concerned about absolutely maximizing their damage. On Eden currently, this effect is not coded so I would not recomend anyone buy or even look at this weapon. Please note: This is only a guide. The only thing you have to worry about is AoE magic, which will instantly clear your Utsusemi and do full damage, and some AoE weaponskills which can pierce shadows or clear certain amounts of them. This spell has a high level of skill expression, as the more TP the mob has the more TP you can take from it, so if you learn to read battle pacing and mob TP generation you can get some really nice Absorb TPs off. Try to setup Dread Spikes timings, where you can safely drop your shadows and let the mob hit you for a few rounds to take a bunch of damage, or you can save Dread Spikes for scarier parts of the fight when you think Utsusemi might not be enough damage mitigation. If the guides aren't up to date, typically there's newer gearsets noted towards the ends of the threads. The only true downside to a Galka Dark Knight is its MP. With Haste on, you can attack a lot too. From 20-30 this sub will offer you a small Accuracy Bonus (+10) as well as Sharpshot that increases your ranged accuracy for spamming crossbow bolts which you should be doing at that level. Final Fantasy XI: Dark Knight Beginner's Gear Guide 2021 - YouTube The stats alone are incredible, highest damage, good delay, and accuracy+20 allows for some deep gear swapping away from accuracy. Also make sure to always use food when leveling, at low levels Sausage/Meat Jerky are king because they are cheap and NPC bought food with attack and ranged attack, eventually Sushi comes into play 40+ when you need acc/racc, or Couerl Subs when you need attack/ranged attack at higher levels. This can be heavily abused for strong burst cycles when paired with Souleater. In theory this weapon has a lot going for it with tons of passives like an increased Critical Hit Rate, increased Critical Hit Damage, fast swing speed, bonus accuracy, all sorts of things. Zeni NMs or ZNMs add a ton of items like the Aurum Cuirass set, a new great sword in Nagelring, and a ton of small upgrades that would take too long to list. In practice this weapon is just not very good compared to other relic weapons available. With Seigan, Third Eyes recast is halved, and has a chance to anticipate an attack without being used up. Examples of fights you would use this on are Tiamat, KS99 Wyrm, and Bahamut. A GMS-like v83 private server which aims to create a challenging yet fun environment with our low rates. People need a guide to just spam resolution? Thank you in advance and again sorry if its been discussed before. With weaponskills this will trigger on every hit of a WS, so if you use a 6 hit WS you will drain 60% of your entire HP pool, so be careful. a cost of about 0.3% DPS output but adds some wiggle room in execution. Also I'd recommend everyone use a parser program like Scoreboard, Kparse, Parse, or Deeps to keep track of their accuracy and a general idea of how you are doing damage wise compared to others. Dark Knight | Classic FFXI community | Fandom but the difference in practice is still quite small. Twitch: brought to you by the Real Rosa RosafarrelliCheck him out overe here: is a Dark knight beginner's build with the ambuscade Great Axe Lycurgos.These sets also work for the following builds:Scythe,Naegling and Greatsword use pretty much the same sets when it comes to the TP sets and WS sets. CRIT+SKS piece if you wish to run a 2.45 GCD rather than 2.50. Absorb-TP (45): This is a a fun spell, it allows you to steal TP from the enemy and give it to yourself. melding menu. Other perks include Meditate which grants you free TP and Zanshin which offers a low chance to swing again if you miss. Dark Knight - FFXI Wiki At least until Lv.30 and higher, then it becomes a bit more useful. Though not very high, Dark Knight has some skill in Marksmanship. Dark Knight is iconic for 75 cap, sometimes for its great utility and sometimes for its borderline troll players. One thing is true though, no matter what you dont forget the Dark Knights you do see in the world of Vanadiel. (Don't) Fear The Reaper: A Dark Knight Guide - FFXIAH I appreciate the in-depth bossing section, as well as the miscellaneous tips you sprinkle in throughout the guide. Enjoy! Bring a friend with you, as you will combat a notorious monster at this point. weapon from the fight, use it with Direct Hit melded in the third slot. Dark Knight is a strange job while leveling, Scythe, the signature weapon, is actually really bad until level 60 and even casting spells is largely a waste of time. 1. (Don't) Fear The Reaper: A Dark Knight Guide - FFXIAH Dark Knight Guide by Falaras | Classic FFXI community | Fandom There's a whole food section at the bottom of this guide but it's worth mentioning to make sure to always use it, even on Colibri that steal your food. Dark Knight excels in two types of weapons: Great Swords and Scythes. This is one of those sets that you could go harder with, using items in open slots with stats like Defense, Parrying, Evasion, or HP. If you choose this, you can benefit from an enormous HP pool, putting others to shame as your Souleater boosts your attack damage to beyond all proportion. tome pants for savage release requires capping tomes on the week of normal mode any slot you prefer, but the latter must be done on the crafted ring as it is Somehow I wasn't even aware of the existence of the item 'Fire Bomblet', shows how mage-focused I've been Ws sets you should min/max depending on race/enemy/ws especially with guillotine. You may opt to use an Augmented Classical Ring of Fending instead of its reach the desired threshold. Great Sword becomes a very appealing choice at lv66 for a Drk due to. Scythes are split into two types: Zaghnal and Scythe. haha yeah i know. Description. Pretty much only used for Ouryu but absolutely amazing for that fight. Other then that you are actually hurting yourself because you only have 1 useful spell that becomes obsolete if you end up getting silenced anyway. What it does is will drain 100% of the damage you deal from the monster to you. Considering the only thing the HP buffer will do is increase your Souleater by 1.5 damage, its not that worth it. It lasts five minutes and can be recast every minute. You can check your stats under an item level 375 Spiral Hell is very potent when using the Thief subjob. I actually have Lycurgos for RUN and I considered building around that but ultimately I ended up doing Dolichenus and Decimation. Muted Soul - This merit gives you -10 enmity when Souleater is up per level. They give a fancy Weapon Bash damage boost +10, as well as a nice +3 dexterity for landing hits. This is shown on the weapon, but it can be done on any other slot Was pondering what to make next down the road. The choice is up to the player. Traveler's Mantle. or is that just from using Drain 3? For those wishing to run 2.50. Dark Knight: Guide by Raenryong/Weapons - FFXIclopedia Hasso and Seigan cant be used together, but are amazing when dealing damage and keeping yourself alive when you pull hate respectively. On the flip side if you cast this willy nilly you are likely to get very bad returns. This job-race combinations strength is rivalled by no other, and is super lethal. With that, you can open a skillchain, let a friend weapon skill to close it, and then perform a second one either off that one, or with another friend. Dark Knight Tank in Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker (Patch All FFXI content and images 2002-2023 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. Gaude1 . Other pieces have middling use, some are good accuracy swaps, some are good for Apocalypse sets, but overall they don't stand out. 2 WSs ~1500 TP each would not kill the lamia, but 2 Judgments ~1750TP will. Unfortunately, youd be better off with the Scorpion Harness at that level, and at Lv.59, you'll be wearing the Haubergeon body piece. However, there may be differing opinions than those expressed in a guide. Endark is a great boost to your accuracy and attack, so get some fast cast to start the spell, as much dark magic skill as you can find, and get in the habit of doing this spell. indicated by red text in the melding menu. The reason being, it doesnt add anything to your overall damage over time or anything else for that matter. The Ultimate skillchains make this the best scythe in the game. overcap as a result in order to reach a 2.49 GCD speed. and our Dark Knight - replaced with Determination and one Critical Hit meld replaced with Direct Hit And though you have low HP, with Drain II later on, you can potentially increase your HP higher than even a Galkas. Anyway, in these levels, youll be doing mostly the same things. Anything that raises your HP can be very useful for Soul Eater. Two sets, only piece of JSE being +2 neck: How do other DRKs handle Sheol C mobs that resist slashing? It is not the main recommended set as a result, wrist, and second ring, respectively, but can be done on any other slots that Nasomi Community FFXI Server Board index International Jobs Dark Knight, Users browsing this forum: No registered users and 0 guests. Still havent been beaten on a parse with it equipped. In general, Dark Knights can use any type of blade weapons with a few exceptions. A 2.40 GCD set is also provided for those who . This page and some of the guides contained are a work in progress. Dark Knight Guide 2022 Dream Ms Guide is not entirely linear in progression, some parts of the lower sections will supplement knowledge of the earlier sections i.e APQ from the Money Making Section will supplement levelling via apple roar from 108-174. Drain (10): Dark magic spell that drains HP from the enemy, this is actually a pretty strong nuke and you will use this a lot. How-To Guide: Dark Knight | FFXIclopedia | Fandom This set is used against mobs you specifically know will use fire spells/abilities, with this set and some buffs like Barfire/Fire Carol you can reduce the incoming damage to nearly 0. This also means that compared to my previous guides, Warrior and Samurai, there is much less black and white to Dark Knight's play style. Guides are written by players, based upon their experiences, successes and mistakes, and are meant to aid other players. Strategies and information in guides may not work for everyone. Buying the Hit and one Skill Speed materia in the ring and two Critical Hit materia in the Notes: Great Sword is a powerful weapon type for Dark Knight, although slightly lacking in accuracy compared to Scythe. Back Piece. These are shown on the rings, Usually you will want to use this on cooldown just for more stats. Waist Piece. (Don't) Fear the Reaper: A Dark Knight Guide: Quetzacoatl: 6120: 982748: 3 weeks 4 days. That's the inevitable direction that comment turns it, though. This set posted has 400 accuracy, so with Hasso up is accuracy capped at the 410 mark we are looking for. Also most of the time Souleater is either deleting the mob or the mob is unable to act when being attacked via stuns so it doesn't matter if it's facing you. He will then send you to a Galka named Mighty Fist in the Darksteel Forge. Honorable mention for Raetic Algol if you can find one on AH. Buying the tome pants for savage release requires capping tomes on the week of Another possibility would be getting a one-handed Sword or Axe for these levels. Dark Knight is very forgiving when it comes to any races low stats because of the Absorb line of spells. This is good, but you also have to remember that attack does cap at some point, and in many situations the +15% attack alone on Last Resort is enough to hit that point. The main piece would be Ares's Cuirass which gives the max amount of STR/Attack a piece an get, good for single hit WSes like Catastrophe or Spinning Slash, and also is a great idle piece with the refresh built into it. I haven't played with some of them, but I've heard/talked about the strengths/weaknesses of each many times. Endark effect. Enmity in era caps at 10,000 CE and 10,000 VE. If youre a Great Sword junkie like me, this is a really notable case of why you should have both of your weapon skills capped. However, subbing Ninja in end-game is widely overrated because of the Utsusemi. Ninja also finds it useful to sub when soloing for Stun to give them a few moments in order for them to re-cast shadows in a pinch. The Delay:430 will say "TP Damage Machine" when you activate the OdDD aftermath from Caladbolg's Torcleaver. Intelligence and MP play a good role in being able to enfeeble monsters and drain their stats or whatever you need to do. menu. Macro the Dexterity rings for melee then swap for Strength during a weaponskill. Even Souleater recast can be situational. This guide is written by A Pile of Cats, a Dark Knight enthusiast However, it does give you a ton of survivability with Utsusemi. Though if you have decent gear, you can probably tank Lv.10-15. The last- and second-to-last steps of the Bozjan resistance relic offer But was curious does the aeonic stack up well to the other scythes? Dread Spikes (71): The coolest and most fun "spikes" ability in FFXI, Dread Spikes once cast causes you to drain HP from the enemy every time you're hit equal to the damage the mob does to you. I own Liberator and Ragnarok Afterglows, and will eventually get Apoc when I stop being lazy. Kind of new to DRK, but really enjoying it so far. General substat priority is followed with the exception of two Direct Hit melds The DPS requirement for the encounter is Thirdly, Sleep Bolts can really help in a pinch if your spell Sleep didnt work. Drain II at Lv.62 will actually work well at the start of fights, since you can actually drain. Plus, high dexterity and agility mean you can hit more and dodge more if the need arises. For those wishing to run 2.45. Notable Weaponskills: Sturmwind (DRK level 24), Steel Cyclone (DRK level 75). UCOB syncs to item level 345, and synced gear must be item level 470 or This is also the sub job you will use for any tanking. These sets are specifically for the Epic of Alexander (Ultimate). Dark Knight a.k.a. clear the savage tier on the first or second week. In Lv.75 end-game scenarios, having your club skill high can help too. The only "problem" with Samurai sub is that with Hasso or Seigan up you cast 100% slower, but it's easy enough to cancel them before you start a cast. Your high mind stat will help boost your Guillotines damage when the time comes. the feet. This is the better half of DRK's selection of Empyrean weapons. Not sure of your augments of course but just to start get the Flamma head and feet +2 and see about getting an Utu Grip and Omen rings. I have been doing RoE stuff and I'm following a guide to get 119 gear. enjoys progging, optimizing, and instructing others on the job, and has With the introduction of the Haste cap all the information that was in this section became obsolete and a lot of the fun nuance in zerging removed. Guides are written by players, based upon their experiences, successes and mistakes, and are meant to aid other players. With a Scythe out you have access to Guillotine, one of the strongest weaponskills in the game. I personally work around the idea of having: Haste spell (15%) + Victory March (+11%) meaning you need 24% Haste (FC/2 = 1% haste for recast purposes) to cap your recast. This set is intended for compatibility with the UCoB set and does not require This spell also generates very high amounts of Enmity and can be used as a way to get snap hate. abbreviated by the community as UCOB. This can be used either as an on-demand accuracy boost against mobs with higher evasion (Like a Thief mob in Dynamis) or you can swap out accuracy gear for more offensive options when its up (Like Toreadors Ring into Blitz Ring) either way is good. The gimmick behind Tredecim Scythe is that it should automatically crit every 13th swing, adding essentially a 7.69% crit rate ontop of the weapon. Dread Spikes is 100% based on your total HP so macroing in a ton of HP is the play. While it should still perform within a couple You badly need to be doing both if you care about this job. syncing down, these sets are currently unmodified patch 6.1 savage sets; they Nyzul Isle will add the Askar set which to be honest is not super good, the hallmark piece is the Feet which completely outclass Darksteel Leggings +1 for PDT and Coral Leggings +1 for MDT. indicated by red text in the melding menu. You must log in or register to reply here. re-allocating stats on the relic to switch between them. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. That says it all. If you do not have a Bozjan resistance relic weapon, simply use any weapon As a Tarutaru Dark Knight, you enjoy a wicked MP pool and intelligence in which to use it. Apocalypse - The king of Dark Knight weapons, this is the relic scythe and is probably the single biggest power increase a relic weapon can provide to a job. This set has 407 accuracy with Hasso and Hume DEX. DRK is one hellova job to tackle for a guide. Still, you are much better off with more accuracy (if you are eating meat) since you will certainly deal more damage if you land all the hits or simply more Str if you are munching sushi. melding menu. C skill means that you will not be able to sacrifice Accuracy gear, producing far less DoT in the long run. A poorly-played Dark Knight can just die a whole lot or just be a crippled damage dealer. The only downside is their low vitality. You have people worried about parses, all while they're running auto-buff and auto-wswhat are you doing? Essentially you won't really take damage with Dread Spikes up from auto attacks until it wears off. Buying both the tome headpiece and the ring for Thanks. Strategies and information in guides may not work for everyone. Thanks Carrot, that is helpful. Merit parties are drastically different than normal parties as they no longer have a static tank and everyone is sharing a portion of enmity. This is a huge boost to accuracy for a low level character. Some of the upsides to DRK tank are low cooldown stuns, pretty decent offensive output with Drain2/Drain/Dread Spikes, and probably the highest enmity generation capability of any job. This set has a lot of personal expression in it. Also, if you or anyone else dont know yet, you can easily make gravitation, lvl1 skillchain, to MB Drain3 with, using weapon bash with af gloves then entropy. Stun (37): Probably the most useful spell that Drk has, it has a .5 second cast time so it comes out fast and lets you stop a mob from doing things. ok so i'm not SU3 yet so most of that i cant use but going by that set it looks like WSD and STR augs are what i'm looking for now. Notable Weaponskills: Vorpal Blade. Remember that you have Weapon Bash as a fantastic ability to stop the mob from hitting you or unleashing a strong WS/spell. You will at least need to have a Haubergeon, a pair of Sniper or Woodsman ring and a life belt by level 60. and Critical Hit replaced with Determination). cost of some DPS. FFXI New/Returning Players Guide: Early Gear Progression FINAL replaced with Skill Speed. But the biggest thing is that you now have drain attacks you give to yourself and party along with the ability to emergency heal party members, be very careful however do to the fact of increased hate from the monster you are fighting. Example would be 528 delay and 18% haste at 165 dmg is, 528 x 0.18 = 95.04 so 528-95.04=432.96 then 432.96/60=7.216 so 165 dmg every 7.216 seconds is 165/7.216=22.86 damage per second. For how long? Is an extremely useful and underrated support job. The main issue is Last Resort effect vs Last Resort recast and there is validity to both of those options. Judgment is superior to Black Halo, so yeah. about ~0.4% DPS output but adds some wiggle room in execution.
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