Janice, I am from Polk County Tennessee as well and Dr Hicks delivered my oldest brother before they ran him out of Tennessee. I came from a messed up family, too. If he was truly compassionate and a good man he would not have lied to the mothers and told them they delivered a stillborn baby or that the baby died. Dr Thomas Hicks Family Tree Do You Know These Top Templates? And then today, with abortions being legal, aborted babies are having their body parts SOLD what a repugnant thought. He sold those babies for a profit. I am from Tennessee before Dr Hicks moved across the state line to McCaysville Ga. He was born in April 1964 Sumner County TN from what he knows. There were mothers who were told their babies died. He let loose some real chaos into this world.. Now, my family has to wonder, is he out there? Stories of young girls dying from botched abortions in the early 50s still exist in the living memories of those from the region. That is not correct. They did have several that admitted they went in for an abortion Im sure the guy was no saint, but i think he was saving these babies. Some birth mothers knew they were placing a baby for adoption, some thought they had an abortion, and some were told their . If you have any questions about something that you read in this post, please join in the discussion below. It sickens me to see any one make what he did look OKAY! Several in the town told the outlet the story was sensationalized. Hed ask them to put on a medical gown and lay down on a table. Thank you. Don't miss out on the opportunity to learn more about yourself. As far as they know the first baby that was adopted out was a twin. Copyright 2023 The DNA Geek Ascension WordPress theme by, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), New TLC Special Taken At Birth Dives into Shocking Hicks Babies Black Market Adoption Scandal, Babies For Sale: The Secret Adoptions That Haunt One Georgia Town, Hicks Baby Adoptee Sold by Georgia Doctor 50 Years Ago Reunites With Birth Mother, Brother, Busted not for selling babies, but for the abortion clinic, 23andMe Introduces the Automated Family Tree , The Hicks Babies The DNA Geek | Ups and Downs of Family History V2.0, https://thednageek.com/how-to-transfer-your-ancestrydna-test-to-other-databases/, Book Review: I Know Who You Are, by Barbara Rae-Venter, Up Your DNA Game With New Courses in 2023, Verogen Increases Costs for Law Enforcement Again, A Board of Certification for Investigative Genetic Genealogy Is Announced. She was 6 years old when her adoptive father sat her down about it. That doesnt mean that my heart doesnt break for the pain that these people have gone through and continue to go through. He lied to those women whether they wanted their children or not. I personally think he is a sociopath and I wonder if he could have been a Serial Killer as well. In other cases, he said their babies were stillborn and died before or during delivery. Blasio and 200 others were taken from their mothers at birth in the 1950s and '60s and sold illegally on the black market out the back door of a clinic run by Dr. Thomas J. Hicks. These babies were born between 3.5 and 4.75 lbs.. very unfavorable!! This is accomplished through the careful study of DNA matches. Barbara, I shuttered when I read your comment! How many women died themselves never knowing that they had a child or children out there and how many children, now adults, will never know their biological parents because its just too late and most of them have passed? v. Wade legalized abortions. She did NOT go to him for an abortion, she went to deliver MY BROTHER. My thoughts exactly. Are you on drugs. me are my real parents or not as i am finding out not every thing they told me about family is real. She was present when authorities opened the mausoleum. I have so many thoughts racing through my mind. Father of Dr Thomas Jugarthy Hicks, Jr; Dr Walter Lynn Hicks and Private He deserved to be paid for his time and services as well after all, this was time he could have spent seeing other patients, and medical equipment and supplies are not cheap. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3186644/Adopted-woman-51-SO Dr Thomas Jugarthy Hicks, Sr worked as Physician. What is the Egypt DNA Region on Ancestry? By learning about the family trees of their 2nd-3rd cousins, they can identify groups of DNA matches who are related to each other through the same common ancestor. Aug 05, 2015 at 7:11 pm. Oh well for them, I was raised in those mountains and Im not afraid of them. Some of the ads and links on this website are affiliate links which pay me a commission if you purchase through them. At-home DNA testing wasnt available until recently. I just wanted to say I watch this show about a little girl. Holy smokes! Many had no idea they were adopted until well into adulthood. But lets be honest, no one is going to admit that they willingly sold their baby. That is when my older brother was born and my mother was told he was still born even though she told me she heard her baby cry. As I say, not perfect, but a good man, Doris Abernathy told WKYC. Hed do anything for anybody sometimes hed pay a price for it, she said. He died in 1972 and it took three decades before Hicks' actions were brought to light. Our filters are much different than the ones from that period of time. about dr thomas hicks family tree please comment if we missed anything here, please let us know. Dr thomas hicks family tree Mama named my brother Von Gordon. Thank you. She grieved her the rest of her life for her first born son. First of all, it was a small town clinic and back then it was not unheard of for any woman in a small town to go to a clinic to deliver their baby so to say hes some kind of hero for what he did is beyond disgusting. Son of David Fleming Hicks and Mary Louise Hicks In the 1950s and 60s a small-town Georgia family doctor illegally sold hundreds of babies from the back door of his practice. When families came to his clinic to adopt babies, Hicks made the women pretend they had just given birth. Im sure there are also many, many Hicks babies out there that have no idea they are Hicks babies. in Psychology and enjoys writing about health and wellness. Genealogy for Dr Thomas Jugarthy Hicks, Sr (1888 - 1972) family tree on Geni, with over 230 million profiles of ancestors and living relatives. READ NEXT: Jane Blasio, The Hicks Baby Who Broke the Black Market Baby Adoption Case: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know, Dr. Thomas Hicks: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know, Please review our privacy policy here: https://heavy.com/privacy-policy/, Copyright 2023 Heavy, Inc. All rights reserved. Exactly! He was married to a Baptist Sunday school teacher, according to PEOPLE. I am the youngest of seven siblings. Hicks Babies Update (2023) All You Need to Know - KnowYourDNA What part of that is okay? All of Dr. Hicks grandparents were born in Tennessee, as were many of his great-grandparents. We only know about the ones who survived. What is the Levant DNA Region on Ancestry. His work remained buried as well. Some on here commented that the bio moms were likely unwed and didnt want the babies. He reportedly performed abortions, which were illegal at the time, for $100. Try DNA ancestry.comI found my biological father this waybest way to find out if you have family is through DNA, Take a ancestry dna That is the test they are using. GOOD NIGHT DEAD DAD, GOOD NIGHT GOOD NIGHT. No matter where they grew upmost often in the industrial cities of Ohiotheir birth certificates said they were born in the Hicks Clinic in McCaysville, Georgia. My mother remarried in 1969 in GA, I cannot locate any information about her daughter except a clipping cutout from the obituaries in michigan, NO GRAVE, BIRTH OR DEATH RECORDS can be found, can you help, The connections of Georgia and Michigan and Ohio seemed odd, we desperately desire to locate her, Do you know where she was born (which clinic or hospital)? It may be that I never find my brother but maybe I could find his children. So yes he should be vilified! This is the process by which it was alleged to have worked: The doctor would advertise adoption services and prenatal care, in addition to care related to the termination of pregnancies, in the local community and surrounding areas. I realize Dr. Hicks is not here to defend himself or answer questions, but I cannot imagine how you can defend him after what you heard. Why dig up a grave when dna could have given these people the answer if they were siblings? Hicks initially lost his clinic for doing illicit abortions. Dr. Thomas Hicks was a small-town Georgia doctor who was accused of selling hundreds of babies in illegal adoptions. She said the whole time she was having the babies that there was a very nice dressed lady sitting in the room across the hall from her. They adored Dr Hicks and were fiercely protective of his reputation and legacy. What Happened to Dr. Thomas Hicks? 'Taken at Birth' True Story He was born October 18, 1888. I have hicks show up in my DNA results. What Was the Immigration Process at Ellis Island Like? You gotta wonder if this was a routine operation throughout history. We dont know anything about the adults he has seen. Hicks' wife and son had already passed away. Who Is Dr. Thomas J. Hicks? - The True Story Behind Taken At Birth Some of those in his town defend his actions, according to Narratively, saying he was providing a service. The story has been featured in many TV specials, including on TLCs, Taken At Birth, which originally aired in 2019. This was rural Appalachia in the 50s and 60s, a lot of poor families. Dr. Dhingra has of over a decade in diagnostic, clinical, research and teaching work, including managing all sections of Pathology laboratory including histopathology, cytology, hematology and clinical Pathology. Women who wanted abortions would be talked into keeping the pregnancy so he could sell the baby once it arrived. Did you like this post? Blasio knew she was adopted at a young age. THE ONE FAMILY HAD TWIN BOYS AND THE MAN WAS IN A FAMILY THAT HATED HIM HIS ENTIRE LIFE. If it wasnt Hicks, there was someone doing the same thing during the war years adopting babies out to Akron. in todays market he did make money, he also induced those women into early labor to push those babies out putting the babies and mothers in jeopardy(I wonder how many died). And, even though it was illegal, many women thought they were having an abortion. In 2014, around 30 suspected Hicks Babies traveled to Tennessee to undergo DNA testing. My mother/father picked me up from a nurse in a hotel in 1967. Dr Thomas Hicks Family Tree With Complete Detail, Goler Clan Family Tree Check All Members List. The poverty here in the Copper Basin of southeast Tennessee and far north Georgia, which includes the town of McCaysville, often meant that pregnant women couldnt ask a relative or friend to help raise their children. Mama never got over this. The truth about the adoptions came to light in 1997, more than two decades after his death, as some of the Hicks Babies began seeking out their biological parents. I Just dont understand how anyone could possibly think what he did was right or just or in any way good at all!! I grew up with this story from my grandfather when i was little. They were all corrupt! My Mama and Dad were married and biological parents to my brother. What he did was awful feel so bad for those mothers and children. I can attest to the fact that some of the mothers were married (yes, to the biological fathers) at the time their infants were sold. The source for today's story was the book The Hicks Family Tree; The Magnificent Journey of Our Branch of the Hicks Family Tree, 1455 to 2011, and The Families That Made a Difference, written by Gale Hicks Thompson and Bob G. Hicks. 'Hicks Baby' Adoptee Sold by Georgia Doctor 50 Years Ago Reunites With Birth Mother, Brother, Who are the Hicks babies? Just horrible! Join the search for truth. Kriste Hughes is reunited with her mother, Thelma Tipton, and big brother Roger Tipton, after Dr. Thomas Jugarthy Hicks illegally sold her to adoptive parents . My brother was born in the middle 1930s. There are always three sides to any story: One side, the other side, and the truth (which is usually somewhere in between). He may have done it to avoid suspicion and keep the transactions discreet. The illegal adoptions stopped in 1964 when Hicks . My decision is there was something very wrong going on. Blasio went on to help dozens of Hicks babies so they could track down their birth parents and relatives. A lot of the babies that were sold were under 5lbs which could indicate that he induced labor which would make the childs death more believable since the baby came early. Blasio and 200 others were taken from their mothers at birth in the 1950s and 60s and sold illegally on the black market out the back door of a clinic run by Dr. Thomas J. Hicks. According to the neonatalogist interviewed in the show many other babies must have died. When she woke she only had one baby. 23andMe is on sale right now, so its a good time to buy. The townspeople believed he encouraged pregnant women who came to him to carry their babies to term instead. Clickherefor more information. 'Taken At Birth': Dr. Thomas J. Hicks & Stolen Babies [2021 Update] Town Secret Is Uncovered In Birth Quest. During the years that he ran his clinic, the town was at its population peak of between 1,800-2,000 residents. It may have started with good intentions, but these babies deserve the truth and they deserve it now. "Tennessee State Marriage Index, 1780-2002," database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:VNX9-1PS: 4 December 2014), Thos J Hicks and Chassie Copeland, 07 Jun 1917; from "Tennessee State Marriages, 1780-2002," database and images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: 2008); citing p. 222, Polk, Tennessee, United States, Tennessee State Library and Archives, Nashville, Tennessee. He was inducing them around 30 weeks handing out 4lb babies to people. However, only four of his siblings survived to adulthood. I sincerely hope more can make connections before its too late. Selling 200 babies in illegal adoptions at $1000 each could have made a person very wealthy in 1950, though his exact motivations may never be known. Because the adoptions were illegal and their birth certificate were forged, there are no records of their biological parents which would allow them to find their origins. John Stapleton, another one of the Hicks Babies, said he did not think Hicks started in the business for profit. Yes he had a choice he just made the wrong one for greed!! Bloomington, Pickett, Tennessee, United States, Dr Thomas Jugarthy Hicks & Chass Copeland, marriage record, https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/9119259, https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1997-jul-06-mn-10123-story.html, https://www.nytimes.com/1997/08/23/us/town-secret-is-uncovered-in-birth-quest.html, https://www.distractify.com/p/dr-hicks-taken-at-birth, https://narratively.com/babies-for-sale-the-secret-adoptions-that-haunt-one-georgia-town/, https://www.countryliving.com/life/entertainment/a29403041/who-is-dr-thomas-j-hicks/, https://nypost.com/2019/10/08/black-market-babies-reunited-after-more-than-50-years/, https://www.cbsnews.com/news/hicks-babies-trying-to-find-their-roots-decades-later/, https://www.wkyc.com/article/news/investigations/decades-old-secret-adoptions-solved-by-modern-dna-for-akron-area-families/95-597582808, https://www.timesfreepress.com/news/local/story/2014/jun/22/seeking-family-links/250410/, https://globintel.com/usa/dr-thomas-hicks-wiki-taken-at-birth/, https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:MSZD-WWR, https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:MGFJ-W52, https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:KZ6P-BJM, https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:VNX9-1PS, https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:MN5X-3HV, https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:SPQ5-SW1, https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:K4ZJ-HRF, https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:JRRC-NPT, https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Category:McCaysville%2C_Georgia, U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007. Many are hoping DNA will link them to their birth families, and some of them have found biological parents, siblings and parents through DNA, according to WKYC. Dr. Thomas Hicks was a small-town Georgia doctor who was posthumously accused of selling hundreds of babies in illegal adoptions. Do you know how that can mentally affect a woman? amd im 13 so i have a long way to go . I am a mother of a baby born in 2016 at 30 weeks 3lbs in an amazing NICU I couldnt imagine if my son was born in his condition back then. A New York Times profile of Blasio appeared in 1997, which was around the. Oh my gosh Barbara, he also delivered the babies early, like induced at between 31 & 34 wks causing them to have low birthweight, failure to thrive and other health issues. These babies were later sold to adoptive families. Source: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/206086779/margaret-mary-brown, Samuel Ernest Hicks, Lucy Elizabeth Ketron, John William Hicks, Unknown Hicks, Carrie Ellen Dickson, Anna Laura Bradley (born Hicks), David Fleming Hicks, Mary Louise Hicks (born Holt), Samuel Earnest Hicks, Lucy Elizabeth Hicks, John William Hicks, Unknown Hicks, Carrie Ellen Dickson (born Hicks), Annie Laurie Hicks, 1910 - Civil District 10, Sullivan, Tennessee, USA, Lucy E Hicks, Carrie E Hicks, Laura A Hicks, Lucy E Hicks, Carrie Ellen Hicks, Anna Laura Wisdom Bradley (born Hicks), Thomas Jugarthy Hicks, Walter Lynn Hicks, Margaret Brown (born Hicks), Mary Edith Rogers Davis, Oct 18 1888 - Orebank, Sullivan, Tennessee, United States, Mar 5 1972 - Copperhill, Polk, Tennessee, United States, Thomas Jugarthy Hicks Jr, Walter Lynn Hicks, Margaret Mary Brown (born Hicks), uel Ernest Hicks, Lucy Elizabeth Ketron (born Hicks), John William Hicks, Carrie Ellen Dickson (born Hicks), Anna Laura Bradley (born Hicks), Thomas J Jr Hicks, W Lynn Hicks, Margaret Hicks, Source: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/86371930/carrie-ellen-dickson, Bloomington, Pickett County, Tennessee, USA, Crestlawn Cemetery, Polk County, Tennessee, USA, https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/9119259/thomas-jugarthy-hicks, https://www.geni.com/projects/SmartCopy/18783. Busted not for selling babies, but for the abortion clinic Yes, thats a horrible thought. Dr. Thomas Hicks: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com we do not know where these births occured most of our family is deceased. Wow! The truth about the adoptions came to light in 1997, more than two decades after his death, as some of the Hicks Babies began seeking out their biological parents. Instructions for how to transfer the raw data file to MyHeritage and FTDNA are here: https://thednageek.com/how-to-transfer-your-ancestrydna-test-to-other-databases/. Youve got poor, pregnant, unmarried women, who then need to come up with a story for their friends and/or families as to why there is no newborn . Curiously, Dr. Thomas J. Hicks is not buried in a mausoleum that bears his name, but beside it. They may not even know theyre adopted. Babies born that early would need to remain in the hospital. Taken at Birth: The Hicks Clinic Stolen Babies - A&E True Crime My parents were a young married couple and very much wanted their baby! Absolutely horrifying!!!!! Many are still trying to find their biological relatives. What Does It Mean If You Have 1% Native American DNA? They should at least be thankful that they werent aborted. The son, Gillam Thomas Hicks, and his family will be featured in next week's column. Dr Thomas Jugarthy Hicks, Sr (1888 - 1972) - Genealogy - geni family tree Im disgusted that someone would think that this is ok. The story broke across the U.S. in 1997 when an Akron woman named Jane Blasio learned that her parents bought her from a clinic in Georgia. I hope youre able to solve your case soon. Women came to give birth, and were told their babies were stillborn! I think that you did well with pointing out that this is not on and well done. Are you kidding me. You made your decision. There are stories that even suggest that some mothers were told that their babies did not survive at birth. How Did Hicks Black Market Babies Business Work? The Dr Hicks who ran the black-market adoptions had a son who became a dentist. I did see it just yesterday. I have a great sample of relatives going back many generations. And most of these women were likely unmarried, which was a huge no-no at the time. Just watched the documentary. After watching this documentary I can see how he got away with it for so long. Corinthios, Aurelie. Dr Hicks sold over 200 babies from his clinic in McCaysville during the 50s and 60s Credit: YouTube. He is monster!! He took HUGE risks for essentially very little in return, in fact he did lose his medical license in 1964 for performing an abortion. Despite the obstacles, the investigative team - with the blessing and cooperation of the Hicks Babies community - works tirelessly to try and bring answers to the families impacted by Dr. Hicks' actions, from conventional DNA searches and door-to-door interrogations, to a mausoleum search. She had particular qualms with the notion of black market babies.. Dr Thomas Jugarthy "Tommy" Hicks Jr. - Find a Grave Love and hugs to them all! She never got over it. What he provided were lies to young mothers and fathers who wanted their babies ! What he did to all of those families was very wrong. Hicks descendants began a migration south from Virginia during late Once they have grouped their DNA matches in to several groups, they can study the descendants of the ancestors to find where they connect to each other. What an awful tragedy. Some were children of women Hicks convinced not to have abortions. The source for today's story was the book The Hicks Family Tree; The Magnificent Journey of Our Branch of the Hicks Family Tree, 1455 to 2011, and The Families That Made a Difference, written by Gale Hicks Thompson and Bob G. Hicks. I am helping a relative looking for his birth parents or siblings. He was married and had two children, a son and a daughter. Dr. Hicks died of leukemia in 1972 at the age of 83. When mothers came in to the clinic and expressed hesitancy about carrying their pregnancies to term, the doctor would persuade them to have their babies. So many of the women were told their babies had died. Have you checked the adoption registries to see if hes looking for his biological family? There is absolutely NO defense for that.He treated these babies like they were nothing more than a puppy mill money making machine. I do hope your brother survived and is out there somewhere. He states that he chased the car down the road from where hicks office was to try and get me before they took off in 1954. So all of what you said is ridiculous. He would then sell those babies, for prices as high as $1000, to couples who wanted to adopt. How is the river any worse, I ask you? Learn how your comment data is processed. These types of adoptions can cause extra hurt for families, since they were financial incentives, coercion is often a factor, documents dont exist to help adoptees locate their biological families, and lies are often told to protect the adults involved in the illegal adoption. Uncover your ancestry, paternity, and health risks for peace of mind, Get affordable medical tests that you can privately take at home, Test your gut bacteria and learn ways to restore its balance, Discover healthy diets and apps that can help you lose weight, Lose weight without sacrificing your nutrition and health, Straighten your teeth at home and see visible results in months. But not all of the babies have been reunited. To give Sallie an answer. Hicks beliefs did not fully mesh with abortions, and he would sometimes convince women that he would handle adoptions if they carried the babies to term, according to WKYC in Cleveland, Ohio. Were it not for him encouraging these women to have their babies, these children would have never been given a chance at life. We just were not there and will never know his thoughts. I am happy to offer a dna sample if possible. Hicks performed illegal abortions in the 1950s and 1960s, along with the illegal adoptions, until he faced legal troubles in 1964 for the abortions. When they opened it up there was great excitement. Since you cant know which one in advance, your most cost-effective strategy is to test with AncestryDNA and 23andMe and then transfer the raw data file into the other databases for free. Barbara, you clearly have no idea what you are talking about. Even though Dr. Hicks is not suspected to be biologically related to any of the Hicks Babies, some people might find his ancestry and family tree to be of interest. When she ask Dr Hicks about it he told her it was the medication making her think that. He was buried in Crestlawn Cemetery in Polk County, Tennessee. It would give me great peace to know I found him or his family for my sweet Mama. About 15 of the 200+ babies have been reunited with their biological parents. They can arrange a meeting if a match shows up and both sides want to meet. 2008 - 2023 INTERESTING.COM, INC. Barbara, the very same thing happened to my Mother. It can sometimes be more difficult to pinpoint the exact identify of someones biological parents without closer cousins, such as first cousins. Hicks' wife and son had already passed away. If hes alive, hopefully hell see the TV show and decide to test. Geni requires JavaScript! After years of wondering about her birth family, will Diane finally have closure? Genealogy for Dr Thomas Jugarthy Hicks, Sr (1888 - 1972) family tree on Geni, with over 230 million profiles of ancestors and living relatives. https://thednageek.com/dna-tests. The adopted child or biological mother can call and provide information about their gender and birthdate. Husband of Chassie Hicks Im so sorry for your familys loss. Father of Dr Thomas Jugarthy Hicks, Jr; Dr Walter Lynn Hicks and Private During the documentary they interviewed a dr that runs a NICU and he said absolutely many of these babies died from there extremely low birth weight and the adoptive parents would have had no choice but to just discard them. For perspective, $1000 in 1950 is equal to about $10,900 in todays dollars. My parents lived together for 62 years and went on to have seven more children but my Mama grieved the rest of her life for the son she lost! Before Doctor Hicks opened his practice in Georgia he was just across the state line in Polk County Tennessee in the 1930s. discoveries. Evil does not begin to describe this man. He delivered my oldest brother. I agree totally with you.This all sounds awful. You people have no idea how many states/commonwealths this Hicks was in., he was known in the mountains of Pa as Hickscock. You can see for yourself google him.
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