Harry Hook is not fully human. At first glance, Via thinks she's got the easy part. So naturally, Mal enlists Evies help to assist her in what will most assuredly be a horribly awkward situation. The silk-weaver brought two friends, and they gave themselves to Jesus. Let's just say that Evie may have made promises about spaces between, but she had no intention of keeping them. Plus, everyone knows Mal with Evie or Uma wouldve made a much better couple. The story, told through the eyes of a child, is about race and justice in Depression-era Alabama, and lawyer Atticus Finch -- the narrator's father -- has become a model for a righteous, soft . Every day she lives her life in fear of both him and Uma, knowing that she has to do everything . Joe Bastianich Daughter, Designed by prevent keylogger android | Powered by, What Is The Captain New Girl Urban Dictionary, Ano Ang Pagkakatulad Ng Bawat Kabihasnan Brainly, what should orlando do with his checkbook balance. It has been three days since Audrey was kidnapped, and since that handsome thief had released her. Literature. "Beware, fore swear, Undo Jane's hair." List of Descendants characters - Wikipedia If the captain of a ship is gone, the ship doesnt stand for much anymore. Mal and Evie friendship and sister feels. He saw the way that kings eyes wandered to his queen. | harry hook | He hums in agreement, a slow smile spreading on his face at the second mate's enthusiasm. Merlin is the Boar's Sin of Gluttony, Boa Shinof the Seven Deadly Sins. One for the boys and one for Uma, right across the hall. The Yuki Yuki no Mi is a Logia-type Devil Fruit that allows the user to create, control, and transform into the element of "snow" at will, turning the user into a Snow Human (, Yuki Ningen?). "You know there aren't any hospitals on the Isle? Peyton List as Ginny Gothel, daughter of Mother Gothel His accent was much stronger when he was sick. Wattpad scheduled for offline maintenance. Summary: Reader loses track of time while watching over sick!Harry. In 3, Uma needs to be bargained with to assist in stopping the threat to Auradon, even though Dr. Facilier's daughter - here named Celia, and Dizzy's age - is a new Auradon Prep recruit and in danger. As always, feel free to notify me if there are any grammatical issues or if you have any story ideas. Beast man is about to make his kid the new king and apparently king boy wants to "fix" mistakes by bringing 4 villain kids to Auradon!" Someone hurts Captain Hook's (Killian Jones') teenage son, Harry (Harry Hook). Evie & Jay & Mal & Carlos de Vil as Found Family, Fairy Godmother & Jane (Disney: Descendants), Evie & Jane & Mal & Audrey Rose & Uma (Disney), Ben & Carlos de Vil & Harry Hook & Jay & Gil, Evie & Jane & Mal & Audrey Rose & Uma & Li Lonnie (Disney), Ben & Gil & Harry Hook & Jay & Carlos de Vil. "Get off my ship," she commanded, "and never return!" Gil scurried off the pirate ship like the rats he compared the ship's crew to. Descendants (Disney Movies) - Works | Archive of Our Own Harry had moved to Auradon four months ago, andfuck it was just all so much. Wha. Tooth-rotting sisterly fluff and a hint of Bal if you seriously squint. All Via has to do is play the good girl for a while, and the rest is history. Until someone special comes to talk to her. In short I am super excited about this, I am completely obsessed with Descendants 2 . Descendants Stories - Wattpad Family fluff and lots of humor. descendants fanfiction uma sick Her Sacred Treasure is the Morning Star Aldan, a floating orb she can summon at will and often uses in conjunction with her spells and her inherent power Infinity. Dizzy was a jaunty ball of energy sitting up on her knees in wonder of the bright beautiful world around her. Though she has a tough . Hades father/daughter feels, Core Four fluff, and Hades/Core Four feelings. When Drew Frollo, Phoebe Clayton, Ally and Anthony Tremaine arrive in Auradon due to the VK Project, they aren't happy about it. a de vil may cry ch 1 the arrival. She was terribly confused why he asked her out here because it was mid to late November and it was absolutely freezing outside. Descendants fanfiction mal stabbed - nkihcq.visitriyadh.info tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit). "You didn't think this was the end . She and Mal were archenemys. Mentions of Bal, but Mal and Evie sister/best friend feels are abundant as well as a large dose of angst. I made this book to get my sister interested in reading and I know that she's always wanting to read my stuff, so I fin What would happen if Mal had a little sister that hated her? But finally, the day D3 is released, you go back. It's advisable to read those two fics before this one, but it's not necessary. Descendants VS. Zombies. "I am not sick!". Family and friendship feels among the Core Four and just the barest hints of Bal. I write for: Ben Mal Evie Jay Carlos Jane Harry Uma Gil Chad Audrey Basically Anyone In 1,2 and 3. Blinking she stretched her arms up out of the covers and smiled. The story begins at an abandoned shop where a thief became ill. . Bernard M. When Mal, Evie, Carlos, and Uma are chosen as the first four VKs to go to Auradon, Jay finds himself alone on the Isle without his friends, suffering at He is a Blacklist Hunter and the current leader of the organization founded by Light Nostrade. It's been a long year and a half since everything happened, sometimes it didn't feel real, but you had the scars to prove it did. King Adam (aka Beast) is one of the supporting characters in the Descendants franchise. Shes terrified that everyone is going to think she is a nerd. A total of 124 parts.Thank you so much for reading.marked completed-but may reopen one day. Read . " Ohma posing Yamashita Kazuo the question Tokita Ohma ( () () () () () , Tokita ma; "Ohma Tokita"), also known as The Asura[note] ( () () () , Ashura), is a man who loves to fight. descendants fanfiction uma sick - nakedeyeballs.com Mal, Carlos, Evie, and Audrey friendship, and Jaudrey or Jay x Audrey. Core Four Sleeping Habits. using the blunt side of his hook to slam into his son's nose, making a sick crunch resonate around the room. "Why aren't I sick then?" the story will be the exact same just better written! And with that she disappeared into the crowd. Harry, running fingers through Bens hair: Tie me down, dont leave my side. When Mal has a nightmare that is worse than usual, Evie comforts her. Uma escapes the Isle, and when she does, most of her crew abandons ship. But it was good that Uma always had someone she could rely on throughout the hardships. In memory of Cameron Boyce, forever our one and only Carlos de Vil. She gave her ruined clothes to Evie, who would be trying to save her clothes from the blood stains. Founder: Rosie2009 - Stories: 42 - Followers: 39 - Staff: 1 - id: 124230 . Long Live Evil (descendants fanfic. The Lodge was all ready and set for being sold, until the Hart family came back But instead of it just Being Skye and Ed, Kayla was with them, Skye's older sister. Ew. A bit of a problem ensues shortly thereafter Sequel to my previous oneshot "Bullies." This is off of my wattpad account, and made when Desendents 2 was out so things are a bit out dated and not really true. Lumiere is a servant in a French castle ruled by a formerly spoiled, selfish and unkind prince. Lumiere serves as a loyal staff member to the beast. She used to work in Fish and Chips Shoppe, is the daughter of Ursula, Mal's former archenemy and the Captain of her crew of pirates. Full of friendship feels among the girls with Bal, Huma, Jaudrey, and Jarlos thrown in. If we are saying she's sick, then we can't have her around any of the other children. "The strength of evil is good as none, when stands before four hearts of one!" 0 hours, 28 minutes 28m. She giggled a little. Uma: Love me rough and let me fly. Work Search: Just not quite in the way that everyone expected. Audrey is a princess, way above a VK that is obsessed with thievery. Please consider turning it on! But that was when I didnt have the Black Dragon.. Still, it had always been a dream of his to have kids. An Audrey-centric fic that is about her struggle with her feelings for Jay after he kisses her. tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit). Michael Jordan Make A Wish 1v1, RIP, Evie's first love. The only thing he could truly remember before passing out was Uma's worried face hovering over him and tears streaming down her face. - Anonymous - Feb-25-2011 This is the best Uber trilogy that I've ever read! Will include Bevie, Hevie, as well as several other uncommon ships. One for the boys and one for Uma, right across the hall. Ongoing. Thats when Mal knew something was terribly and truly wrong with her sister. What Evie's not okay with is that they purposefully exclude her from every activity as of late and when Mal's forgotten all about Evie on Evie's birthday, Evie loses all semblances of okay. Evie suffers a horrible accident with her car, and Mal and the others have to handle the consequences. Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos make a birthday breakfast for Ben. Basically, some fluff and maybe a tiny bit of drama/angst with Jaudrey feels. Luckily, Evie comes up with a perfect plan to get her in the middle of the action. Chernabog Fanfiction Stories | Quotev Plenty of familial/friendship feels with some Jaudrey, Huma, Bal, and Jarlos dashed in. Lost Isle Whump Chapter 1: Food Poisoning, a descendants, 2015 fanfic But since he had sounded so serious, she felt that she had to come regardless of the temperature outside. dizzy evie mal carlos descendants uma jay ben gil celia lonnie doug audrey jane harry chad auradon descendants2 harryhook disney. Audrey sees Jay with Jordan and she gets a little carried away in her jealousy. But this was the last straw. A BenxHarry story For 20 years, the bad guys and their children have been locked up on an island condemned to be forgotten gradually sinking into madness Was it a good choice to convict the children for the crimes of their parents? Slight mentions of Huma and lots of Mal and Evie feels. Uma doesn't seem like she'd abandon her little sister to be turned to stone or cursed with never-ending sleep just because she resents Mal. Language: . descendants fanfiction uma sick - rakantrading.net But things aren't always as they seem. Her father, Michael McClain, is a music producer, vocalist, writer and sound engineer. Back on land, Harry and Uma try to find their footing. She was always stuck in Mal's shadow. Damian Wayne Kidnapped. Mal's got a huge problem. Mal's not going to talk to Ben about this, so she has to cope by herself. Uma was already awake, laying on her bed, in the middle of the room, surrounded by an . When Ben and Mal go out for date night, Evie comes to babysit their little girl. No, she didn't. Everything Besides The New Faces You'll See Belong To Disney And All Who W A Disney Descendants Story It turns out though, that Auradon is not as safe as she thought it was. . # 2. Those who known him since a child calls him Jay. it was just a normal day of listening to some Descendants songs and dancing around your kitchen like the dumbass you were; but you're taken for a whirlwind of surprises when your book glows and pulls you into its story. The know the only way to stop Harry is to get Uma's forgiveness . Kenny meant the world to him, and if Butters couldn't be Kenny, he couldn't be anyone worthwhile. Friendship feels all around with a special emphasis on Mal and Evies sisterly relationship. I think what brought this on is that sooner or later, the user Disney Descendants will go bye-bye soon, and to be honest, I don't want to. Since Uma has so often been leaving early from her hangouts with the girls, they all decide to get to the bottom of the situation. Romance. +7 more. Part 1 of aria. Complete sisterly feels and absolutely no romantic sentiment. Quick Description However, when these events were brought up on the Isle of the Lost, the four would deny that it happened. descendants fanfiction uma sick. Jaudrey or Jay x Audrey, and Core Four family feels. Sisterly or best friend antics and absolutely no romantic sentiment. "You ate the least. Caretaker: Uma. A sequel to "Urban Cowgirls" with Huma, Bal, Jaudrey, Jarlos, and family/friendship feels. Companion piece to "Grandaddy's Little Girl" and "Auntie's Little Girl.". Family feels ultimately, but there is some Bal if you squint, tilt your head to the side, and stick out your tongue a little. Uma asked, coming out of the kitchen of her mother's restaurant with a tray full of food. Needless to say, Harry was a bit shocked. At first, Harry ignored the letter. Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Underage, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (4), The Isle of the Lost Series - Melissa de la Cruz (4), The Isle of the Lost Series - Melissa de la Cruz, Captain Hook | Killian Jones & Harry Hook, Harry Hook & Prince Charming | David Nolan, Harry Hook & Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard, Prince Charming | David Nolan & Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard & Emma Swan, Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold Being an Asshole, Emma Swan does not get paid enough for this, Evil Queen | Regina Mills Being an Asshole, Captain Hook | Killian Jones & Henry Mills, Calista Jane "CJ" Hook & Harriet Hook & Harry Hook, Captain Hook | Killian Jones & Prince Charming | David Nolan, Captain Hook | Killian Jones & Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard, Captain Hook | Killian Jones & Prince Charming | David Nolan Friendship, the invitation 2022 inspired halloween fic, Part of your world (2.0)- Harry Hook x Reader, reader is transported to the descendants world, mention of CJ hook but shes off the isle at this point, girly escaped and is having the time of her life, reader is a wee bit stupid after a certain point, Harry has alot of stress from Auradon and cant keep up, Ruler of Auradon Ben (Disney: Descendants), Missing Pieces - "Jeff the Killer" x Reader, they didnt do their research and end up dead, Jeffrey Woods | Jeff the Killer Being an Idiot, Jeffrey Woods | Jeff the Killer Being an Asshole, Jeff finds out his whole 'life' has been a lie and breaks down, Jeff the killer is actually Harry Hook but he was adopted at 13 and spelled to become Jeffery Woods, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, VK(s) | Villain Kid(s) (Disney: Descendants), AK(s) | Auradon Kid(s) (Disney: Descendants), United States of Auradon (Disney) Is Not Perfect, Anti-Magic Laws in United States of Auradon (Disney), Alternate Universe - Descendants (Disney Movies) Fusion, Ben is more or less confused the whole way, my updates are as fluctuating as the tide, they're dorks who need to be protected from uma [and the author], someone pointed out uma was abusive and i felt bad for not putting a warning in the tags, like physically hurt bc harry gets his ass kicked. Harry Uma Gil Descendants Descendants 2 Sick Cough Isle Of The Lost Thomas Doherty. 58 pages June 26, 2020 Kaito and Ri'can. When the gang decides to spend a day at the pool, some rather interesting events transpire. "How do you feel, darling?". Headcanon List #4. this is the best fanfic i`ve read so far, Sussane Beck has an amazing grasp on the characters by the way Psycho rocks and Ice and Angel do too. Uma had been found and had decided to join the core four in Auradon on the condition that Harry and Gil could join her. Huma or Uma x Harry and some Audrey thrown in with her surprisingly insightful advice. Mal and Evie best friend/sister feels. Action Pirates Fight Ben Jay Mal Evie Swords Carlos Isle Wand Completed Descendants. In the mornings, it would jump up to 89 before settling back down to a solid 76. Carlos and Gil are there but they kinda forget. Maleficent has finally grown. Sisterly fluff and a Bal moment at the end. Post-D3 and a sequel to "Keep Your Enemies Closer" and "His Captain" with Mal and Uma friendship feels. The blood almost glowed against the deathly white skin. Posted on June 7, 2022 by Warning: an attempt at fake suicide. It's the night before Mother's Day when Mal finds Evie in the middle of a panic attack, sitting on the couch by herself in the dark at 3:00 AM. Chris Villain [] as Hayden, son of the Horned King. She was indirectly mentioned in Descendants when Beast joked saying "well it was either you or a teapot." Unimaginable pirate hijinks ensue shortly thereafter. It was when Mal and Evie had gone to the mall that Mal spotted one of the strangest, most bewildering spectacles that she had ever seen in her entire life. Will they all be ok? Though Uma doesn't share the same surety for the solution. Uma and Audrey deserved better. Warning: there are heavy topics surrounding eating disorders in this. So Uma enlists Janes and Evies help to pull it off. Chapter 1, a descendants, 2015 fanfic | FanFiction. Too many things were happening at once, but he definitely felt pain. mal and carlos always had feelings for . Rowan bent down and kissed her, it wasn't like when they first started out, or when they where making love. Descendantsoc Stories - Wattpad The prank doesnt quite turn out the way Uma hoped. my unpopular opinion is that i actually like mal and ben together. Jaudry feels. Mal, Evie, and Jay suffer a horrible loss. It all starts when Evie lightens her hair to baby blue and begins wearing a corset. Sometimes it hurt Uma too deeply. Carlos De Vil a mute boy since the age of 4, struggles with the fear of having a soulmate since birth because of his mother telling him that they would only hurt and use him, instead of love him and he believed her, only to wish he hadn't for all these years. But is it what it seems? Uma, Gil and Harry had recently been allowed to escape the isle to attend Auradon Prep. What if Mal had stayed on the Isle? Who knew that addition would end up causing more trouble than the girls got into last time? Amethyst (specifically Amethyst Facet-5 Cut-8XM) is a member of the Crystal Gems. Unluckily, it backfires when Uma gets a little too carried away Lots of Jaudrey and a fair amount of friendship stuff among Mal, Evie, Uma, Audrey, and Jane. Looking for www gmail com different account login? Uma is sassy, loyal, determined, strong, ambitious, and a natural-born leader. descendants fanfiction uma sick - pamelahudson.net usta tennis court construction specifications / why is rebecca lowe hosting olympics / descendants fanfiction uma sick. he felt like an entirely different person. FanFiction | unleash Disclaimer: I do not own Disney Descendants or any of its books. Join us now in this Baby games and we assure you that you won Browse our listings to find jobs in Germany for expats, including jobs for English speakers or those in your native language. He sighed and got ready for bed, blood boiling as he fell asleep. Today, when he arrived at her room, he was met with a sneeze goddess instead. He felt weak and sick. When Mal, Evie, Jay, Carlos, Uma, and the rest are all hanging out at Evies house, they get into a rather interesting conversation about whether boys or girls should be the bosses. Rick Grimes values him as his right-hand man, close friend, and later on as a Lol Im sick of Disney advertising Mal and Ben's stupid-ass wedding. 24M followers. 24 Stories. Descendantsfanfiction Stories - Wattpad This is the place where I will be posting all of my Descendants fanfiction. On the isle you get lost and the one you asked for help is the pirate you Based on Cinderella 3 A Twist in Time, It takes place after Mal and Ben got married and things seem to be going really well for everyone especially Carlos and Jane who a Book 1 out of 3 for the BenxMale OC Descendants Fanfic I'm starting. It's super fluffy with Huma, Jaudrey, Bal, Jarlos, Core Four fluff, and some Mal and Hades father/daughter feels. He leaned on Uma who was basically holding up all of his weight at this point. Maleficent kidnaps Mal and kills her father, while the Queen was with FG, her sister-in-law and Belle, her neighbouring kingdom's Queen. An abundance of sisterly/best friend feels with Mal and Evie and the barest hint of Bal. The boys were wearing (dying in) suits, while Uma wore something that looked somewhat like her Cotillon dress. Uma caught the faithful pirate before he could hit the ground. But this time it doesn't come from Alice but Peter. Evie's had a nightmare and is utterly terrified, and it's up to Mal to help her sister recuperate. Disclaimer: I don't own Descendants. stylinson, harryedwardstyles, 1d. There in the mirror, a horrifyingly large amount of red liquid dripped down Mal's pale hand. A hint of Bal and lots of friendship feels all around. Descendants Fanfiction | FanFiction
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