Texas voter turnout in primary elections is typically low. Here's why Voters can choose any of the polling sites during early voting, but data from the elections office shows some locations were busier than others. Below is the full list of Bexar County polling locations with the total number of voters at each on the first day of early voting. Remember: You need to have registered to vote for this year's midterm elections to make your voice heard. Monday, Oct. 24 to Friday, Oct. 28: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday, Oct. 31 to Friday, Nov. 4: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. She came to KSAT as a news producer in 2000. To find your precinct and who represents you, please use the Who Represents Me? 211 South Flores StreetSan Antonio, TX 78207Phone: 210-335-2700View Map and Get Directions. All voting sites in Bexar County this week will be open 12 hours a day 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. from Monday, October 31 to Friday, November 4. During early vote, find information on times and locations for voting. But of course you'll want to vote at a polling site nearest to you. The closest Election Day polling location . Early voting locations in Bexar County: - ksat.com The Downtown Campus community may also vote early at the Bexar County Elections Office located at 1103 S. Frio St., a short 12-minute walk from campus or just over a half-mile drive. To check if you are registered to vote and to find your Election Day polling place visit our Voter Registration Check & Polling Location Search. Early Vote Information | Bexar County, TX - Official Website Precinct 3 Satellite Office: 320 Interpark Blvd. Find information on eligibility, how to register, making registration changes, and checking your registration status. Voter Registration Check & Polling Location Search, Registration Check & Polling Location Search, Unofficial Branch Daily Register/EV Roster Archive, Elections Live Stream Archive (3/2022 - 5/2022), County Clerk's webpage for marriage information, Jury Services webpage for more information. You can find your nearest site here. Early voting for the Nov. 2 election starts on Monday, Oct. 18. Frank Garrett Multi-Center: 1226 NW 18th St. Guerra Branch Library: 7978 W. Military Drive, John Igo Library: 13330 Kyle Seale Parkway, Leon Valley Conference Center: 6421 Evers Road, Maury Maverick, Jr. Library: 8700 Mystic Park, Northside Activity Center: 7001 Culebra Road, Northwest Vista College (Pecan Hall): 3535 N. Ellison Drive. Voters are no longer confined to specific precincts on election day and can vote at any Bexar County polling location on Nov. 2. Nonprofit journalism for an informed community. Early voting will be open from Monday, October 24 . Voter Registration Check & Polling Location Search, Registration Check & Polling Location Search, Unofficial Branch Daily Register/EV Roster Archive, Elections Live Stream Archive (3/2022 - 5/2022), County Clerk's webpage for marriage information, Jury Services webpage for more information. 2023 Nonprofit journalism for an informed community. A copy or original of a government document that shows your name and an address, including your voter registration certificate; A copy of or original current utility bill; A copy of or original of (a) a certified domestic (from a U.S. state or territory) birth certificate or (b) a document confirming birth admissible in a court of law that establishes your identity, which may include a foreign birth document. You may enter the building through the Justice Center on Dolorosa or the Paul Elizondo Tower on Nueva St. (closest to the parking garage). Rebecca Salinas joined KSAT in the fall of 2019. Copyright 2022 by KSAT - All rights reserved. She writes on a wide variety of topics from breaking news to trending stories and manages KSATs daily digital content strategy. Four Bexar County-area school districts are posing bond programs to their voters, to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars. away from Bexar County on Election Day and during the hours that early voting is conducted; . All rights reserved. (You can read more about absentee/mail voting here.). Round1 opens in San Antonio this Saturday. Precinct Finder. View persons arrested in the past 24 hours at the Magistrate's Office Search Website. This year there are more opportunities to vote than ever before! To check if you are registered to vote and to find your Election Day polling place visit our Voter Registration Check & Polling Location Search. Here's when you can vote. Search to verify your registration status and determine your voter precinct and polling location. After producing thousands of newscasts, she transitioned to the digital team in 2015. All other voting rules and procedures apply - e.g., eligibility and polling hours. Katie Tricarico prepares to cast her mail-in voter ballot while Gerri Kramer looks on during the last day of early voting for the U.S. presidential election at the C. Blythe Andrews, Jr. Public Library in . With voter registration up significantly over previous election cycles, you will be able to vote early at any of Bexar County's 51 polling locations if you are registered to vote. Looking to fulfill your voting duties early this year? If youre not sure if youre registered, you can click here to check. To be eligible to vote early by mail in Texas, you must: . Tuesday, October 13 to Saturday, October 17 / 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday, October 18 / Noon to 6 p.m. . You can see the full Bexar County ballot here. Texas early voting in San Antonio ends this week We do not sell or share your information with anyone. "So really happy about that.". Four board trustee positions are up for election in the Schertz-Cibolo-Universal City Independent School District. This midterm season, more than 1.2 million registered voters in Bexar County are making decisions on the local to the federal level, as there are cities with charter amendments and school districts with bond elections. Not open on Saturday or Sunday. VOTACIN . In Bexar County, Trish DeBerry and Peter Sakai are vying for the county judge position as Nelson Wolff prepares to retire after two decades in the seat. The fee for a certified copy of a document is $5.00 for the certification and a $1.00 per page of the document. Precinct Finder. See a list of early voting locations below. Copyright 2022 by KSAT - All rights reserved. There are also eight state constitutional amendments on the ballot. For more information contact the office of the Bexar County Elections Administrator, Jacquelyn F. Callanen, at (210) 335- VOTE (8683) (Para mas informacion comuniquese con oficina del Condado de Bexar Administrador de Elecciones, Search by street name or zip code to find jurisdiction information and get a list of helpful websites for your precinct. For answers to all your Election 2022 questions, click here for the KENS 5 Voter Guide. What to know before early voting begins in San Antonio That's more than the early voting numbers for both the 2016 and 2018 elections which each had six fewer days of voting. All voting sites in Bexar County this week will be open 12 hours a day 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. from Monday, October 31 to Friday, November 4. Application Deadline. . Our Lady Of The Lake University Library: 411 SW 24th St. Palo Alto College (Ozuna Library Rm. This midterm season, more than 1.2 million registered voters in Bexar County are making decisions on the local to the federal level, as there are cities with charter amendments and school districts with bond elections. Visit the Elections website for information on the next upcoming election or early voting. Not open on Saturday or Sunday. Voting hours vary during the early voting period, with polls opening at 8 a.m. daily except for Sunday, Oct. 30, when they open at noon. . To find more information about the elections in your jurisdiction please visit the Elections Department webpage for the County in which you reside. Due to a change in the statue, participating jurisdictions may elect to turn over their delinquent business property taxes to their delinquent tax attorneys for collection on April 1st of the year the taxes became delinquent, and are also subject to an additional collection penalty of 15 or 20% of the taxes, penalties and interest due. VoteTexas.gov Early Voting St. Paul Community Center: 1201 Donaldson Ave. Texas A&M University Mays Center: One University Way, Thousand Oaks/El Sendero Library: 4618 Thousand Oaks, Universal City Library: 100 Northview Drive, Van Raub Elementary (Rock House): 8776 Dietz Elkhorn, Windcrest Takas Park Civic Center: 9310 Jim Seal Drive, Wonderland Mall Of The Americas (Lower Level, A-17): 4522 Fredericksburg Road. Election Day Vote Information | Bexar County, TX - Official Website You may enter the building through the Justice Center on Dolorosa or the Paul Elizondo Tower on Nueva St. (closest to the parking garage). Rebecca Salinas joined KSAT in the fall of 2019. In 2018, there were 48,500. While Bexar County voters are not eligible to vote in all of these races, they will at least see the statewide constitutional amendments on their ballots. In order to vote, youll need to bring a form of identification. SDI Productions/Getty Images. Learn how to register to exercise your right to vote in Bexar County. You may enter the building through the Justice Center on Dolorosa or the Paul Elizondo Tower on Nueva St. (closest to the parking garage). Below is the full list of Bexar County polling locations with the total number of voters at each on the 10th day of early voting. SAN ANTONIO - Almost 300 voting sites open at 7 a.m. on Tuesday, as potentially hundreds of thousands Bexar County residents head to the polls on Election Day. Early Voting for the November 8th 2022 General Election will take place from Monday, October 24th to Friday, November 4th. BUFFALO, N.Y. (WIVB) - Early voting in the 2022 midterm elections continues through Sunday, November 6. Due to a change in the statue, participating jurisdictions may elect to turn over their delinquent business property taxes to their delinquent tax attorneys for collection on April 1st of the year the taxes became delinquent, and are also subject to an additional collection penalty of 15 or 20% of the taxes, penalties and interest due. The City of Universal City is asking voters to consider a homestead exemption on people who are disabled or 65 years of age or older. DeSantis: Texas, Florida partners against 'woke' left, Texas mom accused of killing her children has history of violence, South Texans want to know who's behind the 'Booty Patrol' truck, 'Naked and Afraid' lets San Antonio mom show off survival skills, PHOTOS: Massive alligator spooks locals along a South Texas road, Costco to open first $15M store in Central Texas this March, Here's what you should know about Round1 in San Antonio, Former Boerne QB investigated for allegedly sharing XFL plays, San Antonio's 9 best spots for a delicious breakfast, Police: North Texas mother arrested after stabbing her 5 children, killing 3, Residents curious about 'U.S. There are 40 early voting locations throughout Bexar County, including the Bexar County Elections Department. On Wednesday . The 2022 midterm elections are shaping up to be historic no matter who wins. Only two days are left in the early voting period in Texas and so far, 274,639 people have so far cast a ballot in Bexar County. Some voters may be eligible to vote by mail. Voting in Bexar County | Bexar County, TX - Official Website ), Northwest Vista College (Pecan Hall) - 1,138, Monday, Oct, 24 through Friday, Oct. 28 -, Bexar County Elections Department: 1103 S. Frio (DEAFLINK available for the hearing impaired), Bexar County Justice Center (Basement): 300 Dolorosa (Closes at 6 p.m. daily. Find more information on the days, times and locations where you can cast your vote . History indicates that voter turnout will be low; less than 10% of registered voters have participated in constitutional amendment elections since 2009, the oldest data available on the Bexar County Elections Departments website. If havent had a chance to vote early, you can do so until Nov. 4, or on Election Day on Nov. 8. On Sunday, 11,540 people made their way to the countys 51 early voting locations. In this midterm election year, Bexar County residents will decide who will . There was an error and we couldn't process your subscription. Last Day to File a Declaration of Write-in Candidacy (General Election for State and County Officers) Monday, August 22, 2022. Get more election coverage on KSAT's Vote 2022 page. Precinct 1 Satellite Office: 3505 Pleasanton. 211 South Flores Street San Antonio, TX 78207 Phone: 210-335-2700 Below is a list of the hours polls are open for each remaining day in each of Western New . Nueces County early voting locations are open the following hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday, Feb. 14 through Saturday, Feb. 19 noon to 5 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 20 - Nueces County Courthouse only, all . Make sure to call the below number before heading out: Each of the 51 vote center sites posts a sign for those unable to walk inside and vote. Tuesday, April 25, 2023: Last day to receive an application by mail for a ballot to be voted by mail (by close of business).Applications will only be received by the Bexar County Election Office. View persons arrested in the past 24 hours at the Magistrates Office Search Website. All registered voters can vote early at any polling location in Bexar County. There are 51 early voting locations for the midterms. Use the interactive mapping tool to verify residency and to find your City Council representative. She writes on a wide variety of topics from breaking news to trending stories and manages KSATs daily digital content strategy. There are cities with charter amendments and school districts with bond elections. Booty Patrol' truck spotted in South Texas, San Antonio woman shows strength of single moms on 'Naked and Afraid', Massive alligator shocks South Texas locals in Atascosa County, Kyle to open first Costco Wholesale this March. When visiting downtown San Antonio for Bexar County offices we recommend the Bexar County Parking Garage. Polling hours are between 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. but will remain open for anyone in line at 7 p.m. Get Directions. Julie Moreno, Executive Producer/Digital Content, Get more election coverage on KSATs Vote 2022 page. Voting Locations Nov 8, 2022 Election Bexar County by Julie Moreno on Scribd. Bexar County Elections Department: Bexar County Elections 1103 S. Frio San Antonio, TX 78207: MAP: Johnston Library: Johnston Library 6307 Sun Valley Dr. San Antonio, TX 78227: MAP: Brookhollow Library: Brookhollow Library 530 Heimer Rd. Early Voting - Plan Your Vote SA Off-site early voting hours may vary by county; watch your local newspaper or contact your county clerk for information. A Texas license to carry a handgun issued by the Texas Department of Public Safety. Voters who dont want to wait in lines on Election Day can vote during the early voting period from Oct. 24 to Nov. 4 at any one of 51 polling locations in Bexar County. The main acceptable forms are your state ID or driver's license with your current address, or your voter registration card that you should have received in the mail. Tuesday, May 6, 2023: Last day to receive an application to cancel mail ballot that has not arrived at the address . Extended Hours February 17th & 24th 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 . Woodlawn Pointe Center for Community: 702 Donaldson Ave. You can read more about absentee/mail voting here. ), Castle Hills City Hall (community room): 209 Lemonwood Drive, Christian Family Baptist Church: 1589 Grosenbacher, Old Converse City Hall: 405 S. Seguin Road, Copernicus Community Center: 5003 Lord Road. Julie Moreno has worked in local television news for more than 20 years. There is a lot for voters to decide in the general, special, charter and bond elections on November 8. (AP Photo/Eric Gay, File), (Eric Gay, Copyright 2022 The Associated Press. Hours of Early Voting: Monday, October 24 Friday, October 28, 2022 8:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. Saturday, October 29, 2022 8:00 a.m. 8:00 p.m. . Find hours and locations here . There will be 51 polling places open daily throughout the early voting period. VC 1. For more information contact the office of the Bexar County Elections Administrator, Jacquelyn F. Callanen, at 210-335-VOTE (8683) Copyright 2022 by KSAT - All rights reserved. East Central ISD Boardroom: 6634 New Sulphur Springs Rd. (You can read more about absentee/mail voting here.). According to the Bexar County Elections Department, you may vote by mail if you are : Going to be away from your county on Election Day and during early voting; They can fill out a Reasonable Impediment Declaration at their place of voting and show one of the following supporting forms of ID: Copyright 2022 by KSAT - All rights reserved. THE HOURS OF EARLY VOTING WILL BE: (LAS HORAS Y FECHAS DE . be out of the county on election day and during the period for early voting by personal appearance; or; be confined in jail, but otherwise eligible . Frank Garrett Multi-Center: 1226 NW 18th St. Guerra Branch Library: 7978 W. Military Drive, John Igo Library: 13330 Kyle Seale Parkway, Leon Valley Conference Center: 6421 Evers Road, Maury Maverick, Jr. Library: 8700 Mystic Park, Northside Activity Center: 7001 Culebra Road, Northwest Vista College (Pecan Hall): 3535 N. Ellison Drive. Hours for early voting are 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. each day. Some voters may be eligible to vote by mail. Today is Election Day. There are 8 state constitutional - TPR She came to KSAT as a news producer in 2000. There are also options available for those who are elderly, sick or disabled, or who plan to be outside of Bexar County during early voting and on Election Day. Guide to early voting for primary runoffs, which goes through Friday Registration Check & Polling Location Search, Unofficial Branch Daily Register/EV Roster Archive, Elections Live Stream Archive (3/2022 - 5/2022), Voter Registration Check & Polling Location Search, County Clerk's webpage for marriage information, Jury Services webpage for more information. How do I obtain a certified copy of a document? To learn more about requirements for voting by mail, visit the Voting by Mail section. St. Paul Community Center: 1201 Donaldson Ave. Texas A&M University Mays Center: One University Way, Thousand Oaks/El Sendero Library: 4618 Thousand Oaks, Universal City Library: 100 Northview Drive, Van Raub Elementary (Rock House): 8776 Dietz Elkhorn, Windcrest Takas Park Civic Center: 9310 Jim Seal Drive, Wonderland Mall Of The Americas (Lower Level, A-17): 4522 Fredericksburg Road. Checks or money orders are to be made payable to: Lucy Adame-Clark, Bexar County Clerk. Under Section 31.02 of the Texas Tax Code, taxes are issued on OCTOBER 1st of each year and are due upon receipt of the tax bill and become delinquent if not paid before FEBRUARY 1st of the year following the year in which imposed and subject to penalty and interest.
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