In the first film, it is revealed that her middle name is "Bertha. She did not know how much it would be torn further on as she continued staying in Auradon. They stop and look nervous, while Evie calls Ben's name. She finds a confused Dizzy, who suddenly speaks in Uma's voice while being joined by Harry and Gil, who Uma uses as speakers to declare her revenge. There was a side table o that able in a dish was the Ember. Mal realizes that her mother, in a way, was just like herself: a jealous girl who wanted revenge for not being invited. They said what is about to happen is bound to be entertaining (which is nothing to joke about Mali!). It is also revealed that she wants to be an artist when she grows up. She is not fond of beautiful surroundings or anything pink and finds them to be horrid, but she does sometimes wonder about how life would be off the island. They enter a room, which contains statues of their parents; Mal stays behind, having a vision of her mother encouraging her to go through with the plan to steal the wand ("Evil Like Me"). The isle prevents death and aging for those who reach 18, Mal, being the daughter of Hades and Maleficent slowly looses her fae side after her 7th time dying. When Mal hears that she and her friends, Evie, Carlos, and Jay, will be going to Auradon Prep, by the order of Prince Ben, she is surprised, because she knows that no one can leave the Isle of the Lost. When the barrier fell, she went in search of revenge on her father..Except someone had already done most of the work for her..(aka a murder-mystery with lots of family feels). While preparing for Jane's birthday party, Mal is confronted by Audrey, who had stolen Maleficent's staff and had turned evil. This causes Mal to often prioritize her objective over the feelings of others, especially those of whom she manipulates in order to achieve her goals. Uh oh. So incredibly tiny and delicate. In the Library, she then tells Ben about putting a fake nose on Pin. Hades rolled his eyes at their banter but before he could say anything, Mal cooed from her blankets. The Jungle Book: Baloo Kaa King Louie Mowgli Shere Khan Bagheera They get the trident and bring it back to Arabella, so she could bring it back to the museum before the sea king can realize it's gone. Tangled: Rapunzel Pascal Flynn Rider Maximus Tiara Rapunzel Mother Gothel Wedding Maximus Baby Rapunzel His wifes theory wasnt bad per se. Mal forces Carlos to host a party there, but is disappointed to see Evie come out unscathed after she shoves Evie into a closet full of bear traps. Even in a happily ever after, nothing's perfect. After all, it is rare but totally reasonable for the fates to give Chad a child upon the completion of his made up quest. He and my mom are married and have been for 18 years. Mal brings it up during the royal meeting, surprising Beast, Belle and Fairy Godmother with the idea of going back to the Isle. It had been about Hades greedy ass-biscuit of a brother and family quarrels going back countless thousands of years, the fact that the kid grew up to take everything so damn personally was, in Hades opinion further evidence that he was the only Olympian fit to rule. Ben starts to protest, walking towards her, but Mal backs up, clearly uncomfortable with Ben being too close. Mal wore a purple studded leather jacket with a green and purple hand-dyed tank top under it. Please consider turning it on! When Ben doesn't resurface from the water, Mal grows worried and attempts to save him despite not being able to swim; Ben saves her, albeit a bit confused. As the movie progresses, Mal lets go of much of her former fears and goals, becoming in tune with her true self; thus she abandons the hollow life of evil, for a life of good. She also helped Zevon, son of Yzma, obtain Jafar's Staff so that he can take over Auradon. King Ben was standing at the front of the room with Fairy Godmother, who had her wand in her hand. "Can we talk with Mal, alone, please? The Sword in the Stone: Arthur Archimedes Merlin Madam Mim Sugar Bowl Young Mim She now wears purple wedge high-tops with painted blue flames, as are her purple fingerless gloves. . Ben then asked if there were any napkins. Mal takes the wand, and after encouragement from Ben, decides to choose good as it has brought her more happiness than evil ever did and states the fact that she wants to live here in Auradon because it brings her happiness. Let me hug you guys." Jane then asks about the different shades of green to use, and he chooses one. The VKs ask for the children of the island to listen to them, explaining that life in Auradon is much better than on the Isle and that they are offering the chance to join the rest of the world that they were once given. Jane stops to ask about pen toppers, and Mal eyes glow green. Two girls aren't soulmates, they can't change their current history, even if they are, even if they can, even if they will. I wore one of my best outfits, a red tank top, a small, black t shirt over the tank top, and a black mini skirt. Jay angrily demands what Harry did with Ben, and Harry said that they captured him. The Aristocats: Marie She then smiles weakly and says that they're "blowing this popsicle stand," then places the lid on the pencil box. Startseite > Uncategorized > descendants fanfiction mal has hades powers. By the way, do you think you could show a flashback of Hades and Maleficent dating. 2 - Little Maleira understand what she's discovered, and there's a family union ;)Bonus - Mal discovers her family (basically the events that lead to the final part of chapter 2). tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson". However, none in the crowd are swayed by their words, much to their disappointment. What If Carlos Was The Son of Aurora and Phillip, the girl has always been half goddess half hell, References to Ancient Greek Religion & Lore, Evie (Disney)/Original Female Character(s), Evie (Disney) & Evil Queen | Regina Mills, Alternate Universe - Ancient Greek Religion & Lore Fusion, Mount Olympus (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Modern Setting Retelling of Ancient Greek Religion & Lore, Twelve Gods of Olympus (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Sweet Hades (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Uma Audrey and Evie are demi god best friends, evie grows up in a loving family despite being on the isle at first, carlos & jay & evie & mal don't really grow up together, The Underworld's Daughter, The Sleeping Beauty's Son, Evie & Hades & Cinderella & Chad Charming, Ben & Audrey Rose Friendship (Disney: Descendants), A Villain Kid Love Story (Marlos and Bevie), Evil Queen & Jafar & Maleficent & Cruella de Vil, Ben/Chad Charming/Doug/Jane/Li Lonnie/Audrey Rose, Ben & Doug & Jane & Li Lonnie & Carlos De Vil & Evie & Jay & Mal, Aziz/Ben/Doug/Evie/Jane/Jay/Mal/Carlos de Vil, Beast & Belle & Evie & Jay & Mal & Carlos de Vil, Snow White (Disney) & Original Child Character(s), Anita (101 Dalmatians) & Roger (101 Dalmatians) & Carlos de Vil, Original Child(ren) of Anita and Roger (101 Dalmatians), Original Child(ren) of Prince and Snow White (Disney), Isle of the Lost (Disney) is a Terrible Place, Minor Ben/Audrey Rose (Disney: Descendants), im bad behaviour but I do it in the best way, isle teens think and behave like isle teens, I might edit these tags later and add to them, Abusive parents cause how is that not a regular tag in this franchise, I want to drag it out so all of us suffer from the 'almost' until we all scream Finally, This will not include d3 nor any information from it, Though for now it's only been mentioned in one scene and as we know there's no dating on the Isle. Mal says that she doesn't fit in in Auradon. (Basically this is just a darker rewrite of the first movie if Mal was raised by her father and if Uma had been part of the first round of kids to go to Auradon.). Shows: School of Secrets Descendants: Wicked World Chibi Tiny Tales Deciding to speak to the island as her mother once did, Mal is initially mistaken for her (much to her own annoyance as she obviously doesn't have horns) due to being in the shadows of the awning. She knows that the Villains on the Isle deserved death than living. Mary Poppins: Mary Poppins Bert Jolly Holiday Mary Poppins Work Search: Carlos remembers that VK Day is about to be announced, which is a holiday to celebrate children of the isle like them. She asks Mal to let her talk to her for a second. Between a romance she doesn't want and multiple families trying to control her, she struggles to figure out what she wants, and whether or not that lines up with her mother's plan. The jewel also makes mal sleep walk to a Cliffe where she almost dies. At Ben's coronation, she wears a lavender dress that is short on the front but long and regal looking on the back. Journey Into Imagination: Figment Sketch Figment By the time the others arrive, Audrey is gone and Mal is left alone. There! They run into Jane, who addresses Mal, but Carlos cuts in. Due to the Isle of the Lost negating magic inside the dome, Mal only begins practicing magic after leaving the island, and therefore is only skilled at basic magic. She used to despise Evie because she was not invited to Evie's sixth birthday party. When Ben does not surface, Mal attempts to save him despite not being able to swim; Ben saves her, albeit a bit confused. ---Rewrite of the Descendants Movies. Hades's A+ Parenting (Descendants) with mal that's . Jay turns and starts climbing up a ladder leading up to the top of the building, while the others follow. After wondering if Ben has been faking his affection for her, Mal is left happily surprised when Ben assures her that his feelings are real by entrusting his signet ring to her. Mal reunites with Ben and urges the Fairy Godmother to not severely punish Jane because she was the one who manipulated Jane into thinking that way. Mal's main color is purple, symbolizing power, which is a recurring theme with her mother Maleficent. Today is Family Day at Auradon Prep. Chad suddenly opens the room silently and stealthily, unaware that Carlos and Mal were in the room, and closes it. Mal asks for assistance from her friend Jay. "Emma," Snow scolded lightly. Chapter 11: Family Day With Demigods, Saytrs, Gods, and Parent's Sworn Enemies. Her responsibilities add when another villain kid, Freddie Facilier, accidentally escapes the island and charms Ben into letting her join Auradon. Mal, Uma, and Jay smiled at that; happy Harry wasn't dwelling on the past. She also wears black and purple pants with purple studded boots. But Hades wasn't going to let her have her wicked way, not with his little girl in the crossfire, so he followed her to Ben's coronation. The prophecy will come true all prophecies must. Mal turns into a dragon and battles him, but with his ember, he starts to drain Mal of her magic before being forced back inside.
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