From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository, Anexo:Ciudades de Dinamarca por poblacin; ; ; ; Danimarka'daki ehirler listesi; ; Zoznam miest v Dnsku; ; ; ; Daniyaga qarashli shaharlar royxati; ; Listo de urboj de Danio; Seznam mst v Dnsku; Spisak gradova u Danskoj; villes du Danemark; Popis opina u Danskoj; Danh sch thnh ph an Mch; ; ; ; Lista de cidades na Dinamarca; ; ; Liste over danske byer; Danimarka hrlrinin siyahs; list of cities in Denmark; ; Dnia vrosai; Lista skan Danimarka; Rhestr o ddinasoedd Denmarc yn l poblogaeth; Lista e qyteteve n Danimark sipas popullsis; ; ; Danmarks strste byer; ; ; Luettelo Tanskan kaupungeista; List of cities and towns in Denmark; citt della Danimarca; ; ; Lista de cidades na Dinamarca; Orodha ya miji ya Denmark; lijst van grote Deense steden; Stdt in Dnemark; Dnijas pilstu uzskaitjums; Danya qalalarn tizimi; Spisak gradova u Danskoj; Danya qalalarn tizimi; ; ; Sraas:Danijos miestai; Seznam mest na Danskem; ; Llista de ciutats de Dinamarca; List of cities and towns in Denmark; Daftar kota di Denmark; Miasta Danii; Liste der Stdte in Dnemark; Popis opina u Danskoj; ; Lista oraelor din Danemarca; Strstu bir Danmark; Lieste fon Stde in Deenemrk; lista ver stder i Danmark efter storlek; ; ; ; artculo de lista de Wikimedia; rencana senarai Wikimedia; Wikimedia list article; ; articol-list n cadrul unui proiect Wikimedia; ; Wikimedia-listartikel; lista d'un projcte Wikimdia; teunulh dapeuta Wikimdia; ; ; ; : ; Listartikolo en Vikipedio; seznam na projektech Wikimedia; spisak na Wikimediji; articlo de lista de Wikimedia; ; page de liste de Wikipdia; popis na Wikimediji; ; ; lisina Wikimedije; bi vit danh sch Wikimedia; Wikimedia projekta saraksts; Wikimedia lysartikel; ; lista de um projeto Wikimedia; ; Wikimedia-Lschtenartikel; Wikimedia-listeartikkel; Wikimedia-listeartikkel; Wikimedia-luvttllmartikkl; Wikimedia list article; ; Wikimedia roll; ; Wikimdia-listaszcikk; Wikimediako zerrenda artikulua; artculu de llista de Wikimedia; - ; Wikimedia-Liste; Wikimedia-Liste; ; ; ; Wikimedia liste; ; lista de un projecto de Wikimedia; ; Wikimedia-luetteloartikkeli; ; Wikimedia list article; :; lista di un progetto Wikimedia; Wikimedia-lijst; Wikimedia; ; - ; Wikimedia-lies; - ; ; zoznamov lnok projektov Wikimedia; ojew toj Wikimedia; Wikimedia-Liste; artigo de lista da Wikimedia; article de llista de Wikimedia; Wikimedia leet airticle; lista w projekcie Wikimedia; ; seznam Wikimedije; Vikimedya liste maddesi; ; Wikimedia-Listn; artikel daftar Wikimedia; orodha ya makala za Wikimedia; ; ; artikull-list e Wikimedias; Wikimedia-list; sahifai fehrist; Wikimedia-lieste; artigo de listas da Wikimedia; lista di Wikimedia; ; noerre nebel; Lista oraelor din danemarca; List de orae din Danemarca; List de orae din Danemarca; Lista ver stder i Danmark; Miasta w Danii; Popis opinama u Danskoj; Spisak optina u Danskoj; Gradovi u Danskoj; Seznam dnskch mst; Stdte in Dnemark; ; List of cities in Denmark by population; ; ; Danmarks 50 strste byer; Danske byer; Byer i danmark; Strste danske byer, Locator maps of cities and villages in Denmark,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. From Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, BEF44: Folketal pr. The regions are: Hovedstaden (Capital Region of Denmark), Midtjylland (Central Denmark Region), Nordjylland (North Denmark Region), Sjaelland (Region Zealand) and Syddanmark (Region of Southern Denmark). Created a royal burgh at some point under King David I (112453) although the earliest surviving charters date to 1209 or 1210; the status was abolished in 1975. San Marino is a microstate that is considered as one of the oldest republics in the world. score: 28 of 100 (28%) required scores: 1, 15, 22, 30, 40 list stats leaders vote Vote print comments. Airport Codes Starting with : A - World Airport Codes - Data Hub for Hi nice to meet you I am outgoing caring fun to be with Age: 44 y.o. Oslo is home to about 1 million people, which also makes it one of the largest cities in Scandinavia. Friesland (province) Leeuwarden. Skagen 4. The city is home to a large number of expats and is also famous for being one of the richest cities on the planet. Pride myself on my geographical knowledge & could list every one apart from Kosovo which- of course i did not think was a country. Sneek. It is bordered on the northwest by Oregon, on the northeast by Idaho, on the west by California, on the southeast by Arizona, and on the east by Utah. This is an alphabetically ordered list of cities and towns in Denmark, arranged by region. Read more: Interesting facts about France. This list notably excludes Swedish cities, but also has Norwegian . Country: Greece Tbilisi is one of the lesser-known European Capitals that definitely deserve more attention. Today, it has a population of 440 000 people, which makes it one of the most densely populated cities in the world (7th) since the population share an area of just 122 square miles. 0 Between 1960 and 1965 many Norwegian municipalities were merged. The city is famous for its Christmas market, St Marks church, and being home to one of the best Croatian football teams Dinamo Zagreb. denmark cities alphabetical order - 'county municipality') are not municipalities. The Vatican city is home to one of the most influential people on the planet, the Pope. It also consolidated other municipal enterprises and the purchase of goods and services from the private sector. In legal situations the word kommun (municipality) must be included in the municipality's name and governmental authorities will only refer to them by their legal names. Top Today. Baden-Wrttemberg Aalen Bad Mergentheim Baden-Baden Bruchsal Esslingen Freiburg im Breisgau Freudenstadt Friedrichshafen Gppingen Hechingen Heidelberg Heilbronn Karlsruhe Konstanz Ludwigsburg Hey! List of national capitals - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Oslo, founded in 1000[citation needed], is the largest city and the capital of Norway. Podgorica is not one of the most visited among the European capitals, but its the economic and educational hub of Montenegro as well as its capital. The first city founded is the Capital, and the names of future cities are chosen in the order they appear on the list below. While the south of Albania is attracting more and more tourists every year, the Albanian capital Tirana remains a hidden gem. Lost its status in 1964, regained in 1996. Only the municipalities are considered local authorities. . Read more: Interesting facts about Hungary, Chisinau has a population of 635 994 people and is the capital of Moldova. Total number of cities and town : 376. Some regard Athens as the cradle of modern civilization, and while much has happened since ancient Greece, Athens continues to have an important position. The Danish capital is also the largest city in Denmark with a population of 1.3 million people. The most populated capital in Europe is Moscow. The smallest of all European capitals is the Vatican city, which is also the capital of the smallest country in the world. The newly formed five regional and 66 municipal councils acted as transitional merger committees (sammenlgningsudvalg) in 2006 with the responsibility of arranging the mergers (singular sammenlgning) of the old counties and municipalities into five and 66 new entities respectively. European Capitals in Alphabetical order Amsterdam The Dutch capital is famous for its canals, art museums, and narrow houses with classic dutch architecture. Most of Icelands population lives in the capital Reykjavik. Probably not, but try anyway.". The 30 remaining municipalities have not merged. Im currently on a mission to show you the amazing places and diversity that our planet has to offer! If you prefer random results, the original Town and City name generator is available. List of cities and towns in Hungary | Familypedia | Fandom Tallinn is the capital of Estonia and has a population of 434 000 people. Some people might think that Zurich is the capital of Switzerland, but its not. Helsingr 7. The regions are: Hovedstaden (Capital Region of Denmark), Midtjylland (Central Denmark Region), Nordjylland (North Denmark Region), Sjaelland (Region Zealand) and Syddanmark (Region of Southern Denmark). Educated.. This bundle contains 5 ready-to-use Alphabetical Order worksheets that are perfect to test student knowledge and understanding of Alphabetical Order which is an indexing method in which names, terms, or words are arranged in the same sequence as the letters of the alphabet (A-Z). The city has a population of more than 8 million if you include all of Greater London. Many newly formed municipalities have chosen to have a maximum number of councillors so that all parts of the new municipalities and the small political parties have a chance of representation in the new councils: Copenhagen Municipality has 55 municipal councillors on its council, and populous municipalities such as rhus and Aalborg have 31 each, and Odense and Frederiksberg (Frb from 1 Jan 2022) have 29. In addition, there are several medium-sized cities in the Netherlands without an urban network. From here, you can easily reach other popular places in Slovenia, such as Lake Bled or the Slovenian Alps. The Swedish capital is home to more than 1 million people and has long been an attractive city to live in. Taiwan is not included in this list because the United Nations does not recognize Taiwan as a member. SQL Order by Alphabetical can be done on character-based column values using simply ORDER BY clause in ascending order. 77 Metascore. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. denmark cities alphabetical order. Madrid is one of the major European capitals with a population of 3.3 million, but the population of the Madrid metropolitan area is estimated to have 6.5 million residents.
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