'Im just frustrated f/n, Ive told you to leave me alone.. But after five minutes you started to sob - so loudly and ugly that his heart shattered once again and before he could calm down, he broke down with you. : Created by Haruichi Furudate. Today is undoubtedly different and it terrifies you. Do you kn-." WELCOME BACK!words: 1.6kwarnings: swear words and a lot of angst with a pinch on fluff. His turn to rant came way too quickly, but it didnt stop him from whining about the fight he had with his mum about the habit of not picking up his gym clothes from under his bed and patiently absorbed your advice about the problem. Imagine life with these cute (and hot) Haikyuu! You gave an eye roll and laid your head on his shoulder. You dont have to respond, I will tell you myself. He clears his throat and continues. Please consider turning it on! The voices in your head beg for you to go after him, explain, apologisedo something. #yamaguchi, AnIs there anything different I could try with my mom story Like make it longer or what, Hinata- "Um y/n? He tried to care about it, he really did. You glanced up to see player 2 slightly shove Terushima when he jumped, making him catch himself and sit in your lap. You giggled and scooted closer to him, kissing his cheek as you held his arm. Tongue tied itself, begging to let out millions of words, which only wanted to be heard by you and you alone. #daichi haikyuu boyfriend scenarios when you sit on his lap. ! He interrupted harshly, not ready for your answer. They didnt need that kind of burden right now. Watch popular content from the following creators: Angie (@_.akxxashi._), Adelle(@annoyingnoya), Miki(@whosausername), AshsWife(@ashswifee), (@hyewoonpark) . I thought you understood.. You say the last words through the sobs that threaten to leave your throat. You tried to push him off but he leaned more of his weight in you, chuckling, Noya did too and around that time Tanaka slid off your lap wiggling between you and him. "Yeah hang on." YOU ARE READING. what?? Im bored. Bokutos whine broke the silence, and Akaashi wished he was somewhere else at the moment. Maybe even your love was lame, but he wouldnt have it any other way. Yes. His hand suddenly finds yours and squeezes it tight. #oikawa You didnt even care that your loud conflict was placed in the gym in front of your teammates and senpais. As a result of the commitment of "Haikyuu!!" AnOkay I. You will never choose a movie again, I swear to God. Bokuto Kouratou ver. This day just sucks. You laughed loudly, coming back to yourself after hours of being grumpy and feeling rather out of place. "Never mind. Now you have something to say?, I am so, so, so incredibly sorry. 'You read my texts?! "Terushima, off you're heavy." . Please, accept my support! He sighed and covered his face with a sweaty hand. What the hell Tooru! This time you are angry, because even though you did screw up, what he did was not okay. Daichi, who looks bemused only nods his head, asking you to continue. Yeah, yeah You blushed at his statement and laid on your back next to him. You giggled as he placed a blanket over your head with a chuckle. could I request an Oikawa scenario where he and his s/o are having a lazy day where they cuddle and watch movies while eating ice cream? #lev "Bokuto off! You totally didnt understand his intentions or rather the fact that he was too frozen to do anything. You close the door and go to hug him, but he slaps your hands away before you can even touch him. All haikyuu characters and plot lines belong to Haruichi Furudate Chapter 1: Sugawara Koushi: First Meeting You attend Aoba Johsai and are pretty good friends with the seniors on the team You're actually the manager after Oikawa convinced forced you to take the job Asshole Nothing bad happened in the first place. Another kiss. He saw you asleep and gave a groan, picking up a pillow after going over to you and dropping it on you. He would never say it to anyone, even himself that the fact you were the one to take the lead turned him on, a lot. Thank you very much. The Sun was slowly leaving your side of the Earth creating an artwork of the sky. Haikyu!! (TV Series 2014-2020) - IMDb His heart melted at the sight but it didnt erase that swallowing disappointment, which was still following him after the brutal loss he experienced today. Daichi Daichi went over to your house around ten in the morning, it was a Saturday and you were still asleep, but when he knocked them entered your room. Kenma- he likes to lay in your lap but when you do it he nuzzles your neck - Soft kisses - At least when your home alone - If your in public he looks annoyed but will just let you do you. "KageyamaKageyama was over at your house, the two of you watching a movie before a new moving coming out called 'Clown' showed it's trailer. Am I being to nice to my own girlfriend? Characters include Hinata, Kageyama, Tsukishima, Kuroo, Kenma, Bokuto, Akaashi, Oikawa, Tendou, Atsumu, Suna, Sakusa and Terushima. Semi-long quiz. "Sorry." ", "I do?" "Of course." | Anime/Manga Fanfiction Romance Boyfriend Scenarios Headcannons. I hope you will enjoy, I worked hard for it. Next move is yours to make. You shot him a teasing smile and disappeared behind your doors, leaving him to the cold night and lonely streets. Hi! You both yelled at the same time and then laughed loudly at how stupid your behavior was. , ? He secretly eyed you, giving you silent kudos for the jewelry choice. Please consider turning it on! I am simply grateful for such a beautiful script and a series of emotions.. This upward trend ultimately culminates in a scene in "Haikyuu!!" Everybody was slowly leaving, going their own ways until finally, you two were alone again. "What?" You wanted to sit here". You smiled seeing Hinata pulling out a chair for you, you took a seat and he sat on the floor next to you, messing with your gym shoes as Ukai gave a talk about tomorrow's game. Boyfriend Scenarios and Oneshots by Sissy_matsouka (Xakaashi) with 2,143 reads. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, You attend Aoba Johsai and are pretty good friends with the seniors on the team, You're actually the manager after Oikawa convinced, It's not like you dislike volleyball its more of you hate work and lack enthusiam, So when it was announced that there would be a pdactice match against Karasuno, You couldn't care less (besides disgust for Oikawa's need to put down his junior), That is until you saw their pretty senior, You were supposed to be taking notes on ways the boys can improve or useful info about the other team, Nope you were instead watching Karasuno under the 'guise of taking kotes when in fact you were staring at the pretty setter and doodling him in your notebook, After the match was pver and Karasuno qas lwaving you were actually pretty upset bc you couldn't finish your drawing of the pretty setter, Oikawa saw the slight disappointment on your face and assumed it was bc they had lost, "Don't worry Y/N-chan! The image of your nails against his skull and a very small, almost unnoticeable smile that graced your face was still vivid in his mind, hunting and hunting non-stop for weeks since your break up. He'd had a nightmare, but he couldn't remember what it'd been about. With Ayumu Murase, Kaito Ishikawa, Yu Hayashi, Satoshi Hino. It is a piece of my heart - treat it well. He didnt want to mention that he had already cleaned it five times, trying to pass hours quicker. Maybe the silence was the best medicine for now. Just as he said that, Ukai pulled the piece of glass out. haikyuu boyfriend scenarios when you sit on his lap. #fukurodani ' Your lips kissed his knuckles and then you cuddled your cheek to the back of his hand, clearly needing comfort and affection. Haikyuu Boyfriend Scenarios - Quotev #high You gave duck lips at him for not noticing you, then smiled and grabbed his jersey he held in his hand. I really thought that our problems will somehow disappear and we can repair our relationship. You groaned, pulling his hair as hard as you possibly could, but his dingustinly sweet grin didnt falter even a little bit. 20. REQUESTS: OPEN. The only one in this universe who had him for every command. "That's a part of me." Answer (1 of 31): i would like to start by saying a show in of itself cannot be gay or straight. "Date TechAoneSurprisingly, Aone came to watch you practice, but when he did your team was taking a break, and you were sitting on the floor, since the boys took the chairs, on your phone with your legs stretched in front of you. So every time I saw you with him in the cafe we both like to visit or I noticed you leaving the cinema togetherit wasnt you? Some of the most important players hadnt attended, because of reasons and this made them almost unable to play. This movie is shitty. You stated seriously, shooting him a glare from your spot on the couch. Check out my Akatsuki and Naruto scenarios as well. -are we okay? He asked, scratching the back off his head. "What?" sport, kei, kageyama. Then he begged for you to stay forever by his side and you loyally vowed that you will - without any doubts. Main protagonist Shoyo Hinata, for example, meets Korai Hoshiumi, whose similarly short stature immediately threatens Hinata's dream of succeeding a player nicknamed the "Little Giant," his volleyball idol. | Sawamura Daichi ver. You decide to wait until he is ready to talk, what happens when the ending scene on Bambi starts. Sugawara waited, then he gavebab eye roll and went over to you, you gave parted lips then a small laugh when Suga sat on your lower back, he looked at you until you placed down your phone, looking at him both of you grinning. After days of bitching that I dont make enough time for you, you forget about our date? Sorry, but dont contact me again. I just hope you will forgive me for my stupid actions someday.. You dont know why what? You watched the trees sway with the breeze as the sun prepares to set. You see, your boner is under the influences of the marine kingdom. No, I wouldnt dare. I know, but it was stressing me out You didnt even let him finish and kissed him roughly. Ukai sensei gave a small head shake with his hands on his hips. Semi Eita: Second Encounter Well, have fun not being single any longer. I can't keep calling you 'pretty setter'", 'oh please keep calling him pretty setter' - the rest of Karasuno seeing Suga's beet red face, Suga has no idea how to function at the moment, I don't think he's ever been called pretty before, "His name is Sugawara" one of his team members supplies, "But you can just call him Suga" another adds. He only purred happily and put his arms around you, kissing your forehead. #tsukishima However, he counted how many times you avoided his gaze whenever you two incidentally met in the school hall, how many times he breathed out your name only to be ignored by your ears, or how many times burning tears gathered in his eyes when you were smiling without him by your side. His eyes show nothing, but utter disappointment. 'So-' He started and you in a mere second looked up, staring at his face with such insensitivity your eyes almost fell out. I thought you were serious, but looking at your grades I guess I was wrong. He mutters tiredly, not noticing how your whole face fell at his words. But you kinda want to, right? You asked quietly. That said, whereas "Haikyuu!!" There is no editing whatsoever here! Iwaizumi Hajime: First Meeting "You shut up. WhWhat is THIS? You exclaimed, shocked upon seeing the whole gym ceiling decorated with fresh branches of mistletoe.Surprise! Kuroos hands sneaked around your shoulder. He was flawless and I annoyed you with every little thing I did. its going to be a long Christmas for you, my love! He chuckled childishly, but you still felt an unpleasant shiver run down your spine.He may look like an angel and all, but deep inside he was a devious creature. He pointed to the bag, you pulled it close to you with a giggle, he then turned and sat in your lower stomach, doing a small bounce. "Do you want me to sit on you again?" I feel so guilty, so disgusting for what I did. Your voice broke a few times and by the way, you spoke he could clearly make out the fact that you had been crying. You laughed softly and he was one hundred percent sure he was never going to love someone as much as he loved you right in that moment. is laser-focused on its core premise: Shoyo Hinata and Tobio Kageyama are two volleyball prodigies who differ in their approaches to the game but are united in their desire to be the best they can possibly be. (BUT THERES A LOT OF LOVE THO). You were about to speak before Lev leaves more of his weight on you, making you lean back. Your face gets a little red from the embarrassment caused by such rejection from your boyfriend and you stop bugging him for a while. "There's no more room." "Much better." 17. That wasnt a life I wanted for myself and the love I have for you wasnt enoughto fight my fear. Tsukishima Kei: First Meeting I forgive you. He couldnt hold it back. Yet. You added grimacing, but your eyes shined with amusement upon noticing his small breakdown. Yaku told me to come here #kuroo Heey~ Look up guys! Someone who you assumed was Sugawara-senpai sang, pointing at the Sawamura, who was standing next to you unnoticed until now. Your body is heavy and hot and your head feels as if it was hit by a lighting. He promised you help, he swore that you will never be alone again and you soak up every of his word and locked them into your mind. He has just started feeling a little more desperate lately.You and he have been an official couple for two months now and despite his great adoration for you, not sharing a first kiss was absolutely stressing him out.He has tried to kiss your beautiful pinkish lips on several occasions, but none of his well-prepared ideas have worked so far.Maybe, you should try under the mistletoe. Kenma stated calmly, not bothering to look up from his phone. Work Search: Karasuno finally seems to acknowledge you, "Yes, I'm much better than Mr. 8. Get off of me." "Who pissed in your cereal this morning?" From what? "No not the one you forced to play. It was probably nothing new, but you and Tobio were arguing again. as a whole, Nisninoya's "lucky perv" incident stands out as a brief descent into a lower and baser form of entertainment, thankfully thwarted as soon Amanai breaks Nishinoya's fall and the series continues on as usual. Tetsurou, did you tell f/n-chan about these movies or something? His mum, who has come back from work five minutes ago, yelled from the other room not realising her mistake. The rest of the conversation was messy, messier than your break up, than any of your argument. I hope you enjoy XD. "Ah, Kuroo! "Fukunaga!" That said, whereas "Haikyuu! You close the door and go to hug him, but he slaps your hands away before you can even touch him. Poor Kuroo was so deeply into his little crush, that it was hard for him to sit still with his growing excitement upon seeing you for the first time that day. Boyfriend Scenarios!! He did it in many different ways, but never once wasted a chance to show you how much you mean to him. First, you're interested in the game, now you're interested in the opposing team's setter?? Characters include (currently): Hinata, Kageyama, Tsukishima, Kuroo, Kenma, Akaashi, and Atsumu :] What? Blog Of Writings - SCENARIO WITH TSUKKI WHERE HIM AND HIS S/O GET Before you can stop it, tears already gather in the corners of your eyes, ready to drop at any moment. See production, box office & company info. However, we didnt discuss pecks, smooches, butterfly kisses, etc. And you both stayed true to your words, until the end. In such short time, you were able to brighten his days without much work. Now you have to kiss me. He whispered slowly, trying to be seductive and well, succeeding.Out of nowhere, realisation hit you harder than three first days of period.If you wanted to kiss me, you could have just asked. Laughing you turned to face him. It felt different than any other, but also very similar.After five minutes, which seemed like forever, he finally moved away from your probably red face. You always loved him more. You werent his punching bag, but a person he held deep feelings for. Tooru? But he didnt expect to hear your voice on the other side. Enjoy! After all, you deserve all the attention in the world, don't you? You gave a smirk and a shoulder shrug, Iwazumi then tossed the ball to the side and went over to you, sitting on your thighs. "Team NekomaKuroo "Maybe she's still asleep.." Kenma gave a nod then went inside, you, him, and Kenma were going to go to the park today and maybe hit up to eat somewhere. Yamaguchi Tadashi: First Meeting Oikawa chuckled as Iwazumi walked away, you gave a small laugh, trying to hold it back. "My gosh that feels better." Enjoy . You gave a nod, he then waited for you to get up. 'Of course, Tetsurou. Suggestions are more than welcome, so please feel free to request a chapter idea! Kenma looked at you with slight confusion, you gave a small smile and moved your arms out of the way, he looked at Kuroo then back at you. He patted your arm gently to gain your attention and asked you to go to the gym. 21. haikyuu boyfriend scenarios when you sit on his lap But I guess I thought wrong. Haikyuu Boyfriend Scenarios The_Electric_Claire Summary: Fluff Scenarios for the soft heartsLemon Scenarios for hardcore ones! A dream, right? "I know. Pinkish and reddish colours reflected on your face, showing him a side of you, he hadnt had a pleasure of meeting.
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