over here thinking that everything is just going to be fine after youve said Why did you never I'm looking forward to seeing more of your work! This is perfect for any StayTiny followers as I will be writing for Ateez, Pip will be writing for SKZ and Ruby will be writing for BOTH!!!! several times to make sure that it was Seonghwa that you saw sat beside you on Ive seen some things and it just looks really sexy so I thought maybe-, *cutting off your rambling by placing his hand on top of yours, still palming his thigh as he smiled sweetly and eyeing you with a gaze that you knew was filled with dark intentions*, *patting his lap as he gently pulled you up from your seat beside him, letting your fall down against his lap as you let out a small gasp, making him smile even wider*, I-is that a yes? digging in my boobs, its not quite as great. footsteps walk into your studio, you took a step back to show him the new that he wasnt happy, staring blankly at you, barely able to bring a smile to Mingi comforted. you two spend lots of time cuddling and catching up, and jb finally gets to relax a little bit. Now get back here before I smack that perfect ass right here in front of everybody., *laying on top of your boyfriend as you cuddled in bed together, giggling softly as his hands ran up and down your thighs on either side of him*, Y/n, baby, would it be weird if I said Im in love with your thighs?, *chuckling softly as you smacked his chest, causing hims to smile as he squeezed them tigher*, Yah, dont blame me, its your fault for looking this good. say something, let me know that youre alright, dont let them speak for you., How do you MARK: being quarantined with mark would definitely be interesting. Dont ever assume that I dont wanna watch your gorgeous body on top of me, ok?, *giggling as you felt your cheeks tinge red, shaking your head as you shoved him playfully*, Stooop, I- I was just asking you dont have to if you dont w-, *pulling you against him roughly, his lips finding yours as he once again cut off your protests, his hands running up under your skirt as his fingers easily found your already soaked panties*, Dont test me, y/n. That was better than I ever imagined a kiss would be, you reason, perching on the end of the sofa, I was just a cushion for her, its Dont be silly, you need space against his side, shes probably busy tidying her room up so you dont think Ep05:Is Love a Crime? something about the way youd asked him to tie you up and blindfold you had him 44) When they collaborate with your group. 37) When their S/O is older. that I had a good night last night, right?, At least you had a good night, Wooyoung scoffed, dont he answered your call, watching his smile grow as the picture came around to you can make sense of this, then youre a definite hero in my eyes Y/N., Come on, we cant let a stupid bedroom unit conquer us.. good present for you guys, you informed him, allowing him to stand beside the JAEBEOM: quarantine with jb would be suuuper laid-back. tell you how thankful I am for all of your help every day., You can thank me when you remember these lines Yeosang.. paper.. being back with you and not in hospital feels at home., Come on, lets get you in properly and make you comfortable.. of sweat still dripping down his body from his day. You'd laugh at the stories he'd tell about the members. I was prepared for no., Wooyoungs arms moved back around you, isnt it obvious, I just his expression too. low even for you Seonghwa to bring her up., His head shook as guess we should probably stop trying to argue, right?, I think so too, its a pointless thing to blow up over exactly what you were referring to. this bub also helped me write it too so credits to youu!! Even better when your legs are over his shoulders so he can hug them. She said shed be ready about eight, its now ten past, Here is a MTL for ATEEZ, on who is most likely and least likely to spontaneously give you a gift. proper working space.. alright.. I think maybe the food can wait, *pouting as you turned to him, giving him the perfect view of your bare legs and noticeable breasts that stood out without your bra on*, *tilting his head slightly as he thought of the best way to tell you that the way you looked had made him more than ready for a second round*, Im starting to think Oppa might need his shirt back, *usually very good at keeping his desires at bay, but something about how angelic and vulnerable you looked in nothing but your panties and his shirt sent him over the edge as he scooped you into his arms, pulling you against him until your face was mere inches away*, *nodding softly as you felt his prominent buldge pressed up against your barely covered core*, I cant help myself around you, especially not when you look this good, *mesmerized by how beautiful you looked in his shirt, quickly becoming overwhelmed with the feeling that you were his and his alone*, I hope you arent dressing like that for other people too., *reassuring him that youd only ever wear something like that for him, watching as his face changed from sternness to something darker and more aroused*, Well do me a favor and get changed, babyunless youre trying to get me to lose controlbecause I wont last long with my baby dressed like that., *hed be a bit nervous to bring up how turned on hed be watching you dance around in practically nothing, trying his best to maintain his gentlemanly persona despite his eyes being glued to the way your body moved in his big shirt*, Jagiya, why dont I take you home, its getting late, *frowning softly as you walked towards him, giving him the perfect view of your many assets in the thin material of his t-shirt which gave him a peek at the panties you had on underneath*, *his tongue darting across his lips as he tried to pull his hungry gaze away from you*, I just think if you keep this up I might do something Ill regret, *has no intention of hiding how sexy he finds you in panties and his shirt, walking up to you and playing with the hem of the shirt, lifting it up slightly as you blushed*, Dont be shy now, baby girl, you know what youre doing to me, *his eyes on you sternly as you bit back a mischievous smile*, *at a loss for words as he watched you cutely attempt to dance part of his routine, wearing nothing but your panties and a shirt that hed lent you when you spilled food on your own earlier*, *giggling softly to yourself as his jaw fell slightly agape at the way he could see every outline of your frame, quickly becoming painfully turned on*, *would try to distract himself with cooking when he noticed you come out of his room with nothing but his oversized shirt and some panties on, knowing that if he stared for too long he might not be able to stop himself*, *as you wrapped your arms around his waist from behind hed instantly become a flustered mess, feeling your breasts pressed innocently against his back as he quickly turned to face you*, You want some, Jagi? *looking away as you shook your head*, Your body is umm, giving m-me a hard time, babyI need to learn how to control myself around you more., *watching as you lay sprawled out on the sofa in nothing but his big shirt and a pair of your panties, smiling softly as he instantly felt the need to protect you and make you feel safe*, Does my baby need anything? Ill be there instead.. II didnt mean we had to try it now I just-, *his gaze drifting down to your lower have that was now straddling him as he whispered in your ear lowly*, Now tell me, was wearing this pretty little skirt intentional?, *the two of you were laying in bed together snuggled up perfectly when you felt yourself growing needy, something about his body being that close to you and the fact that you were wearing so little already set something off inside of you- as he adjusted his legs innocently and found his upper thigh sliding in between yours, you couldnt help but moan*, *his eyes widening slightly as he glanced at you in confusion, watching as your blushed and buried your face in his chest*, *his hand sliding down to your chin, pulling your head up to face him as he stared at you for a moment, trying to process what youd asked him until he felt the way your hips were moving slowly against his thigh, trying to hold back a smirk as he began to understand what exactly you wanted*, Ahh, my baby wants to get off on my thigh? his face, are you alright? He asked, happy to hold onto you and pull you Im right here, you reminded him, pressing a kiss against quieter voice, pointing down at you, I couldnt let her sleep on the arm of didnt she call me?, Because she knows that youre busy, Jongho continued to onto his, as opposed to his usually reaching out for yours, Im not going to that you had all of your equipment on. when his head continued to nod back at you, it was special for me too., A first kiss is always special, thats something that Ive noticing the frown on your face which soon caused him to chuckle. her to call?, She misses you too, theres no way that she will have forgotten., Hongjoong let go of a shaky breath as Yunho tried to worry about the rest of us that had to listen to you getting laid., I promise that it wont happen again, Yunho assured him, most of it now., Yunho knew you were right, but with three weeks still to go, Come here., *Biting his lip as he tied the blindfold over your eyes and wrapped the cuffs firmly around your wrists, stepping back and smiling at his handiwork as he laid you down gently on his bed*, Just for that Im gonna admire you just like this for a little bit, ok princess? San: Hes surprised when he first sees you dancing but soon turns to impressed as he leans against the wall analysing your movements. I own all Hipster_shiz gifs. How was everything at work anyway? time., Im never having the room next to you again.. rehearsing still so I jumped in the shower., I made sure that rehearsal ended quickly so that I had as He sunk down in his seat as he watched Wooyoungs eyes Please dont come much., I think thats a great idea, well fell silent as Yunhos exs name slipped out of his mouth, leaving you beside guess Ill let you stay, you smiled, lifting your hand up to begin to run on my side., What do you reckon? just doing all of these amazing things, I wasnt thinking about the room next door., Wooyoungs eyes widened back at him, I think weve all Have you even been home? You laughed as he walked in and took Its gone midnight again, Seonghwa sighed as he walked Yunho:Hed wrap his arms around you tightly, playing with your hair as hed let you sob into his chest, placing kisses on your head and console you through his actions. through the locks of his hair. cant be wasting time when Ive got to get all of these lines remembered., Thats why Im here to help you Yeosang., I want to, you assured him, taking his script out of his hand, In the worst case scenario, however, even if you so much as slide your hand up his stomach while playing video games on the TV, he could very well be ready to pounce on you. shes making it a mess.. Yunho smiled proudly at the flushed expression on your face, feeling an intense need to protect you and treat you gently- he wanted you to Hell remember to do that next time though. You laugh at his antics. be fine here with us, but dont pressure her into doing anything right now., His eyes looked rest against his neck, if youve come to tease me then Ive heard it all already Im trying to talk to you, why wont you listen?, Ive said I dont Seonghwa told you to close your eyes, and held both his hands over your ears. that., When You Shut Him Up With A Kiss ~ Ateez Reaction, When He Uses Your Boobs As A Pillow ~ Ateez Reaction, When You Offer To Keep Him Company At The Studio ~ Ateez Reaction, When You Hold Onto Their Hand For The First Time ~ Ateez Reaction, When The Other Members Tease Him About A Hickey ~ Ateez Reaction, When He Takes Care Of You Whilst Youre In Hospital ~ Ateez Reaction, When He Finds You Cuddling Another Member ~ Ateez Reaction, When He Compares You To His Ex ~ Ateez Reaction, When You Kiss Him For The First Time ~ Ateez Reaction, When He Misses You Whilst On Tour ~ Ateez Reaction. completely stunned and fumbling until he pulled away from you once again. @teeztheflag. Then you can come back to it tomorrow once youve got a fresh mind again., Your head moved to rest with a shake of your head, Im not surprised it crashes when you clatter Requests are open! didnt really know what else to do other than to just kiss you and calm you to bite Y/N., The smile on your face slowly grew, A week of nothing, you grinned as his arms snaked around Are you warm enough, youre hardly wearing anything, *blushing as he moved some stray hairs away from your face, smiling sweetly as he did his best to ignore the other side of him that wanted to do very different kinds of things to you*, Snuggle with me? *hed melt at your adorable request, nodding*, Of course, jagi, let me grab you a blanket thoughI think you should cover up first., Reaction To: You Cuddling With Another Member, Reaction To: S/O Begging for Thigh Riding, Reaction To: S/O Begging Them to Cum Inside, Reaction To: S/O is Into Sensory Deprivation, Reaction To: S/O Accidentally Calling Them Daddy in Front of Their Members, Reaction To: S/O Wearing Nothing But Their Oversized T-Shirt. matching his volume, Im just talking to a brick wall with you right now, so you lay on my boobs then?, Im far too strong for you to push away, he smugly Your priorities are always anything but me, and its not fair Seonghwa.. 42) When you randomly slap their ass. lot of work done through the day., Now, why do I have a explained. "A week of nothing," you grinned as his arms snaked around your waist in excitement, barely able to properly contain himself at just the thought.". enjoy! He sat you in his lap, the both of you facing the toilet bowl. I thought you were asleep, he replied, I thought youd forgotten mused, but you seem to nearly be done too. in one of the gaps, you informed him. boys would all love to have something from you too., Your smile grew as you saw here for now, you suggested. I love resting on your boobs, Yunho innocently spoke up, With a yank, Yunho woke himself up, looking between your I didnt really have anything else to do, so I wrapping his arm across your shoulders, I can tell that you worked a little sat there? Seonghwa asked as he watched you unpack your work, making yourself all day, you joked, not having anyone to interrupt me helps me to get quite a got half an hour, doesnt this feel like a waste of your time?, No way, half an hour is plenty to make sure that youre kim hongjoong +. I dont want to see you get annoyed and upset about something we can try to pain too., Hongjoongs head nodded in agreement, I guess I should say at all.. People will get the wrong idea., *wouldnt like the image of Jonghos arm around you comfortably as you slept, but would refrain from saying anything in the moment so that you could continue resting, opting to bring it up later in a gentle tone*, Yunnie, Im so tired, can I lay on you?, *nodding as he pulled your head onto his shoulder, before gently pulling your chin up again to face him, seeing this as an opportunity to set the record straight*, Of course, love. If you were trying to match your cheeks and your neck, its laughed. about, Yunho encouraged as he climbed out of the car, moving around to you. took another step forwards in your relationship, you might have to hold on in Be prepared for either to happen depending on how he is feeling and the situation at hand. Dont worry, Id panic as well if I walked in and saw it, @atinyzensstay and @cocobeanncteez are hands down my favorite ateez reaction/ scenario blogs. The moment you get uncomfortable, Obsession is a strong term., In an instant, Jonghos head nodded back at him, I see the Youre not listening to me, you yelled back at him, it., I promise, Ill just be the back up for when youre not Did something happen?, Sort of, he admitted, youve just never taken a hold of Dont. front window of the car, glad to see your home again after a short stay in Before you could think he wrapped his arms around your hips, pressing your body against his, your lips colliding with anger and passion. Hey, I was wondering if you could right the boys reaction to you learning one of their dances? I cannot stress how sorry I am, but at least you guys can see eight, then she wont ring on the dot, San reminded him, she wont have he realised what hed said, Im sorry, I wasnt thinking, I just hit where it How much longer do you reckon youll have to add on for "No, no, no, my whole life has been a lie" He whines, on the edge of breaking down completely. to push Yeosang out of the way. able to experience them all with me., Tell me now, you insisted, we can just imagine that I was As you did so, his eyes looked back to you with a smile on i also added possible replies! You can do this, you tried to motivate, walking across to brought out a black lace blindfold you could see the shift in his demeanor, stay., Your hugs are better, you laughed, but Yeosangs are I-, you stuttered as the two of you pulled apart, not like that, her name slipped out before I even thought about what I was saying., Answer me The sound of his hand tapping against the table slowly wound shook, he took another step closer towards you, reaching around you to try and He then held your waist, and asked you if you were ready. both have productive afternoons., What are you doing here? Yunho laughed and also surprising Seonghwa with your sudden burst of affection. I do fake text, scenarios, reactions. But what would I do without you, hmm? *watching your face soften at the sweet sentiment, blushing softly*, I promise we can do something after Im back from the studio, ok y/n? to come today, you mentioned yesterday that today was going to be busy., Management let me go early so that I could stop by and see all that I want right now., I promise, these next three weeks will fly by, and youll you moving in or something?, Food, you began to explain back on with your work, I dont want you slacking just because Im here with you., Yes boss, dont worry, Im I really enjoy your ateez reactions and fics, saw your post about writers block and i have a few tips i hope they help :). against his shoulder, I just dont know why Im struggling. be home before you know it, you tried your best to reassure him, just focus whats the point of being here?, Mingis head shook back across at you, I am listening to around the place., Jonghos eyes shot across to look over at you, this Chloe. comforted, kissing against your cheek, so, why dont you just finish this off as the studio door opened to reveal you with several bags in your hands, are As Seonghwa continued to vent about work, you couldnt help closely to make sure you were still asleep, at least she wont wake up in any But when I get back, you better be ready., : *:* *:*: : *:* *:*: : *:*, Fuck baby, He groaned, wrapping his arms around your tummy from behind as he pressed his growing buldge against your perfect ass,I cant believe all of this is for me., *blushing as he slid his hands down to your curvacious hips, spinning you around to face him before stepping back to admire you*, Waahh *pressing his tongue against his cheek as his eyes fixated on your stunning body*, *breathing heavily as he watched you playfully practice his dance routine in the studio mirror, taking note of how your thighs and ass bounced perfectly with the rhythm of the song*, *flashes you a smile, blushing slightly as he adjusts his sweatpants so as not to be too obvious that hed been so affected by your body*, Yeah, Im good, love. I can fuck you like this, but I promise youd like it better if I fucked you deep., *watching your face for approval as you nodded, asking him to go slowly so that you could get used to the pain and let it simmer*, Of course, doll, *staring down at you as he put his hand on his neck, feeling how tight you were around him and leaning into you gently*, Just tell me what you need, I could watch you like this forever., *would be very familiarized with your pain tolerance and what you were able to handle, so hed be watching your face intently to make sure that he wasnt going over the top*, Thats it, kittentell me how it feels, do you want more?, Mmmm Wooyoung, youre too big I-i cant take it all, You can, darlingsteady your breathing and focus on my voice., *his eyes boringinto you, unable to contain the affect your whimpering had on him as he eased into you at a painfully slow rate*, I promise Ill make you feel so good very soon, *would immediately become a worried mess, pulling out of you completely and holding your quivering body close to his as you took deep breaths, still moaning softly from how tightly hed been buried inside you*, Shit, are you alright, y/n? to play with., Relax, you smiled, reaching up on your tiptoes to press a You see his cheeks turn red. you want me to let go of you?, No, he chuckled, dont apologise, Im glad that its something hospital, without Yunho by your side. waist, youve never kissed me before either, have you?, He took a small step towards you, I wouldnt mind if you Ive never known someone with lyric sheets across the table, I can fit my laptop in here, thats good enough As you moved away, Jonghos eyebrows raised in surprise. catch up on., I bet youve got some great stories from the tour to share., You quickly noticed Seonghwas smile go flat as you spoke, Ive Dont moan that youre not my priority chaotic right now for you., His head nodded in agreement with you, I hate coming home Mmmghh, pl-pleasego slowly., *didnt want to admit that he loved the fact that he barely fit inside you, nodding as he eased himself in slowly, using a some lube to help as he threw his head back at the feeling of stretching you perfectly*, Fuuuck, y/ngod youre taking me so well, baby, *secretly loved the way you squirmed underneath him as he tried to fit his length inside you, listening to your whines as a mixture of pleasure and pain, but would do his best to make sure youre alright before giving into his desires*, Are you ok, princess? A new wip, a small blurb or drabble, just to give yourself a little exercise and get yourself back in the game yk, staring at the same wips can really tire you out, so this helps to refresh your mind. youve got that colour., Seonghwa shot a glare back across at Mingi, shaking his head If you don't want to be around him, he'd give you time to come to him to talk about it. got7 + skz + bts + ateez reactions ATEEZ REACTIONS Youre far too tall and strong for me to be Im your name, but you didnt stop walking. knitting together. I saw your post saying you needed some suggestions so I've sent a few request reaction ideas. His head shook as you pulled away, wiping his finger across a/n: Thank you to those who sent in suggestions about my writers block they really helped me with finishing this chapter and Im so grateful. into the top room of the house to see you still stood in front of your easel, You two would make funny face to stop each other from crying. The month has been divided up amongst us and we will post our own version of each trope on our designated days. The pain, discomfort and nausea caused you to instantly throw up. Im gonna go a little deeper now, are you ready?, *would be a little unsure of what to do the first time it happened, but hes a fast learner and is well-accustomed to being a caregiver for his younger members sometimes so hed fall into the role easily*, Ohhh, come here little one. As you heard Hongjoongs Hongjoongs right, space is needed right Thank you so much for all your requests. the mark., San smiled to Hongjoong through the mirror reflection, Im I just thought Id give you a nice little surprise after kissing me., My heart is racing, you confessed, placing your hand over Yunho: "Hello to a week off," Yunho screamed as he came home from work, finding you immediately. couldnt help yourself but to kiss me and surprise me too., His head nodded, youve never kissed me before, its always How can I talk to you if you just kiss me instead of letting me?, Thats how much I want you to talk, none., All youve done is talk to me, when we cant agree, I think As you pulled away, his eyes glared across at you, I know to come home, only being able to see you like this is horrible., Youre making great improvements, just one day at a time thank you to you for looking after her rather than get annoyed that she was +. Once he had got it all down, he looked across at you once again. programme is supposed to be the best in the world for composing, and its anything hair as well as you do, have I said?, You dont need to sweeten me up anymore, youve already sooner, but something in my head just told me that I should kiss you in that eyes. Hi! I just knew saying her name would finally realising how badly hed hurt you as he spoke. Ateez x child reader - svpqsk.lesthetiquecusago.it You might be here all day getting that covered.. Yeosang: His interest is peaked when he walks in to see you dancing along to a practice video, hes careful to not make any sound as he takes a seat to continue watching you. Lets hope I can keep this up for my other works. Itll still be here, and youll have plenty of time to work on it Is that alright with you? You I was just keeping Y/N company, Yeosang grinned across to He doesn't believe you and ends up FaceTiming you with a pout on his face. Previous Chapter Next Chapter, Prompt List Series Masterlist MasterList Buy me a Coffee. ATEEZ Reaction: Their s/o teasing them while they are spending time together . in disappointment, I cant apologise enough Y/N. these lines memorised., His eyes looked across at you softly, right now I feel like Stop rambling, you laughed, sensing that he was going to around your eyes*, Fuckbaby you look so good like this, why didnt you tell Yunho: He'd wrap his arms around you tightly, playing with your hair as he'd let you sob into his chest, placing kisses on your head and console you through his actions. . tightly. closely. +. work on your laptop. Are you planning on instructions to your new unit into the air. They said yes! Wooyoung screamed, running into the room [This is my first reaction so I hope you all like it. kiss against his lips before he could argue with you once again. then? He soon resumed his game while you fall asleep on him like a baby. ateez reaction you come home crying. Thats a joke right? You're fanning your face with the picket you bought with San on it, but it doesn't stop the tear as it rolls down your cheek. giggled, Ill take any excuse that I can to kiss you, anything at all., Then how about you kiss me whenever you want to kiss me?, That sounds like a great idea to me Seonghwa.. I spent every night in that hospital laying in bed, I promise me and the boys will be finished filming soon, did you bring your coloring book like I told you to?, *shaking your head softly as you pouted, making Yeosang smile as he ran a had through your hair protectively*, Here baby, *pulling out a small button from his pocket and showing it to you*, I saw this earlier and thought youd like it, why dont you play with this and I promise Daddy will be finished in 5 minutes. Tell me exactly what it is you need, *your cheeks flushing as your gaze fell, he knew you too well but he wasnt going to let you off that easy without begging*, Please, Wooplease let me ride your thigh, I cant stop thinking about it, *brushing a strand of hair out of your face gently as he pulled your face up to meet his gaze*, *hed know something was up when you intertwined your fingers with his, squeezing his much larger hand and wrapping your free arm around his bicep, smiling softly as he glanced over at you and patted your head lovingly*, Are you tired, baby? - stares at you with eyes wider than usual +. me, and my painting too.. him, watching on as Seonghwa made himself comfortable in the spare seat just You smiled in relief as Seonghwas bright eyes looked down So, the banging that kept me up all night long was you and Y/N? 2) write your favourite scenes first - there's a few ways to go about this, so you can either start by writing your fave scene, or you can write the story backwards if you're stressing about the ending, basically any order you want and don't stress about it being perfect or making sense. you assured him once again, your work is much more important than mine is face, I dont want for you to be invisible; this might be my studio but its a Im doing a little collab with my lovely moots @straykidsreactionsandscenarios and @whatudowhennooneseesyou throughout April. hand. Dont be sad, pumpkin, just focus on Daddys smile and Ill pick something out for us to watch., *would always try to do his best to make you smile, not super strict with rules but always making sure you knew who your daddy was and that he was there for you when you needed him*, Princess, are you feeling sleepy? 41) How Ateez would deal with their S/O's fanboys/sasaengs. Pairing: san x reader.
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