Fury did. [Vers and Yon-Rogg continue to spar. What is the point of giving me these Carol Danvers: [Carol holds a fragment of her dog tag that reads "Vers"]. Maria: I'll consider it. [The scene changes to show the ship and the Accusor's ships flying out of the hanger and towards the horizon towards a jump hole. Skrull Scientist (voiceover): Let me try something. [a serious scratch is shown on his left eye], [Scene changes to Maria's house, where everyone gathered for dinner]. [Yon-Rogg walks up to the still-sparking Vers]. [Carol starts the spacepod, but it can't take off beacause of the damage. Remember your training. But can you keep your emotions in check long enough to take me on? Locals: {untranslated syllables} [commotion amongst the group]. Fury: I'm sure it will turn up somewhere. The final frontier. Freeing you to do what all Kree must. Star Force. Carol Danvers: [The scene changes to show Maria and Vers climbing into their cockpits and preparing to fly.]. Carol Danvers: Carol: If you hurt them, I will burn you to the ground. Talos, surprised jumps backwards]. [as she looks on amused, he starts singing "Please, Mr. Postman"]. Agent Coulson: You slipped. They believe that she developed a light-speed engine at Pegasus. [Maria picks up and lunchbox and opens it. [At Avengers Headquarters, Fury's pager shuts off while Rogers and Romanoff view the increasing casualties of Thanos' Decimation in the war room]. Suddenly, a meowing sound can be heard from the back of the plane. Marvel sounds a lot better. Yon-Rogg: Dr. Wendy Lawson: 7 The Hill. Drill Instructor: They'll never let you fly. In addition to the other photos, there is one of her Air Force graduation, one of her squadron standing in front of a plane, one of her and Monica carving a pumpkin and another of Vers dressed as Janis Joplin]. [A floating image of the Earth appears, which Vers turns to look at. Does it say anything about me? No one's going to hurt the girl. Was that so difficult to figure out? This time, the suit changes to orange, blue and yellow], [Monica presses the buttons again. Vers eventually finds the room before turning around and watching Fury with disinterest]. [an infant Skrull shows off her high-score on pinball; 968,400]. Lawson's plan for the light-speed engine. Lawson: You remember what I said about our work here? ], [The locals begin screaming before transforming into Skrulls and drawing their weapon. He puts his gun back in its holster before calling Ronan with the hologram in his arm]. From Saving Private Ryan to Black Hawk Down: Tom Sizemore's best movies Pilot: You're a decent pilot, but you're too emotional. Nick Fury: All around the crash site, rocks are turned into dust and trees disintigrate. Talos: Well, I could use a co-pilot. Talos: [Soren calls a child to come towards her and Talos. 20th Century Fox. Outside the window, Earth can be seen with other planes flying around it]. Skrulls! Hey Tom. Do you read me? I noted that peculiar bird you got parked by the road, and I was just wondering if you'd mind if I bring the boys over to get a closer looksie? Not unlike the file I started on you. You look like somebody's disaffected niece. Should they reach him before we do, the intelligence he has acquired over three years is as good as theirs. Meanwhile Minn-Erva continues to chase down the Skrulls, as the two spaceships enter a canyon. "That's my secret, Captain.I'm always angry." Bruce Banner ( Mark Ruffalo) "We have a Hulk." Tony Stark to Loki ( Tom Hiddleston) "There's only one God, ma'am. Fury: Oh, ho. Carol Danvers: The monologue was poetic because after telling Thanos how he can't possibly love anything, he proves how wrong Gamora is by killing her, showing that he does in fact love her, but was still willing to sacrifice her. Higher higher higher! Fury: So you think you're the pilot that went down with Dr Lawson. Nothing compromises the security of our mission. Monica: Or maybe I'll build a spaceship. Losing my best friend, in a mission so secret they act like it never even happened. Well, if you're ever passing back through this galaxy, be sure to give a brother a shout. She's got the Darkhold and the Darkhold has her." "Scarlet Witch is a being of unfathomable magic. In her notes, she called it the Tesseract. Not Joseph. [Yon-Rogg looks around, assessing his surroundings.]. Do a pincer move, like we did in Havana. [Vers helps Lawson walk a few steps away from the plane before Lawson falls over. Talos: We've given you a great gift, a chance to fight for the good of all Kree. Nick Fury: Carol Danvers: (Vers begins having flashbacks to directly after the explosion) Focus. The image then turns into a variety of planets, with the camera switching slowly between them.]. 2. Monica Rambeau (11 Years Old): That's why I liked her. She then proceeds to destroy all the drones and one of the Accusers' spaceships, before flying in front of Ronan, showing her full power.]. A venus fly trap. Dr. Wendy Lawson: Fury: Well, if you're ever passing back through this galaxy, be sure to give a brother a shout. Maria Rambeau: Talos: When they get there, the child points to the high score in glowing lights. is an American television series created for ABC by Joss Whedon, Jed Whedon, and Maurissa Tancharoen, based on the Marvel Comics organization S.H.I.E.L.D. So how do we get to Louisianna? Korath: Soren: Grunge is a good look for you. I want you to use them. Can't they, mom? [nods negatively and groans] Get her back. Because all the shooting kinda gave me the wrong impression! You want to protect the world, but you don't want it to change. Fury continues to look towards the jukebox, both concerned and confused]. The SWAT team then search through every aisle looking for either Fury or Vers. [chuckles] Zemo : How nice to find a flaw. Talos: Oh my God! Trust me-, [Vers lowers the script to see the the truest Avenger, who smiles at her. He killed her 'cause she found out that she was on the wrong side of an unjust war. Carol Danvers: But you cheated, took a shortcut. But every once and awhile, we can all use a reminder like this that our lifetimes are limited and we should use the time that we have wisely, especially since we don't know when we'll reach the end. 'Champions' star Woody Harrelson: SNL monologue controversy caps Carol Danvers: Maria Rambeau: This isn't what you're afraid of, is it? Carol Danvers: Yon-Rogg: I used to find you amusing. Hulk Vol 1 7. Coulson: Glad to have you back, sir. Range should be, a couple galaxies, at least. But we will find them. | The franchise is produced by Marvel Studios. Talos: You can see they're not soldiers, let them go. And our one-woman security force had a prior commitment on the other side of the universe. Nick Fury: She replaces the green with bright red and the yellow replacing the grey stripes], [Monica presses the buttons again. You're a good kitty. I used to believe your lies, but the Skrulls are just fighting for a home. [showing her a coded journal] At the same time, Fury then takes out his badge and looks at it carefully under the lights. Fury: Hey. Vers: Enough of your mind games! No super serum, no blonde hair or blue eyes. Nick Fury: Carol and the Kree then emerge from the ship wearing masks and their green and black uniform. [notices the small crowd] Carol Danvers: [Vers begins fighting the Skrulls, with her hands still in the restraints. Fury: We have no idea what other intergalactic threats are out there. They told me it was destroyed in the crash. I like the Bs. Nick Fury: We found you. This is a tremendous idea! Captain Marvel and why you need criticism more than you know. You're supposed to take the form of who I most admire, but I don't even remember who this person was to me. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place. Thank you, Agent. Carol Danvers: Nick Fury: Once Vers speaks, Monica Rambeau quickly exits the plane she was exploring]. This time, Torfa. Maria: There's no way I'm going baby. Your turn. Skrull Scientist: A few tweaks to your vessel should do it. I'm sending you with a message. We just want a home. Arrgh! [The camera pans over all the photos which Monica has shown and is showing to Vers. Nick Fury: Security Officer: Sort of. But I see you've changed it up a bit since then. And anger? You stole me. Minn-Erva continues to shoot the locals surrounding Yon-Rogg and Bron-Char], [The scene changes back to Vers and Soh-Larr, with Soh-Larr sitting exhausted against a rock.]. Clear will be published in three oversized periodicals and feature variant covers by acclaimed artists. Don't worry, I didn't mention you. If I played the same pinball machine for six years, I'd have some high scores, too. Carol: You stole me. Turn off the light show and prove prove to me you can beat me without [she knocks him backwards with a proton blast]. Endgame is a part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. They're just starving. I can handle the modifications. [The Kree retreat, and Carol returns to Earth, where she confronts Yon-Rogg]. Skrull Tech (voiceover): Let's open her up. Carol Danvers: [Fury hands over his pager, as the agents slam into the door behind them. Talos: You know, you really should be kinder to your neighbors. Just like Havana. The floor has a hexagon lit up with white light. [Goose suddenly reveals tentacles from his mouth and uses them to grab the Tesseract and swallow it. Oh. [Maria closes the door, but Vers continues to stare at Tom. Carol: I'll explain it later. General Talos (voiceover): This can't be right. Vers answers the door and stares unfriendly at Maria's neighbor, Tom]. General Talos: Do we have any information we can act on? While she is flipping through the file, she stops at an image of Dr. Lawson, Maria, a pilot and herself in the background], [A flashback then starts. Not even our own men. The ship containing Vers, Yon-Rogg and the other Kree follows after the missiles and crash lands in the sea. [whispers to Goose] You know, like the Marvelettes? Vers (audio): Copy that. General Talos: Track the pod, find the girl. The word she used was "infiltration.". Belgrade. Bruce Banner: I know Lawson was Kree. That one's good, but I prefer Cap's real Best Monologue. A biker comes along and parks next to where Vers is standing], [The biker revs his engine, causing Vers to look towards him before looking back at her map]. Wonderful view, isn't it? [as Fury goes to take the pager, Carol pulls back her hand]. Fury: You're saying he's not from around here? You are Carol Danvers. He is the first character to use the moniker Captain Marvel, in the Marvel Universe. Biker/The Don: Carol Danvers: [Yon-Rogg shoots Carol, causing her to fly backward. Carol Danvers: Carol Danvers: Carol Danvers: [Scene changes back to the elevator with Fury and the Director]. MarvelVision: What If? Season 1, Episode 1 - What If Captain Carter She doesn't typically take to people. Keep a close radius, we lose comms we meet back at the Helion. [The scene changes again to the inside of a bar, with Vers sitting at a table with Maria and another pilot standing next to her]. Kree Star Force. You obviously can't be trusted with it. Carol: Get the Skrulls in the QuadJet and go. I studied you, I followed you, but now that you're standing here I just realized. Seems like you time on C-53 jogged the old memory. And this is how you right after you graduated (Monica continues to talk, but the words start to mix together). [Fury then follows Monica off-screen, leaving Vers alone with Maria, who hasn't said a word since the incident with the kettle. It's still plugged in, it just it just stopped. Maria Rambeau starts the ship and leaves the Laboratory with the Skrulls and Nick Fury.]. Not of any military branch, but of the American people. The lights are on and hanging at angles, the shelves are half-empty and Vers is covered in material from the roof. When I got to the hangar, Lawson was agitated. You need a ride, darlin'? Nick Fury: Carol Danvers: You knew all along. Director: Good. It's hard for me to say goodbye, too. Soren: It's okay. Gotta admit, that's not the craziest thing I've heard today. I see flashes. That's me, baby! Monica: No way, you guys have the best eyes. [Vers looks at the Biker, then back to her map. Fury: Oh my goodness. You have a mission. The least you can do is give me a smile. It's just a scratch. Can't you see it now? Just let me unravel this puppy and we'll Nick Fury: Nick Fury: [The Supreme Intelligence stands up and begins dancing to the music]. The core has been destroyed. Look, war is a universal language. You ready? So also, go watch that. Fury quickly jumps into a random aisle. Try that again. Fury continues to drive through the tunnel before reaching the end and parking beside another car. Why would it? [The Kree all draw their weapon and begin to advance on her. Carol simply blasts her energy down the overpass, causing the metal to snap and four Kree to be incapacitated. if you don't want me to use them? [To Yon-Rogg, realizing who she is - unleashing her full power] That's what I'm saying. Hold on. Nick Fury: Find all of them here in our handy ballot. This is my friend, Carol. Vers then holds out her hand, expecting Fury to give her something. Yes. Yon-Rogg grabs Vers' right arm and pins it behind her]. Instead of using her powers, Carol runs towards Yon-Rog and begins punching him. Carol Danvers: Vers: Nicholas Joseph Fury, you have three names? Straight out of high school. Jude Law Does His Best Captain Hook in Trailer for Disney's Peter Pan Don't you think? Turn off the light show, and prove, prove to me, you can beat me without [Carol shoots Yon-Rogg with a small blast, which sends him flying backwards and hits a rock. agent? Agent Coulson: But the camera tilts to show a hole burnt through the roof, and Vers and Fury running along a corridor on the level above], [Vers and Fury turn a corner, and they are suddenly running up a flight of stairs however, Coulson is standing direclty above them with his gun drawn. Didn't you used to do that? [The scene changes again to show Vers hanging onto a rope to complete a ropes course in Air-Force training. Anything about you? Talos: Now the handful of us that are left, will be slaughtered nextunless you will help me finish what Mar-Vell started. Yon-Rogg: No-one can look upon the Supreme Intelligence in its true form. Now we're just after a little information. Carol Danvers: Supreme Intelligence: Carol: I upgraded it. Carol Danvers: [The director points towards the men in the other cars before himself and Fury walk towards the elevators]. There is nothing more dangerous to a warrior than emotion. Yon-Rogg puches Vers in the face causing her to fall down. Name a detail so bizarre, a Skrull can never fabricate it. [Both Fury and Goose turn to look at Vers. My work. When Carol meets the Supreme Intelligence, a record is playing beside her and a long table is sitting in front of her, a few meters away with Dr. Lawson sitting at the only seat]. Carol Danvers: And you're going to give it up to sit on the couch and watch Fresh Prince with me? I didn't want to steal your thunder. Maria evades the bullets with ease and takes a shortcut, allowing her to be in front of Minn-Erva's pod and destroy it with blasts. Now, we know why. Monica: Testing brand new aerospace tech is dangerous. Captain Marvel LMD Spider-Man had his lifespan extended (Earth-18236) Janet Van Dyne Age of Le Fay (Earth-26111) Ayesha Fantastic Four: The End (Earth-71166) Mar-Vell (Clone) Home to Gwen Jones (Earth-80329) Hyssta Captain Marvel of the Hysta (Earth-81999) Poppupian Infinity Gauntlet & Impossible Man (Earth-95397) Captain Marvel She looks at the passengers and notices someone reading the script to Mallrats, Referring to Earth, by its Kree code number, Vers activates her beacon before Fury knocks on the payphone booth, Vers proceeds to walk away, but Fury stops her and shows him his I.D, a police officer approaches Vers to cuff her when Vers suddenly notices a Skrull sniper disguised as a human aiming at her and Fury. Bucharest. Helpless. [Vers tries to walk off, but Fury steps in front of her]. She don't understand. This is that moment, Vers! Coulson walks towards the security car, while Fury begins to examine the store], [The security guard nods before pointing at Vers. Your commander insists that you're fit to serve. Agent Coulson: Director: You said, that this thing looked like Coulson? We did. Goose's cage comes loose, the prisoner's handcuffs suddenly pop open and the cage full of Skrulls is opened]. Monica: Here's another picture of when you were little. (Both Carol and Monica laugh), [Monica changes the color again, this time to a white suit with green stripes].
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