Visit, Does the Battle of Marengo deserve its reputation as one of Napoleon's greatest victories? Visit, We meet some of the leaders of the Army of Italy. Visit, With the defeat of the French left, the right begins a violent resurgence, culminating in a rebellion that nearly conquers Paris. Learn more about your ad choices. The show is written by a trained Egyptologist and uses detailed, up-to-date research. You can find out more about the Symposium at: We take a look back on this remarkable period, and assess Napoleon as a strategist. Napoleon's plan and Massna's daring win a victory at Saorgio. A promising young republican general meets a tragic fate.Learn more about your ad choices. The officers of the still-ragged Army of Italy invest in jewel-encrusted watches. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit, As Napoleon and the Grande Arme enjoyed a pleasant interlude in occupied Berlin, the war was escalating in unprecedented ways. Learn more about your ad choices. The First Italian Campaign begins in dramatic fashion, with two weeks of lightning battles at Montenotte, Millesimo, Dego, Ceva, and Mondov. the life and death of Carlo Bonaparte, Napoleon's childhood, Napoleon leaves homeLearn more about your ad choices. Learn more about your ad choices. Napoleon and his family flee Corsica. In the South, the republicans push into Catalonia, knocking Spain out of the war, but at the cost of a general's life. The Age of Napoleon Podcast | Podcast on Podbay Age Of Napolon | DEAD MOD - Mods - Age of History Games Learn more about your ad choices. Visit, We examine Napoleon's colonial policies, the tragic end of Toussaint Louverture, and the final act of the Haitian War of Independence. Visit, Bonus mini-episode with a show announcement and a good story about Denmark Politics, society, and the industrialization (or lack thereof) of the British economy special cameo by Hank the cat Apr 22, 2021 Enthralling listening. Visit, Napoleon famously said that if he could control the English Channel for 6 hours, he would control the world. Bonus Episode: . maybe the best. Visit, Writer and political commentator Matt Christman returns for a conversation about the significance of the Coup of 18 Brumaire. One of Napoleon's inner circle suffers a tragic, life-altering wound. The seamless way for fans to support you directly from your podcast. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit, After Marengo, Napoleon's secret police did battle with violent radicals in the political underground, culminating in a brush with death on Christmas Eve, 1800. Visit, With the Mantua garrison on the brink of starvation, the Austrians under Alvinczy launch one last relief attempt. Learn more about your ad choices. Other topics include: the fall of Robespierre, the Kociuszko Uprising, Thermidorian politics, the progress of the war, and the Jacobin Air Force One of history's greatest commanders faces off against the republic in Italy. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit, The First Italian Campaign reaches its less-than-dramatic conclusion with Napoleon's invasion of Austria. And his international affairs/history site is here: Napoleon outfoxes the Austrians and takes Milan. Visit, An interview with the writer and historian Derek Davison, who helps us look past the myths and orientalist fantasies to see the Middle East as it actually was on the eve of Napoleon's arrival. Learn more about your ad choices. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit, SURVEY: pictures, maps, sources and . It is about big trends and the grand sweep of history, as well as the smaller, individual stories that bring them to life. Meanwhile, talk of another anti-French Coalition begins to swirl in the old regime capitals of Europe. Napoleon and Josephine are finally reunited. You can find them on YouTube here: Episodes. They make a brief stop in Malta, where Napoleon clashes with an ancient organization of religious pirates. The Age of Napoleon is a history podcast about the life and career of Napoleon Bonaparte as well as the general context of Europe between the early eighteenth and early nineteenth century.. They make a brief stop in Malta, where Napoleon clashes with an ancient organization of religious pirates. Learn more about your ad choices. Support the show: Learn more about your ad choices. Copyright 2023 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. The British navy gets itself into trouble in the Baltic. Napoleon gives the first famous speech of his career. You can hear more from Derek at: Visit, Napoleon cajoles the Austrians into signing a peace treaty a treaty which practically guarantees another war in the future. Visit, Napoleon marches against the Austrians yet again, with the future of his new regime hanging in the balance. To give you the best possible experience, this site uses cookies. Visit, An interview with the writer and historian Derek Davison, who helps us look past the myths and orientalist fantasies to see the Middle East as it actually was on the eve of Napoleon's arrival. Also discussed: rich Uncle Luciano and artisanal, small-batch artillery It is about big trends and the grand sweep of history, as well as the smaller, individual stories that bring them to life. The Age of Napoleon We follow the expedition to its ignoble end, and examine what conclusions we can draw from this strange chapter. We meet two memorable characters: Paul Barras and Joachim Murat Learn more about your ad choices. The Show The Age of Napoleon Visit, A recording of a panel on Napoleonic podcasting from the 2021 Massena Society symposium on Napoleonic History. Visit, For better and for worse, a new government takes over in Paris: the Directory. Visit, An update from the armies at the front: French success continues in the Netherlands, and the long-suffering Dutch radicals finally have their day. Review our. We meet the man who would one day rise above this barbarism and become father of a new country. Visit, Napoleon makes a triumphant return to France, but finds the country no longer has any dire need of a military savior. Visit, After 8 years of war, Britain and France were finally on the road to peace, but reaching an agreement between such bitter rivals would be a long, arduous process. Convert listeners into buyers anywhere, anytime with the convenience of Podbean In 1805, the French navy launched an audacious plan to buy the Emperor his 6 hours. Visit, Napoleon cajoles the Austrians into signing a peace treaty a treaty which practically guarantees another war in the future. Topics include: the remarkable reign of Muhammad Ali, army reform, orientalism, and a possible 20th-century equivalent of Napoleon Learn more about your ad choices. Prussia finally wakes up and leaves the Coalition. It is about big trends and the grand sweep of history, as well as the smaller, individual stories that bring them to life. Listen to a podcast, please open Podcast Republic app. Napoleon negotiates with Piedmont, and worries about looting, and about his wife.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit, Napoleon continues in his attempt to reconcile with conservatives. Charles Visit, An eclectic episode. Visit, As the war in Haiti rages on, Toussaint Louverture makes a fateful decision to leave his allies behind. Visit, SURVEY: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit, While Napoleon is away in Egypt, the revolution faces new struggles in Europe. He is also on Twitter as @dwdavison9318 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit, The British Mediterranean Fleet under Horatio Nelson spends months chasing the naval component of the Egypt Expedition. Fortunately, for both countries, an unlikely friendship between Joseph Bonaparte and Lord Charles Cornwallis paved the way. Learn more about your ad choices. Also discussed: Napoleon's love life, republican victories in the Vende, and the surprising importance of the Army Topographical Bureau. Learn more about your ad choices. 2 talking about this. Visit, Napoleon finally enters Milan. Visit, The Battle of Austerlitz changed Europe forever. It is about big trends and the grand sweep of history, as well as the smaller, individual stories that bring them to life. Learn more about your ad choices. Popular culture, poetry, music and visual arts and the roles they play in our society. The British navy gets itself into trouble in the Baltic. Learn more about your ad choices. But before the month was over, fate would draw the Grande Arme back out on campaign. In Paris, Napoleon's meteoric rise has officially begun. Visit, Topics include: the Habsburgs, the Holy Roman Empire, Prussia, the wars of Frederick the Great, Poland, Russia, Sweden, and the Ottoman Empire In the South, the republicans push into Catalonia, knocking Spain out of the war, but at the cost of a general's life. The Age of Napoleon Podcast Podcast - Listen, Reviews, Charts Episodes The Age of Napoleon Visit, Topics include: The Enlightenment, absolute monarchy, Portugal, Spain, Italy, and the Netherlands Learn more about your ad choices. Visit, Napoleon's roots. We examine an iconic moment of Napoleon's career: the assault on the bridge at Arcole.Support the show: more about your ad choices. He shares the fruits of his success and continues his inept search for a wife. Voiz FM - Sch ni & Podcast on the App Store It is about big trends and the grand sweep of history, as well as the smaller, individual stories that bring them to life. Meanwhile, talk of another anti-French Coalition begins to swirl in the old regime capitals of Europe. Visit, Napoleon finally enters Milan. We meet two memorable characters: Paul Barras and Joachim Murat Learn more about your ad choices. He finds high society transformed along with politics. Visit, The Treaty of Amiens is greeted with celebrations around the world. AgeofNapoleon - reddit The Age of Napoleon is a history podcast about the life and career of Napoleon Bonaparte as well as the general context of Europe between the early Depending on your perspective, they were either the bravest, most vital part of any army, or preening, arrogant prima donnas. Learn more about your ad choices. The Age of Napoleon is a history podcast about the life and career of Napoleon Bonaparte as well as the general context of Europe between the early eighteenth and early nineteenth century. Visit, Bonus mini-episode with a show announcement and a good story about Denmark Learn more about your ad choices. Topics include: the unique and dysfunctional regime of the Mamelukes, religion, Ottoman decline, and the 18th-century Middle Eastern way of war. We take a look back on this remarkable period, and assess Napoleon as a strategist.Learn more about your ad choices. We also take a look at Napoleon's propaganda machine.Learn more about your ad choices. Each season of Unobscured digs deep into one of history's darkest and most misunderstood moments, and sheds light on the true story beneath the myth. Visit, French society begins to fracture as the Revolution goes off the rails. Topics include: the unique and dysfunctional regime of the Mamelukes, religion, Ottoman decline, and the 18th-century Middle Eastern way of war. Learn more about your ad choices. We meet a young, capable Austrian commander: Archduke Charles.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit, I interviewed Real Time History's Jesse Alexander about his latest project: tracing Napoleon's downfall from the invasion of Russia in 1812. Topics include: the unique and dysfunctional regime of the Mamelukes, religion, Ottoman decline, and the 18th-century Middle Eastern way of war.You can find Derek's foreign policy writing for LobeLog at: commentaries on Ibn Battuta are here: his international affairs/history site is here: is also on Twitter as @dwdavison9318Learn more about your ad choices. Minor correction: during the fourth minute, "dawn of the 18th century" should be "dawn of the 19th century." Visit, 1806 saw Europe reeling from the aftermath of Austerlitz. Learn more about your ad choices. He shares the fruits of his success and continues his inept search for a wife. The First Italian Campaign gets off to an inauspicious start. Paoli breaks with the Bonapartes and with France. Learn more about your ad choices. It is about big trends and the grand sweep of history, as well as the smaller, individual stories that bring them to life. Learn more about your ad choices. Learn more about your ad choices. Join Ads Marketplace to earn moneythrough sponsorship on your podcast. Topics include politics, the economy, diplomacy, and workin' for the King of Prussia We meet a young, capable Austrian commander: Archduke Charles. Visit, The road to the French Revolution. Napoleon leaves Paris to meet his destiny.Learn more about your ad choices. He begins planning the expedition to Egypt, and we examine the rationales behind the campaign. Learn more about your ad choices. The Age of Napoleon Podcast - Google Podcasts Visit, Napoleon takes charge as head of artillery for the Army of the Alps, clashes with his incompetent commanders, and finally wins recognition on the battlefield during the Siege of Toulon. Nonetheless, a plot was already underway in Paris that would soon culminate in Napoleon's seizure of power. His commentaries on Ibn Battuta are here: The former king is executed; royalists rise up to avenge him. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit, In 1806, France and Prussia went to war. Napoleon returns to Corsica. Napoleon organized his new empire and continued to remake the map of the continent, but he would soon be faced with a powerful backlash. The History of WWII Podcast - by Ray Harris Jr. A biweekly podcast covering the last great war. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit, After their defeat at Hohenlinden, the Austrians return to the negotiating table, resulting in a treaty that threw the entire future of the Holy Roman Empire into doubt. Learn more about your ad choices. It is about big trends and the grand sweep of history, as well as the smaller, individual stories that bring them to life. Visit, The expedition's bad luck continues. Finally, a fraught election and divisions within the Directory tore the system apart. He spends some aimless months in the capital trying to improve his situation. I really appreciate the expansive treatment of all aspect of this period--from warfare and politics to society, culture, science, technology, etc. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit, Episode one of a history podcast about the Napoleonic Era We meet the man who would one day rise above this barbarism and become father of a new country. Visit, Napoleon finally reports to the regular army, just as France sinks deeper into chaos. General Srurier returns, and General Joubert is given command of a division. Bonaparte takes some calculated risks to even the odds. The Age of Napoleon Podcast By: Everett Rummage Podcast 5.0 (6 ratings) Listen for free Summary The Age of Napoleon is a history podcast about the life and career of Napoleon Bonaparte as well as the general context of Europe between the early eighteenth and early nineteenth century. believed the country was menaced by Catholic secret societies. Age of Napoleon Podcast : r/dancarlin - reddit Learn more about your ad choices. We examine an iconic moment of Napoleon's career: the assault on the bridge at Arcole. Learn more about your ad choices. Podcast. Let's have a look at the changes. Visit, Napoleon pursues a Coalition army through Austria. Learn more about your ad choices. Napoleon continues his requisitions and demands for tribute, angering an old friend as well as the locals.
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