How Much Does a Replacement Serpentine Belt Cost? Bad Serpentine Belt (Drive Belt ) Symptoms - Rx Mechanic 7 Symptoms of a Bad Serpentine Belt (and Replacement Cost) The shredded pieces of the belt can get caught in other parts of the engine, causing them to break or malfunction.In addition, the shredded bits of rubber can clog up filters and other systems in your car. However, you'll need the serpentine belt if you want your car running for long periods. This method will clean the ribbed surface of the belt and eliminate any remaining impurities. As previously stated, this sort of noise is generated by a relative slide between the belts and pulley and will generally grow in intensity as the rpm advances. Mechanic said that the A/C housing threads that the tensioner pulley bolt uses, starts to degrade and the first thread or two does not permit a tight fitting. I'm sure the belt is under warranty so I'll get my money back for that it seems to me like something might be causing the belt to tear pre maturely. Call a mechanic to check the tension on the idler pulley. What Does a Serpentine Belt Do? | Car Bibles Looking for a mechanic near you for maintenance or repair? Thus, you may worry about it when it squeals during a startup. I am wondering if this has caused the belt to slip off 3 times in about 3 weeks of light driving. Be careful on how much you tighten the belt . A glazed belt is frequently the consequence of a stuck pulley, and it is typically an indication of a more significant issue. First, the tensioner could be failing and not keeping the proper tension on the belt. Smaller cracks grow and it may serve your best interest to look at replacement if close to 50,000 miles on the current belt. You can also check the belt to see if there are small cracks to determine when to change the belt. Universal Timing Serpentine Belt Tool Tension Setting Kit Remover Installer Faulty belt or something causing it to tear? You can often see this directly by inspecting the belt. I went to the stealership for the only thing I couldn't do and that was for the tranny service (drain and fill) that I wanted done right. He has been writing about the automotive industry for several years, providing in-depth reviews, analysis, and commentary on the latest car models and technology. Wiggle the crank pulley and see if it is loose. All was well. Shot me an offer I'll be back Seattle 03/12/2023 to show up the car. Answer (1 of 11): I'm guessing you're asking how far you could drive on a single charge of the battery once the charging current from the alternator is lost? Brand New Serpentine Belt Broke. Shop Authentic 1832194C2 FLEERITE SERPENTINE BELT 8PK2440 REPLACES Just be sure to get the right size belt for your car and follow all of the instructions carefully so you dont end up doing more harm than good! Depending on the car engine type, the engine will start to overheat, the battery light will come on, and the power steering will stop working. Symptoms of a broken serpentine belt include loud slapping, squealing or knocking noises coming from under the hood. A buddy and I were replacing the belts on his wife's minivan in my driveway. If the serpentine belt snaps off, the alternator will not charge electricity anymore, and if you keep driving, your car engine will stop running after a while. If it doesnt, the belt may slip, and the annoying squeal will start. The part cost is between $25 and $80 while the labor cost is between $75 and $120. $34.45. Fix ANY Belt Squeak Fast and Easy! Don't buy a New Serpentine Belt RepairSmith is the easiest way to repair your car. The gator belt must have been too large? In short, driving with a shredded serpentine belt is not a good idea and you should get it replaced as soon as possible. The idler pulley has to be strong enough to hold the serpentine belt in place with the right tension as it spins. Here are some things you can do to stop your new serpentine belt from squeaking: Lift the hood of your engine bay and start your car. However,due to the high-tension nature of the drive belt, it needs precision on the track to function properly. A serpentine belt, also sometimes called a drive belt, is a more modern version of a fan belt that has many grooves inside them for better contact and reliability. What do i do to fix it. There is a TSB for replacing the idler pulley on the '07 & '08 models. The best thing to do about this is to check where the squealing noise originates and see if your pulley also needs replacement. It includes vital parts such as the alternator, power steering pump, and water pump. If your belt looks fine and isnt dry, there can be an issue with the idler pulley. Most mechanics suggest replacing the water pump when they replace the serpentine belt. Home - Cars - New Serpentine Belt Squeal on Startup: What to Do? TOP 5 REASONS SERPENTINE BELT FALLS OFF, COMES OFF ON A CARIf the serpentine belt falls off on your car and you want to know what can cause your serpentine b. The serpentine belt is one of them. Overall, this replacement job is not . Serpentine Belt Broken? - 2004 to 2020 Mazda 3 Forum and Mazdaspeed 3 Michael's knowledge and expertise in the field are evident in his writing, which is both informative and engaging. He asked me, do you want a normal tire shop or an honest tire shop. If you attempt to drive you will be turning a small inexpensive problem (around $30 for a belt plus a . This applies more to older car models, but many new cars have their water pump powered by the serpentine belt, even though a lot of car models water pump is driven by the timing belt or chain. The car has a new serpentine belt, new belt tensioners, idler pully and water pump. I can't get my serpentine belt back on! - Ford Truck Enthusiasts Forums Unlock it by turning to the right, then turn it back to the locked position. Driving to work & serpentine belt broke. Belt has slid off 3 times now about a week apart. Serpentine belt, tensioner: problems, signs of wear, when to replace How to Install Power Steering Pulley Without Tool, F1 Fuel Cost: How Much Does It Cost To Fill F1? All these reasons result in a weaker serpentine belt that can no longer maintain the required tension needed to grip each tensioner pulley properly, linking the belt together. Youll also hear the chirping noise if the pulley grooves are damaged. Finally, there could be something wrong with the actual belt itself, such as cracks or other damage. $30.50. Spray an adequate amount of WD-40 to gently coat the region where the scream occurs on the belt. and broken parts, as well as breakdowns (plans vary) 24/7 support when you need it. As the belt ages, the individual fibers that make up the belt begin to break down and separate, causing the surface of the belt to become frayed and weak. For 1994-1998 Saab 900 S SE Turbo 2.30L 2.3L Continental Serpentine 63 DAYS LATER RETURNED CAR TO Carolina Car Care January 11, read more remove background python opencv - CDL Technical & Motorcycle Driving School By doing so, you will make the alternator work harder, and if you hear even higher squealing, there might be something wrong with your belt. This time, they said the water pump froze up, broke the serpentine belt and bent the pully on the tensioner. Free shipping. (Explained). Help! I was trying to get serpentine belt off and broke Votes on non-original work can unfairly impact user rankings. It should be centered on all of the pulleys. In fact, many professionals rely on this belt as it is renowned for lasting longer than similar products. Cut old belt, remove broken tensioner, install new tensioner, install new belt. It has been through several incarnations since then, but the current model is based on the original design. Its your car telling you somethings not right, and it may be your cars broken or old belt. Wouldn't it be easier to just buy the oem belt from Sparks and install it yourself instead of buying 2 or 3 different ones hoping they work and last more than a few thousand miles? All Rights Reserved. This is a common problem among Ford owners, and there are a few things that can be done to fix it. $12.90. If you ignore the belt noise, the entire belt could eventually slide off of the pulleys. When they are about to meet, construct barriers at those locations. You will probably need to replace the belt. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. The things to look for are belts that have high-quality rubber components. In the old days, a car had several belts with each powering a certain part. There are some parts in your car that are necessary for many functions to work at all. And like tharepairguy said, make sure it is the correct size. The teeth on the inside of the belt mesh with grooves on the pulleys to transfer power from the engine to these various accessories. SOLVED: Serpentine belt not moving - Fixya I had thought about ordering a spare to keep in the tool pack though. (Explained). JavaScript is disabled. I guess my mechanic will check all the pulley's to see if there are any rough edges on the pulleys. I pulled over immediately and shut off the engine. Pattyb said: I have a 2013 Malibu eco, in march the serpentine belt broke, the mechanic said it was the air conditiong unit was not $1300 later I had a new ac unit and new serpentine belt.. September 9th driving down the road heard a strange noise pulled over didnt see anything . I had no spare and had a tow truck here to tow my car to a tire shop. It powers the alternator, the power steering pump, the air conditioning compressor and, in some vehicles, the water pump. How long will a car battery last if the alternator belt is broken? If If your serpentine belt keeps shredding, its likely due to one of two issues. Be sure to use a genuine Honda serpentine belt and the Aisin timing belt kit. Only ASE-certified and experienced technicians working on your vehicle, Advanced equipment and high-quality replacement parts used for your cars repair, Quick and convenient online booking for all your repairs and services, Upfront and competitive prices guaranteed, 12-month | 12,000-mile warranty on all repair and maintenance services. Castrol Edge vs. Mobil 1 Oil: Differences & Which Is Better? Free shipping for many products! I drove the truck and everything was fine. When one broke, that one part didnt work but the rest did. Another possibility is that the belt itself is damaged or has stretched too much and needs to be replaced. The serpentine belt, just like every other car part, will eventually wear out. The most common causes of squealing come from a worn-out serpentine belt. Content on is generated by its users. Continue with Recommended Cookies. Can you drive a car if the serpentine belt breaks? If the belt is off, wiggle all the pulleys to see if one is loose. The most common Pulley to cause problems is the idler pulley, which may be misaligned or have a bad bearing.When you suspect that your idler pulley is the problem, check it for signs of wear or damage. So I took it somewhere cheaper to get the Napa belt put on and that broke apart in just over a month. Whats an idler pulley?The idler pulley is one particular pulley in a set driving the belt system of a car. The serpentine belt powers a range of components in the engine, including the alternator, water pump, and power steering. Why Does My Serpentine Belt Keep Shredding? | Psycho Autos The headlights will dim, the radio will . With time a serpentine drive belt will go bad, like most car parts. I thought the Napa belt was a decent buy. You see the car spark plugs, which provides ignition to. In most cases, it will be on the belt itself and the pulley. If not, you can spray some water-displacing lube such as WD-40 to remove the noise. Contacting a mobile mechanic and repair service like RepairSmith is a great idea. A4 (B5 Platform) Discussion - Engine won't start after serpentine belt broke - I have a 1997 2.8 V6 and the serpentine belt (ac, alt, ps) shredded while going down the road at 40mph. No, it is not recommended to drive a car with a broken serpentine belt, even though you could potentially drive it for a while. Using a light, search for a location where you could spray the belt with WD-40 so that the textured side is immediately coated before it passes through a pulley. "Squeal" is a high pitched noise, typically lasting several seconds in duration. Get your vehicle towed to a shop, or get the shop to tow it. Mine has been working great so far but its only been about 5k miles since it ate the last one. You can try this by starting many electronic consumers like headlights, radio, heaters, etc. As said already, replace the serpentine belt the same time you have the timing belt changed. This type of noise will typically increase in volume as the engine speed increases, and is caused by relative slip between the belt and pulleys. I've been working in my own auto repair shop for the last 13 years, and now I want to help you here, on my blog. However, if the belt is worn, it might slip and scream when the vehicle accelerates. We make the process easy from start to finish by offering upfront pricing, online booking, after-hours support, and a full warranty. The serpentine belt is glazed if the scream does not cease or returns rapidly. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. In short, this belt plays a vital role in an engines performance. Get it replaced with a new belt as soon as possible because the process is relatively inexpensive and quick. New Serpentine Belt Broke | Toyota Tundra Forums 2013 Chevy Malibu Eco belt for alternator broke 2007 ford - Answered by a verified Ford Mechanic . How To Diagnose Serpentine Belt Noise + 8 Causes & Solutions. 4K305 AC Delco Serpentine Belt New for Chevy Civic 240 Honda Nissan Maxima Acura. I just put on new serpentine belt and my 2014 fiesta won't start. Option 2-. please help me, Why would the jeep studder when accelerating? This ever happen to anyone and if so . This is fatal to your engine, and if you see that the temperature rises, you should stop imminently; otherwise, you risk damages like a bad head gasket or even worse. It could also be a sign that the pulleys that the belt runs over are worn out and need to be replaced.In any case, its best to have a mechanic take a look at your engine to diagnose the problem and get it fixed.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'psychoautos_com-leader-3','ezslot_7',182,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-psychoautos_com-leader-3-0'); If your serpentine belt is wearing faster than normal, there are a few potential causes. Most newer cars do have an electric power steering pump, though, and in this case, you will not notice heavy steering from a snapped serpentine belt. Check that each pulley is spinning before disconnecting the belt. A serpentine belt replacement might be the easiest thing a mechanic may do for you. However, what needs to be mentioned is that usually, when you replace the serpentine belt, you often want to replace some pulleys and the automatic tensioner if your car is equipped with one. The NAPA belt should have a warranty, but there have been a few other threads reporting problems with NAPA belts. Answer (1 of 16): Ok so first question is the starter rotating the motor like it should and it just wont start or are you turning the key without getting any results. Mark helpful. Your email address will not be published. There are a few signs that your serpentine belt may be getting ready to bite the dust. A new belt is recommended once the accessory drive has been realigned. is an independent Toyota enthusiast website owned and operated by VerticalScope Inc. Brand New CARQUEST 5070683 SERPENTINE BELT For Acura 2.3 L or Honda 2.4 I said, take me to the "honest" tire shop. Its a convenient auto repair solution thatll bring you the best quality serpentine replacement belt and install it. If your vehicle utilizes a hydraulic belt tensioner (a belt tensioner where a shock absorber supports the spring of the belt), issues can manifest in other ways. Hence is it better to replace a serpentine belt if you know its bad, as the expense of fixing the vehicle will dramatically rise as other parts may need replacing as well. What Causes a Serpentine Belt to break - Replacement Cost! I used a floor jack, axle stands and a serpentine belt tool (CAD29.99). However, if the serpentine belt drives your water pump and it snaps off, the coolant in your car will stop flowing, and your car engine will overheat very fast. in the middle of them is this Sonata 4 Cyl Drive Serpentine Belt Replacement that can be your partner. Push the alternator back into position and tighten the bolts. A new one may not solve your problem. The serpentine belt also powers the AC pump, and if the belt snaps, you might notice that your cars air condition stopped worked completely. Free shipping. Tensioner was free but was pissed it broke and shredded up my brand new serpentine belt. How To Diagnose Dodge Ram 1500 Starting Problems. ACDelco 4K378 Serpentine Belt. The answer should be 0 unless your car is fitted with some form of static inverter. The most common Pulley to cause problems is the idler pulley, which may be misaligned or have a bad bearing. is not in any way affiliated with Toyota Motor Corporation, VerticalScope Inc., 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. If the serpentine belt on your car is misaligned, it can cause a lot of problems. Part of the reason for that is the two parts tend to wear out about the same time. Yes, a vehicle can start with a broken serpentine belt, assuming the battery is fully functional. fixed that. The bearings in the H6 idler pulleys should be replaced every 60,000 miles. Why Does My Serpentine Belt Keep Coming Off? | Psycho Autos I replied back with a classic "Come on now, I just bought the belt for $50 and it took me 10 mins to swap it out".. Since acceleration puts a lot of load in the alternator, it can cause excessive work for the belt to squeal. In most cases, the squealing sound comes from a worn-out belt. The serpentine belt pulley bearings are more likely to fail than the belt. Question type: Maintenance & Repair. This can be an additional $50 to $150. The weather can also affect how long a serpentine belt will last.Cold temperatures can make the belt material brittle and prone to faster damage. To avoid the belt being saturated, use short, quick blasts. A serpentine belt is one uninterrupted belt that drives several peripheral devices in an automobile engine. Also, since WD-40 is a water-displacing lube, it should dry out the belt ribs. If your serpentine belt breaks while youre driving, youll probably notice it right away. This item: Hayden Automotive 5971 Idler and Belt Tensioner Pulley. If your serpentine belt keeps going bad, it could be a sign of an underlying problem with your engine. They said they were going to do a "safety check".. Could the battery be low and not allowing the engine .
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