Of that amount, $125 million is allocated to the NSGP-Urban Area (UA) program, which is a $35-million increase over FY 2021. 200.402 - 2 C.F.R. Pass-through funding is required under this program. $2,500 for the full week ($357/night) Call 301-904-8483. f7 Calvert Local News Calvert County Times Thursday, March 2, 2023. Nonprofit organizations should use the information in this appendix as a reference when preparing to submit applications under the NSGP. The request letter must outline what the pre-award costs are for, including a detailed budget breakout of pre-award costs from the post-award costs, and a justification for approval. 2023. Nonprofit Security Grant Program. Learn How to Prepare As a part of this, federal staff will also verify that the nonprofit is located within a FY 2022 UASI-designated high-risk urban area. In considering the vulnerabilities, how well did the applicant describe the organizations susceptibility to destruction, incapacitation or exploitation by a terrorist attack? Not all applicants are required to have a current negotiated indirect cost rate agreement. The SAA will make NSGP subawards to subrecipients (e.g., nonprofit organizations). c. Environmental Planning and Historic Preservation (EHP) Compliance. Below is the Investment Justification Checklist that includes the required contents of a complete NSGP Investment Justification: Legal Name of the Organization/Physical Address of the Facility/County, Year the Original Facility was Constructed, Owning vs. Leasing/Renting and Permission to Make Enhancements, Year the Organization Began Operating from the Facility, UEI obtained via the System for Award Management, Designated high-risk urban area (if applicable), Federal Funding Request (total estimated cost of projects/activities). /Group <> 0 0 51 51 re q Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites.. FEMA will host this NSGP virtual webinar to provide lessons learned from the FY 2022 NSGP cycle and, most importantly, share valuable information on what nonprofits should consider now in preparation for the FY 2023 NSGP application submission cycle. Did the applicant describe how the investment supports building or sustaining the identified Goal Core Capabilities? Failure of an applicant to comply with any of the required steps before the deadline for submitting an application may disqualify that application from funding. Applicants are encouraged to register early as the registration process can take four weeks or more to complete. Submissions will be selected for funding until the remaining balance of funds is exhausted. No. Therefore, registration should be done in sufficient time to ensure it does not impact your ability to meet required submission deadlines. Vulnerability: Describe your organizations susceptibility to destruction, incapacitation, or exploitation by a terrorist attack. However, when preparing the Investment Justification, organizations must answer questions completely and cannot rely on references to or cite page numbers of any supplemental documents as they are not submitted to nor reviewed by FEMA. FY22 Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP) - Data Counts <>>> The Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP) provides funding support for facility hardening and other physical security enhancements and activities to nonprofit organizations that are at high risk of terrorist attack. FEMA Fiscal Year 2022 Nonprofit Security Grant Program Technical Assistance Webinar Series. /Group <> NSGP-UA funding will be awarded to nonprofit organizations that are located within one of the FY 2022 Urban Area Security . Projected Number of Awards: 56. <>>> States may no longer establish a cap on individual subawards that differs from the maximum award amount determined by FEMA. Per Executive Order 13985: populations sharing a particular characteristic, as well as geographic communities, that have been systematically denied a full opportunity to participate in aspects of economic, social, and civic life, as exemplified by the list in the preceding definition of equity.. The information provided is limited to the organizations name and physical address, as submitted by the nonprofit. SAAs, in coordination with the Urban Area Working Groups (UAWG) or other relevant state partners, are encouraged to notify and actively inform eligible nonprofit organizations of the availability of FY 2022 NSGP funding. The threats to our nation have evolved during the past two decades. Telecommunications or video surveillance equipment or services produced or provided by an entity that the Secretary of Defense, in consultation with the Director of National Intelligence or the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, reasonably believes to be an entity owned or controlled by, or otherwise connected to, the Peoples Republic of China. <>>> Preparing for the Fiscal Year 2023 Nonprofit Security Grant Program. /XObject <>>> {1 exch sub} Information that would assist in the feasibility and effectiveness determination includes the following: Prior to making a federal award, FEMA is required by 31 U.S.C. The objective of the FY 2022 NSGP is to provide funding for physical and cyber security enhancements and other security-related activities to nonprofit organizations that are at high risk of a terrorist attack. Now in its 14th year, the program has helped more than 300,000 LPRs prepare for citizenship. Nonprofit organizations located within an underserved community will have up to 15 points added to their project review score. FEMA Regional Office contact information is available at https://www.fema.gov/fema-regional-contacts. The SAA is the primary applicant and recipient. Financial report from 2020 to 2022 Summary: Austin Parks Foundation [APF] took over from Sustainable Food Center [SFC] as the garden's fiscal sponsor at the end of 2019. a. Nonprofit organizations should contact the respective SAA to: Eligible nonprofit subapplicants located within FY 2022 UASI-designated high-risk urban areas may apply to the SAA (applicant) to receive funding only under NSGP-UA. An application submitted by an otherwise eligible non-federal entity (which for this program is the SAA) may be deemed ineligible when the person that submitted the application (for the applicant/SAA) is not: 1) a current employee, personnel, official, staff, or leadership of the non-federal entity; and 2) duly authorized to apply for an award on behalf of the non-federal entity at the time of application. Nonprofit organizations with physical locations in one of those high-risk urban areas are eligible under the NSGP-Urban Area (UA) program; all other nonprofits are eligible under the NSGP-State (S) program. 1 0 obj <> stream Response exercises. The grant enables eligible organizations to receive a variety of security improvements. /Group <> State Administrative Agency (SAA) Contact List: Grants Management Requirements and Procurement Under Grants: Grants Management Technical Assistance Online Training: Environmental Planning and Historic Preservation Information: General NSGP Inquiries and Listserv Sign Up: Faith-Based Organization Security Resources: Promoting Vigilance through the Power of Hello: De-Escalation for Critical Infrastructure Owners and Operators: Reducing the Risk of a Successful Cyber Attack: Request Assistance from a CISA Protective Security Advisor (PSA): Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships: Preparing for Human-Caused or Natural Disaster: President Biden Reestablishes the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships: Additional Information from HHS Center for Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships: Countering Terrorism and Targeted Violence: Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention (TVTP): Joint Counterterrorism Assessment Team publication: POC for National Organizations: send email to, Request a Community Awareness Briefing: send email to. 200.337, FEMA, through its authorized representatives, has the right, at all reasonable times, to make site visits or conduct desk reviews to review project accomplishments and management control systems to review award progress and to provide any required technical assistance. Administrative and National Policy Requirements, Environmental Planning and Historic Preservation (EHP) Compliance, National Incident Management System (NIMS) Implementation. All successful applicants for DHS grant and cooperative agreements are required to comply with DHS Standard Terms and Conditions, which are available online at: DHS Standard Terms and Conditions. Guidance on obtaining a UEI in SAM.gov can be found at GSA UEI Update and SAM.gov Update. The Nonprofit Security Grant Program furnishes funding for . Applications submitted to the incorrect funding stream will not be considered. Identify and apply for the proper funding stream (NSGP-S OR NSGP-UA) based on the physical geographical location/address of the facility and whether or not it is within a high-risk urban area. In considering potential consequences, how well did the applicant address potential negative effects on the organizations asset, system, and/or network if damaged, destroyed, or disrupted by a terrorist attack? Federal staff will verify that the nonprofit organization is located outside of a FY 2022 UASI-designated high-risk urban area. 200.206 to review information available through any Office of Management and Budget (OMB)-designated repositories of governmentwide eligibility qualification or financial integrity information, including whether the applicant is suspended or debarred. <>>> For nonprofit organizations that are unsure whether or not they are within a FY 2022 UASI-designated urban area, contact the respective SAA. <>>> Percentage of funding spent on training and awareness campaigns. f The SAA will then manage the grant and be the main point of contact for the nonprofit organizations for everything related to their grant award. Please join Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) Grant Programs Directorate (GPD), in partnership with the DHS Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), for a . All final funding determinations will be made by the Secretary, who retains the discretion to consider other factors and information in addition to FEMAs funding recommendations. February 18, 2022. The New Jersey Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NJ NSGP) provides funding to eligible nonprofit organizations across New Jersey, as described under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, at the greatest risk of terrorist attacks.. Each nonprofit organization must individually submit an application to their SAA, which will then submit it to FEMA for consideration, but the award itself will be made directly to the state or territorys SAA. Period of Performance: The period of performance is the length of time that recipients and subrecipients have to implement their project(s), accomplish all goals, and expend all grant funding. FEMA may not be able to fund projects that are not incompliance with applicable EHP laws, Executive Orders, regulations and policies. 153 25 16 16 re For states with multiple FY 2022 UASI-designated high-risk urban areas, each high-risk urban area must be ranked separately; Submit nonprofit organization application details for, Submit IJs that are recommended for funding; and. /BBox [0 0 51 51] Contact your SAA for questions about the appropriate funding stream based on your organizations location. The provided statement should discuss the who, what, and why of your organization. Applying for an award under this program is a multi-step process and requires time to complete. ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. Applicants can register early with ND Grants and are encouraged to begin their ND Grants registration at the time of this announcement or, at the latest, seven days before the application deadline. d) Optional Grants.gov applicants can apply online using a workspace. The FY 2023 Notice of Funding Opportunity is available below, as well as onGrants.gov. The Federal Emergency Management Agencys (FEMA) Grant Programs Directorate, the Department of Homeland Securitys (DHS) Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, and the DHS Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, jointly invite all interested 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations to a Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP) Informational Webinar virtual event to provide a look-back on the Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 NSGP, and look-ahead for the prospective FY 2023 NSGP. SAAs establish all requirements and deadlines to manage their nonprofit sub-application process in support of the SAAs submissions to DHS/FEMA. Nonprofit. x E'kWqM,Bj@#AZkfBWx,h&8E|\hO,>lL~mR7A ]og? A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. A vulnerability assessment is used to identify and validate physical security deficiencies of your organization/facility and is the foundation of an NSGP application. 0 = the applicants facility hardening activity did not focus on the prevention of and/or protection against the risk of a terrorist attack, 1 = the applicants facility hardening activity poorly focused on the prevention of and/or protection against the risk of a terrorist attack, 2= the applicants facility hardening activity partially focused on the prevention of and/or protection against the risk of a terrorist attack, 3= the applicants facility hardening activity adequately focused on the prevention of and/or protection against the risk of a terrorist attack, 4= the applicants facility hardening activity thoroughlyfocused on the prevention of and/or protection against the risk of a terrorist attack. You must submit one (1) unique Investment Justification form and required documents as part of a complete submission package for each physical location/unique address. /Length 88>> stream 153 25 16 16 re 2023-03-02 Calvert County Times | PDF | Sewage Treatment No. ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. This review takes place after the competitive scoring and selection process is complete. a) Submit a complete IJ; }+~h?o5z'L OLoX#W,C~Q'D|nP7_Y!VTLsnz_>[V'PcG?_qX$ FR%mz\"BMz!6~U*R &O4G1_XJ|4^FR The SandPaper 1816 Long Beach Boulevard, Surf City, NJ 08008-5461 FEMA has assigned state-specific Preparedness Officers for the NSGP. PDF ADELPHI ACRE COMMUNITY GARDEN Financial report from 2020 to 2022 Fiscal Year 2023 Homeland Security Grant Program Frequently Asked Questions Nonprofit organizations should describe their current threat/risk. FY 2023 Nonprofit Security Grant Program Frequently Asked Questions /Length 53>> stream Environmental & Historic Preservation Guidance, Real Estate, Lending or Insurance Professionals, State, Local, Tribal or Territorial Governments, Preparedness Activities, Research & Webinars, Voluntary & Community-Based Organizations, Environmental Planning & Historic Preservation, National Business Emergency Operations Center, Fiscal Year 2022 Nonprofit Security Grant Program Technical Assistance Webinar, Physical Safety/Security: Vulnerability Self-Assessment Information and Tools, Preparation for the FY 2022 NSGP: What Nonprofit Organizations Should Do Now, Open Forum: Moderated Question and Answer Session. NSGP-S FORMS AND REPORTING DOCUMENTS. 14 0 obj /BBox [0 0 51 51] /G3 gs 10 0 obj GPDs EHP Team provides guidance and information about the EHP review process to recipients and subrecipients. FEMA Nonprofit Security Grant Program; Guidance and Resources. In the event of a tie during the funding determination process, priority will be given to nonprofit organizations that are located in historically underserved or disadvantaged communities, then those that have not received prior year funding, and then those prioritized highest by their SAA. Protecting Houses of Worship and Public Venues, https://www.irs.gov/charities-non-profits/charitable-organizations. Subapplicant/Subrecipient: Individual nonprofit organizations are considered the subapplicants or the subrecipients of the NSGP grant; the SAA is the primary applicant and recipient. Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP) - GovTribe
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