1388 -- Aphrodite -- Impulsive love and attraction, love inspired by fated events, animosity turning to magnetism, charisma, my gosh, so much info! You might be impulsive, dive in very quickly and burn out if you're not careful. In aspect to Midheaven the people around you can see you as a very attractive person., Leo/Libra/Scorpio/Capricorn/ in big 6 (Sun,Moon, Ascendant, Venus, Mars, Mercury OR Midheaven/MC/10th house, ASC - Mars/Venus/Sun/Neptune/Uranus/Saturn aspects. They may have a bit of an edge about them, as well. and art (Aphrodite in Libra), too. anybody have any other ideas how to see what my aphrodite is? Listed as a minor planet, Medusa is commonly classed as an asteroidnumber 149 to be . Angel & Karma in Scorp both square Moon.Karma Square Venus,Mercury & Moon. venus in the 1st house: you might really love your self and be an advocate for self love. very devoted individuals. Interestingly, it also rules your short-term priorities and your short trips including driving, your car and your commute. Venus in the 6th house: Charismatic in the workplace. I find those energies sort of contradicting .. As such, the 10th house relates to our aspirations, plans, and reputation. Currently you have JavaScript disabled. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Fiery love , Aphrodite Asteroid (1388) - Ascendant/Midheaven aspects. Fixed star Izar 28 Libra conjunct personal planets makes sometimes very interested in the interested in the occult, the taboo and serious subjects. Watch out for unexpected or significant expenses or windfalls when this house is activated by transit. Im picking : * My Aphrodite squares his POF. Study it and come back and tell me what it means and I will try to help you figure it out. Apollo Sextile Asc, I just discovered that my Sun and Mercury conjunct asteroid Apollo and Aphrodite in Libra, 8th house. S-- and Beauty placements | Lipstick Alley As his Venus falls in my 12th too this kind is a DW of confirmation - My Pan Conj his AC/Apollo : attracted and seducced by him. Its trine my Jupiter rx in virgo in the 1st and Juno Capricorn in the 5th far conjunct 6th! If a person feels poorly about their job, they may try to improve their skills or reputation in the workplace. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a. Thanks! In none of these houses but my Sun conjunct Pluto and sesquare Mars 11. Singers & Orators. Thanks! The description of this Fixed star says Obsession leads to a downfall.. She will be very lovely, herself, as well, and will have a reputation for being beautiful. You might also be quite possessive in the crushing stage and feel like you're competing for a prize, - Some suitors might like your spicy outlook on love and be attracted to your vitality, - You might be quickly enveloped in your emotions and could be hot-headed bc of it, I hope this answers your question, have a nice day/night . Fire signs are so good at working in the service industry, especially restaurants. She was the highest paid actress in the world in 2010 and 2014. Hades, even though one of the more humble of the Gods when he wanted something he made sure he got it. Painters. Venus Taurus magnetizes naturally -- with an easy going sensuality that puts others at ease too. Aphrodite conjunct MoonAphrodite conjunct ASCAphrodite trine ChironAphrodite conjunct Pluto---------------Aphrodite trine SunAphrodite conjunct MarsAphrodite conjunct Psyche, Posts: 76From: SerbiaRegistered: May 2015, Same here! I don't need anything from you, except to serve you. - My Aprhodite exact conj his 12thcusp:maybe a past lover,with whom i felt magnetized,instilled to be attracted and to love. Valentine, Cupid, Aphrodite, Psyche, Eros - in the houses/synastry Don't send asteroid ask this is an old ask. Its also how we take care of number one. Chart Calculation. I really love your website She is well known for her jealousy rather than her beauty. 03 Aphrodite was born off the coast of Cythera from the genitals of Uranus. Yes, thank you, how about you? They have to spell things out for you if they're into you, to communicate their feelings to you, - You might be the last one to find out someone has feelings for you, - Your limbs and hair might stand out somehow (maybe you have tattoos on your hands, arms, legs, etc), - Your image and your presence will help you achieve your goals. enjoy! This is because Aquariuses are unique and often think differently than other people, so they might do things that are new and unique from the eyes of others. Her vanity leads her to promise Paris a married woman, Helen of Sparta. Here we merge with the universe and the life beyond. CLICK HERE- http://www.astrologykrs.comBook link- http://www.astrologykrs.com/Shop.htmlThese videos are based on the ancient science of Vedic Astrology known. And even add more asteroids which to me might also be important ones: 1943 -- Anteros -- The brother of Eros, love returned, or love avenged. Venus square the Ascendant theyre different in the way that moon and the sun are night and day. - again with the performing. Ive seen a lot of Cap Moons and Risings who are the oldest sibling in the family and a lot of Cancer Moons and Risings who are the youngest. loves their freedom; hard to pin down And a different chart, Eros dead opposite Psyche? This realm also speaks to reputation and what we strive to be known for in this lifetime and after we're gone. They might even try to impress you with their money and possessions, Thank you so much for your patience, I hope this resonated! btw How on earth did you manage to do words in bold type?) trendsetter Asc sextile Venus and bi-quintile pluto and great attractor To my Mercury/Pluto people please protect yourself. It feels all over the place. Ami, Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths. Queen of Cups Eros (433) Tenth House governs career, father, mother-in-law, boss, leadership roles and work place. I`m very much into chartrulers, too.I actually think that a big part of the attraction I feel to that guy may stem from the fact that his Sun (and Moon) is exactly conjunct my 7th house ruler (Mercury). Find the wheel with your Ascendant or Rising Sign to discover your astrology houses. Aphrodite riding goose, Athenian red-figure kylix C5th B.C., British Museum. The Basic House Rulers23 Simple Steps for Beginners. sura rashi parivartannarmdeshwar shastriletestmiracle of astrologychamatkar jyotisha kavrishchik me surya ka falmesh rashi ka rashifalvrish rashi ka rashifal. you're gorg/handsome regardless so who cares. yes, I think it`s important to look into the natals to see if there are natally important connections. It is one of those houses that focus on social and political themes, as well as the bigger picture. Significant opportunities may present themselves during transits here. Writers. Aphrodite. In return for Paris. Let me read ad re-read all of your posts and then give feedback along with my aspects LOL. I didn`t dare to mention those. might like wearing unusual clothes to be unique But I also like Pan a LOT, well I don`t like him, but he is a big challenge in my life. Aphrodite in the 7th House | Zodiac Amino Potent tie. Perhaps youre pondering on a higher course of study, or teaching, writing, publishing, marketing, or legal work. Very appealing presence to others, attracts a lot of attention. I mean I have Aphrodite in 1st in Leo, but I don't think it makes me physically beautiful unfortuantely ahaha, I think it just gives me a "nice person" vibe instead ahaha. Maybe it is part of my selfidentification? If their circle, community and friends are extroverted, they can also be one. Others feel at ease in your presence because you're fun to be around, that's how you conquer them, - The general public enjoys your youthful aura and people find themselves agreeing with you quite often, - People might praise you a lot (they might talk about you quite often), - You might search for hints that someone likes you before showing any true interest them, - You might be quite flirty with everyone, - Suitors are career oriented, famous/popular, social. The Tenth House in Astrology - Astrology Houses - askAstrology i was absolutely expecting some sort of david cage type of thing, but instead it was some off-screen thing and focused on some random lesbian servants. i looked up the right number (3488 or something) for aphrodite in extended chart section of astro.com and then i think it pulled up my natal chart + progressions and there it was. might have a holographic aesthetic !! Lilith/True Lilith - Mars aspects (can have a very big appeal/high drive). One of the keyphrases here is "Identification through worship" - I think you can call my liking of musical-theatre as some kind of worship. You know what makes you original, and you can enthusiastically embrace your wild child. However, according to Homer, in Iliad, Aphrodite may instead be the . libra rising: libra rising is known for having beautiful symmetrical faces. Very professional and grounded but at the same time you're flexible and kind-hearted. Copyright [the-year] [site-link] | This website is intended for entertainment purposes only. Cheat sheets for learning astrology: Zodiac Signs, Planets, Planets In Houses, Elements, Modalities, and Aspects, Astrology house wheel with general meanings per house, Personalised guide to your natal houses and their meanings, Meaning of each house in your personal chart: the sign on the cusp of each house and what it means for you, Ruling planet of each house and how to understand its effect in your chart, Planets in the house, with guidance on how to interpret them. The 10th House in Astrology - The Dark Pixie Astrology Juno in the 8st House. His Valentine in Scorpio in my 11th house conjunct 12th house cusp:trine my Saturn in Cancer in 8th (2,5)trine my Eros in Cancer in 8th (1)trine my Juno in Pisces in 3rd (2,5)trine my dr Valentine in Pisces in 3rd (2)trine my dr Amor in Pisces in 3rd (2). His realm is a place of freedom from the pain of the world and his Queen, Persephone offers rebirth and a blessed afterlife. , Lilith/True Lilith - Sun/Pluto aspects , Lilith/True Lilith in 1st/5th/7th/10th house . Using derived houses, the 3rd house is the 7th from the 9th, the house of partners. Mark Cartwright (CC BY-NC-SA) Aphrodite was the ancient Greek goddess of love, beauty, desire, and all aspects of sexuality. Aphrodite's greatest weaknesses were her vanity, jealousy, and hate of anyone considered more beautiful than herself. it's that intense, unexplainable sexual attraction. 50 thoughts on " Asteroid Aura(1488) and Your Vibe " Luke August 14, 2014 at 10:21 pm. 6. I'm not beautiful, and it's in my 12th house. Others view them as lazy but its not their fault. I think Aphrodite asteroid has a lot to do with your fashion style. Jealous of people who have better friends. Aphrodite in 5th or 11th house in composite chart: You have been brought together for your heart's fulfillment through the fated . - You might be athletic and be praised for your body and/or muscular athletic active individuals might be the apple of your eye, - You might get recognition for your abilities, your entrepreneurship and the energy you put in your projects, - Huge "I'm a leader, not a follower" energy, - In love, you might like the idea of chasing the individual and passionate love affairs. - it is true, by my love for musicals and astrology I become some sort of an outcast; but I fought it through. It is also invaluable to understand how an eclipse or Saturn return is going to manifest in your life. People with Neptune in the 1st house have this vulnerability to their appearance. Nobody was allowed to overshine her. Star*Mate Composite Report by Pamela Thompson Really intersting information Earth/Air Mercuries and Sun conjunction Mercury people are usually the top students in your school/classroom. Plutonians are seen as calculating. What is your 7th or 10th house, what is the sign that rules it? for example venus relates to beauty so having venus opposite rising may have an influence on your appearance or how symmetrical your face is. 8. They can look concerned or worried. You can find 1-bedroom, 2-bedroom and 3-bedroom housing rentals in Berlin. People will be like oh he probably planned this for years while when a Venusian does the same thing people will be like oh it was probably a mistake, she didnt mean it. Here we want to be alone, take a backseat, and focus on our inner life. Psyche in Gemini[square Sun, opposite Pluto],Eros in Aquarius, Conjunct Mercury & Venus, Cupid in Aquarius opp Leo moon. Hey there ! * His Lust squares my ASC and trines my NN. Love of life is expressed by creating scenes where the senses are tantalized, teased and satisfied. Confronting Fear with Truth: The Meaning of Asteroid Medusa What are astrological houses and why do they matter? It governs your physical appearance, the image you portray, and the first impression you make on others. This house may also help you to polish your self-image, and you may expand your social circle. i remember winning bingo like 5 times in one round and people started getting annoyed lol. House Calculator - SparkAstrology.com Aphrodite Sextile Moon #1 youre human so its normal to have an asymmetrical face, most humans do. What about aphrodite in the first house retrograde? . Aphrodite in The Iliad by Homer | Personality, Characteristics It's the house of foreign land. "Hey, Venus, I have two words for you,' Aphrodite said.
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