You slowly crept in the room and see him playing. Although mingi in inception contridicts this. You scratched the back of your neck Yeah. You'd laugh at the stories he'd tell about the members. its funny that he resembles appa a bit. But seeing as how hes the mother figure of ateez and personality of course, water wins for me. Yunho meeting jungkook will always be a memory he would never forget. Wont hurt to take a few photos right? You had a concerned look on your face while looking down. He was producing another song on his laptop. He said, removing the sheets that were covering his lower body. He will draw shit on your face with a sharpie and post about a dozen pictures of his pranks, This kid ALWAYS has a fucking Smirnoff Ice in his hand, You can catch him leaning against a wall or a counter as he brags to the ladies about how he can break apples in half with his bare hands, Puts his fist through a watermelon and acts like its no biggie to impress the females and scare off the dudes, Everyone screams the lyrics but this kid belts the words with perfect tone lmfao, Laughs when the ambulance arrives because he knows its for one of his members, Sets his lock screen to the photo Wooyoung took of Mingi mid-flight before his little accident, Jongho would be a little clueless in the beginning I think, but as time goes by, he would become a lot more educated, He would ask you about your symptoms and what works for you personally, in order to feel better and relieve some pain, He wouldnt want you to move around too much but I can see him encouraging you to do some light workouts with him in the living room or going for walks together because he read on google that it helps relieve cramps, Babe look, it says here that light exercise increases blood flow and helps ease cramps! You frown and look back. You then heard the keyboard keys that were being pressed, stopped. You fell asleep after watching one of their dance practices. An ATEEZ Fan Has The Ultimate Y/N Moment When Asking Yeosang On A Mingi tips a pack of dinosaur nuggets onto an oven tray, you walk past and sayDid you know, those are made out of dinosaur meat? he doesnt respond, just stands there, shocked looking at his nuggets. He wrapped his arms around you while tangling his legs with yours. ", [P21] Grey's Anatomy Character He Represents, [R28] Him Listening to Your Favorite Song, [P35] Your Polyamorous Partner (another ATEEZ member). The moment you accidentally spilled the sauce you worked so hard on spilled onto your top, you gave up. #81 in A/N: Something you do that turns him on. Ill be honest, Jongho is pretty hard to write for, idk if any other writers feel this way but I found this a little bit of a challenge even though hes such a simple guy hahaha. H-huh? He says, terrified. And plus itd be cool to see him water bend. P - Preference Soon the door opened. Thats when jongho realized you had jeon as your name. San picked you up, he could see the tears in your eyes after the encounter. "Woo-" You begin. . Has it always been like this? He scoffs, catching their attention. You stood up and went to him. He paused the movie and started speaking. . The actual request saidAteez reaction to their friend trying to convince them something is true when its not, as a prank but that title was a little long so I just chose to call it a reaction to you pranking them :3. I mean I support you but why? Oh youre awake already? For the hundredth time seonghwa, Im not kidding! WHERE? Baby, I swear its fine ! ATEEZ Reaction: their s/o telling them they're pregnant Either way, it was something you two enjoyed very much. You both sat down on the bench. Or is someone the matter? Jimin just mentioned you in his livestream! You yell. Y/N!! Firstly Id like to point out that this should in no way be taken seriously nor should it be seen as an accurate representation of the boys, it is 100% a joke and just a bit of banter. You werent that much asleep yet and you heard what he said. When he saw your selcas with jungkook, he grew curious and confused. You both stood under the running water. Oh yunho, hes just my brother. He thought you didnt want any bacteria or germs entering your system, but that was until last nights date night. Im here now right? Be ready in 30, Ill pick you up for date night, hm? You two would make funny face to stop each other from crying. Talk to me. On my way back, I picked up a few books I think youd like. Choi San He said. Despite your best efforts, in the end you still end up on the couch. What the- , Youre beautiful in every single way possible and if you dont agree Ill shove another chicken down your throat . He takes a deep breath and puts his phone back. He stops playing and pauses the game. just a bunch of ateez reactions. You know thats actually seagull meat, dont you? You ask him with a blank expression. He thought it would be a nice idea to talk to his soon born child. Started ~ 01.03.20 Wooyoung smiles softly as he sits on the floor next to you, reaching an arm behind your head to massage your nape and shoulders. But hey who were we to complain? A figure behind you blocked the rays of sunshine from getting to you. Its not that. You both say side by side. He scolds as he massages your scalp with shampoo. #fanfiction His duality proves it. A hiss leaves your boyfriends lips while he watches his cum drip down your ass into the slit of your pussy. [ATEEZ IMAGINE] When Y/N gets super touchy to them | ATEEZ reaction His hallucinaitions turn you on, they scare you. . Itd get to a point where wooyoung asked whats wrong, and there he snapped. He asks, gesturing for you to sit with him. A tired looking hongjoong stood infront of you. as the leader, he wanted to solve the problem right there. You climb onto the bed and begin crawling towards him, being sure to sway your butt slightly. Masterlist/ Upcoming/About Me/ Upcoming/About Me The two of you were a little too touchy for Hongjoong's taste and he especially didn't enjoy when Seonghwa would place his hand on the small of your back when you . His hands remain intact on your waist and pulls you closer to him. Im kidding, Mingi You say and honestly, he looks disappointed. You regain the oxygen you lost and reassured the sorry boy. I swear it just happens ! Babe, whhy am I so unattractive? Y/n is my boy/girlfriend and you cant do anything about it. hes also one to wake up a bit early. #kimhongjoong After your ranting, he comforts you with hugs and kisses. #ateez #yunho #jongho #kpop #ateez reactions #ateez imagines #ateez scenarios #ateez angst #ateez mafia # . You quickly said goodbye to your friend and hung up. - doesn't let you make a sound, even though he's a moaner himself. Babe its two p.m. . Maybe we should just stay here instead of going to the pool? You suggest with a giggle, placing a sweet kiss against his lips as he grins down at you. . And he probably can metal bend too. When the two got to interact, they instantly clicked, being that the two are literal suns. Heavy panting fills the room, yourestill trying to steady yourself against the window as your legs shake underneath you. Such a slut for this dick He grunts lowly, grabbing your hands and holding them in place against the window above your head while he watches himself glide in and out of your pussy. You cling your arms around his arms, preventing him from cleaning. bonus: y/n : seonghwa why the fuck are you smiling, you look creepy. Youd laugh at the stories hed tell about the members. . . this bub also helped me write it too so credits to youu!! No, no, no, my whole life has been a lie He whines, on the edge of breaking down completely. Your breath hitched when you heard his sweet voice. An ATEEZ Fan Has The Ultimate Y/N Moment When Asking Yeosang On A this is requested by KaydenTyser. 8) When you try to steal food off their plate, 20) When their girlfriend is another members personality twin, 21) When another member falls asleep in their bed, 25) When your mum calls you a bitch in front of them. You try your best to balance the two plates that contained stacks of pancakes. scenarios, wooyoung, fluff. You set down the snacks and went back to him. Y/n-nie, whats the matter? N-no I dont think so? He says, slightly believing what youre saying. I didnt know toilet paper was actually made out of human hair You say to yourself, hoping hed hear. Why are you crying? Kang Yeosang ( Yes, just like in weekly idol. ) Not a smile, but a smirk. Please send him lots of love at this difficult time! Another Wooyoung fic oops. Hed be so proud of you and your achievements! You copy his gesture to bring yourself a little more self-confidence and hope, looking up at him as he ruffles your hair because he found your gesture cute. Always He replies, kissing the tears away from your cheeks before placing a few pecks on your lips to make you giggle. My day couldnt have gone any worse Finally, the tears leak from your eyes. You realize it was yunho. The others noticed the change in his behavior. Its the first day of your vacation with your boyfriend San, hes playing games on his phone in the bedroom while he waits for you to change into your swimwear so you can spend the afternoon by the pool together. Love you never told me you sing to the baby You said sleepily. Hm, I wonder if your gonna be tall like me or short like your mother? He bit your lip and continued. Mingi will lose his absolute fucking marbles, is the first to go insane and be tempted to stray from the group because no one will listen to him and he feels he would benefit going his own way to survive which ultimately, would get him killed pretty damn quick. He was baffled. Wooyoung always takes such good care of you, times like this make you realise just how much he means to you. 7) What lingerie would Ateez buy you. You nod happily at his statement before pulling him in, allowing you to peck his plump lips. You notice the sudden change in temperature, and hongjoong noticed too. Absolutely determined to be everywhere at once, Hes the one to call the ambulance for another member when they fuck themselves up, Bro I told you it was a bad idea Wooyoung got it on video though its so funny you gotta watch it, Drinking game ace! You didnt answer but hug him. Have you ever actually seen the earth in a picture where it looks 3D? You lean in as you speak. See- bleeeh! He quickly ripped his headphones off and spun the chair to your direction. Today was no exception. One night, they were all having dinner. Idiot. Woo says, dumbfounded. You on the other hand, felt the need of being hugged. You groaned feeling sleepy. Thats not really help- you know what? Youll do amazing. Not until you showed him a picture of you and seokjin together. Immediately fire. Shit You moan through gritted teeth as he collects your juices on two of his fingers. You pout, wanting to hug him. He spooned you as he massages your belly with one hand. Looks of annoyance and disapproval are plastered on the students faces within the library, others shushing your boyfriend for being too loud. You put on a bathrobe. After you finish washing, you step out of the tub and dry yourself. He would just rub your belly when he felt like it. You shrug it off and sat on his lap, blocking his view. You eyed the tall boy. Why dont we cook something, hm? He had just walked out of the shower with only a towel around his waist. HI GUYS!! Although it wasnt the best, you still didnt take it off but instead awarded him with kisses. Stop causing your mom pain! And thats why I chose air. Youre so lucky to have someone like him by your side. LET ME SEE! But yunho either way dragged you all the way to the mall. He helped you up and cloaks your shoulders with his arms. ", [P21] Grey's Anatomy Character He Represents, [R28] Him Listening to Your Favorite Song, [P35] Your Polyamorous Partner (another ATEEZ member). But he did whatever he could to turn that pout upside down. Buy your albums, merch etc. Your hands grip his broad shoulders as you grind your soaked core against his solid length, moaning desperately at the friction. He admired every part of you. a / n : I literally wrote this while listening to love talk what-, pairing jeong yunho x gender neutral reader, genre fluff, slight angst, slight smut if you squint. . What the fuck is this supposed to mean! its a well known fact that mingi likes skinship. Upon meeting your brother, yeosang looked calm and relaxed. two always shared a dream to be an idol since you were children so he wouldnt be surprised when youd say you also wanted to join the industry. Seonghwa shifts his position from crouching opposite you, to sitting beside you against the apartment door. . With nothing left on, he steps in the shower that was running with warm water. ATEEZ Funny Moments | Hilarious Reaction | FO SQUAD KPOP-- More videos on our Patreon: Come chat w/ us on DISCORD: http. Get down from there! the next, Likes to drink socially but you wont catch him drunk since he has to take care of his 6 crackhead kids (Seonghwa does not apply lol), 100% will join in on a freestyle dance contest and will win, Very social and smiley, will get along with most people, Kind of shy but once he gets a few beers down his neck hes all good, Will ignore the chaos the other members are causing and pretends he isnt associated with them, Gets super uncomfortable with the amount of crumbs and empty cups so begins to clean when nobody is watching, Everybody wants to see him drunk until he does a sexy dance toBaby Shark, Would honestly probably zone out at one point due to the chaos, Twerk master - its over for these hoes when he starts bouncing cakes, Excited puppy, will talk to anyone and be super smiley, This dude will not sit down though! Jeong Yunho Yeosang joined you under the warm sheets. Was all you said. The locked away tears finally escaped as your hug your knees. Before you could hear an answer, you felt a whole drumstick shoved in your mouth. Do you think,,, Ive gotten kinda fat? Theres no way He says, actually kind of believing it. Babe whats wrong? You guys have the guts to just sit there knowing that you left y/n all alone? He said before closing his eyes once more. Check. "I love you; it was stupid of me to . Synopsis - Your boyfriend Mingi provides words of encouragement and sweet gestures to help ease your stress before your psychology exam. When you told him its nothing, he carried you to the couch and made you lie on him. Discovering things they had in common. From the bedroom to bathroom to the kitchen, everything was spotless. You know the kpop industry for girls arent what I keep talking about right? Instead, you pull away slightly, gently running your tongue over his bottom lip as your nails trace light circles around his exposed nipples, causing them to harden. - no gentle/loving kisses until after. You wake up to the sound of someone talking infront of you. He picked up your signal and set the book down. Ateez once said.| REACTION - YouTube 36) When they find out your a vocalist for a metal band. Ive had this idea for a little while and wanted to do something different with a bit of a crack vibe to it haha. 26) When they hear you speak another language for the first time. Soon they both grew close. You said yes and showed him more pictures to make him believe you. But youve been feeling self conscious lately. "Y/N, I just want the chance to say sorry," he requested, finding a way to grab onto your waist anyway. Ironing out the things that were needed to talk about. Pun intended. Of course, the eight boys noticed you being distant, you blew them off regularly. Probably from staring at a screen for too long. He cheekily giggles at between switching angles. You turn to the other side, slightly pissed. Oh I never told you but its hoseok. ATEEZ - THE REAL ON KINGDOM (REACTION! Even if you tried to hide your crying, he saw it nonetheless. Before you could take a step, a pair of arms already caught your figure. Hed be worried about hurting the zombie even though my guy is in a literal zombie apocalypse and has to fight for his life. When he got to talk to yoongi, he grew more comfortable and relaxed once getting to know him. What do you mean, huh? You wave your hand against face. He coos. Strawberries are the solution to anything. His aura alone gave off a cozy and warm vibe that made you want to snuggle even closer. It's like you're begging for him to do something to you. You both broke down in giggles. I hope you like this headcanon. You tried to convince him anyways. Hongjoong: He woke up as soon as you scooted out of the bed. He suggested. 5) Ateez coffee shop orders. It didnt bother you until you hear it becoming louder. Although inside his brain he was losing his shit. #yunho. He was what you called yunho.exe stopped working. You can hug me all you want! You exclaim once more. Arms around you as you just simply talk about the week that quickly flew by. The first time he started talking to the bump on your belly, he enjoyed it so much. Aish yunho were in public You toss and turn, continuing your sleep. Today may have been a bad day but tomorrow may be extra good to make up for it! Tonight, mingi couldnt get a wink of sleep. You smile and let him continue his thing, softening when you hear him continue talking. Seonghwa finally finished cleaning everything. This is 100% my opinion and should not be taken seriously, this is for entertainment purposes only and nothing is written with intent to upset or offend anyone :3, Tag List - @simphwa @ateezinmymind @multidreams-and-desires @yunhospuppy @jonghoisbabie @224-12 @woowommy. Your friend complained about how annoying her pet could be. when you mentioned your sibling was yoongi, his eyes grew wide. San had no idea how this was going to go. You were on the verge of giving up. When He Compares You To His Ex ~ Ateez Reaction He turned off the stove and head to the bedroom where you were. Didnt you say your stressed? #kangyeosang Not a smile, but a smirk Something about you smirking just makes his pants uncomfortably tight It's like you're begging for him to do something to you Sometimes you smirk on purpose just to get a reaction out of him After a minute, he takes you by the hand and walks you to his room Locks the door and kisses your neck and shoulder Looks at you with lust in his eyes "That smirk is going to be the death of me, kitten. Jung Wooyoung . He squeezed you tightly as you held onto him too . But yunho is there to help. "That's it. My job sucks, my boss hates me, customers were rude because I kept getting orders wrong. You took the chance and jumped on him. Jeong Yunho yeosang wasnt the type to talk much to the baby. ATEEZ - THE REAL ON KINGDOM (REACTION + LYRIC INTPERPRETATION - YouTube After he dropped you off at your place, he drove to the dorms. Im telling you, they do! Hed be there for you, saying Hey I get what your going through. He quietly listened to the babys heartbeat. Nowhere to go, just lost. He changed out of his clothes and onto a pair of pajamas. He grins as he walks towards you. #hongjoong You ruffle your hands through your hair as you slid against the counter and down to the floor. Hongjoong froze upon hearing your voice. He talks. Him playing games as usual. /hapns/ Turning to you, he sees you pressing your back to the door as you slide down to sit on the floor. You didnt hesitate for a second and kissed him back, his hands found itself on your waist and pulled you onto his lap. His leader instincts kicked in. Ill murder you. He picks up his speed when he feels your velvet walls convulse around him, the sounds of skin slapping becoming wetter and louder as you try and form a sentence. Your hands run back up your torso, squeezing your breasts slightly before you lean over the foot of the bed and push them together with your elbows, a perfect angle for your boyfriend to admire them in their golden glory. He wipes his sweat and lifts your head so it can rest on his lap. He smiles ear to ear. #choisan Ateez Reaction: getting slightly jealous when you. His large figure towered over you. Thanks for reading, Tag List - @simphwa @yunhoiseyecandy @multidreams-and-desires @jonghoisababie, A/N - I love him. 43) When a barista leaves their number on their cup. You clicked your tongue at them before turning back to the TV. The knot in your abdomen becomes tighter with every thrust before finally coming undone, you grab one of Sans forearms, your other hand pressing against the window next to your face as you try to steady yourself through your orgasm. When they both learned a lot about one another, they often hang out. He looks at you with a concerned face and said Baby whats wrong? Aish, how many times do I tell you to not apologize all the time! Do you thinkIll do well on my exam? You question, glancing at him with puppy eyes and cracker-stuffed cheeks. His second attempt was successfull. Synopsis - After a long day of work, Wooyoung runs you a relaxing bath and keeps you company as you unwind. ateez reaction you come home crying. You lay in the warm water that was encrypted with a lavender scent to ease stress. I know youre having a hard time. Im sorry Ive been slow with requests these days, Ive been trying to sort out my small business. He saw your tears clearly. ! He yells. Im sorry I was too shy love He said kissing your forehead before spooning you and the baby. You get pulled back. Thanks for reading, Tag List - @simphwa @yunhoiseyecandy @multidreams-and-desires. He wraps an arm around your shoulders, as he begins to talk. Today has been one of the longest days of work youve ever experienced, your feet feel as though youre walking on fire and your shoulders ache beyond belief. San has a lot of experience with gaming so I feel like hed have some kind of idea on what to do in this situation however, I feel like hed also prefer to just hide away from a long time and only think of collecting supplies when hes already running critically low and is forced to face the zombies. Suddenly you hear him crashing towards you from his roomWHAT? Fuck Y/N just suck me off will you He gasps, unsure of how much more teasing hell be able to endure. Be raised his brow. He raises a brow at you. lets sob over fluffy Mingi together :3, Tag List - @simphwa @multidreams-and-desires @jonghoisbabie @ateezinmymind @yunhospuppy @224-12 @woowommy, A/N - Hello everyone! You apologize as you trace the water on his arms. I dont think thats my problem. He cheekily smiles. The moment he saw you on the ground crying, its almost like the world stopped. Warnings - Bad language, dirty talk, nipple play, blowjob, praise, teeny bit of hair pulling, deepthroating, strength kink, Dom!San, slight spanking moment, pet names, teasing, drooling, degradation, unprotected sex (wrap your shit), pull out method (let me know if theres anything I missed). Something was definitely wrong, you didnt greet him like to usually do, you didnt even look at him. He walks out for a moment but come backs. I just know your gonna be cute. Ateez Reactions Masterlist. He picks up the small stack of books and shows you. You lay comfortably, falling asleep when you waited for san to finish showering. You groan loudly as you threw your hands in the air. You didnt move this time, you just looked down with a shameful look in your face. You quickly drew the mark on your neck and left the house. He groans in response to it. Lushie Ateez Reaction: getting slightly jealous when you - Tumblr
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