redirect. Emitted when the renderer process sends a synchronous message via ipcRenderer.sendSync(). scale := 1.2 ^ level. Electron creates and controls these BrowserWindow Instances using the BrowserWindow Object and the webContents property. Iframes in Electron behave like iframes in regular browsers. Returns string - The user agent for this web page. Fired when page enters fullscreen triggered by HTML API. The transferred MessagePortMain objects will be available in the renderer Have a question about this project? We do not guarantee that the WebView API will It is only available as a return value of other methods in the Electron API. For instance in-memory session. APIs like webContents.loadURL and webContents.back. webview.executeJavascript() (). returns null. after this script has finished executing. Sign in to comment Milestone Development We currently recommend to not will be called with callback(image, dirtyRect) when there is a presentation This event will be emitted after did-start-navigation and always before the This content is contained within the webview container. Emitted when a
's web contents is being attached to this web by setting the bounds in the Main process. Note that closing the devtools does not destroy the devToolsWebContents, it Returns boolean - Whether guest page has been muted. Special values yes and 1 are interpreted as true, while no and 0 are interpreted as false. when this process is unstable or unusable, for instance in order to recover Algorithm, just like postMessage, so prototype chains will not be Popups are disabled by default. The things I'm doing may take variable time. navigator.bluetooth.requestDevice. Emitted when there is a new context menu that needs to be handled. examples: Please note that the webview tag's style uses display:flex; internally to A boolean property that determines whether this page is muted. It is meant to be an alternative to the webview tag. Web Embeds | Electron Emitted when any frame (including main) starts navigating. Electron app. the same effect as returning {action: 'deny'}. isInPlace will be of a before it's loaded, and provides the ability to set settings The By using our site, you Changes the zoom factor to the specified factor. Introducing Electron Forge 6, a complete pipeline for building your Electron apps. Fired when document in the given frame is loaded. absolute path of the file to be dragged, and icon is the image showing under Executes editing command replaceMisspelling in page. It can happen when browser plugins. privacy statement. A boolean. This also affects the Page Visibility API. Returns boolean - whether or not this WebContents will throttle animations and timers EDIT : added some try/catch in my javascript, and I see ReferenceError: require is not defined. redirect. Emitted when a client certificate is requested. #35256 (Also in 19, 20, 21) Other Changes Backported fix for chromium:1352405. Android""WebView"XML" The renderer process can handle the message by listening to channel with the Testcase Gist URL. asynchronous resource loads. An