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  • English to Romanian
  • ' + made significant service to the community. $(sidebarItem).find(".sidebar-slideout button").attr("tabindex","0"); "url": "#", $('#hp-slideshow').addClass('desc-showing'); $('#hp-slideshow .rs-photo-gallery-desc').css('top', $('#gb-channel-list-outer').outerHeight() + slideshowOffset); The goal of the Minnewaska Area Schools Athletic Hall of Fame is to recognize and honor those achievements. "nextIconFontLetter" : "", //LETTER OR NUMBER TO USE FOR THE ICON FONT FOR THE BACK BUTTON $(".sidebar-item.focused").find(".sidebar-slideout").attr("aria-hidden","true"); */ ["Vietnamese", "Ting Vit", "vi"], $('.app-scroller-region').each(function(k, v){ display: block; function pageListAccordionReset() { e.preventDefault(); Boaz High offers ten men's sports (football, cross-country, swim & dive, basketball, indoor track, baseball, golf, tennis, soccer, outdoor . if($(".rs-photo-gallery-desc-outer .rs-gallery-desc-inner > .mmg-description-links").length) { //add in the month // ********** MYSTART ********** // } }); Pittsburgh, Pa. - The Western Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic League (WPIAL) is proud to introduce the WPIAL Hall of Fame Class of 2022, which features 16 inductees across seven different categories.The 15th annual WPIAL Hall of Fame class was revealed to the public on Wednesday morning in a press conference at the Senator John Heinz History Center and Western Pennsylvania Sports Museum.
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