Jay asked suspiciously. (Y.O.L.O stands for: YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE) Today could be the start of something new; something that could change the whole Ascendancy. "Of course I care about them. Will their evil plan succeed or will good save the day once again? I squeezed her hand reassuringly. You suggested it was something about the food and so did your dad, the Mad Hatter, after you vomited two times one day when you were helping him at his shop. She said. You were gonna have a child. The most common will probably be Garry, Jaylos and Mevie, but I'm always open to take requests. This is a story written by me which is similar to my baby Mal and Carvie family series except that its a bit different. "I think the solution to your problem is just to date someone so everyone else will stop pestering you.. CJ crashes her and Freddie's dorm late at night, and she just wants to sleep and ideally cuddle.Freddie decides she should take off her make-up first, though. A/NHey guys! The outspoken daughter of Ursula, Uma has been requested to meet with the daughter of the Isle's ruler - Evie. First trapped on the Isle, then within her mother's castle. With such a high title and her being an immigrant Latina woman, it felt daunting to be alone for the first few months. He asks softly looking back up at me. My moms enemy. "The other witch was also good but to her were going only infertile couples, men who had problems with sex and pregnant women. Hes small and drenched to the bone, like a kitten mewling in a storm. After we did several tests, the nurse spread blue jelly on my stomach. She got up from the table you were sitting at and went over to one of the shelves where some of her potions were. I confirmed looking at Lonnie. Save Her (Descendants fanfiction) - Pregnant Again - Wattpad "Ben, I don't feel so good." Then there's the daughter of her mother's enemy, being a thorn in her side. It couldn't. OT5. You must begin your birthright as it should have been, but the past cannot be changed for better or worse. He picked you up and spun you around while laughing and shouting. "Wow, so you are pregnant again." (Has Ranked Bevie #1) "Come on, we've got work to do!" You were smiling wildly at each other, tears of joy running down on both your faces. I hope you enjoy, Yet Another Collections! Loves Me Like I'm Brand New Chapter 1: Not a bad girl: I - FanFiction I chuckled lightly. Mal sighed. Evie Is Pregnant With Baby Mal, But In Auradon Part 33: Descendants Texting Story - YouTube Hey everyone this is part 33 of my story Evie Gets Pregnant With Baby Mal, But In Auradon. Even the thought of raising a kid on the Isle made you sick. They both want them to be their dates to the Christmas dance. Although Uma was the pirate queen, you were the "royal" couple there. "Ok, but I don't want to tell anyone yet" I said and he agreed. We went home to tell the boys about their new baby sister. Evie & Audrey are a time traveling duo that Auradon and King Adam have no clue about, United States of Auradon is Not Perfect (Disney), Politics in the United States of Auradon (Disney), this was supposed to be a one-shot but here we are, Bella Bleeker Baggins (BellaBleekerBaggins), Isle of the Lost is a Terrible Place (Disney), Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting, Kingdom of The Moors | The Moorlands (Disney), Flufftober 2022 'cause we deserve to be happy, anyone tagged is planned to have serious focus. Well I mean I do, but like damn. "I can't believe he fell for that." This is a story written by me which is similar to my baby Mal and . First trapped on the Isle, then within her mother's castle. With a booming fashion business and a loving fiance, Evie felt as though she had everything she could ever want. Mal says back to him. #evie Descendants Roleplay Evie's pregnancy - Jake - Wattpad "So how is your relationship with that pirate boy going? ), more to be added later (potentially). "So, you don't care about your daughters?" A few years later, Fairy Godmother accidentally summons them to Auradon because of Ben. Whats a little treasure hunting without a couple of bruises.or a smidgen of iron poisioning?! Save Her (Descendants fanfiction) by jadams152 YOU ARE READING Save Her (Descendants fanfiction) Fanfiction With a new threat arising in Auradon against Mal, Ben must do everything in his power to protect his Queen before it's too late. "How? You were pregnant. """Oh no, darling. (e.x. Song-shots by Jay_N_Mal. This isn't normal for you to want to go to the doctor" He said. I want more kids, but it's too soon." I grabbed Ben's hand tightly. ", Zeus shook his head. After cotillion life in Auradon had gone back to normal, more kids were brought over from the isle. Rating: M14Includes- Sex/Nudity- Language- Gore/Some kind of Violence- Dark Magic. After the curse breaks, Emma finds herself taking care of Captain Hook's seven year old who keeps trying to fight Gold because Gold tricked him during a deal they made before the curse was cast. It's about Evie finding out about her being pregnant and how she dealt with the pregnancy and having a baby on the Isle and all the things she had to go through. "Actually not really. Including the abrupt appearance of their soulmate's names on their wrists. She turned her face away. Me, Evie, daughter of the Evil Queen is pregnant with Doug, son of Dopey's child. Did my father told you something? Well, we don't know if she is or not, but we're here to find out." That's what my father did to my mother why would this be any different. #evie If you proceed you have agreed that you are willing to see such content. I said scared. How would things change? You felt his body shake from his laugher and hugged him even tighter. And, I've always wanted a girl. Just then, the nurse walked in. This story takes place after Descendants 2. "Ben, Malia's not even 1 and Christie's 2. Evie Is Pregnant With Baby Mal, But In Auradon Part 33: Descendants Trying not to let her amusement show, Evie shrugged. Jal, Carvie, Bevie, Marlos, ect.) It's about Evie finding out about her being pregnant and how she dealt with the pregnancy and having a baby on the Isle and all the things she had to go through. "Promise." [Credits to my friend, @zealous_light from Wattpad, for letting me use her OCs for part of this story]. He certainly hadnt expected that his only physical injury from the endeavour would come from the sun. He said. Wow, hold up. She was going to do something about it. That is, unless their parents have other plans for them that could bring all of Auradon down on it's knees. One would say they were thick as thieves. bevie descendants evie mal ben bal carlos jay descendants2 jarlos jal huma devie audrey marlos jonnie lonnie jane doug auradon. why are you looking at me like that? tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". Mal and Jay have decided that this year, they're finally going to celebrate Christmas, Isle-style. 'No one can know.' She whispered after a pause, her eyes looking into his. Except sometimes she doesn't. Evie 4 months pregnant/ultrasound/announcement, 8. "In the name of the sea"He muttered. Nobody in Auradon knows about them. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (2279), The Isle of the Lost Series - Melissa de la Cruz (679), Disney Theatrical Animated Universe (266), Isle of the Lost is a Terrible Place (Disney) (362), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (347), United States of Auradon is Not Perfect (Disney) (290), The Isle of the Lost Series - Melissa de la Cruz, Calista Jane "CJ" Hook & Harriet Hook & Harry Hook, Captain Hook | Killian Jones & Harry Hook, Captain Hook | Killian Jones & Harriet Hook, Calista Jane "C.J" Hook & Captain Hook | Killian Jones, Captain Hook | Killian Jones & Liam Jonees, Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - All Media Types, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, Elsa (Disney)/Jack Frost (Guardians of Childhood), Li Shang (Disney)/Phillip (Once Upon a Time), Beyond Nine Rivers and Nine Mountain Ranges, For All the Places I Have Been (Im No Place Without You), Very Light Reference To Suicidal Ideation, Wheres our happy ending? Dreams are coming true for everyone. He kissed your lips and you kissed him back, running your fingers throw his hair. "He questioned once you pulled away from each other. My eyes widen, crap I can't see him right now. When Harry had snuck his way through the barrier and gotten roped into saving all of Auradon, he hadnt been sure what to expect. "Is this what I think it is?" Three boys, and possibly another kid? A Devie story. For the last couple years, she has been trapped in a forced relationship with Harry Hook, who seems set on keeping her trapped forever. Work Search: But what could be worse than a ruthless, powerful villain scaring and stealing just for the fun of it? (or, two days on a job is two too many.). "Off to fight their personal battle." Ben replied, huffing and puffing. But what will happen when Evie starts getting feeling for Ben? In addition, Evie is pregnant by her long term rapist, and is terrified of being trapped by him once again. Don't be dopey." Now Evie has to deal with that while still trying to recover from what happened to her back on the Isle. Lorsque Mal et sa bande arrivent Auradon, ils dcouvrent que les continentaux sont des ignorants nafs qui semblent vivre dans un monde d'arcs-en ciel et de gentillesse. When the newbies re-connect with the Core Four and remind them of their no-good ways, a new plan is hatched to steal more royal artifacts and potentially take over Auradon by de-throning the new King. Evie's Tough Journey By: Descendantsfan03 This is a prequel story to my story The Real Mal. "Doug." I pull the bag to front of me, showing Doug. 'Relax Evie.' He replied between kisses as he pulled her cape off her shoulders. But what happens when the dutiful daughter and the impulsive pirate are unable to resist each other? This work could have adult content. Evie likes Ben. #jay Evie likes Ben. Link to all of my fanfictions: https://linktr.ee/Descendantsfan03About All My Series: https://youtu.be/oV1ohnVW4g8 That makes me giggle a little, we have a quite weird relationship, but its the only one I ever what to be in. It will show what happened up until the events in my other story. We got to the doctor's office and they saw us rather quickly. "Yeah, boys can be such a bother." "I know Doug, but I'm afraid you will leave me or hate me." "Evie? I giggle, oh the things I can do to him. Jaylos Drabbles Chapter 11: Pregnant, a descendants, 2015 fanfic He left quickly and I looked at my wife. But you knew that she never makes mistakes. Evie's best friend, Mal is dating Ben. God I can't tell him, because if I do he's going to hate me, I can't have him hate me. Evie Is Pregnant With Baby Mal, But In Auradon Part 31: Descendants It hides from parent to descendant and will follow until all the deals have been payed. Desperate, she decides to do what she must to keep herself and her child safe. Were you in the bathroom the whole time?" And comes in far more forms than previously explored. "He frowned.Although you wanted to tell him everything, you just couldn't. Exhaustion hits hard and sometimes all Evie needs is to sleep, that is - if her thoughts will let her. I guess that that means I see our future together. Carlos and Evie are helping to raise money for the local animal shelter. So how do they make that happen? This is a story written by me which is similar to my baby Mal and Carvie family. Prompt: "Audrey and Carlos interactions, something about food (since she was the one who had the limo stuffed with sweets).". #king The coronation has passed but suddenly Evie finds her scheduled packed and all she can think about is finishing one dress. fanfiction +3 more # 8. They both want them to be their dates to the Christmas dance. It was just Ben the King of Auradon and Mal of The Isle. Jal have exactly one braincell and it's currently with Carlos. She was one of the best and a friend of your father from even before the island was turned into a prison for all the villains. Not then, not now. Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (19), The Isle of the Lost Series - Melissa de la Cruz (8), Gil (Disney: Descendants)/Original Female Character(s), The Ghostwriter And The Lone Ranger 2: The Isle Strikes Back, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Jay (Disney)/Original Female Character(s), Doug (Disney: Descendants)/Original Female Character(s), Original Character(s)/Original Character(s), Gil/Original Female Character(s) (Briefly/One-sided), Il Conduttore del Carro | The Coachman (Pinocchio), VK(s) | Villain Kid(s) (Disney: Descendants), Melanie daughter of Madame Medusa (Original Character), Ben also has siblings and is a doting older brother for 2 little brothers, Jay and Tracy have a very slowburn relationship, Mentions of child abuse and human trafficking later on, This sequel is darker than the first book, Isle of the Lost (Disney) is a Terrible Place, Isle of the Lost is a Terrible Place (Disney), The Isle of the Lost Series - Melissa de la Cruz, Descendants Winter Gift Exchange 2021 (Disney), I got my eyes on the prize, fight till the day I die, and it features: Mal the chaotic dumbass and Jay being soft af, and when I said pinchI meant it's mainly soft and feels heavy, The not-so-rotten four, being soft because it's what we deserve, Toil & Trouble: A Collection of Descendant's Halloween Drabbles, United States of Auradon (Disney) Is Not Perfect, Like actually DEALING w the trauma of the isle, btw descendants 2 is irrelevant bc i haven't seen it, all characterization of uma and etc are based on fanfic, Jay and Mal's guide to retrieving chicken nuggies, ridiculous fucking nerds and their even more ridiculous plans, Hijinks in my Descendants fanfiction? "Medeia said, still rearranging her potions and bottles. This is that story. And we can get back at them while also getting them to be our partners again. Main relationship featured will be in the chapter titles. Family Affair Chapter 1, a descendants, 2015 fanfic | FanFiction There was no reason for you to"You are not saying I'm pregnant, are you? Dammit. he hissed, pulling his younger cousin, younger brother, closer, fighting to hold back tears. Malia kept me up half the night" I looked at her confused. I woke up in my room sick. Descendants One-Shots Chapter 13: Pregnant (AU) (Mal x Ben), a descendants, 2015 fanfic | FanFiction It was noon in Auradon and the blue-haired princess had just finished her last appointment for the morning. Work Search: You stopped in your tracks. Which allowed for the stolen children to be returned. Today, we find out if Lonnie is actually truly pregnant again. Hes small and drenched to the bone, like a kitten mewling in a storm. Then rip it up and throw it out, because no way is that happening here. The Devie Story - You're Pregnant? - Wattpad Mal and jay were in love but ben kissed audrey. #harryhook It made you sad, thinking of everything your child won't have and the place it has to grow up on. It made you sad, thinking of everything your child won't have and the place it has to grow up on. She just rolled her eyes at me. I should have killed her. Jay randomly poked Carlos' stomach, which caused Carlos to blush. "After running multiple tests, I can confirm.". Fanfiction. "Rather well I would say. Oh no what if he takes what Mal says the wrong way, I can't lose him. Two of the most relentless villains in love who would die for each other, live for each other, and most definitely kill for each other. He says softly wipping the tears, that I didn't even know were running down my face, away. Impossible. I throw the test in a plastic sandwich bag then into my purse. Descendants 3 canon from 111. So, Mal and Ben are now having a boy! #jay He probably wasn't going to be really happy about it. Evie's lush dark hair falls from her forehead in a striking widow's peak, and she never leaves home without her crown or her mother's approval of her appearance. Harry How was he gonna react? Now, the Core Four and their friends must find a way to rescue Ben from Uma without being caught by the Islanders. + Knock Knock + "Who is it?" I ask trying to hide the fact I was just crying, "Its Doug, Evie what's wrong? Its ghostly and holy and Evie isnt sure if its real. I called the doctor and set up an appointment. Falling in love with your supposedly enemy is one thing, tearing them apart from each other is another. What if it was Evie to seduce Ben, not Mal? I am currently quarantined in my room and decided why the hell not?This is a rewrite of what I would have done differently, Carlos De Vil, son of Cruella and Hades, will venture into the world of love and magic that awaits him, along with his loyal friend Evie, daughter of Regina the Evil Queen.this story will contain:hot moments Gay maleLesbianomegaverseToo crazy. Hey M? Evie calls from the bathroom. Even the thought of raising a kid on the Isle made you sick. Evie's and Jake's honeymoon/Evie's suprise for Jake 4. auradon/Evie's pregnancy announcement 5. I ran to the bathroom and started puking my stomach out. The Apple Doesn't Fall Far From The Tree Chapter 1 - FanFiction And, Lonnie and Jay ate having a girl! "Well, Mal and Ben, it looks like you will have a boy in 7 months." Bevie fan fiction. Please enjoy a little holiday fun and fluff :) Happy Holidays! This launches a new political integration initiative to help fix the economic and social disparities between Auradon and The Isle of The Lost. Will she be able to keep it a secret or will the secret get out? It's not that bad, you know? Evie pries her eyes open, slowly and one at a time, sitting before her is not a wolf but a boy. "He asked, putting away his sword. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . You have been staring weirdly since you came here. Quando Evie chegou em casa durante a noite aps um dia cheio de entregas e finalizaes de vestidos, ela esperava tomar algum drink e relaxar, s no esperava encontrar no escuro da sala a sua noiva nua. A Descendant'sOne Shot Where Evie is pregnant "Babe, they're kicking again," Evie whispered out loud to her fianc Doug. ", Zeus cleared his throat as he sat on his throne. "Doug I don't know how to say this.." I trail off looking into his eyes. "I'm so happy right now, I won't even go after him to kick his ass. I replied. I look down at the white stick in my hand, it had two little pink lines and those pink lines mean so much. Evie's lush dark hair falls from her forehead in a . Unable to produce an heir in that time, Ben is suddenly faced with a terrifying proposition: To secretly spend his heats with a compatible alpha and try to conceive a child. Its ghostly and holy and Evie isnt sure if its real. As we waited patiently for the nurse to call us in, Lonnie touched my hand softly. It's 3am and all Jay wants is to makeout with his girlfriend and eat chicken nuggets and all Mal wants to do is expose Jay's dumb ass in the group chat.
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