But a wise person doesnt need to create fake credentials. To summarise: if men of God act deceptively in order to better enrich themselves at the expense of others through using fake degrees or by using Dr so and so; when they are lying or deceiving people; what ELSE are they willing to do, in order to achieve their ungodly goals or to fleece the flock? Though, it seems strange since his facebook claims that he was, Diploma in Biblical Studies from Hal Lindsays Light and Powerhouse Training Center in Southern California. But by example, she taught me how to live and always to do the right thing. Heroes like Moses, Joshua, and David each had their day in approaching, conquering, or ruling that promised property. Learn how your comment data is processed. I would love to know how you would know anything about me.. And I dont believe for a second that any televangelist has raised anyone from the dead. Dr. Jack Van Impe is naming names in "Beware: False Prophets, Damnable Heresies & Doctrines of Demons."God has given Jack and Rexella a desperately needed me. What the world does for theirs, anyone who successfully operates in the gifts of the spirit in ministry and is recognized by God as superior, mature, and operating in the mysteries, can be recognized by their peers. They dont even have a campus. I avoid reading the KJV so I never would have noticed the connection. Do you know me? No school with a primary purpose of training pastors can be regarded as a great university. 53:6). Listener, beware. Rexella Van Impe, born on November 29, 1932 in Missouri. Rich: "It's a small fantasy inside a much larger one, the perpetration of which harms no one except its willing participants. Honorary Doctorate degree from International Seminary. And in a little while, with no pain or struggle, she quietly slipped away to be with Jesus and her loved ones in heaven. 3 versions : 740616: US: 1974 . Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shall be clean: from all your filthiness, and from all your idols, will I cleanse you. degrees and has done additional postgraduate study at Harvard and Cornell Universities. I couldnt help but smile at thatQueen Esther! Earned B.A. Isnt that a sin? Weekly Newsletter - February 27, 2023 - JVIM The only credibility the man of God needs is for him to be credible and faithful to his savior and creator. Everything that he predicted is coming to past. But does she look like an 83 year old woman? Many people agree that Rexella is one of those people and there are speculations that face-lift and botox are reasons why she looks so fresh and youthful. First of all, both of them had great physical beauty. For a full list of these fake agencies see the list below. They list later on that TSU has chosen to remain non-aligned with respect to accreditation.(, Doctor of Ministry, Southwest University, Alb. When Christ rules there as King. Jack and Rexella Van Impe Is it the end of the world When will the final battle take place Who will the participants be Will it be an atomic explosion Will anything be left after Armageddon Drs. First, hes not a televangelist. Earned PhD from Pacific International University in an unknown field. According to a few sources, Jack received an B.A. A week later, I went to the ministry open house and met Dr. Jack Van Impe and Rexella. Southwestern Assemblies of God University (now regionally accredited) was then named Southwestern Bible Institute (accredited by a recognized Bible college agency). Robert Frost, the poet, attended both Dartmouth and Harvard but never graduated from college. If state law gives an unaccredited religious school the right to grant a degree, why is it wrong or shameful for any minister to earn a degree from that school? My twin brother and a few friends went to liberty. UPDATE: Due to high demand I have created a canonical list of pastors and teachers with fake educations. We want to continue our study this week dealing with the coming peace in Israel and the world. There may be some pride of life, but if they are raising people from the dead, and you are not(not that I know of any of these who do, with the exception of Benny Hinn, who is anointed), go stand in line for your degree too. G.A. (, They claim that SOME credits MIGHT transfer to real schools Based on information provided by alumni and the institution, many colleges and universities have accepted transferred credits and degrees from Tabernacle Bible College and Seminary., PhD candidate in Doctor of Religious Studies, Trinity Southwest University and is currently as PH.D candidate(, TSU us is another non-accredited school yet is tries to sound accredited. You have no idea what it takes to earn one. Even do we cant claim that Rexella has had any cosmetic surgery or simply has good genes, we can definitely claim that she looks amazing. Mark 9. Look up Forbes, Best Schools, or any other rating of universities and try to again make your claim. The 8th commandment, bearing false witness (deceptive, false claims) comes to mind. I think people are being accreditation snobs looking down their nose at fellow believers. I saw Stone preach once at a church in Toledo when I was younger. By Dr. Rexella Va By Dr. Rexella Van Read more about impe, rexella, prophecy, donkey, christian and gospel. Explore releases from the Van Impe Recordings label. They dont know the history, the culture, the customs, the language, or the transmission of the biblical texts and its setting in history. Neither of them has a Masters and earned those doctorates in a VERY short timeframe. Let me explain. As for Andersonville, they also lack any credible accreditation. The issue isnt whether they have an honorary degree, its the fact that they refuse to differentiate between it and a real degree. REXELLA VAN IMPE UH-HUH! Jesus gave ALL His followers the great commission before he ascended into heaven to preach the gospel, heal the sick, raise the dead and cast out devils. So very sad. Who Is Rexella Van Impe's Husband? So, how much is Rexella Van Impe worth at the age of 90 years old? In the case of Vince, I had a program at the time that filtered the website for language. I am a Christian counselor in my church and I will help as needed no price, only help, and when I cannot help I will find a faith based counselor that has a better view of client in which I am dealing. Who would rationally follow a god like that? Oh, Mama, he cried, youre going to go home. Even though it is a real school today, it did not receive ANY accreditation until 2006 when it was changed to Ohio Christian University. Jack Van Impe -- The Next Pope and Armageddon - YouTube Whether she was happy or had a heavy heart, she always had joy that came out in her singing. I think he received a diploma from that high school, and then attended the college some, without graduating. 95% of them have honorary religious doctorates that they paid for from unaccredited bible schools. Its literally the most basic requirement of entering a doctoral program. Plastic Surgery, Daddy, Crackhead, Ariana Grande Plastic Surgery Latest News Update, Jennifer Westfeldt Plastic Surgery Before and After Pics, Stockard Channing Plastic Surgery Before and After Photos, Tori Amos Plastic Surgery Before And After. Would you be able to tell if International Miracle Institute is a fake institution? To his credit he did at least attempt an education at a real school. Please do not give these people a dime. 2001 - Countdown To Eternity - Dr. Jack Van Impe & Rexella VHS As long as he continues giving his viewers a good dose of dispensationalist sensationalism (1), he's OK. At least until TBN pulls the plug. Sometimes the Jews have embraced it and possessed their land. The enemy of our souls will exploit our love for this world to change doctrines. I cannot tell you how many times Ive gotten that response from the KJVO people. Oral Roberts is actually ranked by U.S. News and World report at number 50 in regional colleges. One, anyone is free to accept or not whatever is said or claimed, equally. Thanks for reading and thanks for the suggestion. couldnt stop laughing! I just would like to say how sorry I am for your loss of Dr. Jack. Then coupled with the 2nd, taking Gods (and what God represents) name in vain, simple tests needing to be passed? Current international events reflect exactly the conditions predicted throughout the Bible for the last days of this age. Hey Im just a regular guy who has had a stroke but can really see through the deceitment of these so called DRs. Free shipping for many products! And yes a Dmin from an ATS or RA seminary would be fluff compared to a Phd in an academic field. 10 day weather forecast visalia ca 93277; why universal values are necessary for human survival; rv lots for sale in snohomish county; jojobet tv 88; sesame street elephant; stalked by my doctor filming locations. Hello. While he may have two actual real earned degrees, he does NOT have an earned doctorate degree. Which gives her preciously little expertise in textual criticism and translation. Their announcer, whatever the fuck his name is, looks like he should be hosting a game showin 1966. Im very disappointed you didnt choose to edit Vince (sewer mouth) as you stated you would do. Pity. That is all and that school has no religious programs that I know of, however there is a Master in Asian Science. I agree with you on Southwestern. Rexella Van Impe (born November 29, 1932, Missouri, USA) is an American singer and organist. I am assuming that means he does not want anyone to know or that its a flat lie. Inside I came across a note she had written to Jack, her son-in-law. No wonder everybody loved her. The only thing surprising about the honorary degree is that its not from Bob Jones. The reason why accreditation matters is because it sets certain standards. Of course, neither one of the titles are accurate but one of them is just offensive to all PhD holders. They just arent on TV. Its just that a Dmin is professional degree and the Phd is an academic degree. She would send out cards to the sick, make phone calls, and make pies. He just uses brother. Worry about your own salvation! And in that day there shall be a root of Jesse, which shall stand for an ensign of the people; to it shall the Gentiles seek: and his rest shall be glorious (Isaiah 11:9,10). Is the seminary and its leaders credible? Earned Masters of Divinity, from Talbot Theological Seminary(. The kingdom of Christ will sweep away all economic conflict and will provide fair and enjoyable working conditions. Rod graduated long before that. Other sources claim that he did in fact receive and undergraduate degree in Educational Therapy from West Georgia College, now University of West Georgia. The Millennium will bring economic peace. Valid? (1997). Each sacrifice looked forward to the day when all sins would be paid for by the coming Savior: All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all (Isa. Checked up on David J and sure enough, his doctorate is only honorary. Admin, It seems that you dont understand what accreditation is used for and why it exists Spot on! An honorary degree is not a fake degree, it is an honor bestowed because of favor from God or man. FROM THE HEART OF DR. REXELLA VAN IMPE. Admin., sadly it is not only any pastor. but also ! I dont know how i ended up here but this has been one of the most eye-opening blogs i have ever had the great pleasure of reading! Add another using ..DR.. Who is totally not a dr of anything I guess they didnt teach about gossip in your accredited colleges. Apparently Van Impe has been warming up to Rome for at least 2 decades. For now Perry is in the safe zone but if he starts using Dr. again he might need to be placed on the naughty list. At least the Dmins has some research portion. In 1954 she got marriedt to Jack Van Impe an American televangelist who is known for his weekly television series Jack Van Impe Presents. Regardless, its still an honorary PhD. David is a blatant liar when it comes to education. Thus, accreditation sets a bar for academic studies. Most of these people dont even use the honorary degree titles they are given, no one says anything about Michael Jackson, Bill Cosby, or other notables honorary doctorate degrees. Joel Olsteen learned this the hard way; Oprah and the world gang demanded a different stance on same-sex relationships than the stance that Paul (and Christ) had on them. from Covenant Life University. First lets clear up that TTS is NOT a school based out of Liverpool England. I totally understand your point of view. Have been to the ministries that Ive been a part of? You also wont find a list of their professors or single piece of academic work that came from the institution, its faculty (if they have faculty) or its graduates. * Honorably Discharged U. S. Army Officer (Not sure why this is noteworthy) The Jews have waited long for peace in their land, and it will come to Israel. Is that a fluff degree? (, The University of West Georgia seems to currently be accredited by two agencies. No, I am not kidding. When I began listening to him, he was braggadociously claiming 80,000 hours of bible study. The danger is in the following. That is why so many people are down on non-accredited schools. You can read the ATS manual at this link. We can all access Strongs Concordance (for free) on the good ol Internet thats how I found you sir, and I am right glad that I did. ). Amazon.com: Revelation Revealed: Verse by Verse : Dr Jack Van Impe A quick note onPatriot Bible: They will actually do correspondence courses but have zero standards. Kinda sickens me that they lie like that. Honorary (Here we go again) Doctorate from Oral Roberts and another from some little unknown Hebrew school namedNetanya Academic College. So I knelt down beside her and said, Mom, you told me not to do this thing, but I did., Oh, Rexella, she said gently, when did you do that?, With tears streaming down my face, I replied, About three months ago!, Oh, honey, she said, Im so sorry you had to bear that all alone for three months.. Yep, those two doctorates were earned, and they are complemented by two MS degrees and a BS. According their accrediting institute they only have one accredited program which is Oriental medicine. Very few times did I ever see my mother lying down in the daytime. Lets not forget, too, that Perry had his father appear on his show to tell of his dream of going to heaven and how his best friend who was dead came back to deliver the message that he was to preach. I hold four graduate degrees form Liberty, and I can tell you that Libertys seminary is extremely difficult. I received some of my best and most rewarding education from Liberty. Earned M.A. As one who actually earned a Ph.D. from a SACS-accredited public university, I knew these cats could not have found time to earn a doctorate. Both are frauds. They even gave an honorary doctorate to Kermit the Frog. Thanks so much for writing. The average accredited seminary student has read around 50,000+ pages of study and were also required to write research papers for the given classes. Her faith in God was steadfast and sure. - Bachelor's Degree - Juris . Thats the kind of wisdom she had. 53:5). Rexella Van Impe, born on November 29, 1932 in Missouri. Most of these schools are legal entities, (last time I checked) we have whats called a separation of church and state in this country. Ranking in size is not the same as ranking in academics.
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