides pickiing him UP " they were oof site ' they wrote more lies " HE was in the hallway ( blind deaf using a walder cannot see as they refsued my pleas to JUST give me the scripto for his eye glasses nad his broken hearing aids i will pay and replace NO ) that my dad was in hallway beating up residents ; THE ENTIRE facilyt was ON LOCK DOWN NO ONE COULD LEAVE THEIR APT .. I told her she hadnt spoken in days, and that at this point she rarely opened her eyes at all. Hospice agencies primarily serve in an advisory role and from a distance, even in the final, intense days when family caregivers, or home nurses they've hired, must continually adjust morphine doses or deal with typical end-of-life symptoms, such as bleeding or breathing trouble.
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